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Wild Thing: A Vampire Paranormal Romance (Blueblood Vampires Book 2)

Page 11

by Michelle Hercules

  “He’s pretending to be one of us. I went over this with you already,” Ronan grumbles. “Enough with the chitchat. Let’s get going. King Raphael tasked me to get you in shape within an impossibly short time and I don’t plan on disappointing him.”

  “I’m in shape.” Vaughn flexes his arms, showing off nothing.

  “What am I supposed to be looking at? Hold up, let me get a magnifying glass,” I pipe up.

  Rikkon chuckles, which earns him a scowl from Vaughn.

  “What are you laughing at? You look scrawnier than a scarecrow.”

  “For fuck’s sake.” Ronan stares at the ceiling, resting his hands on his hips. “I must have pissed off some angry deity in my previous life to deserve you two.”

  I’m about to give Ronan one of my trademark smartass comments when my spine goes rigid, and the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. Aurora is in distress. I can pick up the sudden acceleration of her heartbeat through the bond. She needs my help. With red tinging my gaze, and my fangs fully exposed, I zoom out of my apartment in a flash, ready for battle.



  I feel drained after my conversation with Vivienne. She agreed to help me with my problem, but until then, I have to deal with all the changes in my body. It seems like I’m suffering from an ice-cold fever. I’ve got the aches and the shakes. But the worst part is the throbbing between my legs, the urge to fuck Saxon nonstop, that’s making everything ten billion times worse. I can’t walk around the institute all hot and bothered all the time. Thanks to vampires’ enhanced senses, everybody will know about my condition. How mortifying is that?

  As soon as I enter my apartment, I know something is different. I’m not sure what’s going on, but Saxon feels closer to me somehow. Either he’s coming here or the bond is getting stronger. If so, how long until both of us break down and make a huge mistake?

  Come on, Aurora. It wouldn’t be the end of the world if you slept with Saxon again.

  Ugh. Shut up, demon! Where’s the fucking angel on my right shoulder telling me to remain strong?

  I don’t move for a minute, waiting for the knock on the door. When it doesn’t come, I can only come to one conclusion. The mating bond magic is increasing by leaps and bounds. Is it because I’m now aware of its presence? Vivienne told me how much Rikkon suffered in the first years of their banishment. He would have high fevers and sometimes not be able to move at all. I definitely don’t want to wait until things get that bad. I have to do something to alleviate my craving.

  I pull my personal grimoire from my bag. It’s not as thick as some of the older ones, and definitely not as valuable to others. But to me, it’s precious, almost like an extension of myself. Every witch receives a blank grimoire when they turn six and start to learn how to harness their powers. The leather is plain when gifted; it’s up to the owner to customize the cover as they please. Mine depicts a phoenix rising from the ashes. I did the carving and painting of the leather by hand without the use of magic, and I’m extremely proud of it.

  I’ve been recording every new spell and potion I learned throughout the years. And one of them is the antidote against a siren’s thrall. That’s not something I would ever search for out of the blue. Saxon came to me and begged for it.

  I get mad all over again. The stupid male should have told me about our bond sooner.

  The potion I made for Saxon was specific to vampires, but I can modify it to work for me. It’s not ideal, but it’s better than this feeling of wrongness within me.

  The page is already marked. I just hope I have all the ingredients I need. Since I’m the only witch living at the institute, it’s not like I can get more ingredients easily. If Solomon doesn’t have it, then I have to order online or head into town. I begin to open cupboards at random, wishing I were more organized and kept my potion-making ingredients separate from my food.

  I’m in the middle of the task when there’s a knock on my door. It’s not Saxon, I know that much. Maybe Vivienne has news. With a simple spell, I open the door from where I stand, and my mood immediately plummets when Calvin walks in.

  “Hello, darling.” He smiles in a phony way.

  My skin crawls just by staring at him, and I feel sick. It’s like my entire body is rejecting his presence.

  “What are you doing here? It’s the middle of the night.”

  “It’s not like I have a choice. You’re living here now, and thus, on the bloodsuckers’ schedule.”

  I can’t argue with that. “Okay, but you didn’t tell me what you’re doing here. I don’t like surprise visits.”

  His gaze darkens and I get ready for an angry retort from him. But he seems to be able to rein in his irritation a bit. “I’ll remember that next time. I heard you were sick, so I came to check on you.”

  “I fell ill two days ago.” I cross my arms. “And you could have called.”

  “Nobody bothered to tell me until today. And what kind of fiancé would I be if I didn’t come in person to make sure you’re okay?”

  He walks over, and on reflex, I step back. He notices it.

  “You said you wanted to make things work between us, and yet, you act like you’re scared of me.”

  I snort. “Oh please. Like I’d ever be scared of you.”

  What’s making my heart beat out of control has nothing to do with fear. It’s the damn bond rejecting the knowledge that I’m supposed to marry someone who is not Saxon. Shit. What’s going to happen during the honeymoon? If I’m getting the creeps now, will I go into shock if Calvin touches me?

  My stomach decides to revolt just then. I run to the sink, almost not making it in time. My eyes and nose sting as I puke my guts out.

  “Fuck. You’re still sick,” Calvin says. “Are you contagious?”

  I wish I could tell him yes so he’ll bail, but I’m not done spewing out the contents of my stomach yet.

  Suddenly, a growl echoes in my apartment. It takes me a second to register that Saxon is here, ready to shred Calvin to pieces. The sickness passes at once.

  “Who the hell are you?” Calvin asks.

  Wiping my face with the back of my arm, I whirl around. Saxon’s eyes are glowing bright red and his lips are pulled back. Damn it. He’s gone berserk.

  I jump in front of Calvin with my hands up. “Saxon. Calm down. Everything is fine.”

  His breathing is coming out in bursts and he still won’t meet my gaze. His murderous eyes are focused on Calvin behind me.

  “What’s that deranged vampire doing here, Aurora?”

  I sense a burst of magic behind me, which only makes Saxon take a menacing step forward, body poised to strike.

  “Shut up, Calvin, and stand down.”

  “Hell no. That bloodsucker is going crazy and he’s going to kill us both.”

  “Saxon, look at me.” I walk over slowly, afraid any sudden movement will set him off. He’s like a wild animal in protective mode, ready to strike.

  But my proximity doesn’t seem to register. Saxon doesn’t lower his gaze to mine, so I reach over and touch his cheek as tenderly as possible. A zap of electricity shoots up my hand, but instead of causing pain, it soothes everything. My muscles relax and a peaceful warmth spreads through my body. Finally, his attention switches to me. The red in his eyes fades when he looks into mine and his fangs retract.

  “I’m okay,” I say.

  “I thought you were in danger,” he replies gruffly.

  Goose bumps spread all over my skin when sparks of electricity seem to crackle around us. The desire that has been ever-present unleashes at full strength, making the world around us disappear. Saxon leans down, bringing his mouth an inch from mine.

  “What the hell!” Calvin’s annoying voice pierces through the bubble of the mating bond, jarring me back to the here and now.

  Shit. I was about to make out with Saxon in front of my fiancé.

  I jump back, covering my face, which now feels as hot as lava. My pulse has skyrocketed and
my heart is beating in an erratic manner.

  Slowly, I turn around, not knowing how I’m going to explain what he just witnessed without telling the truth.

  “Did you fuck this bloodsucker, Aurora?” Calvin asks with an air of incredulity.

  “You bet your ass she did,” Saxon replies, stepping to my side.

  Damn it, Saxon. Way to make things worse.

  “What happened between Saxon and me is none of your business, Calvin. I had a life before our arrangement.”

  He doesn’t need to know I fucked Saxon’s brains out only after I knew I’d be shackled to his Douchey Excellency.

  “Right. You want me to believe your illicit affair is over?” Calvin narrows his beady eyes, while a vein in his temple throbs.

  Illicit affair? I’m so fucking angry right now that any common sense I have leaves my brain.

  “You know what? We’re not getting married for another nine months, which means I can do whatever I please until then.”

  “No, you can’t!” His eyes bulge from his skull, and I fear he’s about to have an aneurism. Boy, wouldn’t that be convenient? “You’re my fiancée.”

  Saxon wraps his arm around my shoulder, and my traitorous body melts into his. “You heard Rora. She can do whatever she pleases.”

  Calvin’s face twists into a horrifying mask of hatred. “You’re a filthy whore.”

  Saxon is gone from my side in a split second. In the next, he has Calvin by his neck, holding him off the floor.

  “You’re not going to disrespect Aurora in front of me, weasel. Apologize,” he growls.

  Calvin doesn’t say a word for a few seconds, but his face is definitely turning red. Saxon is squeezing his windpipe.

  “He can’t breathe, Saxon.”

  Only when he eases off his hold does Calvin say with a whimper, “I’m sorry.”

  To my surprise, Saxon doesn’t rip Calvin’s head off. He drops the asshole with an air of disgust and walks back to my side. I can sense the aggression coming off him in waves, though. He must be using all his willpower to not kill Calvin on the spot. Somehow, his restraint makes me want to jump in his arms even more, and the giddiness that’s now making my heart skip a beat feels different somehow. More real.

  Calvin doesn’t say another word as he hurries out the door, but I catch the promise of retribution in his eyes. I just made a huge mistake, but it’s not his retaliation that I fear. It’s Elena Montenegro’s. If Calvin breaks off the engagement, what’s going to happen to me?



  The motherfucker is gone, but my rage still churns inside. The only thing that kept me from turning him into human pâté was Aurora’s presence. I close the distance between us, ready to pull her in my arms, but the hardness in her eyes makes me stop in my tracks.

  “Why did you tell him about us?”

  She doesn’t sound mad, but she looks worried.

  “I couldn’t help it. You’re my mate, and my instinct is to claim you as mine. I know, it sounds barbaric. I’m sorry.”

  With a shake of her head, she veers toward the kitchen sink, reminding me that she was throwing up when I barged into her apartment. She rinses her mouth with water, then plucks a leaf from a mint plant on the counter, shoving it in her mouth.

  “It doesn’t matter now. The damage is done. Besides, Bloodstone is a gossip factory. Someone was bound to find out about us eventually.”

  I’d believe her if her body language didn’t tell me a different story. Unable to control myself, I stop behind her, leaving barely any space between our bodies. Her spine becomes taut while she grabs the edge of the counter.

  “Saxon, please. You’re making it worse.”

  I lean down, bringing my nose closer to her neck. Her scent shoots straight to my head, making me dizzy for a moment. Needing her as an anchor, I hold her arms, creating the familiar crackling energy that surges every time we touch. The action has the opposite effect of keeping me grounded. I feel like I’m flying, soaring through the skies. Her back is suddenly flush against my chest, and I don’t know if it was me who pulled her closer or if she melted into me by herself.

  One of my hands slides down her belly, and then disappears underneath the waistband of her leggings. Her pussy is hot and wet when I part her folds with my fingers. Letting out a kitten moan, she arches her back, and then reaches for the back of my head.

  “Saxon, this is a terrible mistake. We can’t let the bond win.”

  “Just this once, Rora. We’re hurting so badly.” I insert a finger inside of her while pressing my thumb against her clit.

  She gasps loudly, shuddering in my arms. I push her long hair off her shoulder, and place soft, open kisses on her neck while I finger-fuck her. My cock is so damn hard, ready for action, but there’s another urge that’s winning. I need her blood. My mouth is watering already. I’m about to sink my fangs into her skin when I feel a change in her body. She tenses and not because she’s about to climax.


  “Step away, Saxon,” she grits out. “Now!”

  I jump back, seconds before Aurora’s body becomes enveloped by an energy field. The occurrence only lasts a moment, and when it vanishes, she turns around, staring at me with eyes that are round with fear and regret.

  “Did I hurt you?” she asks.

  “No. What the hell was that?”

  She drops her chin, staring at the floor. “I think I’ve made a terrible mistake.” Her voice is small, defeated.

  I walk over, but she raises her hand. “No, don’t come closer. It’s not safe.”

  “What’s going on? What other terrible mistake did you make besides agreeing to marry that insipid clown?”

  She lets out a shaky breath that I feel deep in my soul. I never thought I’d be a protector to anyone, but for her, I’ll step into that role happily if she lets me. I don’t even know if my feelings are a result of the mating bond anymore, or if they’d be here, swirling in my chest, even without it.

  “On the evening of my engagement to Calvin, I made a deal with Elena Montenegro, one of the most powerful witches in Salem. I agreed to not call off the wedding in exchange for the spell that brought Lucca back from hibernation.”

  An invisible giant fist punches me in the chest, crushing my thorax. “Why would you do that?”

  She presses her lips together and her eyes reveal such turmoil and darkness that a sense of despair seeps into my brain. Am I feeling what she’s feeling?

  “Because King Raphael needed his nephew back, and also…” She trails off, looking away.

  “And also what?”

  “I saw how hard you took it when we couldn’t awaken your friend the first time.”

  There’s more she’s not telling me. I’m aware of it. But even her half-truth is making me shake, torn between crushing her into a bear hug and yelling at her for being so stupid.

  “What kind of deal did you make, Rora?”

  “A blood vow. It’s unbreakable.”

  I cover my mouth with a closed fist, fighting the urge to break something. When I thought this nightmare couldn’t get any worse. Fuck me.

  “I think the magic that created the vow is preventing me from being with you.”

  Rage surges within me, turning my vision red. “We’re going to find a way to break that stupid vow.”

  “Saxon, I can’t. We need to spend our time finding a manner to end our bond.”

  “No.” I stalk her, pushing her into a corner. “I’m not going to let some old hag have that kind of leverage over you.”

  Aurora lifts her chin in defiance. “You can’t make that decision, Saxon. This is my life.”

  “I’m your mate, damn it! Whether you like it or not. And until that changes, I’ll protect you from anyone who wants to harm you.”

  She doesn’t wince or cower from my outburst. On the contrary, she matches my intense stare. “If she hexes you, don’t come to me crying.”

  “There’s nothing she can do to m
e that’s worse than being mated to someone who’s determined to see me gone.”

  Her forehead crinkles. “That’s not true. I don’t want to see you gone.”

  “Tell me then, Rora. What is the truth?”

  She watches me for a couple of beats, and with each second that passes, my heart squeezes harder in anticipation.

  “The truth is I wish you had come into my life sooner.”

  Ah, fuck.

  Risking another electrocution, I pull Aurora to me, crushing my lips to hers, invading her mouth with my tongue, branding her as mine. Her passion matches mine stroke for stroke. I know what’s coming, I can sense the magic gathering in her core, but I need more than just a savage kiss. My fangs nick her lower lip, and the little bit of blood that drops into my mouth is better than the nectar of the gods. My balls become tight as hell, and my cock is about to explode.

  Then zap! I’m thrown back by the strength of the magical hit and crash against the door. My body convulses, and I try not to cry out while I’m getting fried by the repel spell. It takes at least a minute for the tremors to stop and the awareness of my body to return.

  Aurora drops into a crouch next to me. “Shit. Are you okay?”

  “I will be in a minute.”

  She gives me a once-over, fixating on my crotch. “Uh, Sax. What’s that stain on your pants?”

  I glance down, seeing the dark circle in the front. “Well, what do you know? There’s a first for everything.”

  “Did you piss your pants?”

  I snap my eyes to hers. “Are you crazy, woman? That’s not pee.”

  “But it’s a lot.”

  “I jizzed in my pants.”

  Her gorgeous lips part, a devilish temptation that, sadly, I must resist right now. I can’t get fried again.

  “You want me to believe that’s never happened to you before?”

  “I never went long enough without pussy for this to happen.”


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