Mutual Feelings

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Mutual Feelings Page 15

by Billy Taylor

  “I’m ok. I’ve been told I have to wait on the sofa as Ted and Autumn are cooking for me. Ted can’t cook, as you already know, so Autumn’s teaching him. I’ve not had my soup yet so I thought I’d ask if it was ok if I replaced it with whatever they made?”

  “They’re so cute. And yeah, of course. Permission granted.”

  “Thank you, Captain. How are things? How’s work?”

  “Things are fine. I keep going to make my smoothies or soup to find that my ingredients keep decreasing. Natalie has started making them, too. And work is fine. It’s boring that I’m not going to have this week off, but I’m getting extra money so I can’t complain.”

  “Aw. Do you have enough ingredients left? Surely you must be running low now? And Ted and Autumn were talking about going to see a film so you might have some visitors soon.”

  “Yeah, Natalie bought some more yesterday so there’s plenty. And, oh really? Are you coming as well if they do?”

  “I don’t think so. I don’t want to get in the way and also I’ll have to entertain myself most of the time as they’ll be smooching.”

  “Ah, ok.”

  “Why, did you want to see me?”

  “No. I was just seeing if you were going to come, too.”

  “Do you miss me?”


  “I think you do.”

  “Whatever feeds your panda.”

  “Aw, c’mon. You don’t miss me a little bit?”

  “Nope. Do you miss me?”

  “Of course I do.”


  “I’m used to seeing you. It’s not the same when you’re not here.”

  “Ok. I’ll see you next Thursday.”




  Ted and Autumn returned five minutes later and made fajitas. They were so delicious.

  “Exactly what did you make, Ted?” I asked as I munched on one.

  “I technically made everything, but I was controlled by Autumn like that rat controls the dude in Ratatouille. She didn’t pull my hair, though. She held my arms, very, very firmly.” He glanced over to Autumn and she blew him a kiss and smiled smugly afterwards.

  “I spoke to Zac while you two went shopping,” I said.

  “What did she say?” Autumn asked.

  “Not much. I asked how she was and I told her you two were cooking, and I mentioned that you might go and see a film so she may have some visitors at work.” Ted dropped his head into his hands and sighed. “What’s wrong with you?” I asked him.

  I glanced over at Autumn and her smug smile had reappeared. “I wanted to go and see this film. I think he was hoping I’d forgotten.” She placed her hand in his and gave it a squeeze. “Are you ok, darling?” she whispered.

  Ted raised his head and nodded. “Of course I am, babe. I was hoping you would be reminded about our trip to the cinema.”

  “What film are you going to see?” I asked, matching Autumn’s smug smile.

  “Confessions of a Shopaholic,” Ted muttered.

  “Ah, well, I hope you two enjoy yourselves.”

  Autumn rose from her seat. She kissed Ted and then said, “Excuse me. I need to use the bathroom.” She kissed Ted again and then went into his bedroom.

  Ted returned his attention to his plate and ate his final piece of fajita. “Thanks for that,” he said.

  “You can knock off the act now,” I said. “You love this really.”

  “I know I do,” he replied. “I love how she bosses me around. It’s great. I’ve always wanted someone to boss me around.”

  “I can boss you around if you like,” I said.

  “No, I mean a girl, silly.”

  “I know you did.”

  “I just love her. I’m happier and happier every second I’m with her.”

  “You’ve only known her for a week.”

  “Did you not hear the whole ‘it feels like I’ve known her four years not four days’ speech?”

  “I did.”

  “I really do love her. I really do.” His eyes slowly moved over to me, and I knew what he was going to say and do.

  “Don’t do it,” I said.

  “I’m going to tell her,” he replied.

  “Don’t do it. You will scare her.”

  Ted’s bedroom door then reopened. Ted spun around on his chair to see her. Autumn was looking down at her phone and then she raised her head and saw Ted and I both staring her.

  She tucked her hair behind her ear and said, “What are you two staring at?”

  Ted turned back to me and for I second I thought he was going to go through with it and tell her. Instead he said, “You’re just so beautiful, Autumn. I’m a very lucky guy.”

  She smiled, walked over, and kissed him before reclaiming her seat.

  March 13th

  Ted and Autumn went for dinner with her parents on Wednesday. Autumn wanted him to meet them. Something else Ted would never normally do when he was seeing a girl. Instead he went and they had a big fancy meal. Autumn even helped him pick out a suit and chose his tie. I must admit it was cute listening to Autumn picking a suit out for him.

  Ted arrived at the office just after lunch today because he stayed over at Autumn’s parents’ house with her, and they live in the middle of nowhere apparently. Rosie and I had just had lunch together. She texted me, and I asked if she could quickly see the factory, too, since she had never seen it. So she came in, I showed her around the factory, but we didn’t put all the suits on and stuff. We just stood on the glass corridor. Then she sat at Ted’s desk while she had a sandwich and I had a bowl of soup. We talked about Zac, and how the blender plan is going well so far. And then she gave me a hug and left.

  And two minutes later Ted entered our office and slumped into his chair. He didn’t say hello or ask how I was or mention Autumn or anything. And even when I told him about Rosie or asked if he saw her, he didn’t reply. I thought it was bit strange. He opened his phone and started texting.

  “If I went on holiday, would you be ok here on your own?” Ted then asked.

  I frowned. “Of course I would. I’ve worked on my own before when you’ve been sick.”

  “I know, but a day or two isn’t the same as a week or two.”

  “I’ll be fine. Where are you going anyway? Is your dad planning something?”

  “No. Autumn has asked if I want to go to Spain with her.”

  I was a bit shocked when I heard what he said and I remained quiet.


  “Yeah, sorry. It just seems a bit soon, doesn’t it? Are you sure you’re not moving way too fast?”

  “We don’t think so. It’s something to do with Autumn’s work. Her museum got invited to this event at a Spanish museum. And the guys at Autumn’s museum decided to send her because nobody could be bothered apparently, which sounds stupid. Everyone thinks it sounds super boring, but Autumn has convinced me that it is going to be the complete opposite. We’d be away for ten days. I think for the first few days, Autumn or Autumn and I do museum stuff, and then after that we can sunbathe and swim. Have a holiday, you know.”

  “I want to do that,” I said with a sulk.

  Ted laughed. “I wanted to ask you first before I agreed to go, and then it catches you off guard and you can’t really cope by yourself.”

  “Don’t be silly. I’ll be fine! I can’t believe nobody else from the museum would want to go.”

  “The manager woman said Autumn could take a person of her choice or one of the fifty-year-old assistant managers would have to go. I think a holiday with her boyfriend would be a little more pleasant.”

  “Boyfriend, eh? Is it official?”

  “I’ve been her boyfriend since like the fifth day we met.”

  “You didn’t tell me.”

  “Will, I’m Autumn’s boyfriend since the fifth day she and I met.”

  “Thanks for letting me know.”

  “You’re welcome.” />
  “Call her now and tell her you’ll go. When is it? Like, when would you leave for Spain?”

  “Monday,” he answered. Before I could ask him if it was the Monday that was just a couple of days away, he removed his phone from his pocket and exited our office to call Autumn.

  I sat back in my chair and thought about how fast and well things were going between them. I only wished that things between Zac and me were working out that well. Instead, I’ve got to refer to her as Captain Panda and follow rules. I still love spending time with Zac. I just think things between us are a tiny bit strange. I know I agreed to them, but I just want to be more couple-like, I guess. And take pictures in photo booths or make teddies for each other or play crazy golf. I don’t think there are many other people on the planet who do what we do. Whatever it is that we’re doing.


  Ted and Autumn are going to Spain.


  I know.


  How did you know?


  She told me.




  Earlier today. We had lunch together.


  Oh, why didn’t you tell me yesterday that you were going to do that?


  We only planned it this morning. I left your apartment and got the bus to the museum. I was bored.


  Ok. Are you back at the apartment now?


  Yes. Just about to walk through the door.


  Ok, Captain. I’ll see you later x


  Ok. Please refrain from sending kisses on the end of your text messages.


  Yes, Captain. See you later haha.

  March 15th

  Sundiscussion Topic:

  Who is the best superhero?

  “Good choice of topic, Zac,” Ted said with Autumn in his arms. Zac and I were sat at opposite ends of my sofa. “I’ve always wanted to run very fast so I would pick The Flash. Or maybe Iron Man,” Ted answered.

  “I would be the Hulk or She-Hulk. Whichever Hulk suits me best. I’d love to turn into an angry unstoppable monster when I get frustrated. I could scare Ted then when he doesn’t make the bed after I’ve told him countless times,” Autumn said. Ted laughed and then they kissed. They were due to kiss anyway. I think it had been six minutes since their last kiss. So that kiss reset the kiss meter.

  “I’d be Batman,” I answered. “Because he’s just the coolest.”

  “I would be the Silver Surfer,” Zac then said.

  We all watched her silently for a second before Ted said, “And Zac wins another one. Nobody beats him.” Ted then suggested afterwards that we should watch Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer. He had a copy in his room. So we all watched it together, and then afterwards I drove Zac home because Ted, Autumn, and I had to go to sleep early because I had to drive them to the airport the next day. Zac and I picked up some more fruit and vegetables for her smoothies and soup. And I picked up some to take back to the apartment as well. We’re slowly increasing the intake as each week goes. Only ever so marginally, but it is increasing.

  “Is everything going ok with the smoothies and soup?” I asked her as we drove to her apartment.

  “Yeah. I’m following the journal guidelines exactly as they say. We spoke about this Thursday.”

  “I know. But are you feeling ok? Are you happy following it?”

  “Yes. Thank you, Will. The only thing that annoys me is the loudness of the blender. Natalie wakes up earlier than me and wakes me up using it.”

  I smirked. “Ok… So I was wondering, since Ted and Autumn are away, if you want to stay with me this week, you can. I don’t mind driving you to work each morning.”

  “Will,” she said. “No more than four days, remember?”

  I tried not to show any level of frustration. I clenched my jaw and kept my attention on the road. “Ok.”

  March 16th

  “Guys, what do you think I should do about Zac?” I asked Ted and Autumn. Ted was lying across Autumn’s lap with his eyes shut as we drove to the airport.

  “What do you mean?” Autumn asked.

  “I was hoping if we kept seeing each other that she would want to be more than what we’re now. But I think I’ve finally come to the realisation that that isn’t going to happen anymore.”

  “You owe me money if you end it,” Ted said.

  “Thank you for taking this matter seriously, Ted.”

  “Why don’t you see how things go while we’re away? It might be different between you two not having anyone else there. It’s only another week, Will. And when we get back I’ll have a discreet conversation with her and see how she feels about you. But I like Zac. She’s so great.”

  “Yeah. That’s a good idea, Autumn. And I like Zac, and I think she’s great, too. But it’s like my sister told me. The only person who is going to get hurt if Zac and I continue like this is me. I care about her a lot, and she’s doing so well with her smoothies and her soups. She’s eating. I mean a couple of months ago she wasn’t eating anything. I know eating disorders are difficult to talk about and sometimes people can be offended by the way people speak about them. But I’m becoming scared to talk to her about it because I don’t know what to say or do in case it upsets her. She always sends me a photo of her having her smoothie or soup when I’m not with her, and I asked her how it was going last night, and she said it was fine. But I don’t know if she’s being honest with me or not. And what happens if I end things with her and the progress she is making stops because of me? I’m so worried—”

  Autumn placed her hand on my shoulder. “Will. Take a deep breath and calm down.” I did as she said and kept my attention on the road. “First things first, wait until Ted and I are back and I can talk to Zac in person about the two of you. Something might happen between you two while we’re away. And second, Zac and I message all day, every day, and she tells me about her smoothies and soup. And she really is doing well and she is feeling so much better about herself. And I’m not saying this to make you feel better because that is very insensitive. I am telling you the truth.” I took another deep breath and thanked her. She squeezed my shoulder. “You need to stop overthinking everything. It will consume you.”

  “I just care about her so much. And I panic when I think about the future of our relationship or whatever the hell it is.”

  “She does care about you a lot, Will. And she does like you a lot. But you know her previous relationship was awful, and it completely put her off them. I know you’re nothing like her ex-boyfriend, but you have to understand she let her guard down last time and got seriously hurt.”

  “I know,” I said softly.

  “My girlfriend is so wise,” Ted mumbled. Autumn smiled down at him and stroked his head.

  I helped Ted and Autumn get their suitcases out of the car and then gave them both a hug. “Behave yourself,” I said to Ted.

  “I will,” he said.

  “Look after him for me,” I said to Autumn.

  “I will,” she said.

  “Make sure he brushes his teeth.”

  “Oh, I will, don’t worry,” she joked. And then they waved as they rolled their bags into the airport.

  I waved back and watched them for a moment with a smile on my face before I was alerted out of my moment by an impatient driver wanting to unload his bags and passengers, too.

  March 19th

  Zac decided to head straight to the apartment after she finished work. It saved me driving to pick her up after work, but I never mind doing that. When I got
home from work, Zac was lying on my bed with her back to the door.

  “Hey,” I said, taking off my suit jacket and hanging it up.

  She sat up and sniffled. “Hey.”

  I could see by her eyes and cheeks that he had been crying. “What’s wrong?” I asked, sitting beside her and putting my arm around her.

  “My dad called me,” she said, fiddling with her hands.

  “What did he say?”

  “He just shouted at me, and told me to stop being stupid and come home.”

  “Don’t listen to him,” I said. “He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Just because he’s shouting and he’s your dad doesn’t mean he’s right.”

  She didn’t say anything. She continued to stare down at her hands and fiddle with them.

  “Why don’t you take a bath? I’ll bring you a cup of tea. And then I’ll quickly pop out and pick up some more fruit and soup and we can have our soup whilst watching a film later. How does that sound?”

  She rested her head on my shoulder. “Ok.” I sat with her for a few minutes and rubbed her arm before I got up to run her a bath. I added some bubbles, and then went into the kitchen to put on the kettle. I sat beside Zac for five minutes whilst she bathed, and then I left to go fruit, veg, and soup shopping. But before I left I checked her ID to find her home address. I thought about paying her dad a visit and talking to him about Zac. I even took a new tub of ice cream out of our freezer for her mum because she said she liked that flavour of Ron’s Ice Cream.

  I didn’t think I would go. It was one of those ideas that you say you’re going to do, but never end up doing. That’s what I thought it was anyway. Until I found myself parking up outside their house. My heart started to race as I got out of the car and grabbed the ice cream. I considered turning around as I began to walk up the steps to their front door, but my legs were striving forward. Their house didn’t have a garden on the front. But I could see down the side of the house that there was one at the back. Zac’s parents lived on a normal street, filled with normal houses. There were two flowerpots either side of the step outside of the front door. I smiled at them because it reminded me of my mum.


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