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The Wolven Mark

Page 41

by Megan Linski

  Now that the fight was over, it felt like the strength Milonna had given me was fading. I was exhausted. It was hard dragging Ethan around— he was a big guy— but it wasn’t long before Lord Lucien ran onto the field. He took Ethan from me, and a huge weight was removed from my shoulders as my mate leaned against him instead. Lady Magdalina had followed, and she gave me a nod of approval as we met near the gates.

  “Well done.” Lord Lucien’s smile was broader than I’d ever seen. “Well done, you two.”

  “Thanks.” Ethan’s head lolled on his shoulders. He was almost out of it.

  “Ethan, do you realize what we’ve done? We’ve won!” I said. “You’re going to be king!”

  “King. I can hardly believe it.” Ethan’s voice was faint. It was like he could barely process what was going on. I worried about him.

  “We need to get him patched up. To the medical tent it is,” Lady Magdalina said. Ethan grumbled something incoherent.

  “You should visit the medical tent as well, Miss Sosna,” Lucien said. “That was a hard fight.”

  “I’ll be all right,” I told him. “What I really need is to change out of these clothes.” My armor, along with my tourney colors, were filthy. I looked around. “Where’s our court?” It’d be nice to see my friends right now.

  “They’re waiting in the winners circle, where you’ll be presented after Ethan gets his bearings,” Lucien replied. “I suggest you get cleaned up before joining them.”

  Lady Magdalina put a soft hand on my back. “That was excellent work, Emmaline. I knew you wouldn’t let me down.”

  Small praise, but I was used to it from a figure skating instructor. “Thanks, Coach.”

  When we got to the medical tent, Lucien ducked inside with Ethan. I went to follow, but Magdalina blocked my way.

  “I know you want to be with him, but trust he’s in good hands,” Magdalina said firmly. “It’s time for you to be concerned with yourself. A queen must put on her best appearances to the public.”

  I hated to leave Ethan’s side. But I felt like I’d get in the way at the medical tent, and I wanted everyone’s focus to be on helping him.

  Then I realized… Lady Magdalina had called me a queen.

  Holy shit. I was Ethan’s bride. That made me a…

  It hadn’t seemed real before. During the ball, the Contest, it’d all seemed like a game. A slim chance at something I’d never have. Now it was in my grasp.

  I was the next queen of the Arcanea. Ethan and I… we’d rule over them all.

  Lady Magdalina escorted me to my tent. She put a hand on the small of my back and said, “We’ll send Ethan along to escort you to the celebration once his injuries have been tended to. I eagerly await your arrival at the winners circle.”

  She gave me a smile that seemed to hide so much more before she strolled away in that careless, elegant way of hers.

  Lady Magdalina had plans for me as queen. I was certain of it.

  The emptiness of my tent was a welcome refuge. It was quiet in here, and far away from people. I didn’t feel suffocated. I could recharge.

  As I gazed into the mirror, I wondered what I would look like with a crown on top of my head. I was an outcast back home. Everyone avoided me and hated me there. Now I’d become the most popular woman in Malovia overnight. How was I going to handle the change? It was all too much to handle.

  I’d put Ethan on the throne, yet I didn’t consider the consequences of becoming royal. Probably because before, I never thought we’d win.

  Yet we had. And it was going to change everything.

  I needed some space. I needed something simple and average, something comforting. I struggled out of my armor and threw my tourney colors on the floor. Once I was naked, I used the water basin and a washcloth to wipe off all the dirt and grime that had accumulated on my skin during the Contest, all the while wondering what I’d gotten myself into. I washed away the war paint, and brushed out my braid so that my red hair became soft and wavy over my shoulders.

  A simple cotton dress, navy in color with long, billowing sleeves had been lain out on the bed, along with fur boots and a cloak. Gods, how I missed jeans. Or even pajama pants. Couldn’t I show up in those?

  The dress felt more like a nightgown as I slipped it over my skin. It was comfortable, and soft. I thought that I could fall asleep in it. I didn’t know how I was going to stay awake during this party. My eyes were already closing shut. I sat on the bed, to try and make the room stop spinning.

  So many had died today in the attempt to gain what I had. I didn’t even think I wanted it. I wondered if I was being ungrateful. Or selfish.

  The tent flap fluttered open. My heart rose in hope, wanting it to be Ethan.

  But it wasn’t. It was fucking Gabby. She was still wearing her tournament armor. In her hand she carried a cell phone.

  I gave her a scathing look. “It’s a little late to try and kill me, don’t you think?”

  Her nose wrinkled. “I’m not here to kill you, Sosna. Unfortunately, I lost my shot at that a few moments ago. I’m here to make a deal.”

  I cruelly laughed as I rose from the bed. “You want to make a deal with me? I’m going to be queen, bitch. I’m in a pretty good fucking position. What could you possibly offer that I’d be interested in?”

  Gabby strolled toward me. Once she was at my side, she unlocked the cell phone and went to her camera application. “How about this?”

  A video played on her screen. It was surveillance of some back alleyway in Dolinska. There was a man there, facing the camera. I didn’t know who it was, until I looked closer. My stomach dipped as I recognized the face onscreen. Ethan.

  But it wasn’t just Ethan. He was wearing the clothes of someone I knew— a dark cloak I recognized. Ethan fitted a mask onto his face… one of a white wolf.

  Ethan waved his hand as he cast a spell. A duplicate of the Phantom, of himself, appeared before him.

  Ethan doubled over in pain just as the clone took off. Then he turned and drew a grappling hook from the belt around his waist. He shot it in the other direction, and the line pulled him off view of the camera as he rose to the rooftops.

  The truth of it all slammed into me so hard that it almost knocked me off my feet.

  Ethan was the Phantom.

  Ethan was my true mate. The one my soul had bonded with. My one and only love.

  Gabby caught the astounded look on my face and let out a barking laugh. “You’ve got to be kidding me! You didn’t know about this, either? Does he tell you nothing?”

  Apparently, he didn’t. Ethan didn’t trust me. The revelation hollowed me and created a black pit of despair within my soul. Ethan had all this time to tell me he was the Phantom… knew that I was desperately searching for him… and he’d kept his mouth shut.

  He’d cast some kind of illusion spell, to duplicate himself and trick me into thinking the Phantom was someone else. It’d all been an elaborate ruse. But why?

  I couldn’t let my feelings show. Gabby was here. I reorganized my features and gave her a cold glare. “What do you want?”

  “The only thing I’ve ever wanted,” Gabby replied bluntly. “Power.”

  “Why didn’t you tell the authorities about the Phantom before the Contest if you wanted to get rid of Ethan so bad?” I snarled. “This would’ve knocked him right out of the running.”

  “News just came in a moment ago, sweetheart. The Black Claw delivered this to my tent personally. Seems like I’m the one person in Dolinska who knows.” She grinned. “Besides you and the Black Claw, anyway.”

  “So turn him in now. He’ll lose the crown,” I snapped.

  She made a tittering sound. “Now why would I do that when I can just force the new leaders of the Arcanea to do whatever I want?”

  Gabby turned off the cell phone. She moved around the tent in a gloating way as she continued. “If I tell the authorities who Ethan is now, they’ll remove him from the throne, and the Contest will have to start
all over again. Elijah and I aren’t taking our chances and going through with a new competition. Not when we could have the both of you working for us.”

  “I’ll never work for you,” I growled through my teeth.

  “Then your fiancé goes to jail.” She shrugged. “I could really care less either way. I’d get a thrill seeing Nowak behind bars.”

  I seethed. “I’ve got dirt on you, too. I know you and Elijah killed Waldron.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Big deal. Got any proof?”

  When I didn’t respond, she smirked again. “Of course you don’t. But the dirt on you I can actually back up. Video evidence doesn’t lie. Human technology can’t be manipulated by illusion magic. And I’d be willing to bet there’s a ton of circumstantial evidence that’ll fall right into place once Nowak’s name comes into the picture. The police have been watching the Phantom for a while now. They only need the last piece of the puzzle to put everything together.”

  “I hate you,” I snapped.

  “Hate me all you want, Sosna. It’s just business.” Gabby flipped her hair over her shoulder. “This is how the monarchy works. It’s all threats and back door deals and dirty politics. Better get used to it.”

  I crossed my arms. “What’s your deal?”

  “It’s simple. You do what I tell you to, and convince Ethan of the same thing. But there’s a caveat. I don’t want Ethan getting any idea we know he’s the Phantom. You can never tell him that you know the truth,” Gabby said. “It compromises things. He’s free to do his vigilante side gig, and you can be his little queen… if you both do as you’re told.”

  I swear a vein in my forehead twitched. I could feel it. “That’s not good enough, is it?”

  “No. There’s a second part to the deal,” Gabby added sharply. “You don’t tell anyone about Waldron. Or anything else Elijah and I decide to do. We’ve got the Black Claw in our hands. And we’ll use them as we see fit, without any interference from you or the authorities.”

  “You expect me to just sit back and do nothing while you go on a murder spree?” I hissed. “Fat chance.”

  “If you say a word to the Arcanea Alliance about anything Elijah and I are involved in, you can kiss your mate goodbye.” Gabby’s eyes narrowed. “Eli and I have big plans for this city. And we don’t plan on letting anyone get in our way.”

  I gave a low, guttural laugh. “When Ethan’s king, he’ll take care of you. Once he’s been coronated, your asses are fried. I’ll tell him everything.”

  “You breathe a word of this to Ethan, now or in the future, and he’ll be locked up before either of you know it. Our deal remains a secret. The Circle will never allow a vigilante to keep the throne.” Gabby raised an eyebrow. “It’s your choice.”

  My insides seethed with rage. I hated the thought of becoming Gabby’s puppet. I didn’t want to sing and dance to her tune for the rest of my life.

  But if I didn’t… she’d make sure I’d pay for it. By losing my mate for good.

  “Fine,” I snapped. “It’s a deal. But you’d better hold up your end of the bargain.”

  “As long as you hold up yours,” she breathed cooly. “If this goes right, all of us will be able to live happily ever after.”

  My temper snapped. “Leave now,” I said. “Or I’ll have you thrown out.”

  It was the first order I’d given as queen, and gods, I meant it. Gabby said nothing in response. She merely turned, and strode away with her shoulders thrown back.

  Gabby had lost the King’s Contest, but I had a bitter feeling in my heart that made me feel like she’d won.

  My legs weren’t able to keep me upright once she left the tent. I fell upon the bed. My knees curled inward, and my hands ran through my hair as the earth-shattering reality rushed through my veins.

  I Ethan’s true mate. The Phantom and the prince were the same man. We were meant to be together, forever.

  And Ethan had known that from the beginning.

  He’d lied to me. After all this time… months, even... he had never told me the truth. And I didn’t know why.

  But I couldn’t even tell him that I knew. Because if I did, Gabby would expose his true identity, and he’d go to prison. I’d lose him forever. If I got too close… cared about him too much… fell for him harder than I already had… it would be too difficult to keep the secret. The closer Ethan and I became, the more I put him at risk. Keeping him at a distance was the only way to save his life.

  Ethan could never know that I loved the true man behind the mask. All thanks to fucking Gabby.

  And yet… I knew the secrets Ethan kept, too. He cared for me. He truly and deeply did. He’d tried to deny it, even to my face, but it was so obvious to see. He had so much adoration for me built up within him, which, for some reason, he felt the need to hide.

  Ethan Nowak loved me. The fact of it was enough to bring tears to my eyes.

  I turned on my back and stared up at the ceiling of the tent. I could forgive Ethan. Whatever reasons he had for concealing the Phantom, they had to be good ones. He wouldn’t have withheld the truth from me if he had any other choice. He was too honorable.

  But I couldn’t forgive Gabby. And by the gods, I wanted to make her pay. She couldn’t torture Ethan and I like this. Not forever.

  Eventually, the truth would come out. And when it did… there’d be a war.

  I was the new ruler of the Arcanea. But more than that, I was Ethan’s. I belonged to him, and he belonged to me. We shared a primal connection that flowed through our blood, a bond that was solidified by the magic of our fae ancestors. That man was my heart and soul. No matter what was to come, I’d do anything to defend him. I’d live for him. I’d die for him.

  Whatever the consequences, I’d stand by his side. Now and always.

  The monarchy was a game of chess. And in chess, the queen only had one goal.

  To protect her king.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  I couldn’t describe the range of emotions that were coursing through me. I’d finally accomplished my task. I’d won the Contest, and the right as king. I’d followed in the footsteps of my father and hopefully made him proud. I was going to be ruler of the Arcanea.

  And it had been Emma’s doing. Elijah had bested me during the duel. He’d injured me so badly I couldn’t fight back. I’d thought we’d lost for sure, until I looked up and saw the most beautiful wings above me. Emma’s wings.

  She didn’t need the necklace. She was powerful all on her own. I owed everything to her. I had truly chosen well.

  At the medical tent they bandaged up my injured shoulder, as well as all my other wounds. I was given an energy potion, and a potion of herbs to help me heal. Shifters healed faster than most other supernaturals, and after I was patched up, I was already feeling better. I still walked with a limp, but I was sure it’d be gone by morning. My body was bruised all over, yet I hardly felt the pain. I was too elated. I’d won the Contest and was on top of the world. Nothing could ruin my triumph this day.

  As soon as the healers let me go, I left the medical tent and hobbled back to my own. Emma. I wanted to see her. I needed to thank her for everything that she’d done. I didn’t know how I was going to repay her for our victory, but I wanted to start right now.

  I entered our tent. Emma was sitting on the bed. One hand was on her head. She was looking down at the ground. A glass of half-finished red wine sat on the bedside table nearby.

  She looked devastated. I didn’t understand. We had won! What was so upsetting about that?

  “Emma.” A broad smile crossed my face. I was smiling so hard it nearly hurt.

  When she looked up, a visage of relief came across her pretty features, as well as other emotions. I thought I saw a flash of resentment— strange— before it faded away to be replaced by something more passionate. She stood from the bed and rushed toward me.

  I hurried to her as fast as I could. With my good arm, I picked her up and crushed h
er against my chest in a wholesome embrace. She hugged me back. She cast her arms around my shoulders and buried her face in my neck, as if she was trying to hide herself from the world.

  When I set her down, she looked at me in a way she never had. Her eyes narrowed, and she tilted her head to the side in curiosity.

  It was… unsettling. Like she knew something about me now that she hadn’t before. Or she was trying to picture someone else in my place.

  “I can’t believe it.” The grin wouldn’t melt off my face. “We made it. We’re going to be king and queen, Em.”

  The corners of her mouth tilted upward slightly. “Yeah. I guess we are, aren’t we?”

  A bit of my enthusiasm dampened. I thought she’d be more excited. I stroked her hair back and cupped her face in my hand. “What is it you want, Emma? You’re queen now. Whatever you ask for, you’ll have. I want to give you the world.”

  “I don’t want anything,” Emma replied honestly. “I just want you.”

  That went like an arrow straight to my heart. It melted away my tough wolven exterior and exposed a soft shifter. One who wanted to crawl onto my mate’s lap and beg for her attention.

  I pulled myself together and said, “Well… I suppose I should get out of these filthy clothes. We have a celebration to get to.” They’d removed my armor at the medical tent to take care of my wounds.

  “Let me help you.” Emma went to the water basin. She dipped in a clean cloth as I stripped away my shirt. She began wiping the dirt off of me.

  I shivered as she lightly caressed the cloth over my chest and abdomen. Every nerve of my body fired off when the tips of her fingers pressed against my skin. Her eyes surveyed me hungrily and intensely as she watched the water trickle slowly down my muscles. She was definitely checking me out.

  By the gods. This was some kind of torture. My senses were overpowering.

  Emma put her hands on the button at the top of my trousers. It was a gesture that both thrilled me and frightened me. I wanted her to take my pants off— badly— but then she’d see my prosthetic, and my missing leg.


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