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Billionaire Bachelor_Sean

Page 5

by Melissa Stevens

  She kept telling him she was too much for him to carry, but he ignored it and headed for the bedroom.

  Sean couldn’t believe his luck. He’d asked for a wife willing to stay home and raise his children and he’d been sent not only a woman who was willing to do that, but one who wanted to. He’d half expected her to be homely and someone he had to work hard to bed, but somehow the agency had sent a woman he found incredibly attractive. She was just his type. Round and lush. If he’d been given a lineup of women to choose from, he couldn’t imagine any of them being any sexier than Sabrina, or Ree as he’d started calling her in his head. For some reason when he’d read the name Sabrina he’d pictured Audrey Hepburn. It wasn’t that he didn’t like the actress, but he thought of her as he’d seen her the most, older and not really someone he was attracted to. She had amazing talent, which he didn’t doubt his Sabrina shared, but the woman in his arms just wasn’t the same, at least not in his mind.

  As she had talked to him, telling him different things about herself and her life it had come to him. She wasn’t Sabrina. She was his Ree. He might tell her sometime or it might slip out, but for now, it was just in his head. She was his Ree.

  He carried Ree into the bedroom and dropped her on the bed, laughing as a look of horror that flashed across her face for a split second before relief took its place as she hit the mattress and bounced. A look he didn’t understand yet crossed her face and for a moment he thought he'd screwed up then she threw her head back and laughed. It wasn’t a small, polite laugh, but a happy tinkling laugh that made him want to hear it again. He was half tempted to abandon what he’d been doing and instead crawl up the bed after her, tickling and teasing until she laughed again, but there were more important things at hand.

  Showing his Ree how good he could make her feel.

  He watched her sink into the fluffy white comforter that, until now, he’d only thought was a pain in the ass to keep from getting dirt on, now he appreciated it for another reason. It made the rosy pink of her skin pop into his attention. He kicked off his shoes and unbuttoned his shirt as he watched her snuggle deeper on top of the bed, her eyes on him. For a moment he was tempted to turn it into a show. To strip for her one piece of clothing at a time, but something told him not today. They’d have a life time together and he would have other opportunities.

  After shrugging his dress shirt off and tossing it aside he decided he’d let her be long enough and moved toward her, he leaned over the bed and kissed her again, as she started to relax he slid one hand up her leg, starting low and inching upwards until it was slipping beneath her skirt, pushing it up as he went. Sabrina wiggled beneath him. She pushed one hand into his hair, her nails raked against his scalp. The small sting only made him want more. Her other hand was splayed flat against his chest. The heat of it seeping through the thin cotton of his undershirt making him wish he’d shed it when he’d taken off the other one.

  Chapter 10

  Sabrina lay in the middle of the rumpled bedding struggling to remember how to breath normally. Sean lay beside her, his own breath coming in ragged gasps. As she stared up at the fan spinning in lazy circles above them she wondered why she’d waited this long to do that. Oh, yeah. No one she’d cared to get that close to before. And as much as she wanted children, she’d never even dated anyone she cared to risk having them with before.

  Now though? Not only could she see having kids with Sean, they’d already discussed it. And really, what was a two or three day head start? She tried to remember where she was in her cycle and figure out how likely that might be. Several seconds later she heaved a sigh and gave up.

  “What’s wrong, baby?”

  “I can’t think. You turned my brain to mush.”

  “I did do a good job, didn’t I?”

  “Not that you’re modest about it or anything.” She couldn’t help the satisfied smile that crept across her face.

  “To hell with modest. It’s hard not to be smug after the way you screamed and begged for more.”

  “I did not.” Okay, maybe she did. But she wouldn’t admit to it. Not yet. Maybe after a repeat performance. She’d wait until they could both breathe normally before suggesting that.

  “You did too.” His voice held a light teasing note that she decided to let go, for now. They were quiet for a few minutes then Sean spoke again. “So, about that other bedroom. You’re welcome to use it, but it seems a little pointless now. All things considered.” He ran a work roughened finger along the side of her breast then flicked her nipple. She shivered, and he did it again. She turned her head to watch his face.

  “Enjoying yourself?”

  “Yeah,” he said with a grin. “I love how well you respond to me.”

  “Hmm.” She narrowed her eyes at him and considered how to respond.

  “You didn’t answer me.”

  She frowned trying to remember what he’d asked her about. After a moment he took mercy on her.

  “Are you going back to the other room or sleeping here?”

  Oh. That. It hadn’t been a question, had it? “I can sleep here. But I need to clean up first.” She started to push herself upright, but stopped when there was an unexpected ache between her thighs.

  “Here,” Sean rolled out of the bed with ease, “a hot bath will help that. Let me get it started.”

  He disappeared into the bathroom she’d seen while looking around earlier, and she heard water running. She took a deep breath, preparing herself to get up and go in there. Half the battle was steeling herself to walk around in front of him with no clothes on. Before she’d managed it, he appeared next to the bed, still as naked as he’d been when he’d gotten up. “Up and at ‘em, baby. I added some Epsom salts to the water, that will help.” He took her hand and pulled her to her feet, then walked her into the bathroom. “I would have added some bubbles, but all I have is body wash, and it’s pretty manly smelling.”

  “I wouldn’t have minded.” She was touched by his thoughtfulness. She sat on the edge of the tub and stuck her hand under the faucet to check the temperature. The tub was filling quickly with steaming water, but she was pleased to find it wasn’t too hot. She climbed in and sank down, sighing as it started to relax her sore muscles. She tipped her head back and closed her eyes only to jerk her head up right again when the water rose sharply.

  “I didn’t think you’d mind.” Sean scooted around until he sat beside her.

  “I don’t. There’s plenty of room in here for us both.”

  He laid his arm along the edge of the tub behind her and she leaned into him, wondering how he would surprise her next.

  Chapter 11

  Sean woke as the sun rose and bright sunshine poured into the bedroom. He’d forgotten to close the blinds the night before. He rolled away from the glass doors that let in the light and remembered why he’d forgotten. He’d been so wrapped up in his Ree he’d not even thought about it. First on the bed, then a bath to ease her soreness, then they’d both been unable to resist the temptation once they’d slipped naked between the sheets.

  Now she lay face down on the other half of the king size bed, her nose crinkled as she pressed it into the pillow, a light snore sounding every few breaths. It was cute. He lay there for several minutes, watching her sleep and wondering what a tiny version of her wandering through the apartment might be like. Would a little girl be into princesses and glitter or want to pick up a hammer and follow him to a job site? Sabrina rubbed her face against the pillow and seemed to sense she was being watched. Her lashes fluttered open and her deep chocolate eyes flashed panic for a moment before they softened. He knew she’d remembered the night before. A smile curved her lips.

  “How long have you been watching me sleep?”

  “A few minutes.”

  “What time is it?”

  “About six thirty.” He usually got up with the sun, so he had a good idea of when sunrise was. Sabrina scrubbed one hand over her face and blinked several times.

“That’s right you guys do Daylight Savings.”

  “You guys?” He frowned.

  “I’m from Arizona, remember? No Daylight Savings, no time change ever. It’s confusing. Especially when you’re not used to it. I thought it was an hour earlier and I was wondering why you’re awake so early.” She shifted so she lay on her side, facing him. Her head rested on the pillow, but her curls had become a mane around her head. Somehow Sean knew she’d be horrified when she saw it, but it only made him want to bury his hands in it, roll her onto her back and kiss her again. Hmm. Maybe he should brush his teeth first.

  “It’s about when I get up every day.” He used one hand to smooth a stray strand out of her face and tuck it behind her ear. A soft smile curved her lips as she brought her hand up to cup his against her face.

  “Speaking of, what are your plans for today?”

  “I have a couple meetings that couldn’t be rescheduled or at least past today, one of them was originally scheduled for while I was at the airport yesterday.” He watched her for a moment. “Did I tell you I only found the letter about your arrival about two hours before you landed? I had Harriet reschedule what she could, but some of these people have to travel from out of state and as much as I want to, I can’t just blow them off.”

  “I understand. I wouldn’t want you to do that.” Her voice was soft and understanding. “Your work is what will allow me to do what I want. To do what I’ve dreamed of. I can’t begrudge it too much.”

  “What about you, what do you want to do today?”

  “Since we forgot the groceries last night,” she shot him a playful grin, “I thought I’d do that, then move my things from the other bedroom. There’s really no point in leaving them there, is there?”

  “I tried to tell you that last night.” He smirked.

  “Did you? I don’t recall. I might have had other things on my mind last night.” She laid one hand on his chest and inched it down his body. He caught it against his body with one hand.

  “Three times in the last twelve hours is enough to make anyone sore, much less a virgin.” He picked up her hand and brought it to his lips for a gentle kiss. “Take another bath, do your thing here. I’ll leave a card on the bar in the kitchen if you want to go downstairs and get some groceries or have something delivered.” He hated to do it, but he had to get up. His first meeting was in a little over an hour and as much as he liked the smell of her on his skin, he had to get in the shower. The last thing he needed was for Flint to think he had a weakness to exploit. Even if it was starting to be true.

  With one last kiss to her hand, and another to her forehead, he rolled out of bed. “Go back to sleep. You didn’t sleep much last night.” He didn’t wait for her response as he went into the bathroom and closed the door. When he came out of the large walk in closet where he’d dressed, she was snoring softly. He wished he could spend the whole day with her, committing her every inch, her every sigh to memory, but duty called. He’d be counting the minutes until he could return.

  Chapter 12

  Sabrina yawned and shuffled into the kitchen. She couldn’t believe there was no clock in the bedroom. At least not that she’d been able to find.

  She’d fallen back to sleep when Sean got in the shower and woke up groggy, with no idea what time it was or when he would be back. She’d made her way into the bedroom she’d claimed for her own, pulled on a night gown and now she was hunting coffee. She knew once she got pregnant, assuming she did, she’d have to limit her caffeine, but from her research, she could still have one cup a day. That was a comfort. If she had to give it up entirely, people might not survive. On the kitchen counter she found the single-cup coffee maker, thankfully there was a little tree with pods right next to it and she’d found the mugs the day before when she’d been looking for something to eat. After picking out a coffee flavor, she put a mug under the machine and hit start. There, it wouldn’t be long now.

  She leaned against the counter and glanced around the room while she waited. There was a bowl in the sink that hadn’t been there the day before and a credit card on the bar with a piece of paper. Curious, she went to see what it was.

  Here’s the card. Use it for whatever you like, within reason. If you get groceries, pick up some Honey Bunches of Oats, cinnamon pecan, please.

  I should be back about two o’clock.


  Hm. She picked up the card to get a closer look. The coffee maker finished with a puff of steam and she went to get her mug. A long sip, a moment of quiet then the caffeine hit her brain and she remembered the credit card in her other hand. A closer look told her it was unlike any card she’d ever seen. The card was black with Sean’s name and American Express in gold letters. Huh. She put it back on the counter, and picked up the paper and pen. Flipping the page over she started a list, putting his cereal down first as well as basics, eggs, bread, cheese, lunch meat, and a few other things she used regularly. By the time she finished her coffee she had a decent sized list. Looking over at the coffee maker she considered another cup, figured why not and started it. She went in the room she’d started to settle into, picked up her things, and took them in the master bedroom, but didn’t bother to unpack, not yet. She did start water in the huge tub, then went to get her coffee before stripping out of her night gown and sinking back into the steaming water to relax while she enjoyed her second cup of java.

  Her first night with her husband to be had gone nothing like she’d thought. But it turned out to be a good thing instead of the ordeal she’d feared.

  Sean was caring, he was nice and he seemed to want exactly what she did. She had been prepared to endure the groping of a man three or four times her age in order to get the children and the lifestyle she wanted. Though, looking around the bathroom, this was far better of a lifestyle than she’d hoped for. She would have been happy with upper middle-class, as long as she didn’t have to work forty or sixty hours a week to be able to raise her family, not being able to enjoy them the way she wanted. She knew some people would consider her no better than a whore, selling her body to get what she wanted, and the idea of that hurt, but not enough to keep her from going after what she wanted. She knew what some would think when she went into the agreement. She was determined to not let it affect her. The only opinions that mattered were hers and Sean’s.

  Sabrina tilted hear head back until it hit the edge of the tub and closed her eyes. That’s when she remembered. There was a confidentiality agreement as part of her contract with Diamond Bridal Agency. She wasn’t supposed to tell people how they’d met. That was why they’d come up with the story that he’d met her in Florida, of course if she went to Florida with him they could always tell people they’d met here. Well, that was one less thing to worry about. Not that there weren’t plenty more to take its place.

  Glancing around the bathroom, she remembered she’d forgotten to check the time. She also wondered where her cell had gotten to. With a frown, she took a sip from the mug and found it cool enough for a long drink. Where had she had her phone last?

  When she’d finished the drink, she pulled the plug and stepped out of the tub feeling much better. The muscles that had not hurt exactly but been sore and well used, were back to normal. After dressing in the clothes she’d brought into the bathroom with her, she tackled the job of unpacking, dragging one of her two suitcases into the walk-in closet attached to the master bedroom only to find it huge. Sean had only told her the door was a closet the day before, he hadn’t taken her inside. This closet was three times the size of the one off the other bedroom’s bathroom. It was divided into three sections and only one had anything in it. Sean’s things hung neatly in one section. There was a damp towel rumpled on the floor of another and nothing at all in the third section.

  Sabrina stood a moment with her mouth open as she looked at the sheer amount of space, then got busy as she hung her things in the section that was completely unused, figuring that they could spread toward each other over time and mee
t in the middle. She couldn’t imagine having enough clothes to fill even one section of the room, much less the whole thing. The things she brought with her didn’t even fill one wall in the area she’d taken for herself.

  That job done, she went back into the bedroom she’d been planning to use to look for her phone. She looked everywhere she could think of, but couldn’t find it. When had she had it last?

  That’s right. She’d been using it for Internet while watching TV the day before and had handed it to Sean to put his numbers in before dinner. Had she left it in the study with her computer? A quick check turned up her phone, but she quickly realized the battery was dead. Shaking her head at her own air-headedness, she took the phone, computer and both chargers into the kitchen and set them up at the bar. Once her phone was charging she opened up her computer and realized she still didn’t have the wi-fi password. Crap. And she couldn’t text or call and ask because her phone was dead. She did check the time while she had the computer open, wondering again why there were no clocks to be seen. At a quarter to eleven, she had plenty of time to kill, and she might as well start thinking about dinner too.

  With nothing else to do, she took the key he’d given her the night before, the credit card and her list, and headed out to the elevator. She wondered what they would have in the way of fresh meat in that little market she’d seen the night before, and what exactly did Sean consider ‘within reason.’

  She didn’t know how long she’d been gone, but it hadn’t been more than a half hour or forty-five minutes. When she let herself in the penthouse door the phone was ringing. After hesitating for a moment, wondering if she should answer it, she decided why not and picked it up.


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