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A Lovely Lesbian Collection

Page 25

by Emily Vixen

  “Oh.” Lyla sighed and put her shoe down before starting to remove the other one. “I see what this was about. You've changed your mind about the plans, right?”

  “Kind of...”

  “It's fine,” Lyla said with a sigh and a roll of her eyes.

  “Really?” Sophie asked. “I mean, I'm glad you're okay with it, but I didn't think you'd take it this well.”

  “It's fine,” Lyla assured her. “I wasn't sure about going out this New Year's either.” It was a lie but she didn't want Sophie to feel bad about the decision. “We can just stay in together instead, get some pizza and some wine and just watch the countdown on television.”

  “I...oh.” Sophie had briefly perked up after being assured it was fine but now she sounded down again. Was that not what she had been hoping for, to stay in and have fun instead of going out on the pull?

  “Is something wrong?” Lyla asked, letting out a quiet sigh of relief as she finally pried off her other shoe.

  “Er, well the thing is, I was calling because I have totally different plans that came up unexpectedly. You see, there's this guy at work and he was telling me about this little lake house that his family owns and he was thinking of going up there for New Year's and he asked if I was busy and...”

  “Oh.” Lyla finally realised what the call had been about. Sophie wasn't changing their plans. She was cancelling them. Sophie had been her last hope. All the other women she knew were taken or at least had plans for the holiday. Now she was going to be stuck on her own. She could go to a party alone, she supposed, but the idea didn't really appeal to her. She didn't want to go to a party by herself. Still, she could hardly blame Sophie. The entire reason for their planned night together was to find guys. Sophie had just got a head-start, that was all.

  “Listen, I'm really sorry about this,” Sophie said. “You know, I mean, if it's going to be too much of a problem, I can always cancel and...”

  “What? No, no, don't be silly!” Lyla said, forcing a laugh. “It's fine, honestly. This is kind of the point, right? Finding cute guys to have fun with? You go and have a good time Sophie, I'll be fine, honestly.”

  “Are you sure? I feel really bad about this. It's just, the opportunity was right there for me, so...”

  “It's fine,” Lyla repeated, trying to reassure herself just as much as Sophie. “You go and have fun and give me all the gossip when you get back, okay?”

  “Well, if you're certain...” Sophie said, seemingly coming around to the idea.

  “I'm positive. Don't worry, I'm sure I can amuse myself.”

  “Okay, great. I'd better get going and pack then. I'll tell you all the news when I get back!” Sophie hung up immediately after she finished speaking. Lyla didn't even get a chance to say goodbye. She couldn't bring herself to be mad though. At least Sophie was excited, and she was genuinely looking forward to hearing all about it in the new year.

  “Well, looks like it's just me this year,” Lyla said, sitting back against her couch and looking around at her empty living room. “Great.” She spent a while looking around the room while trying to decide what to do with herself. This wasn't a good start. She had only just got back from work and she was already having trouble finding ways to entertain herself. If this kept up then she would drive herself crazy by the end of the year. She needed something to do, ideally for the entire week rather than just New Year's Eve. Luckily, she had easy access to all the information and answers she could ever need sitting right in her hand.

  Lyla opened up the internet on her phone and checked her e-mails first, hoping that somebody might have invited her somewhere fun or interesting. They hadn't. Instead all she got was the usual junk mail, along with regular mail that wasn't any better. A lot of the stuff inside was great but it was all things she wanted to buy yet couldn't afford. The closest she got to a real person sending her an email was from a name she couldn't pronounce. The email contained a picture of a pretty woman and detailed how eager she was to meet 'Mr. Lyla' and fuck his huge, athletic dick. Mr. Lyla was clearly supposed to be Lyla, and the spam-bot had misidentified her name as male (somehow) leading to junk mail hoping to lure 'him' in with a pretty woman.

  After venturing into her emails had been unsuccessful, Lyla decided to try a search engine instead. It came as a small relief that searching in 'alone on new' autocompleted to 'alone on new year's eve' for her. At least plenty of other people were suffering with her. She was about to scroll through the results but hesitated when she noticed an advert at the top of the page. As expected, it was based on what she had searched, and normally she would have ignored such marketing. Right now however she was desperate and this seemed to be exactly what she needed. She found herself reading along the details of the advert, nodding along slightly in agreement. Yes, she was finding herself alone this New Year's Eve. Yes, she would like to get away from it all. Yes, she would like to meet other singles like herself and have fun. Eventually giving in to her curiosity and hope, she clicked the advert to find out more.

  It turned out that the advertisement was for a cruise ship. Apparently the next day there would be a cruise ship leaving port only a few towns over. The cruise was specially a 'singles' cruise for New Year's, meaning plenty of partying and drinking and flirting without getting jealous of other people's partners. It was a big decision to make on the spur of the moment but she didn't have much time to think it over. The cruise ship was leaving tomorrow and there were only a few spots left. This was it, Lyla decided. This was clearly fate. She grabbed her credit card and typed her details in along with making the payment. Sure it was expensive but now of all times seemed like a good opportunity to treat herself. As daunting as going off on a cruise with total strangers was, she was always getting excited at the prospect. This was definitely going to be worth it, she decided. She would ensure that it was. Lyla wasn't going to waste the opportunity. She was going to march onto the cruise ship, find the hottest guy there and ride him into the new year. Already grinning with excitement she confirmed the booking details before leaping to her feet and rushing into her bedroom to start packing. Sophie could have her lake house date. Lyla had something even better, and when they met up again in the new year she was looking forward to bragging about her incredible New Year's Eve cruise. If all went to plan she would also be showing off her latest arm candy at the time as well.

  The night flew by while Lyla packed, and after a good night's rest and a decent breakfast she hopped in her car and began driving to the other town for departure. Her music was on nice and loud and she was singing along as she sped along the road. She hadn't even set her eyes on the cruise ship yet but she was already having the time of her life. Clearly she had made the right decision to book this little vacation. If the mini cruise came even remotely close to living up to her excitement then she would be thrilled.

  Once she was in town she could already see the cruise ship. She found herself a parking spot for the next few days, picked up a couple of essentials in the stores that she hadn't remembered to pack and finally made her way over to the ship. Unfortunately her eagerness to get going backfired and she found that they weren't allowing passengers to board for another two hours as the cleaning crews had to finish working. It was a bit of a blow given how excited she had been but Lyla easily sprang back, dumping her stuff in her car and stopping off at a cafe for breakfast. She made sure to go somewhere with seating that overlooked the docks so she could still see the ship. Hopefully other people would be just as excited as she was and she would be able to get a glimpse of what was on offer before even getting on board.

  A few drinks later, Lyla had managed to calm her excitement. Unfortunately she hadn't actually seen anyone else approach the ship, though she had looked away from time to time so might have missed the odd one or two people. That didn't matter though. She had killed enough time. She paid the waitress and grabbed her stuff from the car again, once more marching down to the ship in order to board. Things went a little more smoothly this tim
e and she eagerly rushed onto the ship to get a look at her room and store her things away.

  The cabin was only small but that didn't make it any less luxurious. The bed was somewhere between a single and a double, easily big enough for one person and probably enough for two people if you snuggled up together. Either they had thoroughly outfitted the cabins in preparation for the singles cruise or it was just a happy coincidence. She was inclined to think it was the latter. A wardrobe and set of draws were all nailed to one wall to ensure nothing toppled over if the weather took a turn for the worse and the sea became rough and another door led into a small bathroom with a toilet and shower. Much like the main room, the bathroom was small and cramped together. It was understandable though considering how many people they needed to fit onto the ship. Lyla didn't really mind anyway. If everything went to plan then she wouldn't be spending much time in the bedroom anyway – or if she was spending a lot of time in the bedroom then it would be on her back and would be thinking about the size of things other than the room.

  Satisfied with the way the room looked, Lyla dropped her belongings on the bed and walked out of the room again. She cold unpack later. Right now she was more interested in exploring the cruise ship. If she familiarised herself with the layout then she would have the advantage when everybody else started piling onto the ship. She spent a little while wandering around the ship, deciding where the best guys were probably going to be. The pool seemed like a good guess, or at least it would have been were it not late December. It was far too cold to be swimming. Around the pool, however, was still a good guess. Especially with the bar set up nearby. It was a shame that it would be too cold for anyone to hop into the pool. Seeing a guy topless made it much easier to decide if he was attractive enough to warrant her attention. Oh, who was she kidding? At this point there wouldn't be many guys that would put her off. She was desperate to find someone to kiss by midnight on New Year's Eve and it didn't have to turn into anything more than a fun little fling anyway. As long as he wasn't taken, at least reasonably attractive and not a total asshole then she would be satisfied.

  Lyla also stopped off in the main dining hall and the bar but at this point there was nobody around. It all looked nice at least, though she imagined it was going to look even better when people started turning up and music and chatter filled the air. A few drinks always tended to make things better too.

  Satisfied with her exploration of the ship, Lyla returned to her room. She had managed to waste a good couple of hours wandering around the ship and now it was time to start preparing herself for the evening. There would be an introductory dinner for everyone, including a couple of free drinks along with their meals, which gave everybody the opportunity to greet one another and get started on their flirting. In order to make sure she was looking her best and made a good first impression she took the opportunity to take a little nap, making the excuse to herself that she was testing the bed ahead of bringing anyone back to her room. The little nap somehow stretched out over two hours, and by the time she got up again she had to rush to find something suitable to wear.

  Lyla spent another half an hour choosing between the outfits she had brought along with her before finally settling on a long black dress that did a good job of highlighting her curves and showed off just enough cleavage to be sexy without seeming slutty. Happy with her decision she hopped in the shower and got herself cleaned up before getting changed and rushing off to the main dining hall for the dinner.

  It looked like an entirely different room when it was filled with people. Plenty of men and women were gathered around and a lot of them were already chatting happily. There seemed quite a few decent looking men and that was only at a glance. Lyla grinned happily as she wandered through the room, seeking out a suitable table to settle down at to enjoy her meal and the greeting from the captain. She settled on a table with three men and only one other woman. Perfect. That meant she only had to compete for one of them, and if she lost out then she could happily settle for one of the two guys remaining – or even both of them if they were willing! She said hello and took a seat, getting a few polite greetings back.

  They spoke a little and drank, stopping briefly to listen to the captain speak, and as the night went on Lyla realised she had made a mistake. The other woman was flirting heavily with one of the guys, and while she had planned for that, she hadn't planned for the other two men flirting with each other. Wonderful. There was all four of the other people at her table spoken for. She sighed quietly and drained what remained of her third glass of line before getting to her feet and wandering over to the bar for another. She took a good look at the other women during her walk to the bar and started to realise why other women were having more luck trying to attract men. Lyla had decided to dress sexy. Most of these women had taken it a step further and decided to dress slutty. Showing a little cleavage was usually effective but it didn't draw much attention when other women pretty much had their tits out. Lyla tried not to think about it and just distract herself with another glass of wine at the bar.

  “Oh good, I'm not the only one who put on more than half her outfit,” said a voice from beside Lyla after she finished paying for her next glass of wine.

  “Hm?” Lyla turned around and realised there was only one other person at the bar. It was clearly the other woman that had spoken to her. Her thick, dark hair framed her face perfectly, and although she had managed to cover up more than most of the other women on the cruise that somehow made her even more attractive. Having a little mystery was quite appealing, though her top was still low-cut enough to give Lyla quite the eyeful.

  “I'm Isabel,” said the other woman, walking over to stand beside Lyla and offering her a smile. “Sorry, just let me know if I'm keeping you from a hunk, I was just hoping you might be someone else struggling as much as I am.”

  “Oh, no, it's fine,” Lyla said with a little laugh. “You got me. I'm in the same position. It's just like you said, I think we're the only two people here that remembered to put on a full outfit.”

  “I suppose some men don't appreciate a woman that dresses to impress rather than just letting it all hang out, huh?” Isabel chuckled, taking a sip of her drink.

  “Unfortunately it seems that the guys that appreciate a woman dressing up instead of dressing down clearly aren't the ones that are looking to hook up on a singles cruise.” Although Lyla had been hoping to find a hot guy to chat with she was happy enough spending time with Isabel instead. She still had a couple more nights until New Year's anyway. There was plenty of time to find a guy to kiss at midnight. The two of them spent the rest of the night happily chatting between themselves. They never got around to going on the hunt for men together but they could always join forces to hunt together over the next couple of days anyway.

  For the next two days, Lyla and Isabel joined forces in their attempt to find some decent men. Despite their best efforts, they remained unsuccessful. Neither of them had managed to find a partner by the time the New Year's Eve party rolled around, and when the clock hit eleven it seemed safe to assume that neither of them were going to find a guy to kiss at midnight.

  “Well, so much for this cruise being my last resort to find a guy to kiss at midnight,” said Lyla with a sigh, draining what remained of the wine in her glass. “I'm half-tempted to call it a night, to be honest.”

  “I guess there's not much point in staying here and watching everyone else have a good time,” Isabel agreed, draining her glass as well. “Why don't we take the party back to my room? I've got some alcohol stashed away so we can carry on drinking and celebrate in my cabin.”

  “Sounds better than waiting around here,” Lyla agreed. The two of them left the party behind, choosing instead to settle down in Isabel's room with some drinks. There wasn't much space so the two of them ended up sat together on her bed, talking and laughing and drinking together.

  “This is much more fun than the main party,” Isabel said with a smile. “Shame we don't have anyone
to kiss at midnight, though.”

  “We can always kiss each other,” Lyla said, surprising herself. She didn't even realise what she was saying until the words were out of her mouth.

  “Oh?” Isabel grinned at her. “I 'm up for that, though I didn't realise you swung that way. You should have said so sooner.”

  “I don't think I realised until just then either,” Lyla laughed. “I guess you've just convinced me that it's worth giving women a try as well. Well, you and all the guys on this cruise that only care about how little a woman's wearing.”

  “You prefer your women covered up?” Isabel asked.

  “Only in public, when you're alone together it's another matter entirely.”

  “Is that so?” Isabel smirked and slowly got to her feet, putting her drink down and turning to face Lyla. “So are you telling me you want to see me naked?”

  “I wasn't saying that,” Lyla said, “I was just...hinting at it. Heavily.” She hadn't been with a woman before but the thought had crossed her mind now and then and Isabel seemed like exactly the sort of woman she would want to sleep with.

  “I see.” Isabel leaned down, her nose pressing gently against Lyla's She could feel the other woman's warm breath against her lips. “Well as you're being so honest, I suppose I might just reward you by giving you precisely what you want.” Lyla leaned forward to kiss her but Isabel pulled back. “Oh no, not yet,” she said teasingly. “We have to kiss at midnight, right? Until then I think we'll have to hold off on that, although getting naked and playing around a little is nothing to do with the New Year so I think we can have some fun in the meantime.”

  “I like the way you think,” Lyla said excitedly, sitting back to get a good look at Isabel as she began removing her clothes. Her dress slipped easily off her shoulders and unzipping it turned it into a puddle of material at her feet. Lyla audibly gasped when she discovered Isabel wasn't wearing a bra, her huge tits hanging out in the open with her puffy nipples hardening into excited peaks. Her panties slipped down her legs shortly after, revealing the neatly trimmed hair of her pussy and the glistening wetness of her thighs.


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