Pirates, Passion and Plunder
Page 74
“Is that… normal?”
Madding, the way she could keep his desire raging and still entertain his other emotions, like humor. “I believe it is, and if it isn’t it should be.”
“And I’ll like this?”
“You’ll like it very much.” Before she could ask. “And so will I.” She gave him a doubtful look but with a nod dropped her head back to the matrices. “So will I,” he muttered then worked his tongue through the folds for that very first taste of her.
Chapter 7
There were parts of her body Nox still couldn’t feel and other parts she felt so much she wondered if she’d die. From his very first touch to the very last kiss Mason did things to her, made her feel things… They could in no manner be normal.
She’d not understood why she needed to be tied, or why he remained completely, even most formally dressed. Not until the end. Though by the time he brought on an end, an actual end, she knew far more about what and how but mostly more about the why. She’d have never withstood what he did had she not be tied and she’d have missed so very much.
Beyond the touches and terrible tickling, she’d relished the way his mouth covered hers, his taste and scent, the warmth of his body when he covered hers. But what followed left her befuddled, wanting to deny what she felt, afraid that such deep, intense, powerful sensations were possible, pleasurable.
What she felt when his teeth bit down on her tit, she might have likened to being stung. It was sharp and painful, but so wonderful. When his mouth closed over more of her breast she’d swear there was a string, a rope even, running from her chest directly to her sex. Every time he drew on her flesh she felt a tug between her legs. And the tug continued to tighten, become more pronounced until she wasn’t sure she wouldn’t fold in on herself. That pleasure could be had with such an act, she couldn’t reconcile it, but she’d welcome it again.
She’d more than welcome, too, what he’d done when he put his head between her legs. Her acceptance came at first only because she couldn’t do anything about it. But the more he licked and nibbled at her folds the more she did more than accept it. The few times she’d glanced down all she could see was the top of his head until he shifted and she felt his hot, wet tongue push between those rather useless folds of flesh. He looked up then and she couldn’t look away as his tongue flicked up over the small nub that sat at the top of her sex.
If his wicked look didn’t make heat roll through her then the very next flick of his tongue did and beyond that she was lost. His focus was on nothing but that spot and the more he licked, suck and even bit it, the harder and more sensitive it became. Every time he touched her there she wondered if it wasn’t how it felt to be hot grease when drops of water splashed in. Biting, hot, sharp sparks skipped through her whole body. The growing heat crackling inside her until she knew she’d become ash in the inferno. Each time she thought she couldn’t take anymore he forced it on her and she took it with as much haste and greed as she’d taken the food he’d offered. It was at the same time, too much and not enough and at some point she’d taken all she could and let go.
The sensation was so intense she thought for a moment she’d fainted. But she could feel him sucking on that nub and then sliding his tongue into the deep part of her sex. Though he’d slowed down a bit, gave her a reprieve, let her catch her breath, it didn’t last and before she could find disappointment it was finished he started anew. Drove her back there again and, though she was almost able to resist it, a third time.
She was breathless and exhausted and ready to find some calm in the storm but when he settled his body over hers announcing it was finished she almost cried. As the heat ebbed from her body and the strain throbbed in every muscle, joint and limb she was lost. She was adrift and getting further from any shore or safe harbor. Until he wrapped his arms around her and held her close.
“Shh,” he whispered in her ear. “Shh.” He lifted up and swept the hair from her face then reached more and with what seemed an impossibly simple move she was able to lower her arms. Looking down on her, he smiled, set his lips on hers and muttered. “You were amazing, beautiful.”
His kiss was all to brief as something above distracted him. He sat back and just as easily unbound her hands. He twisted to either side and quickly freed her feet and legs. Allowing her to close them, squeeze them together to try and stop the throbbing that still echoed. The more it eased, the longer her body remained exposed, the stretch of time he remained silent all worked to make her doubt her reaction was in anyway normal, right. The prickling of her skin now was more about her shame turning her cold.
“No,” he barked at her. Setting his hands on either side of her head he bent closer. “No, Nox, you’ll not be ashamed over this. Nothing that happened, nothing you felt was wrong. It was as I said, beautiful and amazing.”
She couldn’t hold his stare, she looked away and blinked hard but a tear still slipped. “You’ve ruined me then? We are done?” It hadn’t been at all terrible. Not until now when she again didn’t know what her new situation was. How she’d adjust her life to it. How did one go on living knowing this thing, these pleasures but never seeking them out again? Could that be why no one spoke of it, why everyone said avoid it? Because once it was known it consumed?
“No, Nox,” he said lying beside her and brushing his thumb under her eye. “No, you aren’t ruined. Were someone to demand the proof you’ve not been with a man, it’d still be there. I’ve seen it myself and I didn’t strip you of it.” His fingers threaded into hair and pulled her head back so she looked at him. “But we are also a very long ways from being done and before we are you’ll no longer be able to claim virginity as some… virtue,” he nearly spat the word. “But if you’re ruined or not, no one will be able to speak to that except you. If you don’t find shame, or…” he shrugged. “Or that you’ve taken some fall from grace for what you’ve shared then you’re not ruined for the acts.”
She nodded and tried to reconcile his words. Could he be speaking to the truth? If she didn’t let this shame her why couldn’t she still hold her head up in public? At this point all she could do was try and put her trust in his words because she’d not know for sure until she faced it, and by then…
“Nox,” Mason called and when she looked again into his eyes he smiled a bit. “Nothing we do is going to destroy you. And when I again put you ashore, you’ll be free to conduct yourself as you see fit without needing to consider too much what others might think of you. This will free you from all those constraints that were placed on you by people who never knew you and who in all likelihood didn’t restrain themselves.” Again she could only nod and with a loud sigh Mason sat up then drug her to the sitting position as well. “Sit here,” he said as he got off the bed. Reaching behind her he tugged the bed linens up around her. She took the edges and pulled them closed, not bothering to look up to see what he was doing.
When he returned to the bed he forced a cup into her hand and took a seat behind her. “Drink that,” he ordered and Nox complied, taking a small sip. The rum was a bit sweeter than she was used to, a hint of other flavors kept the burn of it from making drinking it hard. “This might be more of a labor than I can complete,” he said as he pulled all her hair over her shoulders so it lay down her back. “But I’ll do what I can before I must go.”
“Go?” He was leaving her?
“I have the watch tonight, I told you.” She felt him trying to separate some of her hair then felt the comb draw through it.
“You are captain, why must you--”
“I’m captain which means I’m most responsible, I can’t ask those who work on this ship to do what I’m not willing to. The example I set performing my duties says more to the crew than any word might.”
She again only nodded. He was certainly very different from the men still left in her family. Neither her uncle or cousin thought they’d need to get their hands dirty. They told others to work and spent their time racing horses or boats and
gaming away everything her father worked so hard for.
“This isn’t so bad,” Mason said startling her from her thoughts. “You have beautiful hair, thick and soft.”
“Its brown,’ she scoffed.
He laughed, “You say that like brown is a terrible color.”
“It is,” she told him. “No one wants a girl with brown hair. Men want women with golden locks or even deep black. Red is more desired than brown.”
“You might be surprised to learn different and I--” what he might have said was lost when a knock at the door startled them both. He adjusted the covers around her before calling out. “Yes?”
“Captain, ship port side.”
She heard him hum, felt his arms tighten around her. “Let it pass.”
“Aye Captain.”
With that he went back to combing her hair. She couldn’t make sense of the conversation. Why did he need to know if a ship was close? “Are you sure you aren’t a pirate?”
“No, but it’s not a concern you need to have,” he said and started pulling the comb through her hair from the crown down the length which ended at her waist.
“Mason,” she started, twisting back to look at him. Maybe sharing a man’s bed couldn’t ruin her but being caught on a pirate ship could do more than that, it could find her at the end of a rope.
“Don’t worry about it Jane,” he said as he looked up again. He dropped the comb in her lap climbed off the bed and straightening his clothes gave her a hard look. “If you want to eat, help yourself. Then get some sleep. Don’t leave this cabin. So much as crack a portal and I’ll chain you again.”
He didn’t even wait to hear her give her word she’d obey him. He strode from the room still straightening his clothes. Leaving her longing for his return. For not only the safety he made her feel but a little more of that undeniable pleasure. His return, very late in the night, gave her a whole new thing to long for the next time he left her alone.
Chapter 8
Mason held the lantern a bit higher rather amazed how Nox was unfazed by the light shining on her. She slept on, soft snores muffled by the covers she’d balled up around her. And she was holding on to those covers too. If he’d any hope of getting in bed he’d have to wake her up.
But he wasn’t sure what might do it. He’d not been quiet coming back in after his time as watch ended. His banging around and the light didn’t do it. Reaching down he lifted the braid she’d tied her hair into and tugged. All that did was make her groan and collect the covers closer.
“For the love of…” he muttered setting the lantern on the hook and taking a seat on the bed. His bare ass instantly found the crumbs of whatever she’d eaten. Standing he brushed them off both his backside and his bed. Again it didn’t disturb her sleep at all.
Wrestling away enough covers he climbed back in the bed and then worked his way close enough he wasn’t falling off the edge. But in that he discovered she’d taken one of his shirts, one of his better shirts, to sleep in. If he wasn’t so damn tired, he might find the humor in it. At least she knew quality when she saw it. He blew out the lantern and settled in, thinking sleep was the only thing he wanted until she snuggled back against him.
Her ass pressed into his groin and shifted until his stiffening cock was pressed into her crack. If she didn’t still snore, and he’d not seen for himself the proof she’d not yet had a man in her bed he’d have taken this for an invitation. Hell with it, he’d take it as an invitation.
Setting his hand on her thigh below the hem of the shirt he smoothed upward, gathering the material as he went. Her soft sigh encouraging him more. He shifted closer and set his lips to the back of her neck, again she moaned and when his hand slid over her hip and down to her pelvis she pushed back against him more and drew up her knee, giving him access to every inch of her.
“Nox,” he called softly. Her response was a sleepy sigh, but she reached up and set her hand on his face before the snores resumed. “Nox?” Nothing. The ache in his shaft made him try again. Sliding his fingers down, between those soft folds he wasn’t surprised to find her hot and wet. Not given how she’d responded earlier. A few flicks to that little pearl and she came awake with a gasp and a moan.
“Bed glutton,” he said nipping her nape and tucking one of her legs between his to keep them open.
He couldn’t see it but he heard her smile. “It’s so wonderful.”
“What is?” The way her breath was catching he knew she enjoyed his touches.
“Sleeping in a bed,” she said rolling a bit towards him. “I haven’t in so long I forgot how it could be. No, please Mason,” she begged, lifting her hips into his hand when her statement caused him to pull away. “Please, will you do again, that thing you did before?”
“Liked it, did you?” Mason teased resuming the fondling.
“If this is my fate, to be ruined, is it wrong I might take something from it?” she asked, perhaps reasoned. “At least when I’m old and alone I’ll have this single thing to look back on in my life that was pleasurable.”
“Nox,” Mason sighed and rolled over her. It was an odd combination of remorse and desire he heard in her words. But how to respond, he didn’t know. Settling between her legs he took her face between her hands. “I’ll give you a lifetime’s worth of pleasures if that’s what you want from me, but don’t think this condemns you to a life alone, shunned.”
“No,” she said, lifting her hand to his face. “I was condemned to that a long time ago, by men not you.”
Knowing what she meant wasn’t a priority. He’d only to put the fact she’d been used as collateral in a card game together with the facts she was underfed, provided with few comforts and exposed to some dishonorable acts to know she’d a bleak past and believed herself doomed to the same future. But he planned to provide for her once she left his ship. And if she did find pleasure in these acts it wasn’t unreasonable to think she might put herself out there and find more comforts as a wealthy man’s mistress.
Grinding his teeth he questioned why such a thought disgusted him. He’d a mistress for a time. He’d never thought what she did was anything untoward. The woman lived in great comfort, was respected for the men she could influence. But to think of Jane in that position… he didn’t like it.
He tossed off the thoughts but not the dissatisfaction and anger they’d brought. “You want more do you?” he asked and felt her stiffen at his tone. “I can give you more. But this time you’ll give back,” he said and meant it as a threat.
“Your boots are off,” she said and her foot rubbed up his bare calf. Like that his anger was washed away. “You’ll ruin me properly this time?”
“I will,” he confirmed. “Do you understand what that means? Do you know what I’ll do?” he asked setting his lips against her neck and nibbling at her flesh.
“I should imagine it’ll be as it is with horses and dogs, yes?” she said lifting her hands to run her fingers through his hair.
He chuckled a bit. “There’ll be times it’ll be much like that,” he said, pulling her hand down before it could slide down his neck and find the scars on his back. He folded his fingers in her and then taking her other hand did the same. “This time we’ll be… traditional.”
“But you’ll stick, your thing in me?”
“My cock,” he gave her a word and felt her recoil. “Say it Nox. Say I’ll stick my cock in you.”
“Cock, like a rooster?” she asked, maybe confirming she’d heard him right. But the question undid him and he burst out laughing.
“Yes, cock like a rooster,” he said shaking his head. What fun she could be when she’d only a bit of confidence. He laughed again. “You’re killing me.”
“Sorry,” she apologized, though it didn’t sound sincere. “But, as simply being on this ship of nothing but men has ruined my reputation I think I should at least know what I’ll be shunned for so…” She squeezed her fingers ar
ound his. “Captain Mason Stille, will you ruin me?”
“It’ll be my pleasure,” Mason said, working the shirt higher, again wondering a bit at the way her words made him feel.
“Yes well your boots are off,” she quipped before his mouth covering her tit made her gasp.
He worked her flesh for only a short while, before turning his heading and charting course towards her equator. Letting go her hands he gripped her hips as her squirming made it hard for him to get his mouth over that perfect pearl. It hardly took any effort to take her from panting and moaning to crying out and as his tongue lapped up the sweet taste of her release he could feel her moving towards a second.
He’d not known any woman as responsive as she. He’d known those who could fake it well enough. Nox though, she was being completely honest. What man wouldn’t want his partner when she was like this under his hand? Before he let that thought irk him, he shifted forward and taking her tit between his teeth bit down. Maybe a little harder than he should have, but her response was exactly what he hopped. She cried out, arching into him. The heat radiating from her sex reached him, made his cock harden more and jump in anticipation. But when she again reached to put her arms around his back he snatched them down and pinned them to the bed. “Keep your hands down,” he almost snarled and again felt her recoil a bit. He amended his tone. “Keep your hands here, where I can see them.”
“I can’t… can’t touch you back?”
The disappointment in her voice cut. “No, of course.” He needed to be careful, not wanting to discourage her. But he’d had a few women feel those marks and flee his bed. If she tried to run, this would be far less pleasurable for both of them. “For now, keep your hands where I can see them.”
“Like this?” she asked putting her palms flat on his chest and running them up to his shoulders and then down over his arms.
The innocent touch elicited a moan from him, he bit back the second caused when she brushed her fingers across his stomach. “Exactly like that,” he told her then returned to tormenting her hard, erect little nipple.