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Grai's Game (First Wave)

Page 11

by Mikayla Lane

  “Agreed. Now go speak to the Tezarian’s and get that set up. I want you and the other volunteers to begin immediately after we re-locate. I must contact the council and inform them that we have no choice but to allow some of our people to beast-bond. I’m sure that will go over very easily.” Ivint said with a snort.

  Reven gave Ivint a wry smile, “I do not envy you the task. I will return shortly.”

  Ivint watched as Reven walked out of his room to talk to Dread and Viper. Sitting down heavily at the desk in his room, Ivint tried to think of a way to explain to the council that he was going to break thousands of years of laws and why.


  Several hours later, Grai stood in front of the port that was located in his warehouse and turned to look at the people lined up to enter. Nodding at Balduen, Dread and Gibly, who had been the first to volunteer to go through the gate with him, he walked calmly into the portal.

  Walking through to the side he stepped farther into the portal room at location Delta-Echo-four and waited for his companions to come through next. Turning to his people, who were awaiting the new arrivals he commanded, “Be ready. This is the moment we have all waited for. Remember what to do.”

  Balduen was the first to come through; Grai had expected that he would be, not wanting the High Councilor’s private guard and friend to be the first, in case he was lying.

  Balduen looked around at the assembled group, noticing immediately the lack of weapons and the welcoming smiles. The twenty or so people assembled in the large portal room were another strange mix of hybrid men and women of different humanoid races.

  “Sir, I will assist you in getting a room and learning your way around Delta-Echo-four.” One of the hybrid girls said with a shy smile, coming to stand in front of Balduen.

  “Thank you. However, I will await my commander and my mate.” Balduen said with a slight bow as he stepped away from the portal. Inwardly, he was communicating with Dare, Dread and Viper about what he had encountered.

  Moments later, Reven came through and when the same girl walked up to him, Grai stopped her. “He is the High Councilor’s personal guard and his friend, and he will wait for his commander. I will personally give them a tour of the facilities and show them to their rooms.”

  The young girl just smiled and nodded at Grai’s gentle words and tone, her face beaming as she looked to see who would come through the portal next.

  Balduen looked around and noticed that everyone was smiling and seemed weirdly happy to see them. Sending out his senses to inspect the general area he was overcome with a feeling of excitement and friendliness.

  Either Grai had trained his people to hide their true emotions very well, or his people were truly happy with their arrival. Why, remained to be seen, but Balduen was satisfied that Dare was in no danger that he could see. Not that it mattered, the damn stubborn woman had refused to go to the ship with Cari and Jess.

  Reven also looked around the packed portal room and couldn’t help but notice the smiling, friendly faces that greeted his arrival through the gate. Looking to Balduen to confirm that he didn’t sense any danger, he stood back to await Ivint, who was waiting for the ‘all clear’ signal from Dread.

  Ivint came through next; Reven and Balduen looked around the room at the people who gasped at the sight of the High Councilor coming into the room to make sure that no one looked to make a move towards him.

  Ivint quickly stepped farther into the portal room to allow others to come through behind him. Standing off to the side he looked curiously around the strange portal room and the stranger group of people that had greeted his arrival.

  Balduen looked around curiously at the look of shock and awe on the faces of Grai’s people. Looking towards Ivint, he could only assume that it was the impact of the man and his shining golden breastplate that seemed to have the room spellbound by his presence. He had to admit though, that he felt much better when Dread and Viper came through next. Their calm, relaxed manner eased his peace of mind that they were safe.

  Grai moved to the group of Valendrans and Tezarian’s and motioned for them to move to an upper platform with him. His heart swelled with pride as his guests looked around the portal station with a mixture of impressed stares and open mouthed wonder.

  They were situated in a cavern blasted out of the earth, at a depth of thirty seven hundred feet. The cavern was fifty two feet high and several hundred feet wide. However, it was the walls that drew the attention.

  The strange swirls and striations of silver and gold threaded throughout the walls created wisps of color that seemed to shimmer in the air as the lights lit up the room.

  Moving up to the large platform, the steps carved out of the natural stone shimmering with the precious metals drew the eye to floor. The whole room had an unreal, magical feel to it that kept everyone silent as they took it all in.

  “Julou came from the planet Katavai; he was a mineral specialist there. He and his surviving people helped to build this place and make it habitable for all of us. We keep the portal room here because the metals work with the stones to strengthen the signal and keep it stabilized.” Grai explained to the open mouthed group. It was one of the most beautiful rooms in the compound. After all these years, it still could take his breath away.

  “It’s incredible.” Ivint muttered as he looked around. It wasn’t just the walls that were impressive he thought. The upper platform they were standing on looked out over the room.

  There were at least twenty different port stations, each identifying the relevant station that it would lead to. Dozens of auto carts and sleds, waiting to carry people and belongings to other parts of the underground compound, lined the far wall.

  Dotting the same wall as the carts, there were large openings that looked to be tunnels. Ivint squinted to see but was unable to read the signs posted on the walls outside each of the tunnels.

  “They are designating the different places that they lead to in the compound, Sir.” Balduen offered when he saw Ivint leaning forward and squinting at the tunnels. Ivint nodded his thanks to him.

  “Here, I can show you. We can give you the virtual tour now, that way you will know the layout before we move further inside.” Grai offered, moving to the control center on the platform.

  Using the computer, Grai pulled up an interactive map of the facility. Moving to stand in front of the image hovering in the air, he touched the port room area on the shimmering map.

  “This is where we are right now. Port room Echo One.” Grai began.

  Balduen listened with half an ear as Dare came through the port and walked up beside him. Putting his arm around her, he gave her a squeeze before turning his attention back to Grai. He wanted to know everything about this new location his mate had demanded to come to.

  “These maps are located in every doorway of the facility so no one should ever get lost. Port stations to different areas of the facility are located in the extreme distant areas only. So the R&D labs in the far west section, med labs in the south, main port stations in the north and the weapon sections in the east all have port stations that will take you to the living areas in the center. There are command centers on each floor in case an area needs to be sealed off.” Grai explained, the pride evident in his voice.

  He had a right to be proud; Ivint thought. The place was very impressive. It was very carefully thought out and covered every need that his people could have. Including escape routes of every kind if the need ever arose. There was even a tunnel that led to another cavern that housed shuttles and other flight craft.

  With the crash course in the layout of the compound over, they turned to watching as some of their people waited for friends to come through the portal before heading off to inspect the new area. Those familiar with the location promising to give them a tour of the best places.

  Others came through warily, immediately on guard and obviously not comfortable. Ivint noted that it was an interesting mix of Banatar’s hybrids and his Valendrans
that seemed to be the most wary. The gifted ones and those that did not form ties with Grai’s women, being less guarded than the rest.

  Sighing he realized that this was probably the best and only way to ease the suspicions and mistrust he could see in the eyes of his people. He noted that their wariness did not diminish the shining happiness of Grai’s people.

  Tired of wondering why they seemed so happy amidst such contrasting attitudes; he asked Grai. “Why is it that your people seem so… strangely happy?”

  Grai thought he must have heard the High Councilor wrong until he looked around at his people in the room understanding their excitement.

  “They are in awe that the leader of the Valendran people was brave enough to come. That you would give them a chance to prove that they should be free once again. Here, we have saved as many of the survivors of the destroyed planets that we could. To preserve their species, prevent the unnecessary extinction of their people.”

  “Like the Katavai, their only crime had been being in the way of something my father wanted. Most prefer being in the safety of this place rather than the surface compounds because they still fear. Here is a safe place for them to learn to heal. To be productive and contribute in their own ways, and we encourage and teach them to rebuild their lives.” Grai explained, hoping that the excitement of his people wasn’t making everyone too uncomfortable.

  “How many different species do you have here?” Reven asked, unable to hide the wonder in his voice. He’d known of hundreds of worlds that the Relian’s destroyed. Good people that had not deserved the fate handed to them at the hands of the animals that destroyed them.

  “Here we have eleven. There are an additional seven that have transitioned to the surface compounds and are doing well enough that they stay aboveground. Some even have families. Normal families whose children even go to school with the human children.” Grai said with a grin of happiness as he pulled up data on the different species and their status on the screen.

  “That’s amazing.” Ivint breathed out in wonder, recognizing the names of a few species he had met with personally in his life. Before the Relian’s had destroyed their worlds.

  “How did you manage such a thing with your father and brother around?” Reven asked curiously. Things just seemed too perfect for him, and he wasn’t about to let his guard down where Ivint’s safety was concerned again. He even had the head gear attached to his weapon's belt.

  “It wasn’t easy. Some species we were only able to save a handful of before our plans were ruined. We lost far more than we were able to save.” Grai said sadly. Balduen and Dare were surprised at the depth of his sadness over the loss of so many. His grief vibrated from him before he quickly regained control of himself.

  Silence hovered over the group as they watched their people come through the portal and begin setting it up as a combined force command center. Each person being assigned tasks that they were familiar with alongside those who performed the duties already at the compound.

  Banatar watched as Risk came through, Traze on his heel, each never taking their eyes from their comm’s and continuing a conversation they must have started before each stepped through the portal.

  Risk didn’t even look up when Traze led him to a mobile vehicle and sped with him down one of the tunnels, their voices drifting off as they descended further into the compound.

  Chapter Ten

  Grai woke suddenly, instantly alert. Looking over, he saw that Tricia was still laying on her side sleeping quietly. Getting out of the bed he moved to the other side of the room, kneeling at the bed Tristan slept in at night.

  He ran a gentle hand through Tristan’s soft bangs before standing and sending out his senses for whatever had disturbed him from his sleep.

  “Gibly said that Traze and Risk found something you need to see.” Death explained as Grai quickly donned his clothes.

  Grai wondered why the message was coming from Gibly and not Traze when he looked down at Tricia and sighed. They had been apart for months, and he’d not even had a chance to really be alone with her since they were back together.

  Since the High Councilor and Banatar had arrived days ago it had been one long meeting after another. He never got back to their room until long after Tricia had gone to sleep, and he awoke before she did.

  He needed to be with her, and Tristan. However, he also had an obligation to all the other people who relied on him, to make sure that he could establish peace and a truce with the Valendrans.

  He watched as her long dark lashes fluttered, and she opened her beautiful eyes to stare at him. Reaching down he couldn’t help but stroke the soft skin of her cheek before leaning down and placing a kiss where his hand had been.

  “You should go back to sleep. It is early.” Grai whispered as he grabbed her hand and gently held it in his own, against his heart. He couldn’t stop himself from kissing the back of it.

  “It’s ok baby. I’m fine. How is it going with Ivint?” Tricia asked stretching her arms above her head, unaware that Grai couldn’t take his eyes from the rise and fall of her breasts as they strained at the fabric of her nightgown, peeking out from the covers.

  “He is difficult to read, but since he and the others are still here it can’t be too bad.” Grai replied with a small laugh, trying to distract himself from his tempting mate. Later, he promised himself.

  “It’s a little early for a meeting isn’t it?” Tricia asked noticing that it was only four am.

  “Gibly told Death that Risk and Traze found something I need to see.” Grai said, unwilling to lie to her, but also not willing to tell her that it must be bad if Traze hadn’t said anything to him yet.

  “Go. You have worked way too hard for these people, for all of us, to stop now. I’ll meet you for breakfast soon.” Tricia leaned up to give Grai a quick kiss on the lips before sliding back down on the bed and pulling the covers up to her shoulder.

  Tricia knew that if she didn’t discourage him, he would stay with her. As much as she wanted to pull him back into bed with her and make love to him, she knew that he would be wracked with guilt later. This truce was too important to him. To all the people here that she had come to love and care about.

  She would not be the one to stand in the way of what they have all worked so hard for, no matter how much she wanted otherwise. Pretending to try to go back to sleep, she snuggled deeper into the comfortable bed and released a small sigh.

  “Sleep, my love. I will see you for breakfast.” Grai leaned down to kiss her temple and tucked the covers around her before heading out of the door.

  He stepped quickly into the corridor and headed out of the Beta Two sleeping section and headed for the Alpha level command center where Death said the boys were.

  They had been going through the files that they were still downloading from Dagog’s ships, the access still had not been disabled, which made Grai very uneasy. It was unlike his brother to be so sloppy. He felt sure that Dagog should have found and disabled their access by now. He had made up his mind to have the boys disable their access when he entered the room.

  The first thing that hit him was the smell. His heightened senses reeled from the scents of sweat, rotting food, spilled drinks… and stale farts? Grai had to stop himself from dry heaving over the assault on his nose.

  “What the hell is going on?” Grai yelled at the two boys who hadn’t even turned their heads from the four screens in front of them.

  Gibly paced along the food and drink littered work surface as the boy's fingers flew across the keypads currently hidden from view by the trash.

  “I told them to go to bed. At least bathe. But they won’t listen to me.” Gibly stated, the irritation in the feline’s voice coming through to Grai very clearly. He could understand why.

  “Shut the fuck up Putty Tat! We’ve just found some seriously hidden files. We just need a little more time to get to them. Now go away!” Traze growled.

  Moving further into the room the disgusting mess
they had made wasn’t the most worrying thing, Grai noticed. Both boy's bodies were shaking, a slow, slight shaking. The whites of their eyes were a bright red; the color dimmed and the surface shining brightly. Deep, dark circles were etched underneath. The rest of their skin was pale and sunken.

  “How long have they been awake?” Grai asked Gibly before sending a command through the Shengari’ to get Banatar and a med tech up here. He had a feeling; he would need Risk’s father to get the boy to go to bed.

  “Since before we got here. By the light system, at least three days.” Gibly said with worry, his paw intentionally kicking an empty energy drink can off the top of the workstation and onto the floor.

  “Knock it off kitty!” Risk said, visibly flinching from the irritating sound of the can hitting the smoothed and polished cavern floor.

  Grai let out a few expletives as he took in the source of the soured smell in the room. The can Gibly pushed to the floor, drew his attention to the dozens of empty energy drink cans that littered the floor around the workstation.

  “Where is Lagor?” Grai asked with a sigh. Ivint had allowed the engineer to travel from the Adaria to Koda’s ship where he ported to the compound. He’d been there for days helping the boys to get as many of the files as they could.

  “He was smart and went to bed. These two…” Gibly pointed an accusing paw at the two boys. “They are not so smart. And they do not listen.”

  “Oh shut up kitty!” Traze growled, training angry red eyes on the cat. His swirling gaze triggered an instant reaction in Grai.

  Moving across the room faster than the exhausted boy could react, Grai snatched Traze out of the chair and pinned him against the wall.

  Traze, exhausted beyond reason, began to fight his older brother. Thrashing against the wall and the hand pressed to his chest holding him against the wall, Traze growled his anger at his brother.

  “What the fuck! Let him go!” Grai sighed in frustration when Risk jumped up to defend Traze.


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