Book Read Free

Tennessee Whiskey

Page 19

by Donna K. Ford

  Emma slapped Trevor, pouring every ounce of hurt and pain and anger she had into the strike. “He’s not dead, if that’s what you mean.”

  Trevor’s head snapped to the side at the impact. He rubbed his cheek with his hand and glared at her but didn’t respond. Everyone in the room stood and gathered around them.

  “Get out,” Emma demanded.

  Trevor put a hand up. “This is a public place. I have a right to be here.”

  “You don’t have the right to be anywhere near my family.”

  Trevor shrugged. “Fine. But I have a right to know what’s happening with mine.”

  Emma frowned. “What are you talking about?”

  Trevor shrugged ignoring her question. He glanced around the room at the men and women glaring at him. He pursed his lips in a tight line, his anger close to the surface.

  “I can see this is a bad time. I’ll check back later.”

  “Don’t bother.”

  Trevor stared at her for a moment, his smug smile goading her. He looked like he was about to say more but stopped, as if thinking better of it. He took a step, then turned back to Emma. “Tell Dane I was here.” He turned and walked out.

  Emma was seething mad. She wanted to pound her fist into his face. Her anger was quickly doused when the doctor walked into the room.

  “Ms. Reynolds?”

  “Yes,” she answered, breathless. Her heart felt like it was lodged in her throat. It was hard to breathe.

  He nodded to her and the family as everyone drew closer. “He’s stable. We were able to fix the damage to his chest, but he lost a lot of blood. He’s not out of trouble yet, but he has a chance. It will be a while before you can see him.”

  “Thank you.”

  He dipped his head slightly toward her.

  Sue gripped Emma’s shoulder. “Thank God.”

  Everyone smiled and hugged her. Murmurs of gratitude filled the room as the rest of the family took in the news. Emma felt like a weight had been lifted from her chest. New tears stung her eyes. She hadn’t lost him.

  Emma gathered the coffee and hurried back to Dane’s room to tell Lily.

  She was surprised to see Dane awake talking to Lily as she entered.

  “Look who’s awake,” Lily announced.

  Emma smiled, feeling another piece of her heart mend. It had been a long night, and she hadn’t believed Dane was okay until she looked into her clear blue eyes that always reminded her of the ocean.

  “Hey,” she said to Dane.

  “Hey,” Dane croaked.

  Emma set the coffee down on the table and turned back to Dane, placing a hand on Lily’s back. “I just saw the doctor. Curtis is out of surgery. He made it. He isn’t out of the woods yet, but he has a chance. It will be a while before we can see him.”

  Lily wrapped her arm around Emma and kissed her cheek. “Oh, that’s wonderful news.”

  Emma nodded. “Yeah.” She looked down at Dane. They had come out of the flames, but the danger wasn’t over yet. Trevor’s visit said as much. The vultures were circling.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Dane sat on the edge of the bed and tried to figure out how she was going to manage her escape when she didn’t even have a pair of pants. She was certain her bare ass hanging out the back of the hospital gown was a dead giveaway.

  “Don’t even think about it.”

  Dane looked up to see Emma standing in the doorway watching her. Her arms were folded across her chest, and the look on her face told Dane not to argue.

  “I hate these things,” Dane said tugging at the thin white cotton with little blue diamond patterns scattered about. “This is worse than wearing a dress. I think I at least deserve a pair of pants.”

  Emma smiled. “If you’re good, I’ll see what I can do.”

  Dane took a moment to study Emma. She looked more refreshed after her shower and clean clothes. But the dark circles under her eyes gave away her fatigue.

  “You look better today,” Emma said stepping closer and tossing a bag onto the floor.

  “I was about to say the same thing about you. Did you get any rest?”

  “A little.”

  “Any changes with Curtis?”

  Emma shook her head. “He’s stable. He woke up for a little while earlier this morning. It was good to see his eyes open and know he’s going to be okay.”

  “This morning?” Dane looked at the clock. What time had Emma come back to the hospital? Had she really slept at all? Emma was a rock on the outside, but Dane knew she was a mess on the inside.

  Dane clenched her teeth. Why had she left Curtis? If she’d only brought him home and made him—made him what? He wouldn’t tell her where the drugs were. He wouldn’t go to the police. He wouldn’t even face the fact that Trevor would hurt him. She looked hard into Emma’s eyes. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. If I had only—”

  Emma stopped Dane by placing her fingers against her lips. “I don’t blame you for any of this. It isn’t your fault. There’s no way you could have known any of this would happen. I know my brother. I know how stubborn he can be.”

  Dane looked away. She had screwed up again, and once again someone else was paying for it.

  As if reading her mind, Emma placed two fingers under Dane’s chin and turned her head toward her. “Look at me.”

  Dane looked at her. Instead of the hurt, rage, and disappointment she expected to find, she saw worry, gratitude, and understanding. Tears glistened in Emma’s eyes.

  “Don’t blame yourself for this. Curtis got himself into this mess. And whoever did this to us is the one responsible for what happened, not you. I wouldn’t be standing here right now if it wasn’t for you.”

  Dane squeezed her eyes shut to push away the thought of anything happening to Emma. When she’d seen her run into that burning house, she’d lost her mind. She would have walked through the fires of hell to get Emma out.

  Dane kissed the tips of Emma fingers, relishing the feel of her touch.

  Emma moved her hand to Dane’s cheek and kissed the spot where her fingers had been. Dane’s skin didn’t look as red and angry as it had the day before. The soot and grime had been washed away, and with the exception of the tender pink skin around her nose and the bandages to her arm, Dane was beginning to look more like herself again.

  Someone knocked at the door. Emma pulled away, making room for the young man pushing a cart.

  “Time for your breathing treatment.”

  Dane sighed. “How many more of these do I have to take before you guys will let me out of here?”

  The young man shrugged. “That’s up to the doc. But I’d take these things as long as they tell you to. The last thing you want is to set up an infection in your lungs.”

  Dane’s shoulders slumped. “Fine.”

  Emma regarded Dane with a faint smile. She was definitely getting back to her old self. One more day of this, and she was sure Dane would make a run for it.

  Emma waited until the young man left the room before returning to Dane’s side. “So, what’s your plan?”


  “You can’t tell me you weren’t sitting here planning your escape.”

  Dane laughed. “Know me that well, do you?”

  Emma shrugged. “I know you hate hospitals.”

  “Yeah, well, at least as long as I’m here, I can keep an eye on you and Curtis.”

  Emma was surprised by the answer. “I thought that after all of this you’d be ready to get as far away from us as possible.”

  Dane took Emma’s hand, lacing their fingers together. “You aren’t going to get rid of me that easy. I’m not going anywhere.”

  A faint sigh slipped from Emma’s lips and she wouldn’t meet Dane’s gaze.

  “What is it?”

  Tears stung Emma’s eyes. “I was scared. I was scared when you were hurt. I was scared you would leave.”

  Dane wrapped her arm around Emma’s waist and pulled her close. “H
ey, I’m okay. All they’ve done is piss me off. There’s no way I’m backing down now.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  Dane shrugged. “I’m good at asking questions. I’ll start by shaking a few bushes. You never know what will fall out if you shake hard enough. The sheriff was in here earlier. I told him what I’d found. You wouldn’t believe how many guys on the force are related to Trevor.”

  Emma shook her head. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. Trevor has already been here. I don’t want you getting hurt. They tried to kill Curtis. I don’t want them coming after you too.”

  “What do you mean, Trevor was here?”

  “He was in the lobby just before the doctor came out to tell us Curtis was out of surgery. He said he heard what happened and wanted to check on him.”

  Dane clenched her teeth together so hard Emma thought they would break.

  “I slapped him and told him to get out.”

  Dane jerked her head up, surprised. “Good for you.” Then she frowned. “Oh, shit.”

  Emma smiled, then looked down at their joined hands. “He said something before he left. He said he had a right to check on his family. Then he said to tell you he was here.” Emma looked up into Dane’s eyes. “Is there something you should tell me about you and Trevor?”

  She nodded. “That night Trevor talked to me at your bar, he told me something I didn’t want to hear.” Dane’s skin turned cold as the icy tendrils of dread spread throughout her body. “Thomas Stewart is his father. He wanted to rub it in my face.”

  Emma gasped. “He’s your brother?”

  Dane shook her head. “No. I don’t believe it. But if Thomas is his father, we are at least cousins. And from what I found, Trevor is just one of many bad apples from that tree.”

  Emma swallowed. She looked shaken.

  “See, you were right. I am trouble.”

  “You aren’t anything like him.”

  Dane blew out her breath. “I’ve got to do something to stop him. I can’t just sit back and do nothing.”

  Emma gripped her hand like a vise. “Then let the police handle it.”

  Dane smiled. “I intend to do just that. But I can at least shake the bushes.”

  Emma rolled her eyes. “This is serious, Dane.”

  “I am very serious.”

  Emma pulled away and sat in the chair next to the bed, as if needing a little distance between them so she could think.

  Dane changed the subject. “Have you been to the house?”

  Emma nodded. “It’s all gone. The house, all of Momma’s things. It’s all gone.”

  “I’m sorry. I know how important that was to you. I can’t imagine.”

  A tear fell from Emma’s lashes to her lap. “Aunt Lily has been great to take me in. Her place is small, and she doesn’t have much room, but it’s been good to be with her.”

  Dane picked up on some of Emma’s worry. “I was thinking I’d get a room at the hotel when they let me go. At least for a few days, until I can figure something out.”

  Emma shook her head. “That place is dangerous. You can’t go there. Let me talk to James and see if he has room.”

  “I don’t think I have to worry about it right this minute,” Dane said, lifting her arm, the IV tube dangling from her wrist. “I’ll figure something out. Right now, I have bigger worries.”

  Emma frowned. “What?”

  “Where am I going to get pants?”

  Emma laughed and kicked the bag she had tossed onto the floor. “I think I can hook you up, but only on one condition.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You will stay here until the doctor says you can go, and you won’t get into any trouble.”

  “I think that’s two conditions,” Dane teased.

  “Promise me.”

  Dane pressed her hand over her heart. “I promise.”

  Emma narrowed her gaze at Dane, using her I mean it look.

  “Come on, Emma, help me out here. That blond nurse with the red lipstick keeps looking at my ass. Do you really want that?”

  Emma laughed. “I don’t know—maybe she’s just what you need.”

  “You are what I need. You and pants.”

  Emma unzipped the bag and handed Dane a pair of black sweatpants. “And since you’ve been such a good patient, I even brought you a T-shirt to match, but I’m not sure they’ll let you wear it.”

  Dane took the shirt. “I’d like to see them try to stop me.”

  “Be careful. I saw how swift the nurse was to give you those knockout drugs.”

  Dane stopped and looked at the door half expecting the nurse to walk in on her. She shrugged and started tugging on the sweats. She pulled the strings free and tried to slide out of the gown, realizing too late that there was no way she could get the T-shirt on with the IV in her arm. She sat with her bare breasts exposed as she tried to figure a way out of the mess.

  Emma stood and took the shirt from her. “Here, let me help.” She couldn’t stand to see Dane like this, but it could have been so much worse. She stared at Dane’s bare chest, the tender skin of her breasts. She wanted to reach out and touch her. The memory of Dane’s skin on hers made her hot, and she felt her cheeks burn. The reality of how close she had come to losing her was overwhelming, and Emma wanted to touch Dane just to know she was real.

  Emma slowly worked the gown back over the bandages. She wrapped her arms around Dane to tie the strings in the back, gently brushing her fingers against Dane’s skin. She felt Dane shiver at the touch. Dane slid an arm around Emma and rested her head on Emma’s shoulder.

  Emma drew in her breath. It seemed like an eternity since they had held one another, since she had felt Dane’s skin on hers, and now even the slightest touch had her longing to be alone with Dane. She needed to inspect every inch of her to know her hurts and heal her with her kiss.


  Emma took a step back. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to.”

  Dane grasped her arm as she backed away.

  “Oh no. I’m already having a hard time not touching you. I can’t,” Emma said putting her hand up between them.

  “Tell me what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I just can’t do this here.” She picked up the bag and handed it to Dane. “I also got you some other things I thought you might need.” She glanced toward the door. “I’m going to go see if they’ll let me see Curtis. Maybe he’ll be awake this time.”

  “Will you come back later?”

  Emma stopped at the door. “I’ll be here.”

  “Thanks for the clothes.”

  Emma looked at her, trying to defuse the tension with playfulness. “You promised, remember.”

  “Yeah. I promised.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Dane sat in a chair across from Curtis, watching him sleep. She had been released earlier but didn’t know where else to go. She had plenty she needed to do, but for the time being she couldn’t pull herself away. They still didn’t know if Curtis would survive, but every day gave hope. She hated to think of what would happen to him if he did. Whoever shot him wouldn’t want him living long enough to identify them. She pondered every memory she had of Curtis. He was like a puzzle. She thought if she looked at him long enough, she’d figure it out.

  Curtis stirred. His eyes slowly fluttered awake. He looked confused when he saw her sitting at his side.

  “Hey, Curtis.”

  “Hey.” He looked around as if expecting someone else. “Where’s Emma?”

  Dane leaned forward and rested her elbows on her knees. “She’s getting some rest. I told her I’d stay with you today.”

  “Did you really drag me out of that fire?”

  Dane nodded. “Emma and I did it together.”

  Curtis let out a sigh. “Emma’s still mad at me. Are you mad too?”

  “No. I’m not mad. And I don’t think Emma is mad at you either. She’s worried and she’s scared.” Dane picked at the soft bandage covering her
arm. “What do you remember?”

  “Not much.”

  “Look, man, you can’t keep doing this. You have to give me something. I can’t help you if you don’t talk to me. Emma deserves better than this. You have to stop thinking like a kid and act like a man. They can’t get to you in here, but you’ll go home eventually. Do you really want these guys getting to Emma or Aunt Lily?”

  Curtis flinched. He looked to the door as if he expected someone to come through it and finish him off.

  “I was up the creek by the bus when I heard Trevor call my name. I could hear things getting thrown around in the bus. I ran up the trail to the farm when I heard the gunshots. It sounded just like in the movies, only this time it was real, and I was scared. I ran to the house. I didn’t know where else to go. But the big man was waiting there. He pointed a gun at Samson and told me to call him off or he’d shoot him. I told Samson to go check the chickens. The big man didn’t like that I wouldn’t tell him where the rest of the drugs were. I tried to tell him the police took ’em, but he wouldn’t believe me. He hit me in the head with the gun. He searched around the house for a bit and got real mad when he didn’t find anything.”

  Dane reached into her pocket and pulled out the photo she’d printed out before the fire. “Is this the guy that shot you?” she asked, holding the picture up for him to see.

  Curtis stared at the picture, his eyes widening with recognition. He nodded. “That’s him. That’s the guy, the same guy that came to the farm and beat me up.”

  Relief flooded Dane. She was glad they were on the right track. Once they could get an identification to the sheriff, they could get this guy before he could come back for Curtis.

  “Why didn’t you just give him what he wanted?”

  “I couldn’t. Those drugs are killing people. They killed my friends. I couldn’t let them have it back.”

  Dane nodded. “Did this guy say who sent him?”

  “No. He just said he wanted his stuff. He said he was tired of playing games with me. But that didn’t make sense because he didn’t give me the stuff, Trevor did. I figured this guy was trying to pull one over on Trevor and get him in trouble. The next thing I know he’s pointing a gun at me. I don’t remember anything after he shot me.”


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