Book Read Free

High Stakes

Page 11

by Pierce, Nicolette

  I glared at him. “No offense taken.”

  “After watching the video I wanted to know more about the woman who made me laugh so hard my stomach hurt.”

  I tapped my foot. I hated reliving that single hideous moment over and over. I’m glad his stomach hurt; serves him right.

  He didn’t notice my irritation. “I searched for you on the Internet. You’re a steady professional poker player who moved from Colorado to Las Vegas. Your parents are still in Colorado. Your senior picture was adorable with your angled haircut that flared out and the big zit on your forehead.”

  “Frankie didn’t put that picture on the website, did he?”

  “No, I don’t think so. I’m not sure where I found that information.”

  I sighed with relief. I didn’t like my picture floating in cyberspace, but at least Frankie didn’t have it. I’d never hear the end of it. It’s a horrendous picture with a zit that could rival mountains.

  Sergio turned into a parking complex.

  “Where are we?” I asked as Sergio swung into a parking spot and killed the engine.

  I hadn’t been keeping track of where we were going. So much for my self-preservation skills. I couldn’t forget he led me into a blind alley for Dagor to catch me. Bastard! I punched him in the arm, wincing in pain as the punch connected. His arm was solid, and my hand was bruised.

  “What was that for?” he asked, not having the decency to rub away any pain I might have caused.

  “For leading me into the blind alley for Dagor to catch me.”

  “I was going to come back for you. I just didn’t think it would take me so long.”

  “He nearly killed me.”

  Sergio smiled. “I think you won that round hands down.”

  A grin bubbled up. I didn’t like to think I’d almost killed someone, but with Dagor it truly was him or me, and Sergio’s praise made me happy in an odd way. Damn him!

  “Dagor said the plane should have gone down.”

  He smirked. “I told him that. It’s not true. My uncle may smell, but he’s an excellent pilot and doesn’t have a death wish. We have to go. We’re late.”

  “Late for what?” I asked as I climbed out of the truck and followed him to a set of elevators.

  He pressed the elevator call button. “You don’t have a clue, do you?”

  “No. I’ve never been here before.”

  I eyed him suspiciously. Maybe he was tricking me into believing he was a good guy who just happened to work for Dagor. This whole scenario didn’t make any sense. Why are there so many people after the trophy? I knew for sure that Dagor was a bad guy, but what about the rest of the people? There was Sergio, David, and the French guy. Maybe he wasn’t even French. Everyone keeps adjusting their accents willy-nilly. David and Dagor were working for a third party, so there were definitely more people involved. It was making my head swim.

  “Are you taking me hostage?” I asked as the elevator door slid open. I didn’t move forward into the elevator.

  Sergio chuckled. “Only if you let me.”

  My eyes widened, giving him ammunition to laugh.

  “Come on, Nadia,” he said, still amused.

  Sergio ushered me into the elevator before I could protest. As the door slid shut, I realized I was in a confined space with Sergio. I edged over to the wall farthest away from him. He pressed number six and turned to me.

  “You’re not afraid of me, are you?” he asked.

  “I don’t know who you are or what your motives are. Right now, you’re not my friend.”

  He nodded. His face was solemn. The elevator bell chimed, and the door slid open to reveal a hallway with a door at the end. He motioned for me to follow. I took one step but was about to step back and push the close button when I heard music and laughter.

  The door at the end of the hallway flung open and Mya, in all her energetic glory, burst from the room and raced down the hallway.

  “It’s about time you got here!” Her blonde curls bounced. She latched on and dragged me to the door. “Everyone is here and waiting for you. What took you so long?”

  “There was a bit of a delay,” Sergio explained, but Mya was already off on another subject.

  “You should have dressed up a little more,” she scolded me. “Is that blood on you? You’re such a tomboy sometimes. It’s okay because I have the perfect outfit for you. You can change into it as soon as you make your appearance.” She bounced into the room with me in tow. “She’s finally here!”

  I heard a round of applause and looked around to find myself in a large flat with eighty or so people staring back at me with smiles on their faces. I didn’t recognize half of them, but it was heartwarming to see. A little nerve-racking too.

  The room was sparsely furnished, which made it spacious despite all the guests. Folding chairs and tables were set around in strategic areas. The hardwood floors were rustic old planks. Twinkling light strands were strung on the ceiling so the room sparkled as if a thousand stars descended to earth. It was Mya’s doing, I was sure. The lights illuminated a banner that read:

  Nadia keeps losing; her spirit is bruising. Don’t be smug; just give her a hug!

  The room was simple and beautiful . . . except for the banner.

  Roy and Gloria smiled and waved. Frankie stood next to Muffin. His arms were crossed and his eyes were pinched together as he glared at Muffin. She’d found her happiness at the food buffet and was fending off any guests who might be hungry. Remy loomed in the corner like he was on duty and ready to assault anyone who stepped out of line. Dani, Frankie’s other chapel employee, stood next to him, snapping her bright-green bubble gum that matched her green hair. Remy didn’t seem to approve of her; his eyes scanned her in puzzlement and then quickly went back to the rest of the room. Lenny scoped the room for his next paycheck.

  My eyes darted around the room until they rested on their target. Two targets, actually. Caleb and Greyson were standing together in a mix of women I didn’t know. They were corralled into the middle to make them easier prey. They both smiled at me and were about to come over when arms flew out from the swarm of women, keeping them captive. I sighed. It was hard not to be jealous, but it was so common for women to fawn over Caleb and Greyson that I’d be in a constant state of jealousy.

  I guess, eventually, I should let them go. Not that they were mine to begin with, but neither were good for me or around for the long haul. But not now; not with this silly Nadia-revival celebration.

  Perhaps I did need a little revival to raise my spirits. I hadn’t deemed they were down, but while observing so many happy people, I realized my happy meter wasn’t quite up to par. I needed to change. I guess many things needed to change.

  Sergio was next to me. His hand rested on my shoulder. “Let me show you the bathroom. You can clean up.”

  I followed him down a hallway, where a few people mingled and smiled as we passed.

  “Is this your place?” I asked Sergio.

  “Yes. For now.” He opened a door that led to a bathroom. “I wanted to make sure Dagor didn’t find the party. He doesn’t know where I live.”

  There wasn’t anything fancy or unique about the bathroom. Just a regular bathroom that had everything I needed to clean myself. Mya’s chosen outfit hung on a hook.

  “Does anyone else know why the party was changed?”

  “Only Greyson and Remy. It was nearly impossible to change Mya’s mind about having the party at her house. I let Greyson know about Dagor’s plan, and he was helpful in making the change.” His dark eyes studied mine. “I didn’t tell him anything else. Just that Dagor was planning on crashing the party.”

  I nodded. That was my cue to keep quiet about Sergio and the trophy. I wasn’t sure if I was going to stay completely quiet. For right now, there was no need to say anything to anyone.

  “Why did Dagor say you were known as the Terminator?” I asked. It was a lingering question that had bothered me ever since Dagor had mentioned it.
br />   Sergio was surprised at the question. His silly grin returned and grew on his lips.

  “Dagor said that?” Sergio gave a small laugh. “Someone must have told him. Friends call me by that nickname, but it’s not like it sounds. I’m a huge fan of The Terminator movies. I was hooked as soon as I saw the first one.”

  I rolled my eyes and shoved him out of the bathroom and shut the door. I could hear him chuckle as he retreated down the hallway.

  I peeked into a narrow cupboard by the sink and retrieved a washcloth. The washcloth was new and fluffy. I soaked it in running warm water, letting it squish in my hands until it was the perfect temperature. Pressing the washcloth to my face, I let out a deep sigh.

  How did I manage to end up in these predicaments? And how will I survive if Dagor finds me again? It was something to worry about after the party.

  I forced a smile on my face. Tonight, I’d have to please Mya. Tomorrow, I’ll figure out a plan that doesn’t involve killing or being killed. And it would hopefully involve getting rid of the trophy so I didn’t have to worry about anyone stealing it or killing me for it.

  I don’t care why so many people want it; I just don’t want it. I guess that’s easier said since I don’t know why it’s sought after. If I was told it held a virus that would kill all mankind, I’d be a little more apt to destroy it and move to Antarctica.

  I scrubbed the blood from my skin. I’d have to shower when I got home. Otherwise, I’d have nightmares about bits of Dagor still on me. A cold shiver ran down my spine. Yuck!

  I struggled into Mya’s outfit. I didn’t dare look in the mirror. With Mya’s taste in clothes, I was hoping I wouldn’t scare the guests with excessive amounts of glowing white skin that the mini skirt and tight shirt didn’t cover. I attempted to fasten all the buttons on the shirt, but I couldn’t close the top two nor the bottom one.

  I heard a knock on the door and a giggle . . . Mya.

  “Nadia, are you ready yet?”

  I swung open the bathroom door. I had thought to scold her, but her mouth was turned in a massive smile. Her eyes sparkled with animation. It was puppy-dog infectiousness. Mya could end world wars just by showing up and smiling. I couldn’t help but smile back.

  “I’m done,” I said, tugging on my shirt.

  Mya bounced up and down. “I knew the outfit would fit perfectly!”

  “I hate to break it to you but I can’t fasten the buttons.”

  “I know. That’s why it’s perfect. I’m finding you a man tonight, and this outfit will attract them. But your hair is rather a mess. Flip your hair a couple of times.”

  I did as she asked. I didn’t want to waltz into the party with both tight clothes and messy hair. The two together would have tagged me in the workin’ hoes department.

  “That’s better,” Mya said. “I think my work is done. The guys will be chasing you.”

  “I thought this was supposed to be a revival party, not a boy-chase-girl party.”

  “It can be both.”

  “What about Greyson? Wasn’t I supposed to marry him and become your sister-in-law?” I asked. She had admitted that to me a while back, and it struck me as endearing.

  A sly smile made me narrow my eyes. She was up to something.

  “You will be my sister-in-law,” she said matter of factly.

  “Why do I need all the men chasing me? Wouldn’t I just need Greyson chasing me?” . . . into the bedroom.

  “Men want what other men want or have. It’s really simple. Attract lots of guys and make them want you. The one you want will be right behind them.”

  “Could it really be so simplistic?”

  Mya nodded. Her excited eyes shimmered. “You’ll see,” she said, leading me from the bathroom and down the hall toward the party.

  I was hoping to slip into the crowd unnoticed, but leave it to Mya to announce my arrival for the second time. She nodded to Remy, who whistled sharply. It produced an immediate head turn in our direction.

  “You all know why we are here tonight,” Mya said in a loud, perky voice. “This is Nadia’s revival party. She needs us to be here tonight; to give her encouragement and support. Her life has been like gum on the bottom of a shoe lately.”

  Dani snapped her gum in agreement.

  Mya nodded. “Exactly.”

  I tugged on Mya’s shirt hem to signal her to stop. This was embarrassing. I didn’t think my life was like a piece of gum on someone’s shoe. Caleb caught my eye as he pressed his lips together in an attempt not to laugh. Greyson faired only slightly better.

  “To start things off, each person will hug Nadia to help revitalize her.”

  My eyes widened. All these guests were going to hug me? I backed away, but Mya caught me. I didn’t even know half the people here, and they were going to hug me?

  “I’ll go first,” Mya said.

  My eyes widened more as she latched onto me, squeezing me until I gasped from lack of air. She then released me from her mutant bear-hug grip.

  “Remy, do you want to go next?” she asked.

  He looked even more uncomfortable than I felt. He inched up to me and gave me a one-arm swing around with a back pat. It was the new style of man hugs, and I was okay with it. I just hoped everyone followed his style and we could get this over with quickly.

  With Mya in charge of the hugging operation, she made sure everyone had their turn. It was nice when familiar faces like Roy and Gloria gave me a hug. But then there were others. The women I didn’t know would hug me briefly then roll their eyes at the attention I was receiving. The men I didn’t know gave me brief, crushing hugs with some added lingering, goosing, one-liners, or phone numbers.

  Sergio returned to his awkward, goofy persona and beat everyone in line. He was brimming with enthusiasm for his favorite star. He had changed into a new T-shirt. It had a picture of his face and mine. A crown was superimposed onto my head and the title read “Our love is like a storybook story.”

  “Nadia, my poker princess!” He squeezed me with the equal mutant-bear strength of Mya. “I will always be here for you.”

  “You can lay off the dorkiness,” I wheezed from his hug. “And your shirt is terrible. Is that from The Princess Bride?”

  He kissed my cheek with a knowing smile and nodded. “As you wish, my poker princess.”

  Muffin was next in line and gave me a man hug-pat combo. I was thankful, because she truly did have mutant-bear syndrome.

  Caleb was able to hug me halfway through. He had to swat off a woman in order to take his turn. His arms wrapped around me in a warm embrace. Some of the huggers kept a small space between us when we hugged, but he had full-body contact. It was warm, spicy, and produced countless tingles. He smiled down at me as he continued his hug.

  “I’m trying to rub some of my luck onto you. We could continue this hug for as long as you want. We could even try it naked. That way, more luck will rub off. And if there happened to be an activity that involved friction, I’m sure even more luck would rub off.” A playful smile danced on his lips.

  “Wouldn’t you be afraid of rubbing all your luck off on me?”

  “I have an endless supply, and I’m willing to share. We would have to do it properly, though. Say, over a weekend on a beach somewhere.” He grinned. “Unless you take me up on my new wager. In which case we’d have a whole year to devote to making you lucky. Have you decided if you’re going to brave it yet?”

  Mya nudged Caleb to move on. “We have a lot more hugging to do. You can get your weekend with her later.”

  My eyebrows flew up.

  Mya shrugged. “Everyone knows.”

  Caleb grinned and kissed my cheek. “I’ll hug you later.”

  I nodded as Mya lined up the next victim. This was going to be a long night. I was waiting for Greyson’s hug so I could scold him for standing me up at lunch . . . and then be happy in his arms. It turned out I had to wait until the very end. He was the last person in a long, tedious line of huggers.

  Every time I had a moment to look away, my eyes found him. He was always surrounded by women far prettier than I could hope to be. And to make matters worse, he could snatch them up in an instant. They were panting over him. It was so painfully obvious to anyone who stopped and observed.

  One woman in particular leaned way too close to Greyson and would constantly touch his arm. I couldn’t see her entirely from where I was standing, but I could make out her strawberry-blonde hair and blue dress. Maybe Mya was right; we want what others want.

  I was nearing the end of the hugging line when Mya tugged on Greyson’s arm to signal it was his turn. He nodded and made his way over. I was frozen in an embrace with a man I didn’t know. His hands slipped lower and lower.

  “May I cut in?” Greyson asked.

  The man seemed a little disappointed for being cut short but mumbled and moved away. Greyson took his place. I hoped he would continue the hand path the other man began.

  Greyson wrapped his arms around me and gazed down. I loved losing myself in his steel-gray eyes. They had such strength and hardness, but they could change. I’d never want to see them angry and cold; that would scare me. When they were heated, they looked like hot fluid metal that could melt me to my spot.

  “How’s the hugging coming along?” he asked with a smirk.

  “Better now.”

  “I’m glad Mya made me wait. I don’t like being last, but now there’s no one to cut in.”

  “Yes, but I’m afraid she has more up her sleeve.”

  “I’m sure she does. She and Frankie have been brainstorming for this party. Between the two of them, you can be sure there’s something else planned.”

  I shook my head. “It’s better not to know their plan. I’d rather be shocked in the moment than to be shocked now and have to wait for it to happen.”

  “Very wise.”

  “You stood me up today.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You said you were coming back to the casino for lunch.”

  Greyson’s mouth opened. His thoughts were lost for a moment. “Nadia, I’m so sorry. I was in a meeting and there were so many distractions I completely forgot. Will you forgive me?”


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