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Pretty and Pregnant

Page 2

by Johns, Madison

  Kimberly grabbed a big pink bag and placed Weenie inside, giving him a dog treat to hopefully keep him content on the car ride. She danced her way back toward her car to the tunes from Mrs. Peacock’s house. Kimberly then hopped in the car, and was off like a shot. She swerved a bit when her purse toppled over with poor Weenie still inside it! Kimberly righted the bag and pulled Weenie out. He went to running around in circles on the seat for a full minute, and then plopped down panting heavily. “Sorry, Weenie.”

  When they pulled up to the vet, Kimberly had all but forgotten about the advertising gig she may or may not have gotten, that was until she saw Clive Baxter waiting for her. She gave him a wave with dog under one arm, purse under the other, and a dog treat clenched between her teeth.

  “Are you that hungry?” Clive asked with a smile plastered to his handsome face. His bleach blond hair blew in the breeze and he moved it hastily aside.

  With the dog biscuit still in place, Kimberly replied, “Nope, b-but it’s the only way I’ll get this dog to stay still inside.”

  The door opened and Jeremy stood there, holding it open. “I knew Clive wanted to talk to you about the perfume ad and I thought you might benefit from my legal expertise.”

  Kimberly rolled her eyes. If she hadn’t been pregnant, this would be her dream come true: two eligible bachelors to choose from. She made her way to the receptionist, signed in, and sat in the waiting room… right across from a woman with a pinched face holding a Siamese cat. “Hissss... ”

  Kimberley gave Weenie the doggy treat and moved him back into the safety of her purse. The last time Weenie went up against a Siamese cat it hadn’t gone well. Poor dear had a nasty scratch on his nose that took weeks to heal.

  Clive and Jeremy sat on either side of Kimberly.

  The woman holding the cat asked, “Oh, I didn’t know your were pregnant, Kimberly?”

  Drat! The woman knew her. “I’m sorry, do I know you?”

  “Your neighbor, Mrs. Peacock, is my sister.”

  Oh great, talk about the gossip twins.“And what is your name again?” Kimberly asked.

  “Mrs. Canary.”

  Seriously, had she heard that right?

  “Mrs. Canary?” asked Clive. “That’s your real name?”

  “Of course. Why would I make up something as simple as a name?”

  Why does everyone in her family have birds for last names, Kimberly thought?

  “I love your name, Mrs. Canary,” Clive said. “It’s a perfect name for a character in a novel.”

  “Oh, well... do you really think so?” she gushed. Her plump cheeks turned red matching the red ensemble she wore, both shirt and pants. She fixed a strand of grey hair and tucked it carefully behind one ear. She then turned her attention back to Kimberly. “So Kimberly, which one of these handsome men is the baby’s father?”

  Kimberly scrambled to think what to say that wouldn’t be in the local newspaper, but as if on cue, Mrs. Canary was called into the back.

  “Whew, that was a close call,” Kimberly said. “Another reason I can’t be doing any ad for your Pretty and Pregnant perfume. Beside that, I don’t fit the ‘pretty’ requirement.”

  “You don’t?” Clive asked.

  “Nope, I mean look at me. I resemble Shampoo the Whale.” Kimberly said.

  The men laughed. “I think you mean Shamu the Whale,” Jeremy corrected her.

  “If you don’t mind, I think you should both leave before anyone else shows up thinking one of you are the baby’s father.”

  “I need to discuss the ad,” Clive said. “How about at dinner tonight?”

  Anything to get rid of Jeremy and Clive. “Okay, call me.” She shooed the pair off reminding Jeremy to give Clive her digits.

  Within minutes she was called into the back. Weenie only yelped when a shot was given, but bit the vet’s hand when he had his temperature taken. “Sorry,” Kimberly said. She wondered why they need to take a dogs temperature to begin with.

  Kimberly left the vets office just as the sun had dipped a bit, and she zoomed home. She brought Weenie inside and placed him on his fuzzy bed where he fell fast asleep.Poor dear really hated the vet. At least she wasn’t billed for the bitten hand, Kimberly thought.

  Chapter Three

  When Kimberly’s phone chimed, she answered it. It was Clive, and she promised to meet him at Jeremy’s house for dinner, which meant there wouldn’t be any prying questions this time, but that Clare would also be there. When she hung up, she made way for the shower, and afterward applied a liberal amount of coco butter to her abdomen.

  Kimberly hadn’t thought about what she’d do after the baby was born. Only that it wouldn’t have a daddy. She couldn’t stay at the little cabin on the lake either, not with only one bedroom. It was too small. She hated the thought of moving though. She loved the knotty pine walls both inside and out. It was the dream cabin for her.

  Her folks, Bethany and Hal, had moved to Florida and agreed to allow her to live there. She still hadn’t told them that she was pregnant. There simply wasn’t a good reason to tell them just yet. The truth was that she dreaded that conversation.

  Kimberly planned to just lay low and possibly move out of town once the baby was born. Where to, she hadn’t a clue. But she planned to save every penny to make it happen. Another reason the ad might turn out to be a good thing. She’d use the money to finance a move to Troy, Michigan. It was more populated than this small town and she could disappear.

  She slid into another pink ensemble, this one with legging pants and a Chinese silky shirt overtop it with a slit that swept up the side, and of course, pink high heeled sandals on her feet. She retouched her toenails in pink frosted nail polish.

  Kimberly fed and watered Weenie before she headed out, and as she sauntered toward the car, she noticed that Mrs. Peacock’s sister, Mrs. Canary, stood outside with her. She quickly ducked in the car before more questions were asked. It really burned Kimberly that people would be so rude to ask her who the father of her baby is. It’s nobody’s business, least of all the snoopy neighbors.

  As she made her way onto Route 25, she drove five miles, making it to Jeremy’s beach house ten minutes later. She parked and carefully stepped out of her car, smoothing down her shirt to assure she looked presentable enough for an advertising campaign.

  Kimberly gazed up at Jeremy’s water access chalet in awe. When she moved toward the door she could see the house was within steps from Lake Huron.

  Jeremy might not be making a ton of dough in this small town, but he certainly had enough to buy this house.Wow, she thought. Not that she knew for sure how much he made. She chastised herself; she was no better than the gossip mongers Mrs. Peacock and Mrs. Canary.

  Seagulls flew overhead and sounded off while chipmunks chattered not far away. There were plenty of trees sheltering the chalet, a great idea in summer, but not so great in the fall when the leaves would tumble down.

  When Kimberly rounded the house to the door she grimaced when she saw the stairs. Okay, so she might wear unconventional clothing and footwear for a woman that was pregnant, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t careful. So she cautiously made her way up the nine steps and rapped on the door.

  Jeremy whipped the door open with a glint in his eye, and a smile plastered on his face. “Hello, Kimberly. Come inside.” He pressed a hand at the small of her back causing an involuntary tremor. She placed her hand against her stomach as kicks echoed from within.

  “Oh my,” she muttered.

  “What’s that?” Jeremy asked, his hot breath rustling the hair at Kimberly’s temples.

  She held her breath and then said, “Oh, the baby is just kicking up a storm.”

  “I see. I-I mean, I’d love to feel the baby kick sometime. If you don’t mind that is.”

  “Why on earth would you want to do that?” Clare chimed from across the room, but within hearing distance. “Unless you have something to tell me.” She purred from behind ruby red lips. The white crop pa
nts Clare wore displayed a great set of legs orgams as Kimberly had heard Jeremy refer to them as. Clare absently moved a stray blond lock from her face. Her milky white skin didn’t have a blemish or imperfection in sight.

  What was it about Clare that irked Kimberly so much?

  Stop it, it’s not like you used to date the man!

  “Is Clive here?” Kimberly asked as she strode into the great room. Two wooden back couches with cushions adorned the room along with two padded rocking chairs. Two tan tiffany lamps were lit low, which added to the warm ambiance. The chalet had a beach house feel to it. Jeremy chucked a piece of wood into the stone fireplace. “He’s outside on the deck.”

  “We’re having a fire tonight?” Clare rubbed a fingernail along her shirt absently. “How romantic, if we were alone that is.” She shot Kimberly a look laced with venom.

  Kimberly smiled sweetly not letting on how much she was bothered by Clare’s nasty comments and dirty looks.What had she done to deserve either? “I’m sure you two will have plenty of time to snuggle up later.”

  “I sure hope so,” Clare purred, trailing a finger down Jeremy’s arm.

  “Would you like a glass of wine?” Clare asked Kimberly.

  “I would, if I wasn’t pregnant,” Kimberly laughed. “I could go for a glass of ice tea though.”

  “Is caffeine good for the baby?” Jeremy asked. “I thought I read that caffeine can cause colic.”

  “Colic?” Kimberly asked. “I thought that was some old wives tale.” She smiled to herself. So Jeremy was researching pregnancy.

  Jeremy disappeared and returned with the requested ice tea. “Far be it for me to not give you what you want,” Jeremy chuckled.

  Kimberly’s cheeks burned as a hot blush formed. Her heart swelled as she thought about all the things she wanted, but couldn’t have now that she was pregnant. “Lead the way to the deck.”

  He led the way to the sliding glass doors and she gasped suddenly. “Wow, what a magnificent view,” she exclaimed.

  “Best in Michigan if you ask me, but I think I might be partial.”

  Rays of pink and orange cascaded from the sky toward the lake as the sun was just now setting. She didn’t notice too much that Jeremy took hold of her hand to help her down the few steps to the deck. She was too consumed with watching the sun sink below the lake. It was then that Clive gave her a questionable glance. His eyes focused on her hand. When she looked down, she saw Jeremy still held it, and let go like it was a hot poker. Clive had changed clothes from earlier. This time he wore jeans and a white tee, not business attire at all.

  Jeremy still wore what he had on earlier. He was the consummate fancy dancy lawyer or was he, Kimberly wondered. Still she was glad he was here to oversee the meeting. Lord knew she had no clue about what Clive really wanted or what it would entail.

  “Hello Clive,” Kimberly said as she gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

  “Wow, I sure never expected that, Kimberly. Please have a seat.” He held a chair for her to sit, while Jeremy and Clare sat across from them.

  “I guess it’s couples night,” Clare grinned.

  “Nope, just a business dinner,” Clive said. “I don’t want my new spokes model feeling put on. I don’t make a habit of getting involved with women I work with.”

  Kimberly wondered what the deal was with Clive’s admission. Perhaps he wanted to make her feel at ease. She appreciated it nonetheless. “Well, what exactly is it that you want me to do?”

  “You’re the new spokes model for the new perfume Pretty and Pregnant.”

  “Clive, you might want to break it down more for Kimberly, and she hasn’t agreed to anything yet.”

  “Good point,” Clivesaid smiling into Kimberly’s face. “What we’d like is a fresh face Kimberly, and you’rethat face.”

  “Well, I’m flattered, but—”

  “But nothing, you’re beautiful, breathtaking in fact,” Clive insisted. “We would start with a photo shoot and then a commercial. You’ll be in every magazine across the country.”

  “I see, but what if someone asks about the baby’s father?”

  Clive smiled. “I have given this some thought and what we need is a good story. We could say he was in Afghanistan.”

  Kimberly bit her lip and then gushed. “Oh, I could never say that. It’s s-so morbid. Men and women die over there for real. I’d never use something like that just to sell perfume.”

  “I see. I like a woman with strong convictions,” Clive began. “What about saying the baby’s father is Jeremy?”

  Clare choked on her lemonade. “Surely you’re joking! She’s not even Jeremy’s type.”

  Kimberly narrowed her eyes, but remained silent.

  “No need to be rude, Clare,” Jeremy said. “And you couldn’t be further from the truth.”

  She paled at that, but undaunted she replied, “Quit trying to be nice now. She doesn’t even have a waist. If you claimed the baby as yours you’d be expected to marry the girl. This is a small town unless you have forgotten.”

  Kimberly didn’t care for the topic of conversation at all and had to stop it before it got more out of hand. “I could say that the father died.”

  “Car accident?” Jeremy suggested.

  “No, hunting accident. I-I mean it’s more Michigan like and quite believable.”

  “Unless they start checking,” Clare said.

  Clive’s face lit up, “True, but it’s a great idea.”

  Kimberly took a drink from her ice tea. “What if they check like Clare said?”

  “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. Plus, we don’t have to mention it at all,” Clive said. “Unless they ask.” He looked deep into Kimberly’s eyes. “Trust me. I know what I’m doing.”

  Kimberly looked Clare dead in the face. “I-I guess, but it’s not you I’m worried about.”

  “Can we trust you to zip your lip Clare?” Clive asked.

  Jeremy tugged lightly on a lock of Clare’s hair. “She’ll keep it zipped, won’t you Clare?”

  “Anything for you, but really, I haven’t heard a word about who the baby’s father is or if Kimberly knows at all.”

  Kimberly’s lips turned down into a frown. “I don’t owe you or anyone else an explanation.”

  Clive leaned back in the chair. “I admire your spunk girl and you’re right. You don’t owe anyone anything. So do we have a deal or what?”

  Jeremy slapped a hand on the table startling Kimberly who absently placed a hand against her belly “If the money is right.”

  Clive took an envelope out from behind him and slid it to Kimberly, who looked at it like it was a snake waiting to strike. She then opened it and stared at the letter inside with a number figure and more zeros than she expected there to be. “Oh my.” She handed it to Jeremy with a trembling hand.

  He stood and read it silently well out of range of Clare’s prying eyes. “A very fair offer, but you need to map out what would be required travel wise.”

  “Of course; we’d love Kimberly to come out to California, but not in her condition. I love the small town appeal they have right here in Redwater. It’s a scenic locale that I think people would just love to see more of.” Clive’s eyes shifted toward the beach and then back at the chalet. “Why we could shoot right here, with your permission, Jeremy.”

  Jeremy paused for a moment, his lips turned up into a smile. “Sounds great. What do you think, Kimberly?”

  Kimberly’s mind was all jumbled inside. Spending time at Jeremy’s beach house sounded great, but at the same time, she was petrified. Being around the man at the office was bad enough. She tried to stop herself from viewing Jeremy as a potential suitor; it just wasn’t going to happen.

  Clive jarred her from her deep thoughts. “Kimberly.”

  “Yes, that sounds great.” She bit down on a finger. “How about using my dog Weenie in the ad?”

  Clive grinned ear-to-ear. “I love how you think, Kimberly.”

  Jeremy le
aned forward. “Okay, then it’s settled. Just have the contract sent to my office and I’ll go over it with Kimberly.”

  “My boss, Corrine Campbell, is bringing it. I’m so happy that she trusts my judgment. I’m picking her up at Detroit Metro tomorrow.” Clive squeezed Kimberly’s hand. “Until then, you might want to get plenty of rest. We can’t have any bags under those beautiful blue eyes,” he winked.

  “Seriously,” Clare began. “You two act like this woman is the country’s greatest treasure. I doubt anyone is going to even buy into a perfume named Pretty and Pregnant. I hope you have reserve ready for when this goes bust.”

  “Don’t be so negative, Clare. I hate negativity; life is too damn short as is!” Jeremy spat.

  “I-I didn’t mean it that way, but how does a perfume match up with a pregnant woman. Does it smell like gas?”

  Clive smiled. “No, it smells like Kimberly: sweet and full of sunshine.”

  Clare aggressively rolled her eyes and Kimberly hoped they’d get stuck inside her shallow head! Seriously, why had this woman even been invited? All she added was poison and venom, a major downer.

  At least Kimberly had some good eye candy to look at, like two healthy portions of it. Both Jeremy and Clive were equally attractive, yet in different ways. Jeremy was dark and brooding at times, yet always cheerful to her, whereas Clive had a boyish appeal to him. It mattered not as both men were off limits. One was her boss and the other had just hired her as a spokes model.

  Chapter Four

  Jeremy gathered a vodka with a twist of lime for him and an olive martini for Clare. Kimberly and Clive had left hours ago and here he was stuck with Clare. He was less than thrilled with her behavior today. Why was she so mean to Kimberly? The woman was pregnant and had enough worries, Jeremy mused. He couldn’t imagine what pregnancy without the father in the picture could be for a woman, not that he thought about it before. That was until he found out Kimberly was with child. He had to be honest with himself. It had hurt like hell when he found out. She had such a promising future ahead of herself. She was young and could go to college and get an education, but here she was pregnant with a baby on the way.


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