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The Snowmaiden, A Bride for Krampus

Page 8

by Jeanette Lynn

  Tiny buds of points had sprouted up overnight on the base of his horns and he was most definitely sporting some browner bits of fur. Burnt sienna and chocolate brown fluff hugged his hips while a lighter, biscuit colored tan and grey was covering his significantly more filled out abdomen than last night and parts of his chest. No way had he had one go of these jugs and magically put on so much weight.



  Glancing down at the girls, I gave a grunt. Huh. Got milk? Apparently my Snowmaiden jug juice, har-har, cured what ails ya for a Krampus, and at the moment I had it in spades. A happy noise left the beast hovering over me as I swiped at a leaking nipple. I felt like a cow. The urge to moo hit me as I shifted and waited for what was inevitably to come next. Just givin’ the milk away for free, Lumi…

  God, my tits hurt.

  Cupping one of the ladies as if in offering, I glanced up at the male. He seemed much more with it now than before. There was something more in those frosty blues than yesterday. Well, guy, what are you waiting for?

  Rolling me to my back to hover over me, rough in his handling as he went to hurry things along, he paused, about to go to town, when I shivered and my stomach let out an ungodly gurgle.

  With a soft hiss and a heavy grunt, he dumped himself to his side, sliding up until his groin was level with my face. When I just laid there waiting, long, thin fingers with a little meat on them now curled over my shoulder and tugged me until I complied. Curling on my side, I watched as the foreskin over his member began to glide up and down his length, readying. Recalling just what he’d tasted like, my mouth began to water. Was I supposed to be curing him? This didn’t feel like I was curing him. This was something like I was being bound to him by need and necessity, and vice versa.

  The hand at my shoulder slid caressingly up to my nape. Thick claws slid through my hair. The action was odd, almost tender. Not needing further prompting, my head dipped and I took him into my mouth.

  A loud groan left him as I began to work the tip.

  When results were not found fast enough, his foreskin working his length only offering so much at a time as it milked him for me, I began to grow bolder. That hunger in my belly grew after the first taste. Following along as that thick muscle-ringed skin retracted towards his base, I forced it in place to suckle harder at what he offered.

  A snarl of a gasp left the Krampus and his hips jerked. Forced to finally release him and allow his body to do what it was naturally, I slowly allowed him to slide free to the tip. More cream filled my mouth, in larger spurts than if I’d let him go as he was.

  Again, my mouth followed his retracting skin. Again, more.

  I kept this up until he was groaning and growling, his breathing harsh, heavy pants. His limbs shook as he seemed to jerk uncontrollably. In the back of my mind I wondered if I should ease up, but I couldn't seem to help myself. In that moment, I was as ravenous as a Krampus.

  Right when I thought I’d taken all he had to give, he exploded. Warm, salty, with a hint of cream, cum filled my mouth. This wasn’t of a feeding nature with a hint of him, this was all him, releasing down the back of my throat.

  A roar left him, right as his body let go.

  Grabbing my hair to jerk me off of him, he had me spun around, under him, ass up, face mashed to the cold floor and was entering me to pound into me so fast I was surprised I didn’t have whiplash.

  With a snarl that echoed through the cavern, he held me in place for his onslaught. Clawing at the ground, grinding my hips back against, I held on for the ride.

  “Miiiiine,” he snarled, the first true coherent word I’d heard him utter.

  My eyes about rolled up into my head as he rammed home hard and begin to grind into me, our groins flush, his cock deep. He hit that special spot just right and I let out a soft moan.

  He was coming, probably had been the entire time. I was probably covered in that sticky love juice as he pulled from my mouth. I could feel it on my face, starting to harden to a crust on my cheek.

  God, we were messed up. This whole thing was fucked up.

  He began pounding into me again, until my teeth rattled and my cheek bone ached from being ground into the floor.

  I didn’t want him to stop.

  Coming hard moments later with a harsh cry and a Krampus-dick-crammed-channel-squeezing clench, I was so lightheaded with the rush of it there were a brief few seconds I thought I might pass out.

  With a breathless, huffing chuff, my beastly lover collapsed in an exhausted heap atop me. Reaching out, slapping at him weakly to get off of me unless he wanted to have fun with my dead body, I sucked in a huge breath the second he complied. Still joined, on our sides, his large frame curled around my back, he leaned over me in an inhumanly, impossible Gumby bend, honking one of my breasts like he was contemplating tuning in to Tokyo, to seal his lips around a dusky pink tip and go to town on it.

  Breakfast in bed, I thought with a snort that had him glancing my way through the corner of one frosty blue eye but not breaking from his current task at hand.

  A grunt left him when his tongue swirled over my distended nipple in a way that made my body twitch from the inside out in reaction.

  “I suppose that’s one way to cure…. him.”

  My gaze shot to the passage Bels had led me through to trap me in here.

  The Elf had a troubled look on his face and a shovel in his hand.

  Shnikel stilled, his second lips remaining over my breast to work his meal from it as his outer lips curled up as if in warning. A rumble rattled his chest so hard my back was tingly from the vibrations of it. As if comfortable with the threat on the other side of the cage, in no immediate need to protect his prize, he kept an eye on the male but didn’t break his steady suckle and tug thing he had going with the second lips and that forked tongue.

  “Bels,” Ded called. “How’s it going in there, and why do we gotta dig a hole for more licorice oaks when there’s plenty lining the river? Why so close to the mountain? You know we-Whoa. Sweet sugar plums...” The Elkfen’s voice trailed off as he met up with Bels, slowing to a stop just behind the Elf. Large ears shot up, higher than the Elkfen’s large doe-like eyes.

  Ded’s eyes were darker than I recalled his being, long, stringy white hairs along the tops of his shoulders and down his torso. His horns were missing a few points along the top. His voice was deeper, gruffer. He spoke slower and he was looking gaunt. Ded had the sickness.

  “Is the hole you dug about six feet deep?” I queried, like I didn’t have a Krampus working my tit, buried balls deep inside me until his base wasn’t swollen to the point his dick marbles had us locked together.

  Reaching up absently as Shnikel finished at one breast and went to go for the other but then noted our new guest and hesitated, his chest rattling even louder, I began to gently pat the side of his head, brushing his ear. Cupping the side of his head, an action that surprised Bels when the Krampus growled not at me but Bels being out of his view, the beast allowed me to guide him back to what he’d been doing. With a teeth baring snarl warning his friends off, he took to helping himself to Second Breakfast while I gave the gawking pair a What the hell are you looking at? look. Embarrassment had given away to annoyance. In here, with the big bad more or less on my side, at least for so long as he wanted me, I felt at a bit of an advantage here.

  The first order of business for me on my mile long, shit agenda, to do list was not walking around with wonky tits because Kramp-y-Boy McShnikel-Pants forgot to drain them both. I was one breast full and leaking left and that shit hurt. I saw no need to torture myself further.

  “For the roots to have room to grow, Bels said,” Ded mumbled uncertainly. His gaze was locked on Shnikel’s junk threatening to split my pussy lips.

  “So it’s deep enough for my supposed dead body,” I deadpanned with a look at the Elf.

  Bels cleared his throat and glanced to Ded, who had a shocked look on his seemingly innocent mug. The deer-man needed
to get out more. He was too naive for his own good.

  “Bels wouldn’t do that,” Ded muttered, shuffling closer towards our cage. He didn’t stop, ignoring Shnikel’s warning growls, until his face was almost pressed up against the bars. He was sniffing so loudly, like he was desperate to suck in lungfuls of the love funk musting the room like it was air to him, the sound was echoing lightly in the quiet of the caves—all but for Shnikel’s rumbling and almost quiet suckling.

  “He wouldn’t?” My eyebrows raised and I glanced over the Elkfen’s shoulder.

  “Of course not. He’s our friend. He put you in there to save Shnikel and…” And now the deer-man was at a loss.

  “But save him how?” I pressed, running my hand up one of Shnikel’s horns, smoothing it up the rings along the base. Shnikel began to make annoyed grunting noises until my fingers found their way back to his head fur. A chest clicking, rumble muffling purr of a rattle left him.

  Ded’s eyes widened and he just stared.

  “Think about it, Ded-dear,” I murmured sweetly, my sarcasm lost as his ears twitched and he began to fidget at the endearment.

  He didn’t get it, nor did Ded catch Bels walking up behind him, shovel in hand, raising it up to make a noise that had him turning, to whack the Elkfen right in the side of the head with the digging implement. Ded’s eyes rolled up into his head and he crumpled to the ground in an unconscious heap.

  Waiting until the crack of Ded’s horns echoed into the space to draw closer, he dropped the shovel in his hand with a clattering smack. Nudging the downed male with the toe of his jingle belled shoe, the Elf leaned over him.

  One glance at me, then the Krampus hovering protectively as my Krampus’ cock wetly slid free of me, the Elf grabbed one of Ded’s horns and began to drag him by it. “Never thought Ded would fall but giving in to temptation seemed to be his downfall,” he muttered wryly. With a soft tsk, the sound of him dragging Ded loud in the quiet of the room as we watched, he almost seemed happy about all this. Ded’s chest was moving. He was still breathing, still alive.

  “I’m wondering what felled Shnikel to begin with…?” Bels shook his head.

  I wasn’t certain if he was talking to me or himself.

  “Maybe he was naughty, and that’s the catalyst,” I suggested with a pointed look in his direction, insinuating this was all his fault and maybe he should jump off that damned high horse he was already teetering atop. I had a feeling I wasn’t wrong.

  “And what makes you think it wasn’t yours?” the Elf sneered. “Think you this is the first Nic has heard of you, has searched for Lady Lyddie’s kinfolk in the other realms? Pfft.”

  “How is an Elkfen I’ve never met before going Krampus my fault?” What was the Elf drinking? Who spiked his eggnog? What did I unknowingly have to do with it?

  Dumping Ded into the cell directly across from us, he stood, dusting off his hands, and turned to study us. “Who do you think kept the news I’d found you from the big guy?” His eyes shimmered like tinsel sparkling on the tree. Stepping over Ded, he exited the cell, leaving the door to his friend’s new cage open to tromp over to us. “Think you these are the first friends I've lost to the curse? My dear, contrary to what I’ve said and poor Ded was led to believe, I’ve had my eye on hunting down your line for some time. That Elves gone dark to disappear business is for the partridges in the pear trees.” Lowering his voice to a whisper, he continued, “Sandy Klaus thinks he’s so smart, like I wouldn't figure it out. Merry Alfka didn’t run away, he sent her away, and after some research and thought, that’s how I knew it had to be true.” He shook his head. “That globe he loves sees all, but it’s hardly monitored, just left there in the main foyer for any fool who knows how to make use of it to help themselves.”

  “So you’re saying...” I pressed, gesturing helplessly.

  “That it’s you, your line, you imbecile. Your blood, you, whatever it is that idiot looming over you helped himself to that Cocoa monkey She-Kringle Mrs and Jolly ol’ Sour Paws thought to protect you from being party to. You really are the key to it all!”

  “I wasn’t a random pickup,” I blurted.

  “Of course not.” Bels waved a hand behind him at Ded. “A cleverly planned ruse on my part. I needed the bumble brains muscle to move you.” With a quick glance over his shoulders and a roll of his eyes, I huffed. “I suppose I owe him something…”

  “Not a shovel to the head,” I pointed out.

  Turning his pinched lipped, frowning puss my way, his eyes narrowed on us. “Shnikel is more himself than I’ve seen him in days.” As if I’d asked, and I hadn’t, he explained, “Normally he’d be rattling the cage trying to claw my face off.” Shaking his head, he blew out a gusty sigh. “I suppose I have you to thank for that.” Pulling a ring of keys from his vest pocket, he approached the cell door. “He looks done with you. Fur’s already starting to shift back and he doesn’t resemble walking death. Come, then, Christmas wench. I’ve the idiot for you to cure when he awakens.” Opening the door, strong arming it open as it seemed to have frozen over in parts, he gestured for me to get my generously endowed buns up and get to stepping into his accomplice’s cell.

  When I didn’t make a move to comply, the fool took a step into the cell.

  At the silent rumble rattling the beast pressed to me, I warned the Elf, “I wouldn't do that if I were you.”

  “Because Princess Krampus knows everything?” he sneered, then took two steps closer, ignoring me. “No. Shnik won’t hurt me. He’s coming around.”

  The warning growl issuing from “Shnik” grew loud and my possessive Krampus lifted himself up.

  “You won’t hurt me.” Bels was so confident in the fact he boldly took two more steps closer. He was sweet potato-n-marshmallow casserole, straight-from-the-turkey’s-butt stuffing filling his brain cavity, coo-coo.

  I didn’t say a damned word. He’d figure it out, and he’d deserve it.

  My gaze slid to the only means of escape from this veritable ice prison. If we could just get past him…

  Pulling another trick from his damned sleeve, Bels pulled a plum about the size of his small fist out of one of his vest pockets. There’d been no visible bulge to show he had it on his person. Magic coat pockets?

  “You want this, don’t you?” the Elf crooned. His gaze locked on Shnikel as the Krampus lifted his head and began to sniff.

  My hand reached behind me and I fisted the fur I found pressing into my back. Twisting the clump of belly fur in my hand, I pressed myself closer back against my cellmate. Turning to glance up at him when he growled at the pinch, my hair fell over me, a curtain to help hide my face from the Elf. Mouthing, ‘Don’t take it! It’s a trap!’ I hoped the big guy got the picture.

  Staring down at me, Shnikel blinked, grunted, and glanced at Bels.

  Bels grinned but his lips pulled too wide. The male looked like a goblin more than an Elf. Waving the plum around, he made a show of it. Shnikel’s gaze soon began to track the plum, following it so avidly I gave up any hope the Elkfen was in there more than his Krampus side. Krampus side was obviously winning.

  Maybe I wasn’t the cure?

  “Come and get it, big guy,” Bels sang.

  Glancing at me, he ordered, like I’d just hop up and sing to his tune, “The second he takes it and eats it, he’ll be down within minutes of ingestion. Get your ass in there,” he pointed to where Ded was laid out, “and get ready to do whatever sexual healing malarkey you did for Shnik.”

  Staring at him, realizing he was actually waiting for an answer, I wasn’t about to give his ass one. He could wait right there until the next quarterly Christmas rolled up in this wacky winterland, for all that I cared.

  “If you don’t,” Bels warned, “I’ll slit your throat, and then Ded’s, and be done with the headache of both of you.”

  Stiffening, lips thinning, I gritted my teeth against saying any of the things on the tip of my tongue

  Shnikel made loud sniffing sounds, followed
by louder and louder growls, practically crawling over me to head right for Bels’ plum waving hand.

  Scuttling back, hugging the side of the cage, I slowly edged my way closer to the wall of bars nearest the door. One eye on my goal, the other on Bels and Shnikel as Bels eagerly approached the curious Krampus, I was on the wall of bars the cage door was on but still several feet from my goal, when Bels caught onto me and turned on me with a snarl.

  Dropping the plum, he lunged at me. A shriek left me as he grabbed me by the hair, tossing me about like I was a rag doll, and sank his fangs deep into my neck.

  Screaming as that Elf venom began to pump into me, one moment I was being mauled by the Elf, the next there was a deafening roar louder than my own screams piercing my ears, and then Bels was the one screaming.

  Fumbling, slapping my hand to my neck as crimson gushed, I could see the pieces of skin he’d torn, a flap of skin just dangling there. Choking out a pained noise, I scrambled to the cage door and right out of it. Stumbling out of my prison, tripping over my own feet to rush down the corridor, I didn’t dare glance back. The sight I’d glimpsed of the Elf being mauled by the Krampus was enough to last me a lifetime. I had no idea intestines were that freaking long.

  Bels howling bellows hounded me as I inched my way to the cave opening. Slow and steady she goes, I kept telling myself, but soon my fingers were painted in red, my neck and chest wet, the smell of iron rich in the air. My free hand slapped to the rock wall alongside me and soon I was using the wall to keep me upright.

  Slow and steady she goes was getting slower and slower as I grew woozy. By the time I’d reached the mouth of the entrance Bels’ bite had taken effect and I was seconds away from collapsing.

  A sharp noise behind me had me turning to spy the figure in the shadows, drawing closer. There were these glowing crystal looking things in a pretty light blue, like this was where you harvested December birthstone gems and crystals of the like and they glowed until chipped off to make jewelry. The brightest faded in and out, like slow blinking tree lights, some large sections without crystals leaving those portions in shadow. Smaller crystal-like stones were a constant, low glow, if waxing and waning just enough to make it look like the mountain was breathing.


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