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Diamonds and Dragons: A High School NA Reverse Harem Dark Fantasy Bully Romance (Cruel Princes of Wyvern All-Boys Academy Book 1)

Page 8

by Rachel Angel

  “Don’t let them get to you, Miss,” he muttered softly as he set the biggest slice of lamb he had on her plate.

  “Thank you,” she mouthed silently. She turned to head to her lone table in the corner, but stopped, frozen, when she saw Tar and Flint joining Razor.

  And what about Jasper, she wondered. Her heart raced at the thought of him. If there was one person who could take her side and sooth her, it was him.

  In the distance she saw him. With his usual calm confidence, he walked in and spotted her. Aside from a surprised up and down glance at her unusual appearance, he ignored her.

  Her heart sank. Really?

  She got to her table and sat down to eat, her gaze constantly going back to where he sat with his cruel buddies. As handsome as ever, she tried to see in his stoic stance, the tender, caring man she’d seen over the weekend. She could barely believe they were one and the same.

  And that passionate kiss. Had it truly not affected him at all? Not even a little?

  Silly girl, she scolded herself. Silly, naïve girl. To think a boy like him, a prince no less, would find something of interest in a poor, common girl like her.

  Every now and then, she looked his way, and tried to catch his gaze. He looked away every single time, more often than not, with disdain.

  It was useless. Whatever she’d thought of him, whatever she’d thought of what they’d experienced together, it had all been an illusion.

  She finished her lamb, took a last mouthful of mashed potatoes and drank down her milk before leaving her empty tray on the counter. Glancing at the clock she saw that she had only four minutes to hurry back to her room and clean up before history class.

  She ran to her room where she quickly changed shirt, wiped her face off, and still with a bit of whipped cream behind her ears, she headed off to class.

  Let it go, she repeated to herself as she marched on. Just let it go.

  The history department was housed in a smaller, but intricately ornate building. Hundreds of statues of all kinds lined the walls. Gargoyles stood watch at the edge of the roof, while armored guards armed with various weapons, guarded the second floor. On the main floor there were warriors on horseback and foot soldiers, and flanking the main entrance were the king and queen who’d reigned over the land years earlier.

  Looking more closely at the queen than usual, she tried to find a resemblance to Queen Jade, or even Queen Mother Jasmine, but the ring of the bell quickly drew her inside. She ran up the stairs and down the hall to her class but stopped abruptly when she saw the group of boys gathered outside the door to her class, all of them peering inside and laughing.

  One of them noticed her and slapped his buddy on the shoulder, pointing at her. “There she is.”

  She was accustomed to their glares, their hateful gazes and biting words, but something was different this time. Their eyes were focused on her breasts, her waist and her hips. Some of them licked their lips while others made gross kissing noises.

  Ignoring them, she pushed through the crowd and entered the class. Her classmates were all seated, staring in fascination at the blackboard then at her with the same hungry gaze.

  She turned to see what had held their raptured attention and shuddered at the words scribbled on the blackboard.




  Who’s the whore? Allotrope Free.

  Who’ the slut? Allotrope Free.

  Who’s the trollop? Allotrope Free.

  Want an easy lay? Ask Allotrope Free.

  A common wench who thought she could seduce a prince.

  Beware gentlemen. The wench is on the prowl. Just ask Prince Jasper who had to fend her off.

  “Hey, Jasper,” a student called out at Jasper came to the doorway. “How did you escape her clutches?”

  “I wouldn’t mind those clutches,” another one said, eyeing her.

  “Did you tell her she wasn’t fit for you when she tried to kiss you?”

  “No,” Ally cut in. “He is the one who kissed me.”

  The room exploded with laughter, but Jasper said nothing.

  Ally went to the blackboard, grabbed the eraser and wiped the board clean, then marched up to Jasper and slapped him across the cheek.

  “You’re no prince,” she snarled. “You’re no better than a common peasant. In fact, a common peasant has more class than you do.” She looked him up and down with the same disdain he’d so often reserved for her. “You’re nothing more than a spoiled brat. How petty and small minded do you have to be to constantly be so cruel to people less fortunate than you?”

  The crowd quieted down to a confused murmur. How dare she speak to him that way, she heard one boy whisper.

  She got up into Jasper’s face, so close she could feel his breath as he looked down at her. But instead of feeling the tender arousal of the night before, she felt murderous rage.

  “Your grandmother would be ashamed if she saw how you behaved here at Wyvern. You are a disgrace.”

  His jaw clenched and his nostrils flared.

  She’d hit a nerve.

  “Don’t bring my grandmother into this,” he warned.

  “Why? Because the truth hurts? Do you really think she’d be proud of her grandson now? I doubt she would even recognize you. You’re a pathetic excuse of a man, and I, for one, wished I’d never laid eyes on you.” She turned to walk away.

  “If I’m so pathetic, why were you all over me last night?”

  “Ooh,” the crowd howled.

  She’d had enough. She’d reached the boiling point. How she had tried to control her rage. How she had tried to justify his ludicrous and juvenile behavior. But now he’d gone too far. Where he had not been able to break her spirit, he’d succeeded in breaking her heart.

  She spun around and kicked him with the full extent of her true strength, which she had hidden all her life. He flew across the room, shattering a window as he fell to the floor.

  The crowd grew deathly silent. Gaping, they looked at Ally and at the fallen prince. Their disbelief and horror had them leaving their desks and cowering to the back of the class.

  Fists clenched, Ally marched over to his side and looked down at him. Surrounded by shards of glass, he lay there with his eyes closed. She tapped him with the toe of her boot to rouse him.

  “I don’t even know what I ever saw in you,” she muttered when he cracked his eyes open to look at her.

  She turned to face the class and saw their stunned stares. All of them, mesmerized and terrified. She looked back to Jasper as he struggled to sit up. When he opened his eyes wide and looked at her, he, too, had a strange expression on his face.

  Then she saw it.

  Her brown wig, on the floor where she’d kicked Jasper.

  Her rainbow hair flowed around her shoulders, gleaming in the sunlight that pierced through the broken window.

  “What the hell…?”

  Chapter 13

  “Apparently, she kicked Jasper clear across the room,” Tar was saying as he, Flint and Razor sat in plush leather recliners in the Dragon’s Den, the very private and exclusive lounge strictly reserved for the Cruel Princes.

  Razor listened intently. This Allotrope girl was full of surprises.

  “And get this,” Tar went on. “Her wig fell off.”

  “Her what?” Flint said.

  “Yeah. All this time she’s been wearing a wig.”

  “What the hell for?”

  Tar leaned in closer. “Under that mousy brown wig is this incredible rainbow of hair.”

  “Come again,” Razor said, not sure he’d understood.

  “Her hair isn’t just yellow, or red, or blue, or green, or purple. It’s freakin’ all of the above. All the way down to her ass.”

  From the very beginning, Razor had felt an attraction to her, but now… he grew increasingly impatient to see her again.

  A knock at the door cut their conversation short.

  “Yes,” Tar called out

  “Prince Razor,” Headmaster Jerrod said from behind the door. “Your sister, Princess Ruby is here.”

  Razor clapped his hands together. “Great. Scram guys. I want to visit with my sister.”

  “So visit. We won’t get in the way,” Tar said.

  “Get the hell out of here, you oaf.”

  Groaning, Tar stood and headed to the back entrance with Flint right behind him.

  “Let her in, Headmaster Jerrod,” Razor said as he made his way to the door.

  “Razor,” his sister exclaimed when he opened the door. A vision of beauty in a deep green gown that contrasted perfectly with her long, flowing copper hair, she stood almost as tall as he.

  “Ruby, how wonderful to see you.”

  “Oh,” she said with a giggle as she entered the dimly lit den. “I bet you say that to all the girls who come visit.”

  She took a quick look around. “College life is treating you well, I see. I dare say, there are more creature comforts here then back at Rose Cliff.”

  “I doubt it, but we do try our best.”

  “Leather chairs, hardwood floor, a well-stocked icebox.” She continued her inspection of the den. “It could use a woman’s touch, though.”

  “Don’t you dare,” he said with a smile. “We like it just the way it is.”

  “Whatever you say.”

  “I do have one concession.”


  From the icebox, he pulled out a pitcher. “Strawberry lemonade, made fresh just for you.”

  Ruby licked her lips. “Looks delightful.”

  Razor poured her a glass and invited her to sit down. “I hope the boys were respectful as you made your way over.”

  “Oh, they were just wonderful; so polite and well-behaved. Truly angels, every one of them.”

  Razor smiled at his sister’s adorable naivete. To her, everyone was good, and kind. She saw malice in no one.

  “Brother, I do have a favor to ask of you.”


  “There is a rumor going around Rose Cliff that a girl has joined the Academy.”

  “Um, yes. That is true.”

  “And that she is quite strong and capable.”

  “Well, the jury is still out on that one.”

  “And what does that mean?”

  “It means that she might see herself as strong and capable, but I’ve seen her cry a time or two. You know, it’s tough out here.” He didn’t want his sister getting any ideas about joining the Academy as well.

  “But I heard that she beat Flint.”

  Damn, he thought. “That was just a fluke. Flint wasn’t feeling too well that day.” It wasn’t a complete lie. By the end of that day Flint had not felt well.

  “Well, either way, I’d like to meet her.”


  “This girl, silly. I believe her name is Allotrope.”

  He hesitated, stalling as he looked for an excuse. “I doubt that would be possible. She’s a very busy girl, what with history, art and… well all of her classes.”

  “Razor, I want to meet her,” she said with a beguiling smile. “You’re a prince. A prince of princes. Have her summoned. Surely she can’t refuse you.”

  He pursed his lips and looked at the mahogany table in front of him, then to his sister. “Fine. I’ll invite her to come have lemonade with you.”

  Ruby clapped her hands in excitement. “Splendid. I’ll go freshen up.” She stood. “Where’s the ladies’ room?”

  Razor chuckled. “You’re at a school for boys, Ruby. There are no ladies’ room. But you can go back there. Just beyond the billiard table, the first door to the left.”

  In the meantime, he had Ally summoned.

  Twenty minutes later, with Ruby on her third glass of lemonade. Razor grew increasingly impatient. Not so much for his sister’s sake, but for his own. He longed to see her, see her true beauty. He licked his lips in anticipation. Where the hell was she?

  Finally, the door to the den opened and he held his breath. The sun flowed in from behind her, keeping her in the shadow until she entered.

  It was more than he could have imagined, almost magical and certainly mystical. A rainbow of hair cascaded down her shoulders, over her back and stopped just short of tickling her ass. Her green eyes, previously dulled by the mousy brown of her wig, now came alive. He stood frozen, captivated by her beauty until Ruby slapped him in the gut.

  “Well, aren’t you going to introduce us?” Ruby said.

  “Thank you for coming, Ally,” Razor finally said. “My sister insisted on meeting you.”

  Stiff and cold from the impromptu summons, Ally warmed somewhat at the sight of his sister.

  “Ally, this is Ruby. Ruby…”

  “It’s an honor,” Ruby cut in, reaching out to shake Ally’s hand.

  Unaccustomed to such adoration, Ally hesitated before accepting the handshake. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “I’m his twin,” Ruby blurted out. Giggling, she grasped a lock of Razor’s copper hair and held it up to her own. “See. We’re just about as close as you can be. In fact, when we were little, you could barely tell us apart. Only recently when he grew…”

  “You’re rambling,” Razor cut in with a smile. “I’m sure Ally’s not interested in our childhood pranks.”

  Ruby took a friendly hold of Ally’s forearm. “Oh, I do apologize. I do tend to ramble on when I’m nervous. It’s just that… well, I’ve heard a lot about you; a girl at the Academy. It’s unheard of. Unprecedented. Why, you’re a true pioneer.”

  Ally smiled as Ruby guided her to the long leather sofa and pulled her down to sit beside her.

  “Razor, do bring us a lemonade, please.”

  With Ally’s gaze on him, he hesitated. Unaccustomed to receiving orders, he balked at the notion, but… after all… it was his sister. He nodded and reached for the pitcher on the counter and poured two glasses.

  “Do they make you dress like a boy, too?” Ruby asked.

  “Actually, this is the clothes that I brought from home. I thought it would make it easier to blend in. However…” She glared up at Razor who’d remained standing. “My wardrobe was recently diminished… quite greatly, as a matter of fact.”

  “Oh, dear. What happened?”

  Razor held Ally’s gaze, silently begging her not to tell his sister about his childish antics.

  “Rain,” Ally finally said. “Silly me. I’d left the window open the night of a great storm. Black, sooty water from the rooftop came in and ruined everything.”

  “Oh!” Ruby said as she shot out of her seat so quickly, both Ally and Razor jumped. “Oh, I know. My bags are at the entrance, Razor. Please bring me the larger of the two trunks.”

  Puzzled, he looked at his sister.

  “Go, go,” she said with a wave of her hand.

  He found the trunk and dragged it back to the den.

  Ruby stood and opened the trunk. Rummaging through the large array of garments, she finally exclaimed, “Aha. Here it is.” She pulled out a red bundle of silk. Standing, she unfurled the rolled garment to show Ally a magnificent ruby red gown embroidered with gold thread and adorned with thousands of tiny gems.

  “This would be spectacular on you, and it would be far more flattering to your figure than those baggy trousers. And with your beautiful hair… Please, do try it on.”

  “I…” Ally stammered.


  Ally nodded and stood to take the garment, holding it up in front of her.

  “Back there, just beyond the billiard table,” Ruby said, pointing her in the right direction.

  Ally walked off, dragging the pretty garment behind her.

  “I don’t understand why you enjoy playing these silly games,” Razor said once Ally was out of the room. “There’s no need for her to have that type of garment here. This is an academy for warriors; tough warriors who fight and roll in the mud.”

  “Oh, I know, but every girl nee
ds to have something pretty and shiny, don’t you think? Besides, you know how I’ve always enjoyed dressing up my dolls. It pleases me to see someone looking so pretty.”

  As Ally made her way back, Ruby leaned closer to Razor and whispered, “And I think it will please you, as well.”

  Razor almost choked on his breath at the sight of Ally. Ruby was right; those baggy trousers did nothing to flatter her figure, but this…

  The gown hugged her tiny waist while the neckline allowed a respectable, yet pleasing view of her breasts. Her flowing hair, as silky smooth as the gown she wore, was vibrant and full.

  He wanted to reach out and pull her into his arms, to caress her skin and taste her mouth.

  “Oh,” Ruby squealed. “It’s even more perfect than I thought. You look just like a princess.”

  More like a queen, Razor thought.

  The door to the Dragon’s Den opened, breaking into the magical spell Ally had weaved.

  “Hey,” Jasper called out. “What’s going…?” When he entered the room and saw Ally, he stopped and stared.

  Behind him, Tar and Flint were also mesmerized.

  “I told you guys I was visiting with my sister,” Razor said, not bothering to hide his annoyance.

  “That’s all right, Razor. They can stay,” Ruby said.

  “They could,” Razor said, “but they shouldn’t.”

  He couldn’t help but notice the tension between Ally and Jasper. Ally’s chest suddenly rose and fell as she took deep breaths, and her cheeks were flushed.

  Instantly hating the effect Jasper had on her, it became even more important that they all leave.

  Jasper took a step closer to Ally, his eyes riveted to her. Unexpectedly, however, Ally’s gaze lost its lust-filled luster and narrowed in anger.

  So, she hadn’t forgiven him, after all. Good.

  But then he noticed the same look of hunger and lust in Tar and Flint’s eyes. He knew it was understandable. After all, she was stunning. But, still…

  “Um, brother of mine,” Ruby said, cutting the tense air with her light, airy voice. “Can I talk to you a minute?”


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