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The Right Knock

Page 8

by Helen Van-Anderson


  "Build thee more stately mansions Oh my soul, As the swift seasons roll, Leave thy low vaulted past. Let each new temple nobler than the last Shut thee from heaven with a dome more vast, Till thou at length art free: Leaving thine outgrown shell by life's unresting sea."

  --_O. W. Holmes._

  "How do you do Mrs. Hayden? You see I come in without ceremony as usual,but I heard you'd had one of your headaches again," and Mrs. Readeseated herself cosily on the sofa near which Mrs. Hayden sat languidlytrying to read.

  "Oh, I have about recovered my usual strength, but of course I must becareful and not get excited or overworked, though my work I am sorry tosay, does not amount to much." After a few moments commonplaceconversation, Mrs. Reade said, carefully:

  "Now Mrs. Hayden, I believe there _is_ a help for you somewhere.Wouldn't you like to try something new?"

  "Why, you _know_ I would try anything that would give relief, but I haveexhausted everything that ever was heard of, and now every remedy seemsvery transient or of no effect at all."

  Mrs. Hayden leaned wearily back in her chair and seemed to think therewas no use discussing the subject any longer. After a few momentsthoughtful silence, Mrs. Reade looked up at her friend and said,timidly:

  "Mrs. Hayden, have you ever heard of Christian Healing?"

  "No. What is it?"

  "I can't tell, only that it is just the most wonderful panacea for allills that ever was discovered and they say it can be learned, andapplied by everybody."

  "Do you mean that I could learn it and could then cure myself?"

  "Yes, that is what they claim."

  "Why, Mrs. Reade, what is all this wonderful news, and if it is true,why hasn't the world heard of it before?" exclaimed Mrs. Hayden with anamused smile.

  Mrs. Reade did not return the smile but a still more earnest look cameinto her eyes. She bent over her bit of sewing for a moment and thenlooking up, as though resolved to speak the truth at any cost, she wenton:

  "Mrs. Hayden, it is the fulfillment of the promises in the Bible, thatto them that believe, these signs should be given. You remember thepassage don't you, where Jesus gave His disciples the same power to healthat He had?"

  "Well, but that was long ago, and the promise was for the disciples, Isuppose."

  "No, it was for everybody; and do you know, Mrs. Hayden, I can hardlywait to learn this new method, I am so interested."

  "How did you hear about it?"

  "When I was down to Mapleton last summer I heard something about itthrough a friend of mine, who was cured of chronic congestive headaches,and now my cousin, Miss Greening, from Norfolk, has come on to spend theholidays with us, and strange to say, she has been cured of weakeyes--just came straight from Princeton where she was treated,and--and--well, the fact is, I want you to come over and see her and maybe _you_ can be cured."

  Mrs. Reade was quite frightened for having said so much, but wasreassured by the growing interest in Mrs. Hayden's eyes.

  "And you know these things to be true? Why, it _is_ wonderful. How is itdone, by prayer?"

  "Not exactly, but it is by some process of thinking. Oh, I can't beginto tell you, only that it is wonderful, and you must come over and talkwith cousin Helen."

  "I am afraid to trust myself out in this uncertain weather. Can't youboth come and take tea with us to-morrow? I hope to be well enough then,and it would be a great pleasure, for if there is any truth in this, Iwant to know it. Do come."

  This was a good deal for Mrs. Hayden to say, but she was very earnestwhen aroused to interest.

  "Yes, we will," said Mrs. Reade, as she rose to go, looking straightinto her friend's eyes with joyful earnestness, "and I am so glad. Goodbye," and she retreated as unceremoniously as she had come, leaving Mrs.Hayden to wonder why she should be so childishly pleased over thatinvitation. It never occurred to her that Mrs. Reade should be so gladto come merely to tell more about this new way of getting well.

  Mrs. Reade was a young housekeeper, who, living just across the street,was in the habit of often running in to Mrs. Hayden with her littlevexations, her triumphs of cookery, her questions of how to managelittle May, or what to do in matters of household furnishing. She was avery progressive little woman, and, perhaps owing to the influence ofMrs. Hayden, was ready at least to give everything a fair hearing. Thisnew "craze," as some called it, had been presented to her in a way thatcompelled her attention and commanded her respect, and especially sinceher cousin's coming had she been intensely interested.

  Particularly was she desirous of enlisting the attention of Mrs. Hayden,who not only needed the physical help to be obtained, but who would bean excellent advocate of the principles, providing she could endorsethem, as Mrs. Reade was sure she would, if she could only be made tounderstand.

  So it was with great anticipated pleasure Mrs. Reade introduced hercousin to Mrs. Hayden as they went in the next day.

  "Now, Cousin Helen, just tell Mrs. Hayden how you were cured. I am soanxious to set the ball rolling," said Mrs. Reade, with an arch look atMrs. Hayden after they were comfortably settled for their talk.

  "Yes, indeed," added Mrs. Hayden; "if you have half as wonderful amessage as Mrs. Reade fondly imagines I shall be delighted to hear it,but I would first like to ask what was the trouble with your eyes, andsomething as to their condition when you first looked into this methodof healing."

  "I had been obliged to leave school because they were so weak. They wereinflamed and bloodshot. I could not bear to go out in the wind, ride onthe cars, or have any excitement whatever. The occulists said thetrouble was caused by a physical defect that could not be remedied, soyou may imagine my despair. Father and mother came home from a visit inKansas, and while there they had heard of a lady in Princeton who washaving remarkable success with mind-cure, as they called it. They coaxedme to go and try it. I had no faith, but to please them thought I wouldgo. It could do no harm, they said. The journey, though only sixty milesfrom home, was very hard for me. When I arrived at Mrs. Harmon's itseemed as though I could hardly bear the pain caused by the journey.

  "Mrs. Harmon allowed me to stay right at her home, and though only therea week, I was not only cured, but learned the principles and how toapply them. After the first treatment I felt so well and happy she toldme I could use my eyes to read an hour or so. From the second treatmentI could use them all I wished. It was perfectly wonderful. When I wenthome I was cured. That is now three weeks ago, and I have been using myeyes constantly, have taken several journeys on the cars, and gone outday and night."

  Mrs. Hayden had listened with the greatest interest, her mind filledwith varying thoughts. Sudden glimpses of wonderful might-be's, mingledwith doubts and hopes, had chased each other in wild confusion throughher bewildered brain.

  "Tell me," she found breath at last to ask, "what is it, and how is itdone, and can anybody do it?"

  Miss Greening was delighted to find so willing an audience, for in spiteof her remarkable cure, most of her family and friends ridiculed her new"cure all."

  "Oh, I wish I could explain to you as Mrs. Harmon does. I am so very newin the thought, but I will do the best I can to give you some idea. Themain thing in the beginning is to know that you know nothing," continuedMiss Greening, with a smile. "The world believes in the character as itappears, to be the real character, that the person who suffers sickness,sorrow, disappointment, anger or pain is the real self. We have alwaystaken the people of the world, as they appear, to be the children ofGod. This truth teaches that the real child of God is in His image andlikeness and in Him lives, is moved and has His being. According to thelaws of thought, the thought of one individual affects another, and onthis principle the treatments are given, but it is the omnipresent lifePrinciple that does the work.

  "Oh, it is perfectly wonderful, and if you could see what I saw while Iwas with Mrs. Harmon, you would not doubt a moment. She was busy frommorning till night with patients. Hardly had time to eat or sleep. Itseemed
like the times of the New Testament come back again. Mrs. Harmoncured a man of rheumatism, where the joints had been stiffened andcontracted for years, in seven treatments. The first week thetreatments did not seem to have any effect, but the second week hesuddenly recovered the use of his arm and limbs, so that he could runand jump or do anything else that a healthy man can do.

  "One young girl, who was suffering from lead poisoning so that she wasgiven up by three or four prominent physicians, received nine treatmentsand, although not perfectly strong and robust, was able to walk severalblocks and was so well that she did not need further treatment.

  "Mrs. Harmon treated an old lady of seventy, so that she laid asideglasses and could see to sew on black cloth. A lady who had been aninvalid for sixteen years was cured so that in a week she was able toride a mile and a half to the lectures.

  "All these things I saw with my own eyes, and if the evidence had notbeen enough in my own case, there were all these proofs. And theteaching! Oh, it is beautiful. If we could only live up to that themillenium would surely be here."

  In her enthusiasm Miss Greening scarcely noticed the effect of herwords, else she would have seen Mrs. Hayden's expressive eyes full of ayearning, silent and strong.

  "Can it touch anyone's character or moral life?" she asked after amoment's pause.

  "Yes, indeed; there is not one thing in life that is not amenable to itsdiscipline. Mrs. Harmon says it is a great advantage in governingchildren, that every mother ought to know it, for the help in thatdirection, even if not for their health."

  "What a wonderful thing it must be; and yet I always thought the days ofmiracles were past, if indeed they ever were," said Mrs. Hayden,thoughtfully.

  "These are not miracles, as the ordinary understanding of that wordwould imply, but are done in accordance with Divine Law, the highestlaw,--not the setting aside of any law," interposed Mrs. Reade, who hadbeen deeply interested in the conversation, but hitherto had been asilent listener.

  "Oh, mamma, I wish supper was ready; I'm so hungry!" cried Fred,bursting into the room, followed by Jamie and Mabel.

  "Mamma, can't we have some--" began Jamie, and then stopped, abashed atthe size of the audience.

  "No, dears; mamma don't want you to eat anything before supper. You knowwhat Doctor Jackson said about the little stomachs that were overworked.Now, run away and be good; when everything is ready mamma'll call you."

  "But we want it _now_. Doctor Jackson don't know everything. It's onlyGod that knows everything," said Fred, with unanswerable argument.

  "Come away, Fred," whispered Mabel, giving him an impatient twitch.

  "It's so, anyway; mamma told me about God just the other night."

  "He knows I want some ginger 'naps," whimpered Jem.

  "Never mind; run out, as mamma says," said Mrs. Hayden, resolutely, andthe aggrieved trio reluctantly departed.

  "It would be an immense help to me if I could learn to manage thesethree irrepressibles without getting tired all out," said Mrs. Hayden,with a little sigh.

  "Wouldn't it be splendid? I think, Mrs. Hayden, you better let CousinHelen treat you, and get you all cured, and then you can go somewhereand learn how, yourself," said Mrs. Reade, as she demurely wound up theball.

  Mrs. Hayden looked up with interested surprise. "Do you think anythingcould be done for _me_, Miss Greening?"

  "A great many worse than you have been cured, why not you?"

  "Well, I don't know; it seems so far away and so intangible some way."

  "Now, Mrs. Hayden, try it. Let Cousin Helen treat you," interposed Mrs.Reade.

  "What must _I_ do, any mysterious unheard-of thing?" was the answer,with a look of evident amusement.

  "Oh, no! Just sit quietly passive, and be as hopeful as possible duringthe treatment. The only thing that might seem hard is to give up allmedicine and material applications while you are under treatment."

  "That will not be hard at all, for I have lost all faith in medicineanyway. When do you want to begin, Miss Greening?"

  "Well, I am willing to try my best to help you, Mrs. Hayden, but youmust understand, in the first place, that I take no credit to myself,for it is God's work. Then I have really not tried to heal any one;since it was so recently I was cured myself, there has been noopportunity, but as I said, I will do what I can."

  Miss Greening spoke earnestly and reverently. It seemed rather new toher to be called upon to prove her principles, and yet she had suchperfect faith in them, she never thought of wavering.

  "Then it's all settled, and you can take your first treatment to-night,"spoke up Mrs. Reade, volubly. "I'm so anxious to see you strong and welllike the rest of us," she added half apologetically.

  "It will seem too good to be true. I can not realize such apossibility."

  A thoughtful silence fell upon the little company for a few moments, andwhen they resumed their conversation, it was about something else.

  At their usual tea time, Mr. Hayden, accompanied by Mr. Reade, came in,and all were presently called to the dining room.

  Mr. and Mrs. Hayden had dropped all pretension of style in their presentcircumstances, and lived like their neighbors, in a modest butcomfortable way. The children came trooping in when they heard thesupper bell, and delightedly filed out to the dining room with theirelders.

  "Well, I hope you ladies have been enjoying yourselves this afternoon. Inotice ladies have that faculty whenever they meet for an hour or so,"said Mr. Hayden, with a genial smile, as he passed the plates.

  "Oh, we have indeed had a lovely time, and a profitable one, too, Ihope," said Mrs. Reade, impulsively.

  "You have about converted Mrs. Hayden to your ideas, you and Helentogether, I presume," remarked Mr. Reade, as he spread his napkin out toits fullest capacity.

  "I should certainly like to be converted, if so many wonderful thingsare possible as I have heard about this afternoon," and Mrs. Haydenshowed by the unusual energy in her manner and the brightness of hereyes that something had inspired her to an unwonted degree.

  "Well now, tell me what all this is about. You seem to have conspired totalk in riddles," exclaimed Mr. Hayden, with an injured air.

  "Why, it is this new 'craze' they call Christian Healing that seems tohave taken hold of our worthy partners, Mr. Hayden," exclaimed Mr.Reade, with a half-believing, half-skeptical air.

  He really believed much more than he cared to acknowledge, but until hewas better informed of Mr. Hayden's opinions, he thought "discretion thebetter part of valor." Someway we often stumble upon such characters inlife. Good-natured souls they are, and so anxious to please everybody.

  "I am not sure but there is a good deal in that, Reade. I heard somegentlemen talking about what was being done in Chicago, and it is trulywonderful. After all, we know that the mind has a great influence overthe body, and why shouldn't we discover new abilities and powers in thatas we develop in other directions?"

  "To be sure; just what I have always said, and now I am having anopportunity to prove it since my wife is willing to listen," replied Mr.Reade, with graceful diplomacy.

  "Oh, there is something far beyond what you gentlemen see--something sospiritual and beautiful, that mere intellect can not recognize it. Butyou will come to that after awhile, if you only seek to know for Truth'ssake, though the recognition of what you see often comes first,"interposed Miss Greening, with a warm flush of enthusiasm on her face.

  "Certainly. I believe our capacity to recognize higher phases of thoughtgrows with our eagerness to receive. That is true of any branch ofstudy," said Mrs. Hayden, with conviction. She was well pleased that herhusband was so favorably inclined to hear, and expressed himself socordially. While she was quite independent in her own way of thinking,it was still a keen pleasure to have her husband on the same side. He,on the other hand, had great confidence in her judgment, and generallyallowed himself to be convinced, even if he had an opinion in thebeginning. They had been especially near to each other the last year.

  Miss Gr
eening was mentally congratulating herself on having found such aready audience, and felt as though she could do anything in the way ofhealing, as she talked on and on, telling them the many things that hadhappened in Princeton. She finished by saying, enthusiastically:

  "When I had such wonderful proofs right before my eyes, do you wonderthat I looked with awe and astonishment and wanted to know the secretof this power? Can you wonder that I felt anxious to go forth into allthe world and preach the gospel? Oh, how delightful, I thought, to carrysuch blessed news and be able to give such blessed proof! So when CousinRuth's letter came, asking me to make her a visit, I felt that perhapsan opportunity would offer in which I might demonstrate the truth of myprecious science, and here it is ready for me, the very work I wanted.Yes, just as far as possible will I use my knowledge, though as yet itis but little, to help Mrs. Hayden."

  Miss Greening had waxed eloquent in her unconscious enthusiasm, andseeing the whole company gazing at her in astonished admiration, shepaused suddenly, with a vivid flush on her face, saying: "Pardon me. Idid not mean to monopolize the conversation."

  "That apology is entirely unnecessary, for we have been listening tosomething so new that its very newness and unconventionality is quiterefreshing, and certainly interesting," said Mr. Hayden, warmly.

  "Surely, there must be some healing virtue even in your talk, for I feelremarkably well to-day," was his wife's delighted addition.

  "How glad, oh, how glad I am," fluttered Mrs. Reade.

  A movement from Jem caused Mrs. Hayden to notice his extra dish of sauceand huge piece of frosted cake.

  "No, Jem, dear, you mustn't eat any more to-night, and you know mammadon't want you to have any cake."

  "O-o-o-h, peaze, tan't I have some more?"

  "Not any more to-day. You know you had to be sick all night, not longago, and mamma had to give you some medicine. You don't want to have totake paregoric, do you?"

  "No-o-o, but I want e take!"

  "Mamma said you couldn't have any. You're too little, anyway. Didn't Itell you I ought to have the biggest piece 'cause my stomach's thebiggest, an' I'm not afraid of stomachache. Give me your sauce, if youcan't eat it," said shameless Fred.

  Papa and mamma Hayden looked upon their oldest son in dismay, as he thusopenly delivered his sentiments.

  "Hush, Freddie, you mustn't want any more, either, nor talk that way toJem. You have had enough for to-night."

  "Well, I've had six biscuits any way," and Fred settled himself backwith a satisfied air as though he could stand anything if necessary,while poor Jem was taken away from the table crying as if his heartwould break at the loss of his coveted sweets.

  "You see, we seldom have company, and the children are unused to sweetthings as a rule, because the doctor always says their diet must becarefully attended to, in order to avoid inflammation of the bowels,which Jem once had," explained Mrs. Hayden with the old look ofweariness for a moment settling back on her face.

  "Just wait till you have studied Christian Healing and then see how tomanage," said Mrs. Reade with sparkling eyes.

  "Have you taken such a fancy to this too, Mrs. Reade?" asked Mr. Hayden,rather teasingly.

  "Oh, she's almost a crank _now_," answered her husband, with a merrytwinkle.

  "Well, it is very good to have such an article in the family. It keepsthings lively and announces the world's progress with unerringcertainty," she retorted, and with this good-natured sally they rosefrom the table. The evening was spent in a mixture of small talk andearnestness, and before they departed Mrs. Hayden received her firsttreatment.


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