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Heaven's Gate: Volume 1 (A LitRPG Adventure)

Page 7

by DragonTreasures

  Alfred had already learned to avoid direct confrontation and immediately kicked at Green’s shin sending him tumbling off his balance. He sent two of his daggers forward with only one meter between them. Both crashed into Green’s armor, however, only one pierced through the breast plate.

  Green grimaced as blood started pouring out of his mouth. Alfred wiped off the blood on his own mouth before he reached down and picked up the one remaining dagger.

  “This is pretty good armor isn’t it?” Green pulled the dagger that was wedged inside of his torso and tossed it behind him. “However, now that I know you’re an assassin, you’re destined to lose,”

  “I don’t really want to lose to you… especially with so much on the line,” Alfred began to try and tap into the feeling of darkness pervading his body. He’d already unlocked shadow whisperer long ago, but had yet to use it in a battle.

  Suddenly, he held out his hand and activated [Shadow Whisperer]. Five ravens appeared in front of him as he held out his hand. Green turned his head in surprise before he picked up his spear off the ground. It began to glow gold as Alfred’s ravens started to become more and more real. He sent them forward before Green blasted his spear forward. With five successive beams of light, Alfred saw an opening to reach the dagger on the other side of the field.

  Once he grabbed it, his raven’s had been destroyed. He tumbled to the side as a ray of light shot past him. Lacy, however, appeared outside with Vera who still had tears in her eyes.

  “Hey… that’s a level 30 skill Green… It’s not fair to use that while Alfred only has his basic skills…”

  “I have to get him now Lacy… You don’t understand… I’ve never seen that ability before… You imagine the potential of having a person who can make an army in our guild?”

  “I’m fine, Lacy,” Alfred dodged another blow to the side, his cooldown for Shadow Whisperer finishing. He summoned out another set of four ravens before a man appeared. It was the spitting image of the beast master Alfred had killed before.

  The five of them charged forward as Alfred chased after his shadow summons. Green got excited as he felt his blade collide against the beast master’s hilt. He quickly kicked the beast master back into the air before he transformed into a cloud of smoke and appeared next to Alfred’s side. With a turn… Alfred’s dagger clashed against the spear before a small blade released out of Alfred’s sleeve. He still had the level 9 dagger he’d just gotten from the Beast Master, and it went into Green’s throat as he looked at him with disbelief.

  Alfred has won the battle!

  You’ve defeated Green and earned a 150 / 200 rating…

  Your record has changed to 1 win 1 draw 0 losses!

  Green reappeared a moment later with his hand clutching his throat. He looked up at Alfred with shock before bile shot out of his mouth and onto his chest. Lacy rushed over to him and placed her hand on his lap as he tried to get the feeling of death out of his throat.

  “You… you actually won,” Green tried to maintain his calm with his eyes turning red. “I can’t believe it… you are three years younger then me and you actually won… WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR CLASS?”

  “Shadow Walker… however, I hope you’ll honor your deal…”

  Chapter 10: Green Everest

  Green got up off of his feet, and shook his head. “No, I need you to join my guild… However, I’ll let Lacy stay here if you give me all the videos of your missions…”

  “You can’t just trade me… I’m not a toy,” Lacy said, pushing Green aside as he got up onto his knees. “Since I agreed to stay here for a week I will… You okay with that Vera?”

  “I wouldn’t say no, but… the place is a little bit small. Why don’t you stay over at Alfred’s house… He’s the one who won the bet…”

  Lacy blushed as she looked at Alfred’s hazel eyes staring into her own. She shook her head before rushing into Vera’s house. At this point, Alfred immediately got a friend request from Green and gave him all the information he asked for. This included all five videos of his missions. The only thing he left out was anything that involved old bird…

  Green seemed to look at him with two stone cold eyes, however, the people from his guild seemed to stare at Alfred with a mix of confusion and respect. They’d only seen Green get beaten when he severely handicapped himself.

  He’d been rank 20 on the international ranking board on Earth, and was only 5 spots behind Alfred. At first, they thought Alfred’s skill was clearly a joke, however, the fact he’d actually won a fair fight against their leader made them somewhat respectful.

  Alfred paused for a moment before walking up to green and grabbing his shoulder. Green looked back and laughed as Alfred tried to hold in his disgust.

  “Listen… I know we definitely aren’t friends… However, if what you said about dream dungeons is true… why do I need to join your guild? How about once I’m closer to your level, I’ll join you on the mission… However, you have to promise me you keep Vera and Lacy out of it.”

  “Lacy is the best healer we have,” Green looked over at the small bungalow with the two girls in the window. “Fine, however, if the two of us can’t make up here we’ll never see our families again… Your still young Alfred… you don’t understand what I’ve seen people do here.”

  “Is it wrong that I don’t believe what your saying,” Alfred let go of his shoulder. “As long as you promise to keep the two girls safe, I’m game.”

  “Alfred… you do know the reward for dream dungeons right?” Green turned around causing the ten men behind him to stop in their tracks. “You guys want to tell him?”

  “You mean… besides the fact that you can revive one person each, and get one rare ability? You mean that….” Berk said, the same man who’d piped up earlier.

  “Yup, that reward… you heard of it, right Alfred?”

  Alfred shrugged his shoulders with a nonchalant expression. “Why would I care? There are only a few dream dungeons right… the bosses are probably so hard it’s not worth it… It’s most likely just a trap to kill the best players…”

  “Maybe you’re right,” Green replied, “However, you can bring back anyone to heaven’s gate if you pass them… That includes your dead mother, Alfred… and my dead sister… You’ll come to find out that our petty feud is nothing compared to the rewards of a first clear…” Green took out another dagger and handed it to Alfred. “This is the matching dagger to that one… When you reach level 30, message me… We can help you power level if you’re willing to take a risk.”

  Green raised his arm to a wave and walked off leaving Alfred with a contemplative gaze. He tried to mull over what Green said before he walked back into Vera’s. Lacy had went to go take a shower and Vera was sitting on the table with a grim expression on her face.

  She tossed a fork at Alfred as he got near the table. It nearly went into his arm before bouncing off the wall.

  “We’re going to do party missions for the rest of the day, or I’m going to kill you myself… you hear me?”

  “Sorry, Vera… I just wanted to make sure I could protect you… What are party missions anyway…”

  “When Lacy comes out of the bathroom you’ll find out… However, before she comes out…. I have to tell you something about our future… If you don’t believe me, I’m going to punch you in the face!”

  “What? What is it?” Alfred couldn’t take the suspense. He really wanted to complete a few more party missions and get to level 15 as soon as possible. However, that all disappeared when he looked into her eyes.

  Her brown doe eyes seemed to twinkle before she grabbed him by the hand and pulled him close to her chest. “You know who my last boyfriend was… before I ended up here… the guy who I woke up next to every morning and stayed in bed with all weekend… The guy who grabbed onto these big girls and had a good time?”

  “You really want to tell me that… I don’t want to know!”

  Vera smiled and grabbed Alfred by the hair. Hi
s black locks had gotten sweaty and it made it easy for Vera to lock her fingers between the fibers. She quickly pulled him and stared into his eyes.

  With her gaze locked on him he felt a strange sense of calm. Her hand covered his eyes before he felt her lips touch against his as a hand slid against his calf. “You… and the little monster in your pants…” She flicked it with her hand. “Just kidding! Hahahaha!”

  Vera leaned back as Alfred blushed. Lacy came out of the shower just a few seconds after the awkward kiss in a long t-shirt. She tried to figure out what caused the awkward situation. Her shirt was slightly wet and Alfred could see the imprint of her body from the wrinkles draping against her. A second later, she sighed before sitting on the table. Alfred touched his lips before telling Lacy it was “nothing”.

  “Yup, it was absolutely nothing,” Vera added, “I was just telling Alfred here how fun it will be for us to do some party missions together… You think you can keep him alive Lace?”

  “Sure… I’m level 28 though… Won’t Alfred get no experience if I join the party?” Lacy said, wiping off her head with her towel. “I don’t want to ruin his chances of leveling up… He’s along way from level 30.”

  “Well… considering he’s only been here for five hours I’m not too worried,” Vera crossed her arms, sending out a party request to both Lacy and Alfred. He pretty much had no choice but to accept the request or he’d have to deal with the wrath of Vera.

  “Good… now that you two have joined… We’ll do some Normal missions… However, since Alfred here is so into breaking boundaries… why don’t we do a level 15 party quest… it will mitigate some of the experience he’ll lose for being with us.”

  “How do party quests even work?” Alfred said, looking between the two girls. “Also, shouldn’t Lacy put on something a little bit less… um… form fitting…” Alfred blushed, his mind still focusing on the feeling on his lips.

  He’d never kissed Vera before.

  The image of their two kids popped up in his mind before Lacy seemed to glow with light and a set of regal light armor appeared. She had a small amulets on her arm with jewels emblazoned on them. During the change, she took off her shirt and Alfred noticed the glimmer of her bra before the armor materialized over it. The idea he had to do with a mission with his best friend, and his… former… whatever you would call it… lover from the past future mystified him.

  Lacy blushed and looked down before she realized that she’d badly timed the shirt maneuver. Vera flicked Alfred in the head before a mission prompt appeared on Vera’s table.

  Party Missions available

  Raider Hunt level 10 (easy)

  raider hunt level 15 (normal)

  raider Hunt level 20 (Hard)


  willow of death Level 10 (easy)

  Willow of Death level 15 (Normal)

  Willow of Death level 20 (Hard)

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  Since Party is of desperate levels the normal party mission for players was determined by adding all individual levels together and dividing by 3 to determine the normal mission requirement.

  Vera has been determined as leader of party…. Please select a mission.

  “What do you guys think? Monster Hunt or Willow of Death?” Vera said, turning to Alfred as he clicked on the two prompts.

  Willow of Death took place in a swamp while Monster Hunt was on a building parapet. He felt inclined to do willow of death because as the lowest level in the party having stealth would allow him to protect himself. Overall, he decided Willow of Death.

  [Willow of Death] (Normal)

  A large willow has been corrupted by a series of black nail beetles. In order to save the tree, all the beetles must be extinguished. If you can make it to the center of the tree, you will find a queen beetle that needs to be taken out. Hopefully, you’ll make it there in less than ten pieces.

  mission difficulty: c-

  Bonus: Save the NPCs

  Reward will split based on players abilities…. would you like to accept the quest?

  “Yes,” Vera said, sending all three of them away from the table in a bright flash of light. A swamp with a large tree in the center appeared in the midst of white haze. Dozens of large beetles holding spears were patrolling the area.

  The tree had begun to rot, and strands of bark were raining down into the marshland. A few of the beetles immediately spotted the trio and charged forward. A bright flash of light instantly shot out of Lacy’s hand as she used [Light Arrow]. The beetle she targeted appeared to disintegrate and blew into thousands of chunks as Alfred looked at her with a minor light of terror in his eyes.

  Vera quickly whispered to her causing Lacy to nod her head. Both of the girls looked at Alfred as the next three beetles approached.

  “We just decided you should try and handle all the beetles by yourself, Alfred… Lacy here is already level 28, and you’ll get more experience if you kill the minions…”

  “Are you trying to prove a point,” Alfred said unafraid, rushing towards the beetles as the girls crossed their arms.

  The beetle’s carapace didn’t have a lot of weak points, especially at their enlarged size. He chanted the words to activate shadow whisperer as he slinked into the dark by activating stealth walk. Instantly, the manifested ravens burst forward into one of the beetles causing it to fall on its side. He reappeared and stabbed it in its thorax several times before sending a slash through its small head.

  The ravens were bashed away by the other two beetles as he jumped up into the air and tossed out daggers from his right and left sleeves. Two blades went through eyes and then exited the beetles skulls.

  [Alfred has inflicted 800 damage on beetle2 (vitalx8)] [Beetle died!]

  [Alfred has inflicted 900 damage on beetle3 (vitalx9) [beetle died!]

  Alfred retrieved his daggers as he cleared away the party prompts. He had to open up his ui and hide the notifications. Vera walked passed him and pat him on the back. Lacy, on the other hand, blushed and lowered her head. She felt guilty for making Alfred fight the Beetles all by himself.

  Alfred followed after them as Vera made him continue his spree. He took out ten more beetles with great difficulty, and even made his first mistake. A beetle bashed into him with its spear sending him slamming into the ground before a [Light Arrow] burst it to smithereens. Lacy cast a [Restoration] on Alfred before his health instantly went back to full. He’d gotten up to 600 health now thanks to the vitality bonuses from Hell missions. Vera helped him up as he wiped the green gunk off his face.

  “I’m guessing you’ve done this mission before, right Lacy? Any strategy once we get in the tree?”

  “Yeah… The queen beetle will eat the NPCs as soon as she sees us enter into the nest… However, I think since you have stealth… you should be able to save them Alfred…”

  Another typical quest Alfred mulled in his mind. However, I’m surprised Vera and Lacy are fine working together… What exactly happened in the few days I Wasn’t here…

  ‘Oh well, no need to worry about it now. I’m sure the next week here will be eventful.’ Alfred turned and looked at the two beautiful girls. Lacy’s golden hair had been tied up in a bun and her emerald eyes were giving off a gaze of hesitation.

  “Alfred… are you listening… The Queen Beetle always goes for the weakest player first… This isn’t chemistry class anymore… you can’t just fall asleep in this game and expect things to go your way,” Lacy said, interrupting his thoughts…

  “I only fell asleep once, Lacy… and I had to travel to a fighting competition the night before… Plus, that was two years ago… I mean—”

  “It was yesterday for me,” Lacy interrupted, “I don’t know how you changed in two years, but… I’m the healer here… and I’ve done this mission before… are you listening to me?” Lacy held her arms akimbo as Vera knocked against the base of the tree. What sounded like a hollow din echoed before she sent her shield through the hole-ridden exterior.

bsp; “You two can fight later… Alfred… Activate stealth Walk and go inside and find the Queen beetle… If you can make it past her without getting noticed, you should be able to save the NPCs…”

  “Yup… I’ll destroy the beetles as soon as you get to them. However, if you fail…. You’ll be locked in the room with the Queen beetle by yourself… Watch out for any vines…”

  “I’ll handle it… However, when we get back to Vera’s… we’ll continue our conversation,” Alfred intoned nonchalantly in order to hide his anger. “I’ll see you two in a few minutes… However, I hope you aren’t doing this to make me suffer.”

  Vera stuck out her tongue before flaunting her large chest forward. She seemed to be saying “I’ll hit you with these” if you mess up the mission. After receiving a blessing from Lacy, he activated Stealth Walk and went inside of the tree.

  It was dark inside, but his perception skill made it easier to see in the dimly lit interior. He quickly ran past the dozens of beetles and found the queen beetle spilling out eggs in the center of the tree. Dozens of other beetles were on the wall standing in wait for any intruders.

  Alfred quickly skulked past the nest of the queen and made it to the small room with the dozens of NPCs. A few dozens of moving vines were coiling against the floor, seemingly brewing in a cloud of opaque smoke. He couldn’t see exactly where to put his feet and jumped as best as he could over the tendrils connected to the queen’s body. His hand touched against the smoke and he flipped off the wall before quickly slashing of the ropes of the NPCs.


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