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The Special Delivery: Complete Collection

Page 4

by Lillian Cordell

  As much as she was enjoying watching his toned body it still felt like an age before he finally appeared above her again, his lips quickly finding hers again. Relieved by the renewed contact, she kissed him back deeply, flicking her tongue at his lips as she tried to part them. Within seconds her tongue was greeted by his as he shifted above her, positioning himself. At last she felt him press against her gently as he stopped moving.

  Turning her head slightly, Amy broke the kiss, her hand finding its way to his stomach, holding him back slightly as she shuffled away from him. Confused, he looked up at her. ‘Will you still be here?’ she asked quietly.

  Despite how much she ached for him to be inside her, she didn’t think she could stand waking up and finding him gone again.

  ‘I promise,’ Danny replied as he leant down, picking up the kiss where she had broken it off moments ago.

  Eagerly Amy met his lips, kissing him desperately as she wrapped her legs around him, pulling him closer until she felt him pressing at her entrance again. Closing her eyes, she felt him shift slightly as he pushed himself inside of her slowly. Moaning, she ran her fingers through his hair, deepening the kiss.

  As one arm slipped around her back he pulled her closer, pushing himself further in. With a gasp she raked her fingers across his back. When he had settled on a rhythm she leant up, kissing his neck. As soon as her lips came into contact with his hot skin she felt his rhythm become distorted. Kissing his neck a second time she smiled when his rhythm dissolved again.

  ‘Jesus, Amy, you’re killing me,’ he hissed in her ear as she squeezed her legs around him, forcing him deeper.

  ‘Danny,’ she cried as the thrust she had forced him into hit her sweet spot. Arching her back she tried to make each thrust deeper, each stroke last that tiny bit longer.

  With one hand still at her back he ran his other down her body as she caught his lips with hers, kissing him desperately.

  Above him she felt him slow down as he dragged out each stroke, the feeling driving her crazy as she dug her fingers into his back again.

  ‘Faster,’ she breathed as she tried to pull him in. Without needing a second invitation he sped up, each thrust pushing her closer to the edge. As his thrust became jerkier the feeling of him spilling himself inside her sent her over the edge, her fingers raking across his back. Moaning loudly she broke the kiss as he collapsed on top of her.

  For a moment he didn’t move, his heavy breathing tickling her neck. Slowly he lifted himself, rolling off so that he lay on his side, his back pressed against the back of the sofa.

  As his arm moved across her stomach she turned to look at him. Before either of them could say anything the phone in the kitchen began to ring.

  Groaning, she tried to ignore it as it cut to the answerphone, Rachel’s voice suddenly filling the silent house.

  ‘Hey sis, it’s just me. I wanted to make sure you were okay. If you don’t want to go to the Halloween fair with us it’s alright, we understand you might not feel like it. Anyway, speak soon. Bye!’ Rachel’s voice said before she hung up.

  ‘She doesn’t have the best sense of timing some times,’ Amy admitted with a laugh as she looked back at Danny.

  ‘It’s okay,’ he assured her. ‘It could have been worse.’

  ‘True,’ Amy agreed as she rolled over to face him properly. ‘She was trying to convince me to go to the Halloween fair with her, her husband and their kids earlier.’

  ‘You don’t want to go?’ he replied quietly.

  ‘I do, just not on my own,’ she said as she slowly ran a finger across his chest. ‘You could always accompany me. We could say it makes us even for you disappearing on me.’

  ‘I guess, it’s not like I had anything planned,’ he replied thoughtfully.

  ‘You have to dress up as well,’ she insisted.

  ‘You don’t want much do you?’ he asked sarcastically.

  ‘Nope,’ she replied as she lifted his arm off her and stood up. ‘I’ll make it worth your while.’

  ‘How so?’

  ‘You’ll have to wait and see,’ she said with a wink. ‘I’m going to go and have a shower, coming with me?’

  ‘Might as well,’ he replied as he stood up, following after her as she headed for the bathroom.

  Trick or Treat?

  The days in the run up to the Halloween fair in Ostwald had flown by, Amy thought as she adjusted the black cape that hung around her neck. As promised, Danny had taken her out to dinner earlier in the week. It hadn’t been anything really fancy but she didn’t mind. There wasn’t anything fancy in Ostwald anyway even if she had liked fancy restaurants, which she didn’t. Still, it had been a fun night, she thought with a smile.

  It was for that reason that she now stood in front of the long mirror in her room adjusting the cape, a black witch’s hat on her head. He had taken a little convincing but, with a little bribery, in the end she had managed to get him to dress up as well.

  She had always loved the Halloween fair that Ostwald put on each year, ever since her parents had first taken her and Rachel when they were kids. Since then they had gone every year, first with their parents then their friends and now Rachel and Jack had taken to inviting her to join them and their children. The only thing different about this year was that Tom wasn’t going with her but Danny.

  Secretly she preferred it this way. Danny might have taken a little bit of convincing to wear a costume but it was better than Tom who, on both occasions they had gone together, had flat out refused to join in with what he called a childish custom.

  A tiny part of her wondered if he would even be at the Halloween fair this year. The rest, she had decided, couldn’t care less. She had Danny now, a change she was more than happy with. Or she thought she had Danny. They had never really talked about what their relationship was.

  How was she going to introduce him to Rachel, she thought, suddenly panicking. Did she introduce him as her boyfriend? Would it be better to stick with Danny just in case he didn’t see the relationship the same way?

  Turning over the ideas in her head she sat down on the edge of the bed, slipping on a pair of black boots that came about halfway up her calf. Zipping them up at the sides she stood up again, examining herself in the mirror.

  She didn’t look too bad, she decided as she considered her reflection. In the end she had decided that it was going to be too cold, opting to wear black tights as well as the black skirt that she had picked out. She was sure there would be some girls out there who would go without though, she thought as she remembered the year both her and Rachel had done the same thing when they were younger.

  Pulling her chestnut coloured hair in to a ponytail she tied it up quickly, straightening the long sleeves on her black shirt. She was supposed to be meeting Danny at the entrance to the fair in ten minutes she realised when she caught sight of the clock in the mirror. Grabbing her keys and purse that sat on the bed, she ran out the room, rushing down the stairs and out the door, only pausing to make sure the door had shut properly behind her.

  Cutting across the grass, that was just beginning to show signs of frost, she was grateful for the thick long sleeve shirt and tights she had picked out. Tucking her purse under her arm she set off down the street, cutting between the people that were spilling out into the empty road as they headed to the fair. The Halloween fair seemed to be the one thing that dragged everyone in Ostwald out of their houses.

  At the end of the road she turned right, joining a group of people who were lingering at the crossing waiting for a lone car to pass.

  Eventually the car trundled past at what must have been half the speed limit. With its rear lights slowly fading away into the distance the group surged forwards, crossing the road to the school gates that sat on the other side. Either side of the gate the high metal fence had been decorated with fake cobwebs, a giant spider hanging to one side below a lamp that had been hooked over the top of one of the bars.

  Allowing the group to funnel through th
e gates ahead of her she stopped, moving to one side. Turning, she leant against the fence, scanning the steady stream of people on the other side of the road who were heading for the crossing. It suddenly struck her that she had no idea which direction Danny would be coming from.

  Having decided to focus on the crossing she jumped when she heard a voice behind her as a hand appeared on her back. ‘Hey.’ Her hand flying to her chest in shock she span round to find Danny standing there. ‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.’

  ‘It’s okay,’ she replied when she had recovered. ‘Nice costume,’ she added as she examined the Dracula costume he had picked out. It even came with its own set of plastic vampire fangs.

  ‘Thanks,’ he said, removing the fangs momentarily before he kissed her on the lips quickly. ‘Shall we?’

  ‘Sure,’ Amy replied with a laugh as she watched him trying to replace his fangs as he walked. When he didn’t seem to be getting very far she stopped him. Taking the fangs from him she fitted them carefully.

  ‘You look really nice,’ Danny said as she stepped back to admire her work.

  ‘Thanks, I decided it was too cold to leave the tights at home though,’ she replied as she wiped his saliva off her hand. ‘Apparently they didn’t,’ she continued as she saw a group of teenage girls hurry past them in short skirts. It seemed like cats were the thing this year as she spotted the ears on top of their heads. Out of the corner of her eye she saw that Danny’s eyes hadn’t left her as he took in her outfit. Finally he looked away, glancing at the disappearing figures of the girls.

  ‘Tell me you don’t have a pair of cat ears under that hat,’ Danny asked as he spotted the ears as well.

  ‘No, I decided to leave them at home,’ she said, laughing when he looked at her with raised eyebrows.

  ‘You’re joking right?’

  ‘Afraid not,’ she said. ‘I may have gone to the fair dressed as a cat with my friends one year.’

  ‘Was it last year?’ he asked worriedly.

  Seeing the look on his face she started laughing. ‘God no! It was a few years ago. I was eighteen, okay!’ she said defensively when he started laughing as well. ‘I don’t think I could pull it off now.’

  ‘I don’t know,’ he said slowly as he tilted his head to one side. ‘I think you might make a good cat.’

  ‘Define good?’

  ‘We probably wouldn’t make it to the fair good.’

  ‘I see.’ Turning away she tried to hide her blush as she set off down the side of one of the classrooms, Danny catching up with her. She was definitely not about to tell him that she had tried on the cat outfit earlier before deciding not to wear it at the last second. As they rounded the corner the playing field that had been filled with stalls and amusements came in to view, the lights of some of the rides lighting up the sky.

  After pausing at the back of a short queue to get in, which Danny insisted paying for despite her protests, they were in the fair.

  ‘Amy!’ someone called before they had gone more than a handful of paces. Looking up she saw Rachel waving at her, her blonde hair left loose beneath her own witch’s hat. ‘You made it,’ she said excitedly as she hurried over to them.

  ‘Yeah, I did,’ Amy replied as she looked around for Jack and the kids. ‘Where are the others?’

  ‘Jack went apple bobbing with the kids,’ she replied, jerking a thumb over her shoulder to where a man stood bent over his hands behind his back and his head in an old wine barrel. ‘Hi,’ she added as she looked at Danny.

  ‘This is Danny,’ she said quickly as she looped her arm around his. ‘I managed to convince him to come with me.’

  ‘In costume as well,’ Rachel said approvingly. ‘Nice fangs Danny.’


  ‘This is Rachel, my sister,’ Amy said as she turned to him.

  ‘Nice to meet you,’ he said, smiling as he looked around. ‘This looks amazing. We never used to have a Halloween fair where I used to live.’

  ‘It’s an Ostwald thing I think,’ Rachel explained. ‘So where did you meet my sister? I didn’t think she left the house for anything apart from work.’

  ‘Hey! I do,’ Amy snapped quickly despite the fact that it was only true this week because she had been having dinner with Danny.

  ‘I work for a delivery company, we met when I was delivering a parcel,’ Danny said.

  ‘I told you,’ Rachel muttered with a smug glance at Amy.

  ‘Shut up!’ Amy hissed back.

  Thankfully, before Danny could ask what they were talking about a little girl dressed as a princess ran over to them, her blonde hair fanning out behind her. Behind her a child about the same height dressed as a ghost raced after her.

  ‘Daddy got one,’ the little girl said excitedly as she looked up at Rachel.

  Looking round, Amy saw Jack walking towards them, a mask pushed up over his messy blonde hair as he took a bite out of the apple he was holding.

  ‘Amy,’ he said brightly as he hugged her quickly before leaning across her and offering his hand to Danny who shook it with a smile.

  Before she could reply the little girl darted between Danny and Jack, wrapping her arms around Amy’s legs. ‘Aunty Amy! We haven’t seen you in years,’ she exaggerated as she clung to her. Amy knew it hadn’t actually been years but it had definitely been a long time.

  ‘I’m sorry Anna,’ Amy said as she crouched down in front of the little girl.

  Accepting her apology without further question Anna looked up at Danny. ‘Wow, nice fangs Mister!’

  ‘This is Danny, Anna,’ Amy explained as Sam bundled his way over to her in his ghost costume. As he reached her his arms appeared from under the white sheet to wrap them around her neck. ‘Hello Sam.’ It was a miracle the poor boy could see where he was going, Amy thought as she adjusted the sheet so that she could see his eyes through the holes that had been cut in it.

  Easing his arms from round her, she stood up again, looking down at the children fondly. It seemed like only yesterday they had been born and now Anna was four and Sam was nearly three.

  Laughing, Amy watched as Anna threw her arms around Danny’s legs. Breaking away from his conversation with Jack he crouched down, bowing dramatically before addressing her as Princess Anna. Glancing at Rachel she saw her smile, raising her eyebrows at Amy. Smiling back, Amy was sure they were both thinking the same, Danny was far better with the kids than Tom had ever been.

  Looking down at Danny she decided to relieve him as he showed Sam his fangs. ‘Anna, Sam. Me and Danny are going to go and see if we can find ourselves some toffee apples,’ she said gently. ‘We’ll come find you later, okay?’

  ‘Okay,’ Anna replied happily as she curtsied for Danny who laughed before bounding over to Rachel, Sam hurrying along close behind his sister. ‘Can we go to the mirror room again?’

  ‘Alright,’ Rachel replied as she adjusted the tiara on Anna’s head. ‘We’ll see you later.’

  ‘I’m sorry about Anna,’ Amy said when she was sure they were out of earshot. ‘She’s always been really excitable.’

  ‘It’s alright, both my brothers have young kids so I’m used to it,’ he said, taking her hand as they wandered past a group of teenage boys dressed as zombies who were talking quietly between glances at the group of girls that had passed Amy and Danny earlier.

  For half an hour Amy and Danny wandered around the different stalls eating their toffee apples, which Danny had insisted on paying for as well to her annoyance.

  ‘Told you I could do it,’ Danny said triumphantly, holding his arms aloft as he knocked down the final tin can with a tennis ball at one of the stands.

  ‘So you did,’ she replied, rolling her eyes despite the fact that he wasn’t looking at her. Instead he was pointing at the large soft toy in the shape of a pumpkin that hung above the shelf with the tin cans on it. It seemed it hadn’t been lost on him that she had taken a shine to the pumpkin toy when they had passed earlier.

  With the pum
pkin in his arms, Frank turned to them, holding it out to Danny who nodded in her direction. ‘You’ve done well there,’ he said quietly with a wink as he passed the pumpkin over the counter to her.

  ‘Thanks Frank,’ she said with a smile as she tucked it under her arm with some difficulty. ‘Thank you,’ she added as she turned to Danny, deciding to kiss him on the cheek instead when she saw that he had replaced his fangs after eating the toffee apple.

  ‘That’s alright, now you have to admit that I told you I could do it though,’ he teased as he picked up the stick from his finished toffee apple. ‘I’ll just put this in the bin over there.’

  ‘I’ll wait here,’ she called after him, watching him walk away for a moment before turning to look around at the fair. The playing fields suddenly seemed a lot fuller than they had earlier, she thought as she watched people drifting from one stall to another. Moving away from the stall a couple of paces she waited for Danny to come back.

  At the sound of a voice a couple of paces away she looked up, finding herself face to face with Tom.

  ‘Hi,’ she said awkwardly when he spotted her and froze.

  ‘Tom, what are you doing?’ asked a blonde girl as she appeared clinging on to his arm.

  ‘Hi,’ he replied nervously as he ran a hand through his black hair. ‘This is Amber, my girlfriend. Amber, this is Amy a…friend?’ he said, wincing hopefully.

  ‘Hi Amy!’ she squeaked cheerfully as she swung on his arm, adjusting the cat ears that were poking through her hair with her other hand. ‘Tom are you going to win one of those toys for me as well?’

  ‘In a minute,’ he said as he tried to ease her off of him. When she refused to let go he glanced at her. Before he could say anything more Anna appeared at Amy’s side out of nowhere.

  ‘Tom!’ she said brightly when she recognised him.


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