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Shiftr_Swipe Left for Love_Jessica

Page 21

by Ariana Hawkes

  He snatched her up in his arms, turning onto his back and pulling her on top of him. “Sit on me,” he said. She propped herself on her arms, but he pushed her back until she was in a kneeling position. Taking his cue, she began to lower herself onto his cock, as he watched her intently. She cried out as he filled her again, the sensation so different with all on her weight on top of him. He held her hips as she began to move up and down, her muscles gripping him tightly. He lifted his hands and cupped her breasts, teasing her over-sensitized nipples.

  Before long, his hips began to move and he thrust in and out of her, his tempo increasing little by little. His features became harder, the bones in his cheeks and jaw seeming to broaden. She was looking at his animal, she realized, as the fingers pressing against her flesh seemed to become a lot sharper.

  Abruptly, he lifted her off him.

  “I can’t control it,” he muttered from between clenched teeth. “Turn over.” She did as he told her, lightheaded with the thrill of being told what to do. She felt deeply vulnerable on her hands and knees, exposed to his gaze. He spread her labia with his hand, opening her up before sliding his cock into her once again. As he entered her, he gave a low growl.

  “Mine,” he said, close to her ear. “My mate. You’re all mine now.” He thrust hard, filling her all the way up until his pelvis bumped against her ass, and she made a sound – part way between a moan and a scream. It was almost too much. Her pussy throbbed and she felt like she was being stretched to her limit by his cock.

  Brock held her hips as he began to fuck her, moving slowly at first, but quickly increasing his tempo. She was helpless, barely capable of holding herself up on her hands.

  “You’re all mine, now and forever,” he muttered, saying the words over and over, like a blissful chant, which sent her mind into a spin. He wrapped his arms around her, one around her breasts, the other her waist, as he drew her up into an embrace. She arched her back a little, helping him to stay inside her. His teeth nipped at the side of her neck as his hand slid down her belly. When his finger found her clit, she jumped as if she’d been electrocuted. Picking up her wetness, he made light circles as he plunged in and out of her, his cock driving her to the brink.

  “My beautiful mate,” he murmured as his tempo increased again. “I’m going to take care of you and protect you forever.” His words cut through the fog of ecstasy in her brain and spoke to something deep inside her, something she’d long repressed as the independent woman she was. She did want him to protect her, this huge, powerful, gentle bear-man. In that moment, she opened herself up fully to him, body and mind, totally surrounded by him. Her vision darkened and her clit throbbed out of control beneath his fingers, and the little tremors in her body turned into an explosion that ripped right through her, leaving her helpless and trembling in his arms. Her pussy muscles gripped his cock as she orgasmed again and again, and he kept moving inside her, fucking her, until every drop of her climax was spent. Satisfied that she was done, he pushed her forward gently, until she was lying flat on the bed, then he fucked her hard, with abandon, pounding into her relentlessly. At last, he came with a roar, pushing himself into her, his body heavy on top of her, as he filled her with his seed.

  “Mine,” he muttered, over and over.

  They didn’t move for a long time, content to lie and listen to each other’s breathing. Madison could smell the light, fresh scent of Brock’s perspiration and the heavier mingled smell of their mating. At last, he turned onto his side, scooping her into his arms. She nestled her face in his light scattering of chest hair, perfectly relaxed.

  “I feel like we’ve been here for hours,” she mumbled at last. She reached out for her phone and saw that she wasn’t wrong. It was already 9.30pm.

  “I’m sure everyone will be wondering where we’ve got to,” Brock said, nuzzling his face into her neck.

  “I’m sure the adults have a pretty good idea,” she said with a chuckle. “Which is more than a little embarrassing.”

  “Mmm, but totally unavoidable,” he said, planting tiny kisses on her cheek. “Do you think we could just stay here all night and catch up with everyone tomorrow?”

  “As much as I love that idea, I think they might be a little offended. Let me just find out what’s happening with dinner.” She texted Karen, and they snuggled into each other’s arms, kissing tenderly while they waited for her to reply. Five minutes later, her phone beeped.

  “Karen says ‘we just got takeout, and some for you as well. It should be here in a few minutes, so come and get it!’”

  “That’s so lovely of her,” Brock murmured, as he circled Madison’s belly button.

  “Stop!” She laughed and pressed her hand over his. “We won’t be going anywhere if you keep that up!”

  “I guess I am kind of hungry,” he said, and right on cue, his stomach rumbled.

  “Ok, let’s go,” she said, pulling herself up into a sitting position, and shivering as she lost the heat from Brock’s body. They rifled through their clothes, scattered all over the bed, disentangling them from each other’s. Madison got dressed quickly, wishing she had time for a shower. She was certain they both smelled of sex. Then she went into the bathroom to freshen up quickly. She was startled at the sight of herself. Her hair was a little mussed, but she was glowing. Her eyes were like lasers and her cheeks were flushed. That’s because you’ve just had the best sex of your life, she told herself, and she couldn’t prevent a dirty grin from lighting her face.

  The moon was bright as they went out onto the street, its reflection gleaming onto the snow. The sky was clear and it didn’t look like it would snow again tonight. The wind had also dropped completely, and although it was well below freezing, it didn’t feel cold at all.

  “What a perfect night,” Madison commented.

  “And a perfect woman to spend it with,” Brock replied, putting his arm around her waist. She nestled against him, slipping under his arm. She loved that he was so much taller than her; she’d never felt as small and delicate as she did when she was with him, and she was starting to like that feeling. She couldn’t stop thinking about the things he’d been saying to her while they were mating – things like ‘you’re mine’ and ‘forever’. Does he really mean it, or is it something bears say when they’re mating? she wondered. Forever. She’d known Brock for such a short time, but she already had the strongest sense that he was the one. She’d never had that with her ex-husband. She’d always felt like they were two individuals, both working hard at their careers side by side. They were companions. But with Brock it was different. When they were together, it was as if nothing else existed. If someone had told her yesterday that she’d wind up rolling around in the snow with him in the middle of the park, she would’ve laughed. But there she was today, the two of them acting like teens, right in front of the kids. And she didn’t regret it one bit.

  They arrived at Karen’s house and crunched through the snow to the front door. Abbey let them in. Her face was flushed with excitement.

  “Come and look!” she yelled, grabbing Madison’s hand and dragging her through to the living room.

  The Christmas tree, which was even bigger than Madison’s, had a lot of gifts piled underneath it, stockings were hanging up, the room was lit with fairy lights, and all the furniture had been draped with white blankets, to resemble snow. Grayson was wearing a Santa hat and he was sitting on a sofa next to Elsbeth, and they seemed to be holding hands. Madison did a double take, and her mom met her eye and grinned bashfully. Karen had reindeer’s antlers on her head, and she was sitting a polite distance away from Riley, but there was no mistaking the energy between them.

  “We’ve made a Santa’s grotto!” Abbey announced.

  “I can see that. You’ve done a great job,” Madison replied.

  The doorbell rang, and Riley went out and came back with a stack of pizzas.

  “You guys made it just in time!” he said as he distributed them.

  Soon everyone
was eating hungrily and discussing plans for the next day. Madison was quiet, sitting next to Brock on the sofa, feeling the warmth of his thigh against hers, and drowsy with utter contentment. She loved being with the family, but she also couldn’t wait to go back to bed with him.

  “We saw you in the snow this afternoon,” Abbey said, breaking through a lull in the conversation. Madison narrowly avoided choking on her pizza. Damnit. She’d assumed that Karen had managed to herd them away from her.

  “Oh, yeah, Madison tripped. I was just helping her up,” Brock said coolly. Abbey gaped at him.

  “But –” she began.

  “Abbey, stop being nosey and eat your pizza,” Karen said. Abbey sighed dramatically, but did as she was told.

  When they’d finished eating, they sat around talking, no-one in any rush to go to bed. Madison thought how weird, but great it was that they felt like a family. There were comfortable pauses in the conversation, and everyone was casual and jokey with each other, instead of treating the guys like guests.

  Suddenly, there was a flash of orange light from outside the window. Sophia went over to see what it was.

  “I think they’re doing the Christmas Eve celebration!” she said. Madison went over to the window too. There were three families from the town standing outside, carrying orange lanterns and plates of food.

  “Yes they are!” she said. Karen whooped.

  “First time in about eight years! Ok, let’s go. We can take out one of the pumpkin pies we’ve baked.” She went into the kitchen and cut the pie into slices while everyone else put their coats on.

  “Don’t worry about me – I’ll stay indoors,” Elsbeth said as they prepared to leave.

  “No you won’t,” Grayson said, his voice soft. “Riley will give me a hand with the chair, and we can find a good spot to set it down outside.” With that, he helped her into her coat, then he and Riley lifted the chair and carried her outside like a queen in her chariot.

  “I’m usually pretty energetic, you know,” Madison heard her mom saying to Grayson. “I’ll be up and about, hiking mountains again before you know it.”

  “I don’t doubt that at all,” he replied.

  The rest of them followed and they joined the other families outside. Soon, more and more people gathered together, each bringing plates of sweet things to share with each other.

  Together, they formed a loose circle, with all the neighborhood kids in the middle. Some of the kids started singing a Christmas carol, and soon they all joined in, their sweet young voices piercing the crisp winter air as they sang of Mary and Joseph walking into Bethlehem, and shepherds watching their flocks, and wise men traveling from afar. Elsbeth was watching the kids, her eyes glistening with emotion, while Grayson was crouching down next to her, holding her hand. On Madison’s other side, Karen and Riley were standing next to each other, their hands firmly in their pockets. Madison stepped close to Karen.

  “Why don’t you two take a moment to relax?” she whispered. I’ll watch Sophia and Abbey and make sure they don’t get up to any mischief.

  “Thanks, sis,” Karen said, her face lighting up with gratitude. She whispered something to Riley and they slipped away from the crowd together.

  Brock stood behind Madison, enfolding her in his arms. She felt so happy that she thought she must be glowing, radiating the strong feelings she had for Brock. Sophia was talking to three other teenage girls at the edge of the circle, and Abbey was right in the middle, singing her heart out.

  “The kids are adorable, aren’t they?” Brock said, his breath warm on the top of her head.

  “They are,” she said, feeling broodier than ever.

  “Want to have some one day?” he asked, his tone uncertain.

  “Yes,” she replied, with no hesitation. He placed a hand on her stomach.

  “I thought so. And something tells me you won’t have long to wait.”

  “What do you mean?” She looked up at him over her shoulder.

  “Well, I can tell that you’re fertile right now, and I have a very strong suspicion that our mating has been, uh, successful.” She gasped.

  “What, you mean – you just made me pregnant?” He smiled.

  “I think so.”

  “You know that because you’re a bear, right?”

  “Yup. A combination of animal instinct and a very strong sense of smell.”

  “Wow,” she breathed, placing her hand over his.

  There was a pause in the singing, and someone shouted “it’s Christmas!” then, everyone shouted “it’s Christmas!” and there were whoops and cheers. Someone let off some fireworks and the sky was filled with multicolored stars.

  “How do you feel about that?” Madison asked, her head spinning.

  “Like the luckiest guy in the world,” he replied.

  “Really?” she murmured, her heartbeat slowing down.

  “Are you kidding me? The woman I’ve wanted my entire life – who I thought I’d lost forever – has come back to town. She’s become my mate, and she’s most likely carrying my cubs. How could I not be?” Checking that Sophia and Abbey were safely occupied, Madison turned to face him, her throat constricting with emotion.

  “We’re mates, officially?” she said. He laughed.

  “Of course. Did you not realize that?”

  “I guess I haven’t fully grasped the ways of bears,” she said, with a nervous giggle.

  “Ok, let me make it formal,” he said. He dropped down onto the snow, kneeling on one knee and took her hand.

  “Madison Armstrong, will you become my lifelong mate, and join with me in a formal mating ceremony in the very near future?” he said. Stars of excitement shot through her body.

  “Yes, I will!” she said, grinning down at him. He drew her head towards his and kissed her tenderly on the lips. She closed her eyes, tingling with emotion. Several people standing around them clapped and cheered. Brock got to his feet and hugged her against his body.

  “You make me so happy,” he murmured in her ear.

  “And you make me so happy,” she said.

  Just then, Karen returned with Riley. They were both flushed and bright-eyed. Karen gave Madison a secret smile.

  “Did we miss anything?” Karen said.

  “Oh, not much. But I think I just got engaged to be formally mated,” Madison replied.

  “Oh my God, that’s amazing!” Karen exclaimed and hugged her.

  “Things seem to be going well with you guys?” Madison said.

  “Yeah. Riley is amazing. And he’s the best kisser ever!”

  “Did you – just now?”

  “Uh huh. He spotted some mistletoe in a neighbor’s garden and led me over to it. What could I do in a situation like that?”

  “Excellent. I’m so happy for you, sis,” Madison said.

  “And me for you.”

  “And for mom –” Madison broke off as they turned to glance at their mom. She was currently lip-locked with Grayson.

  “Wooh. And for mom,” Karen echoed and they burst out laughing.

  “How is it that all of us were single three days ago, and we’ve now all found someone, right on the eve of Christmas?”

  “I think it has something to do with three handsome bears, and a touch of Christmas magic,” Karen replied happily.

  Chapter Eight

  Brock walked up the stairs of Madison’s house, admiring the voluptuous body of his beautiful mate as she walked in front of him. His bear scratched at his insides, inciting him to mate with her again. It had been rolling around in ecstasy all night. He still couldn’t believe that he was with her, that she was his mate. He’d dreamed of kissing her, mating her, so many times, never finding himself another mate because he couldn’t forget her. He silently thanked her loser ex-husband, a snowstorm and a naughty teenager for bringing them together. Or fate, he reminded himself. He’d always known, even in high school, that she was his fated mate, but, like all shifters, he’d understood that you don’t always get
to be with your fated mate. That it takes a special alignment of circumstances to make it happen.

  At the top of the stairs, she turned and took his hand. Even in the dim light of the hallway, her face was so beautiful, and when she smiled at him, his stomach flipped.

  “Are you sleepy?” she asked.

  “Not really. Are you?”

  “No,” she replied, her smile becoming wanton.

  “Well I can think of plenty of things we can do instead of sleep.” She walked backwards, leaning on her bedroom door to push it open. The scent of their earlier mating still hung in the air, sensual and provocative.

  “Such as?”

  “I could mate with you again,” he said, picking her up, rushing across the room and throwing her down on the bed. She gazed up at him, pupils dilated with desire.


  “Yeah, I’m going to take you hard, claim you for my own again,” he said, pulling off her sweater and tank-top in a single movement. She reached for his shirt and tore it off too.

  “And then?” He unfastened the zipper on her jeans and yanked them down, along with her panties. She copied him, tugging at his pants, and he helped her, quickly becoming fully naked.

  “Then we go to sleep and wake up to Christmas morning,” he murmured, reaching behind her back and unfastening the clasp on her bra.

  She was wet and ready for him, and he was inside her within seconds. She cried out as he filled her, her taut muscles clenching around him. And she cried out again as he made her come again and again, before he claimed her, taking his own orgasm and filling her with his fertile seed.

  “Merry Christmas, my beautiful, amazing mate,” he whispered as she snuggled into the crook of his arm, already falling asleep. “I love you.” Her eyes snapped open.

  “Merry Christmas. I love you too,” she whispered. He kissed her soft lips one more time, before they both drifted into unconsciousness.


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