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Wild for Milly [Werewolves of Forever, Texas 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 7

by Jane Jamison

  They ran, the moon casting shadows in and out of the brush until they made it to a tree line. She darted into the foliage, deftly moving between low hanging branches until she came to a stop and whirled to face him.

  He skidded to a stop, almost stumbling into her, and lifted his head with a challenge in his eyes. Did she want to stay in wolf form? Or was she ready to give herself to him?

  Her answer didn’t really matter. Tonight or tomorrow, he’d take her as his brother had done. He just hoped it would be tonight.

  As if on cue, she shifted, the golden fur of her wolf body disappearing as her bones broke and reformed. He let the change take him over, too, not wanting to be too far behind her. Soon, they stood before each other, naked, each panting from the run.

  She opened her mouth to speak, but never got the chance to say anything. Moving fast, he picked her up and brought her mouth to his. She moaned as his tongue swept inside and tasted her flavors. Wrapping her legs around him, she pushed her pussy against his hard cock, driving his inner wolf, still so close to the surface, into a frenzy. She knew what she was doing, and he took advantage of it.

  He took her to the ground, breaking her fall with his body, then slung her onto her back. His mouth moved to take her nipple, and his hand slid between her legs. She moaned again and arched her back, pushing her breasts upward.

  She was everything he’d dreamed of, and now she was giving herself to him under the stars. He wanted to thrust his cock inside her pussy, but first, he’d make her come.

  Sliding down, he dove between her legs and raked his tongue over her pussy. She lifted up, supporting herself on her elbows, and watched him drink from her. Her hair fell behind her shoulders with dampness forming on her forehead.

  He pulled her legs over his shoulders and pressed harder, sucking on her clit then whipping his tongue over it. She bit her lower lip, and she leaned her head back and opened her mouth in a silent cry.

  She was his, and he’d prove that to her. He pinched her nipple then sucked harder on her clit as she tightened her legs around him, keeping his face to her pussy.

  Her taste was more than he could ever describe. It was ecstasy and wonder all in one. Sweetness and spice combined to form a new flavor that was uniquely hers. He clutched her leg as he twisted her nipple and wondered how much pain she liked with her sex.

  She stiffened then let out a cry that made the birds take flight as the climax took her. He sucked in then lapped up her juices as fast as he could.

  When her body had finished trembling, he lifted his head to gaze at her and was met with a glare.

  “Did I hear you right? Did you call me woman?”

  He couldn’t recall, but he probably had. “And if I did?”

  Her eyes flashed. “I don’t like being called woman.”

  “Sorry, but that’s what you are. My woman. Our woman. I caught you and now I’m having you.”

  “You’re pretty full of yourself, aren’t you? Just like your brother.”

  He grinned. Damn, but I love a feisty woman. “Yeah, I am. But then again, I have reason to be.”

  “Is that right? How do you figure?” Her breasts jiggled as she spoke, taking in large breaths in between.

  “I got you, didn’t I?”

  * * * *

  Zings of the climax still raced through Milly even as she spoke. Her men, both of them, knew how to use their tongues. But she wasn’t ready to make anything easy for Dan. She wanted more and she’d damn well get it.

  “You got me? I don’t think so.” She kicked out, her heel connecting with his shoulder. He let out a shout not from pain, but from surprise as she whipped around and scrambled to her feet.

  Or at least she tried to scramble to her feet. As she was beginning to rise, he grabbed her ankle and yanked hard, bringing her down on her face. He took hold of her and flipped her over then climbed on top of her and locked his hands around her wrists to bring them above her head.

  She struggled against him, even shifting enough that he could sense her wolf’s strength, but she wasn’t strong enough to break free. He didn’t want to turn her loose, but she knew that if she asked him to stop, he would have. No matter how hard it was for him to do so.

  “Don’t call me woman.”

  He played along. “Don’t tell me what I can and can’t call you. And don’t kick me, woman.”

  She let out a half-moan, half-growl of frustration as she fought against him. “Next time I’ll kick you so hard your cock will go flat.”

  “Are you talking about this cock?” He forced her legs apart and slid between them, putting his cock against her wet, warm pussy. “Tell me you don’t want this.”

  She couldn’t lie, she wanted it more than she could say, but she wouldn’t let him know. Instead, she continued to struggle. That was all the answer he needed. She wanted it rough, and now he knew it was okay.

  Keeping her hands above her head, he took his cock in his other hand and guided it against her pussy. She gasped, arching her tits against him as he slid it in nice and easy, then pulled it out to shove it into her hard and fast. She whipped her head back and forth, dancing her silky hair over her face.

  He rammed into her again, and she gazed up at him. He was lost, his face filled with lust as he pounded into her. The fit was tight, oh, so tight, producing wonderful friction inside her. He worked his hips, his flesh rubbing the skin of her inner thighs.

  “Put your legs around me.”


  He checked her again, just to be sure she didn’t really want him to stop. Again, he caught on. “You’d better do what I say.”

  “Make me.”

  He pulled out and she let out a yelp as he took her by the leg and spun her onto her stomach. She was face-down in the dirt as he pushed her ass into the air.

  “Do as I say, woman.”

  “Bite me.”

  “What did you say?”

  She couldn’t deny it. Although he treated her roughly, he added a soft caress, a tender touch that gave her permission to tell him to stop. Not that she wanted to.

  She let out a quick laugh and struggled to get free even though she knew it was impossible. “I said bite me.”

  His mouth came down on her butt cheek, and his fangs snaked across her flesh. She yelped and tried to push herself up, but he put a hand in the middle of her spine and shoved her down again.

  “Are you going to behave now?”

  “Fuck you.” Her giggle, however, denied the vehemence in her tone.

  The sting of his slap on her butt cheek both shocked and thrilled her. Craning her head around, she gaped at him. “You spanked me!”

  He whacked her butt again, making her jump. But she liked the fresh wave of pain that radiated outward from her ass.

  “Do as I say or I’ll spank you again.”

  She pushed back, trying to ram her ass against him. He laughed and hit her again, harder. She cried out as the pain whipped into her.

  “Do you want it this way?” He pulled her butt higher and slid a hand between her legs. “Tell me.”

  When she didn’t answer, he took hold of her hair and yanked her head back. “I said tell me.”

  She was through playing games. Her body ached to have his cock back inside her. “Yes. Fuck me, damn it.”

  He laughed as he put himself between her legs while still holding onto her hair. “Guide me in.”

  On her hands and knees, she reached between her legs, found his huge cock, and took hold of its smooth yet lined length. She helped him find her pussy, and once she had, he shoved his cock into her.

  He leaned back, allowing her to lift up a little. He was her rider, and she was the wild horse he’d tame. She loved every second, every feel of it.

  “Play with yourself. I want you to come again. But this time, woman, you’re going to say my name as you do.”

  She did as he told her, found her clit and started rubbing. He rocked her body, and she would’ve fallen on her face again if he hadn’t
held her by the hair.

  Her soft cries sounded loud against the still night, and his sounds accented her own. He’d done as he’d said he would, taking her as he’d wanted to.

  He was huge, filling her completely, and it wasn’t long before he struck her sweet spot. She inhaled, the sensation rolling through her like a freight train that couldn’t be stopped. Crying his name, she came, her juices spilling over her hand and down her leg.

  He surprised her yet again by pulling his cock out then shoving her to her side. Taking her leg and wrapping it around him, he shoved his cock back inside her pussy. His fingers dug into her leg as he held on and he played with her breast with his other hand. She gripped his arms, a passenger on his ride of lust as yet another orgasm grew.

  Suddenly, his body stiffened, heralding his release. He paused, holding on for one last moment, and met her eyes. “Woman, you’re mine.”

  Her words, indeed her breath, were gone. All she could do was nod as he roared his climax and sent her spiraling into another orgasm.

  He lay beside her, his massive chest heaving and perspiration wetting the ends of his hair. She placed her palm on his cheek and turned his face toward hers. “Call me woman again.”

  The tips of his mouth curved upward. “Woman.”

  She laughed and moved into the crook of his arm. “Yeah. I am.”

  * * * *

  “Hey, everyone, may I have your attention?”

  Milly stood at the entrance of the diner with one arm locked possessively in Dan’s and the other in Matthew’s. A scowling Riley stood behind Dan. She’d waited as long as she could, suffering through the next day, but once the sun had set, she couldn’t stand it any longer. She had to have her friends meet them.

  Jackson and one of his brothers, Jayden, swiveled on their stools at the counter while Mack poked his long face through the pass-through to the kitchen. Gertie burst through the door that led to the back room and came to an abrupt stop. Her surprise soon morphed into a smile that was followed by tears filling her eyes.

  Sheesh, I haven’t even said anything yet and she already knows.

  Stormy Stevens-Malone turned away from the table where she’d just poured coffee for Jane Jarrow and Jason Dalton. Stormy’s daughter, Jazz, occupied another table along with Miss Clara, the elderly lady who worked at the market.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I’d like to introduce you to my”—she darted her gaze at Riley—“to some new friends of mine. This is Dan and Matthew Hudson and their niece, Riley Carpenter.”

  Although she hadn’t said the word mates in deference to Riley’s feelings, she could tell that everyone in the diner knew what the men meant to her. She grew shy, for one of the few times in her life, and waited for their reactions.

  Jackson, as was his usual style, was the first to greet them. He tipped his hat to the men. “Welcome to Forever. Anyone who’s a friend of Milly’s is a friend of ours.”

  His demeanor changed in a very slight way that only another werewolf would notice. “We think a lot of our Milly. Just so you know.”

  Damn. Way to threaten them, Jackson.

  But Dan and Matthew took it in stride. Dan shook Jackson’s hand then did the same with Jayden. Milly pointed around the room, telling them everyone’s names.

  Mack’s hound-dog face brightened, increasing the laugh lines around his eyes. “Everything’s going fine here, Milly. Just ask my new boss.” He jerked his thumb at his wife.

  Oh, my God. Is she actually crying?

  Gertie grabbed her and tugged her along to the back of the diner, making her leave the Hudson brothers’ side. Riley had disappeared without her seeing her leave.

  Please don’t let her have run off again.

  “They’re the ones, aren’t they?”

  Before she could answer, the older woman had her in a hug that threatened to break her ribs. “I’m so happy for you. And it’s about time, damn it.”

  She took Milly by the arms and pushed her back. “And you? You got the connection, didn’t you? Come on, girl. Tell me.”

  Stormy slid beside her and gave her as much of a hug as she could with Gertie still hanging onto her. “Wow. They’re so hot.” She tucked her head. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say that. But it’s just that they’re so—”

  “You were right the first time, Stormy. They’re hot with a capital H.” Miss Clara pushed the flustered Stormy aside to take Milly’s hand. “We can see that they’re studs, but do you know it for a fact, young one?”

  Leave it to Miss Clara. She always spoke her mind no matter who got the brunt of her honesty.

  “Miss Clara, you can’t ask her something so personal.”

  “Pff, Gertie. I can and I did. Sex is just as important as how they treat you when they aren’t between your legs. Do they treat you right or not?”

  Miss Clara could be embarrassing at times, yet Milly hoped she’d be just like her when she got older. “It’s okay. I know you’re only asking because you care. And as to your questions? Yes, to both.”

  “So who did you say the girl was? Their niece? What’s she doing with them?”

  Milly didn’t want to get into the details. After all, that was Riley’s business to tell, if she wanted. Instead, she gave them enough information to get by. “She lost her parents, their sister, and they took her in.”

  Admiration grew in Miss Clara’s eyes, and although she wasn’t sure why, Milly was glad to see it. It said a great deal if Miss Clara liked them.

  “As well they should. That shows they have good character.”

  Stormy waved her daughter over. “Where’d she go, anyway? I was going to introduce her to Jazz.”

  “I don’t know.” She had to have left the diner from the front since the only other way out was through the back where Gertie had come from. “Excuse me. Maybe I should check on her.”

  “That’s fine, girl. You go on back to those men before Jackson wears them out with his interrogation.”

  Miss Clara was right. Both Jackson and Jayden were drilling the Hudson brothers with questions. She slipped past them, sending them a silent apology for not rescuing them, then stepped out of the diner. She searched the street around her, but didn’t see Riley.

  Where’d she go?

  Like most small towns, Forever rolled up its sidewalks early on. Except for the diner and The Moonstone Bar that wasn’t close by, there wasn’t anywhere else she could’ve gone.

  I’d better tell the men.

  She’d just put her hand on the door when she heard a giggle.

  “I can’t. My uncles and that bitch they live with won’t let me do anything.”

  Bitch? Oh, yeah. That’s Riley all right.

  She peeked around the corner of the building and stared down the alley. Two dark figures stood next to the Dumpster. Judging from the long hair trailing down her back as she pressed her shoulders against the brick, the smaller one was Riley. Milly had to fight back a groan when the girl leaned her pelvis toward the other person.

  But who’s the other one? Did she already meet a boy? But when? And where?

  “You don’t have to tell them anything. Just do it. Come on, baby. I’ve never met anyone like you. Say you’ll come with me.”

  Have Riley go with him? Oh, hell, no.

  She’d already made up her mind to get Dan and Matthew so they could break up the pair when the tall boy leaned forward and kissed Riley.

  Milly was down the alley in record time, letting her inner werewolf’s speed come out. She took hold of the boy’s shoulder and felt the cold rush off him and into her hand.

  Crap. Is it that vampire she ran into the other day?

  Milly jerked her hand away then pulled Riley close. “Back off. What are you doing here, anyway?” She didn’t have anything against vampires as a rule, but there was something off about the boy. Did he look familiar?

  Riley shoved her away. “Leave him alone! He’s my friend.”

  Milly calmed herself, noting that Riley’s cloth
ing was undisturbed. A kiss was all that had happened, but that didn’t leave her feeling much better. “Your friend needs to talk to you somewhere besides a dark alley. Did he lure you out here?”

  “Holy shit, are you kidding me? He didn’t lure me. How gross can you get? I told you. He’s my friend.”

  If that’s the way she wants to play it, then that’s the way we’ll play it.

  “Fine.” Milly stuck out her hand and prepared to get a fresh rush of cold. “I’m Milly Swinson and I own this diner. You’re Kurt Shillings, right?”

  “That’s right.”

  “Okay, then Kurt Shillings, come inside and meet her uncles instead of hanging out in a dark alley.”

  The boy’s smile was even chillier than his touch. “I’ve already met one of them.”

  “Good. Then it’s time you meet the other one. Come on, Riley. We’re going back inside.” Milly tried to take Riley’s hand to pull her along with her, but the girl wasn’t having it.

  “Leave us alone. And stop ordering me around.”

  The boy backed farther into the darkness. “I’ll see you, Riley. Meet me at our special place soon. If you can get permission from your new mommy.”

  Milly blinked and he was gone.

  Tears of anger rushed down Riley’s face. “Why did you do that? He’s my friend and you treated him like shit.”

  “Riley, do you really think your uncles would want you hanging out in an alley with some boy?”

  “It’s none of your business,” screamed Riley. “Leave me alone. You’re not my mother! You’re just some bitch my uncles are fucking!”

  She knew she shouldn’t let her get to her, but she lost it. “Now listen up. You will never, ever use that word again.”

  “And what if I do? You can’t make me do a damn thing.”

  “Riley, you’re pushing me. Keep this up and I’ll—”

  “Fuck you!” Whirling around, Riley dashed out of the alleyway toward her uncles’ van. Yanking open the door, she threw her body inside and slammed the door shut.

  It was just as well that Riley hadn’t let her finish. She had no idea what she’d have said.

  Milly leaned against the Dumpster as all her energy rushed out of her. Dealing with Riley was proving harder than she’d expected.


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