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Raw Future [Embrace the Future 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 7

by Berengaria Brown

  Arthur looked thoughtful, but nodded. “Yes sure. If we can contain them. And if there’s something to feed them on the journey. And they’ll need water, too.”

  “I can show you where we found a trough for water and grain for the animals last time. We took all the full bags, but I’m sure there were a couple of open bags we left behind,” said Pagan.

  Ghedi nodded and followed Pagan out to another barn.

  In the end they stayed all the next day, leaving very early the following morning, chickens safely caged in the back of the truck and a small supply of food scavenged from the farm, but with the added hope of fresh eggs each day.

  “I predict we’re going to get tired of eating eggs.” Ghedi said with a laugh.

  “Better than being hungry,” chorused several others.

  * * * *

  Staying overnight had not just given them time to relax and rest, but also all the partners were eager to have some time alone together. Each threesome had dragged bedding to a separate room of the farmhouse.

  “We can take some of these mattresses and blankets with us when we leave,” said Adena happily.

  “Yeah. Two mattresses isn’t enough for nine people, that’s for sure,” said Ghedi.

  “Especially when one of them is Koby,” joked Adena.

  “Well, you won’t need the blankets tonight. I plan to keep you nice and warm.”

  “Does this mean I’m going to be in the middle tonight?” she asked, fluttering her eyelashes in an exaggerated manner.

  “We can do it that way the first time, if you want,” said Arthur, leering at her then at Ghedi.

  “The first time, huh? I like the sound of that,” said Ghedi.

  With those words, all the air was sucked out of Adena’s lungs. Oh, how she’d missed their long nights together in Ghedi’s little house, even though they were still sleeping on the floor as the men had been too busy to join the two beds together into one bigger, stronger one.

  “Maybe tomorrow we’ll have time to wash properly for once, too,” she said, as she stripped off her clothes.

  “Oh, I like that idea almost as much as I like this one,” said Ghedi.

  “Less talking, more action.” Arthur was already naked, lying on the mattress on the floor and tugging on his cock. He looked ready for action indeed.

  Adena climbed over him, pushing her ass in his face, and taking his cock in her mouth. She licked a long, slow, wet trail up the shaft, then down again. Next, she sucked his balls into her mouth one by one, enjoying their tougher, hairier skin after the muscular smoothness of his shaft.

  She heard slurping noises behind her just before she felt a slippery finger penetrate her rear. Surprised, Adena lifted her head and looked over her shoulder. She couldn’t tell who was touching her, but she could see Arthur sucking on Ghedi’s cock. Gods! That’s hot.

  Talk about conflict! Adena really wanted to suck on the yummy cock right in front of her. But she also wanted to watch Arthur and Ghedi. And if she moved aside so she could do both simultaneously, the men wouldn’t be able to stretch her ass. What a dilemma.

  But right then she lost the ability to do anything but move with the two hands working her cunt and ass. Fingers penetrated both entries, massaging the flesh, teasing her, causing an orgasm to rise up inside her, begging to be let out. Desperately she pushed back onto one set of fingers then pressed forward onto the others.

  Arthur laughed. “Getting nice and hot, Adena?”

  Her brain was too scrambled for her to form coherent words. She moaned.

  Hands pulled her upright. “Let’s get this party started,” suggested Ghedi. He helped her turn so she could sit on Arthur’s cock, then moved in behind her. His hands stroked her back as she rested on top of Arthur, and then he pulled her ass cheeks apart. She pushed out as he pushed in, and soon he was through her entry, stretching her channel as wide as it would go. It never ceased to amaze her that either of these men totally filled her cunt, touching all her most erotic places. Yet when the second one pushed into her ass, she always opened wide enough so he could enter her as well. With the two of them inside her, she was complete, fulfilled. They were a family and belonged together, just like this.

  Arthur wrapped his arms around Ghedi so she was squashed flat between the two men. Yeah, she certainly didn’t need a blanket with two hot, hard bodies surrounding her. She tried to rub her nipples on the solid plane of Arthur’s chest, but could only move a tiny bit, just enough to make her moan again.

  Breathing deeply let her feel Ghedi’s heart beating against her back, and Arthur’s heart pounding against her front. She rested her head on Arthur’s shoulder and could hear his heart pulsing. It sent the blood south to his cock, which was also pulsing, but inside her, as was Ghedi’s. Somehow this knowledge that their hearts were united as were their bodies increased her arousal so much, the orgasm exploded inside her. Her body gripped the two cocks, demanding their seed, and the dicks complied, filling her with spurt after spurt of cum.

  * * * *

  After much studying of the maps, Koby, Pagan, and Ruby were fairly sure where the winery would be, and they found it almost immediately, close to where they’d guessed. It had very high stone walls and locked gates.

  “I don’t think they want us to visit,” Adena whispered to Arthur.

  Once again doubt filled Arthur. Had he made a terrible mistake by coming here? Although the fortifications looked defensive, rather than offensive. But what if men rushed out and killed them? Or worse, took their truck and left them stranded here? Oh Gods! I hope this visit was the right thing to do.

  A disembodied voice came from nowhere, saying, “Why are you here?”

  Arthur climbed over Zuri, who sat against the door, and got out. “I am Arthur. We hoped to take some grape vines back to our village to grow fruit.”

  “What do you offer us in return?”

  Dammit! I hadn’t thought of that! “All our stores and possessions were taken by the Prince of the South. I’m willing to work for you for several days to pay for the vines.”

  “What Prince of the South?”

  Arthur was getting used to talking to nobody he could see, but he still constantly turned his head, trying to discover where the voice came from. Pagan said very softly, “Camera. Up high on the gate.”

  What the fuck was a camera? Oh, that box with the red light perhaps. Okay. Arthur looked at the red light. “An enormously fat man, with three wives and many children. He travels in a horse-drawn car and has one hundred seventy followers.”

  “Fat Freddy. Very well. We’ll exchange you vines for information about Fat Freddy. Turn the truck around and open the back doors wide so we can see how many people you have in the truck.”

  Pagan looked at Arthur before obeying the voice. Arthur nodded, and Pagan turned the truck while Arthur walked around and opened the back of it. Koby immediately jumped out. Arthur wasn’t sure whether they should stay inside or get out. He supposed they’d agreed to share information—what little they had—in exchange for vines, so didn’t try to stop the others following Koby out of the vehicle. “I hope the vines live and grow well. This is very dangerous. What if the people take advantage of us?”

  “We will offer you a fair deal. We hurt no one unless they attack us first,” said the voice.

  Arthur jerked in shock. He’d spoken very quietly. That camera had excellent hearing.

  “Enter.” The gates opened just wide enough for the truck to pass through. Pagan reversed between the partially opened portal, and the people walked behind the truck.

  The gates were already closing as the last person entered. Adena and Ruby moved faster and caught up to the group. Three unarmed men appeared. Arthur noticed they were muscled and looked strong and fit, but he couldn’t see any weapons.

  “Follow us.”

  Pagan swung the truck around so he could drive forward. About half a mile up the gravel road one man pointed to a wider area where there were several vehicles. “Park your tru
ck here.” Pagan did, and he and Zuri got out and joined the others.

  “This way.”

  The only building Arthur could see looked like a metal barn. Maybe the houses were behind it. He could see some crops in the fields, but they were quite a distance from where they were walking. He noticed Ghedi was holding Adena’s hand, and that Tau and Udo had bracketed Zuri with their bodies. Ruby was tucked behind Koby’s large frame. So none of them felt very safe. Once again Arthur shivered with worry that he’d made the wrong decision. That these people weren’t going to help them at all. Were they all about to become slaves? He would kill Adena himself rather than allow anyone to torture her. Maybe he could offer himself as punishment if the others were freed.

  Stomach churning, he entered the barn. Inside there were tables with machines on them, things he’d never seen before. And the soft hum of a generator. They had power here? During the day? Koby and Pagan had brought a generator to the valley, but it was used very rarely to provide light at night or to pump water from the river to the holding tanks that led to the irrigation channels for the vegetable crops. What was here that would require power?

  The three men leading them stopped at a table where an older woman was sitting. She looked up and smiled. “My name is Tahlia. May I have each of your names please, and where you live.”

  “We all live in the village. I am Arthur.” He pointed to each person in turn, naming them.

  Her fingers made clicking sounds, but her gaze never left his face. “Which village?”

  “I don’t think we want to give you exact directions. It’s our home, and our people are there.”

  She stared at him for a while then said, “Is Luke still alive? Is his arthritis as bad as it was three years ago?”

  Zuri pushed through the people and leaned over the desk. “If you or anyone else here is threatening Luke, you’d better watch out. He’s a wonderful, special person, and if anyone lays a finger on him, I’ll kill them.”

  Tahlia remained calm and unruffled. “No one here has ever hurt anyone who didn’t attack them first. I knew Luke when I was a little girl. We went to the same kindergarten. I never even knew he’d survived the radiation cloud until Tom and George started visiting us here at Lilyward Three.”

  Arthur’s head was spinning. He’d felt sick before when they were at the gate, but right now he was truly worried he’d throw up everything in his stomach. Not that there was much food there. They were still rationing their supplies were carefully.

  He pulled himself upright and took a deep breath. “Tahlia, I’m sorry, but I don’t understand you. Tom and George came here? This is where they got the canned food for our village? Why did they never tell us they came here? Why didn’t they get milk powder for our babies? You knew Luke when you were a little child? But you seem much younger than him. What’s a radiation cloud?” Arthur forced himself to stop. He was sounding like a babbling idiot, not a leader.

  He hadn’t even noticed two of the men had left, until they returned with a pile of chairs that were folded up. The men opened the chairs, and each person was given a chair to sit on. How strange when they could have simply sat on the ground.

  “I’m exactly the same age as Luke. Our birthdays are in the same year, the same month even. Perhaps he’s had to work harder than I have over the years. We’ll answer your questions if we can and give you some grape vines, eating grapes, not wine grapes. But first you must complete your part of the bargain and tell us about Fat Freddy. It appears he has not been totally truthful in his reports to us,” said Tahlia.

  Arthur forced his brain to work and outlined their meeting with the Prince of the South. Other people added extra information, and Tahlia seemed very interested in their theories that the children would form their own community. Arthur wondered if this place—What was its name? Something to do with lilies and three?—would try to contact the growing children.

  All the time they spoke Tahlia’s fingers made the clicking noise, and he realized she was doing something with the machine on her desk. Maybe that’s why there was power in this barn.

  Ruby was just explaining about the boat, when another, older man entered the barn. He stood silently until Ruby, helped by Adena, Koby, and Pagan, finished describing the boat. “That’s something else Fat Freddy didn’t bother to tell us about. We’ll have to get someone to check his travel route for an off-shore island,” he said, smiling at Tahlia and nodding at Arthur’s people. “I’m Tyler. Tom and George reported to me. And I can promise you, if they’d asked for milk for the babies, we would have given it to them. Even though their information, after a while, was almost worthless. We would never have endangered the health of the children.”

  Arthur was beginning to understand. “So Tom and George didn’t go scavenging for food. They went looking for information, which they sold you in return for food.”

  “I think, the very first few times, they’d planned to steal animals from a couple of farms, but perhaps got caught or maybe just got talking. Anyway, they collected information from the farmers and brought it to us, until many of the farm people decided to join our community and live with us. In return we gave Tom and George canned food, some grain, and various other things. As we got better at canning and manufacturing, we had a wider choice of surplus they could choose from, but they liked the same things.” Tyler shrugged.

  “That’s because they pretended everything had been brought by the ancestors. That the village was self-supporting. So they could only take from you things we’d had all along,” said Tau, understanding in his voice.

  “Tahlia, what did you mean by radiation?” asked Adena.

  “About sixty years ago there were clouds of radiation poisoning circling the earth. Two small countries fought each other, and in the process they not only destroyed themselves and each other, they sent clouds of poisonous ash around the world.”

  “The bad winds,” said Adena.

  “Exactly. But they stopped many years ago. Decades.”

  “Did the motorcycle gang come here a few years ago?” asked Ruby.

  “Yes, but they didn’t get inside. We knew about them already and knew they would simply take and destroy, not cooperate,” said Tyler.

  “Are you going to replace Tom and George and bring us news of the outside world? You may have your vines no matter what you say. The information on Fat Freddy has been useful,” said Tahlia.

  Once again Arthur squared his shoulders and took a leap into a risky future. “Yes. We’ll come once a year and tell you what we’ve learned. But we don’t plan to meet up with Fat Freddy or the motorcyclists again. We’ll watch and hide without being exposed, as much as possible. We need to keep an eye on the prince’s movements ourselves anyway, to ensure he never comes anywhere near our valley.”

  “It’s a bargain,” said Tyler, stretching out his hand to shake Arthur’s hand. A huge weight fell from Arthur’s shoulders. His village would work at being self-sufficient. But if they failed, or better still, while they were accomplishing that, these people would provide backup help. And there would be no more lies told to the village.

  “Thank you. My family”—he pulled Ghedi and Adena against his sides—“my friends”—he gestured to the rest of his team—“my community are grateful.”





  Berengaria is a multi-published author of erotic romance: contemporary, paranormal (ghosts, vampires, fairies, dragons, and werewolves), futuristic, medieval, and Regency-set historical. She loves to read all different kinds of romance so that is what she writes: one man/one woman; two women; two men; two men/one woman; three men, two women/one man, three men/one woman…. Whatever the characters need for their very hot happily-ever-after, Berengaria makes sure they get it.

  For all titles by Berengaria Brown, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  About the Author




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