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War Wounded (The War Trilogy #2.5)

Page 8

by Large, Andria

  He turns to Duke. “Thanks for being here, man. I really appreciate you taking care of my sister.”

  Duke stands and shakes his hand. “It’s not a problem at all. I’m glad I got there when I did,” he says, giving me a pointed look.

  I roll my eyes at him, which makes the corner of his mouth lift.

  Once I’m discharged, Keith drives Duke and me back to the shop so we can pick up our cars. Well, I won’t be able to drive my car since my keys were in the shop. I’ll have to grab my spare set. When we get there, I walk up to the door and peek through the window. Tears immediately fill my eyes and spill over when I see the black soot marring my once pretty baby pink walls.

  A strong hand slides across my shoulders and pulls me up against a hard body. I turn and wrap my arms around the waist of who’s holding me, burying my face in his chest. When I take a deep breath and pull in his scent, I realize that it’s Duke, not my brother as I expected. I’m grateful for his comfort and that he’s man enough to give it without hesitation.

  “My shop,” I whisper, my heart breaking.

  Duke pets my hair and drops a kiss to the top of my head. “Everything will be okay. It can be fixed.”

  “My purse was in there, my phone, too. It’s all gone!”

  “It can all be replaced,” he murmurs into my hair. “Unlike you, if something had happened to you…”

  His voice cracks a little as his words drift off. I lift my head from his chest and look up at him. The raw emotion swirling in his hazel eyes shocks me. His hand comes up to cup my face and his thumb strokes my cheek. In an instant, his lips capture mine and I feel like the world is right again. All my worries slip away as Duke’s lips move over mine.

  “Oh, what the hell?! My sister lands the dude that I wanted? So not cool!” I hear my brother huff.

  Both Duke and I smile and pull back from the kiss to look over at my brother, who is standing a few feet away with his arms crossed over his chest and a disgusted look on his face.

  “I told you I’m not gay.” Duke chuckles.

  “Oh my god, did Keith hit on you?” I giggle.

  Duke looks down at me, a dry look on his face. “Uh, yeah. At the party at his house, he attacked me in the upstairs hallway and kissed me,” Duke says, a shudder racking his body.

  I throw my head back and laugh before turning to stare at Keith with wide eyes. “Keith!”

  He shrugs non-apologetically. “I regret nothing.”

  Duke and I laugh. I’m thankful for the distraction from my damaged shop, but I know it’s only temporary. I’m going to have a lot of work to do to get my place back to where it had been.

  “Let’s go get something to eat. I’m starving,” Duke says to me.

  “Okay,” I agree.

  “I’ll let you two have some alone time,” Keith says with a begrudging smirk before giving me a hug and kiss.

  Keith shakes Duke’s hand and says goodbye before getting into his car and driving off.

  “Can you take me to Jade’s first? I would like to take a quick shower and get changed. My car keys were in my purse so I have to get the spare set,” I say to Duke.

  “Sure,” he replies softly.

  “Can I also borrow your phone to call Jade?”

  Duke pulls his phone out of his pocket and hands it to me without hesitation. “0522 is the code,” he says, his eyes burning into mine.

  He just gave me the code to his phone. Of course, he can always change it, but I don’t think he will. He’s showing me that I can trust him, and that he has nothing to hide. I do trust him, more than I trust anyone else, and this just solidifies that.

  “Thanks,” I say with a smile.

  I dial Jade’s number as we walk down the block to Duke’s car. I tell her what happened and let her know that we’re stopping by so I can get changed. She says that she’ll be home to let us in since I don’t have my key anymore. After I hang up with Jade, I give Duke directions to her house.

  ~ Duke ~

  The door swings open and Jade is standing there, her face a mask of concern. She pulls Arianna through the door and into a tight hug. After a little bit of fussing, Arianna finally gets away and goes to take a shower. Jade ushers me into the kitchen where she grabs me a glass of water and demands that I sit at the table. I’m not in the mood to argue, so I do as she says.

  “Is she really okay?” Jade asks.

  I sigh. “Physically? Yes. Emotionally, not so much.”

  Jade frowns. “That shop was everything to her.”

  I nod. There’s really nothing to say to that. I know how much that shop meant to her. She wouldn’t have risked her life to save it if it weren’t important to her.

  I take a sip of water. I can feel Jade looking at me, so I glance over at her. “What?”

  “She really likes you, you know,” she says.

  I shift uncomfortably in my chair. “Did, uh…did she say that?” I ask quietly.

  Jade gives me a quizzical smile. “Is a big tough guy like you actually self-conscious about a girl?”

  I give her a dirty look. “I’ve had many issues with women, so I have a hard time with this shit, fuck you very much.”

  Jade chuckles. “Well that explains a lot. And no, she hasn’t come right out and said it, but I can tell. She’s been moping around for the past few days because you haven’t called. She might say she doesn’t care, that she knew it was most likely a one-time thing, but I know her too well. She wants more with you.”

  “I’m not going to lie, I really like Arianna. I mean a lot. More that I should for only knowing her a few weeks, but I can’t offer her what she wants. She still wants to get married eventually. She wants that white picket fence and the happily ever after. I’m not that guy.”

  Jade’s stare is all too knowing and it’s making me fidget. “Aren’t you?”

  “No, I’m not. I’ve done the whole marriage thing, twice. I’m not doing it again. The most I can give her is a long term relationship…maybe…I don’t even know if I can handle that.” I sigh.

  “You will if someone’s worth it,” Jade says with a confidence that I don’t have.

  “I’m too messed up in the love department. She deserves better than me,” I reply dejectedly.

  “That’s not true. Can you not see how great of a guy you are? You found out the truth and saved Arianna for marrying that dick, Kyle. She told me how you took her on a carriage ride. You also ice skated with her, and danced in the snow, just to make her happy because she was upset about the break up. You saved her from a fire and stayed with her at the hospital. Now you’re going to take her out - again - to make her feel better. Come on, Duke, give yourself some credit. You’re a better man than you think you are.”

  I can feel the heat rise up my face and I don’t blush easily. I shrug, unwilling to admit that any of that stuff makes me worthy of someone as great as Arianna. “Either way, she needs someone who can give her what she wants. That’s not me.”

  Jade shakes her head. “You’re so stubborn,” she huffs.

  I snort. “Tell me something I don’t know.”

  “So you’re okay with just being her friend and letting her date other people?” Jade says, raising her eyebrows at me.

  Jealousy shoots through me hard and fast. In no way do I want some other douchebag’s hands all over her. I clench my jaw to stop myself from barking out a “Hell no!” Jade sees it, though. There was no way I could hide it fast enough.

  Jade smirks. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”

  “Bitch,” I sneer.

  She laughs. “Tell me something I don’t know,” she says, repeating my words back to me.

  Arianna chooses that moment to walk into the kitchen. Her hair is still damp and pulled up into a messy bun on top of her head. She is make-up free and looking absolutely breathtaking. She’s wearing a pair of black yoga pants and a pull over baggy gray sweatshirt. She sends me an apologetic look.

  “Sorry, I really didn’t feel like getting dresse
d up,” Arianna murmurs.

  “I couldn’t care less what you wear,” I tell her, dismissing her apology.

  She gives me a soft grateful smile.

  “How about we just go back to my apartment, order in some food, and watch a movie?” I suggest. She doesn’t seem like she’s really in the mood to go out.

  “Really? You wouldn’t mind?” she asks hopefully.

  “Not at all.” I shake my head.

  Jade gives me a see-you-are-a-good-guy look over Arianna’s shoulder. I pretend to scratch my nose, using my middle finger. Jade stifles a laugh because Arianna is completely oblivious.

  “Thanks, Duke. I really wasn’t in the mood to go out.” Arianna sighs in relief.

  “It’s fine, I understand,” I assure her.

  “Here’s an extra key,” Jade says to Arianna and hands her a small keychain with a single key on it.

  “Thanks,” Arianna says and takes the key before turning to me. “I’m ready when you are.”

  “Let’s go,” I say and hold out my hand.

  Arianna takes it and lets me tuck her under my arm. She fits so perfectly there. We walk like that out to my car where I then open the passenger door for her. She slides into the seat and I shut the door. I make my way around to the driver’s side, thinking the entire time about how fucking screwed I am.

  ~ Chapter Nine ~

  ~ Arianna ~

  Duke lets me into his apartment. It’s a cute little place, sparsely decorated. The kitchen is tiny and open to the decent sized living room. A hallway branches off from the living room, which I’m assuming leads to the bedroom and bathroom.

  “I just moved in not too long ago, so you’ll have to excuse the barrenness of the place,” Duke murmurs as he follows me through the door.

  “It’s fine.” I assure him. “You’ve got a couch and a TV, that’s really all we need to watch a movie.”

  Duke nods in agreement.

  “Do you want a drink? I have beer, soda, iced tea, and bottled water,” he asks.

  “A water, please,” I reply.

  While Duke goes into the kitchen to grab drinks, I wander into the living room. I sit down on the really nice, new looking, brown leather couch. The TV is mounted on the wall directly across from the couch and is gigantic. It takes up almost the entire wall. Only a man.

  Duke sits down next to me and hands me the bottle of water while he hangs onto the beer in his other hand. I thank him and crack it open, taking a sip as he turns on the TV. He opens the drawer of the coffee table and pulls out a menu from the stack.

  “This place has really good food,” he says and hands me the menu.

  After we decide that we both want pizza, Duke calls in the order.

  “You know everything is going to be okay, right? Your shop can be rebuilt,” he murmurs softly, slipping his arm around my shoulders.

  I sigh and lean into him, placing my head on his shoulder. “Yeah, I know. I just can’t believe it’s gone. All my hard work. It took me six months to get that place the way I wanted it.”

  He kisses the top of my head. “And it might take you another six months, or more, to get it back to the way it was, but you’ll do it, and it’ll be just as great as it was.”

  I lift my head from his shoulder and look up at him. My heart does a flip-flop in my chest. “Do you have any idea how sweet you are?”

  Duke rolls his eyes at me, but I can see the blush creep up his cheeks.

  “Thank you,” I whisper and give him a kiss on the cheek.

  He then steals a kiss on the lips.

  “I’m going to Baltimore tomorrow for Christmas to spend a few days with my family. Come with me?” he asks quietly while nudging his nose against mine.

  I jerk my head back so that I can see him more clearly. “Seriously? You want me to meet your family and spend a few days with them? I mean, we’re not even dating.”

  Duke blows out a breath and runs his hand over his hair. “Listen, I’m not good with this shit, but I really like you, a lot. And I want to spend Christmas with you. I want to stay here, but my mother would kick my ass if I don’t show up for the holiday. So I figure, why not just bring you with me? If you want to go, that is.”

  “How would you introduce me? Hey, mom, this is Arianna, the girl I banged a week ago?” I snort.

  Duke barks out a laugh. “No, of course not. I’d introduce you as my girlfriend…” He stops, his eyes barely meeting mine, vulnerability rolling off him in waves. “…That is, if that’s what you want. I can’t promise you anything long term right now, though.”

  It’s so odd, this side of Duke. He’s such a strong man in every other aspect of his life, but when it comes to women, he’s completely broken. And stupid me is falling head over heels in love with him. The man who never wants to get married again. The man who can’t promise me even a long-term relationship.

  I touch his jaw, which makes his eyes lift to meet mine. “Can you at least promise that you won’t sleep with anyone else?”

  His gaze softens and he reaches up to thread his fingers into my hair. “Yes, I can promise you that,” he replies without hesitation.

  His lips meet mine just as there is a knock on the door. He growls and pulls away. He opens the door, and it’s the pizza we ordered. Duke pays the kid then brings the pizza in, kicking the door shut behind him. He sets the box on the coffee table and opens it up. The delicious aroma of cheese, sauce, and pepperoni fills the air.

  “Dig in, don’t be shy,” he says as he grabs a slice and takes a huge bite.

  He doesn’t even bother with a plate or napkin or anything. Such a guy. I shake my head and grab a slice, too.

  “So, you never gave me an answer. Baltimore? Yes or no?” Duke asks around a mouthful of pizza.

  I give him a grossed out look that has him giving me a sheepish smile and a shrug.

  “Well, tomorrow night, Christmas Eve, was supposed to be my wedding day. I think instead of being stared at by my family with pity in their eyes, I will go with you to Baltimore.”

  Duke smiles. “Great.”

  ~ Duke ~

  Arianna is now my girlfriend? How the hell did that happen? And I actually asked her…sorta. Am I really doing this again? Am I setting myself up to be hurt, or is it possible that she’s really the one? Because I can see myself with her for…forever. Possibly even have kids with her. But I thought that with both Mallory and Aimee, too, so I’m not sure if I trust my own judgment.

  If I’m being honest with myself, I’m already in love with her. I love everything about her. I love her fire and passion, her laugh and her smile, and her independence. She really is everything I’ve always wanted in a woman. Mallory was not independent at all; she was needy and clingy. And Aimee didn’t have much of a sense of humor; she took everything I said so seriously.

  After Arianna and I eat, we decide on a movie to watch. As we settle in to watch the movie, she snuggles up against me. It’s been four long ass days since we slept together and having her so close with her scent invading my nose is reminding my cock of how much he wants her.

  She’s tucked nicely under my arm with her hand resting low on my stomach. I can’t even concentrate on the movie because I’m imagining her hand inching lower and dipping under the waistband of my jeans. My cock twitches at the thought.

  Half way through the movie, I’m freaking squirming in my seat. I’m so hard and in need of relief.

  “I can’t take it anymore,” I grunt as I maneuver us on the couch so that I can cover her body with mine.

  She looks up at me in shock. “What can’t you take?” she asks in confusion.

  Instead of answering her, I crush my mouth to hers. She moans and wraps her arms around my neck. I grind myself against her where I’m nestled between her legs. She gasps against my lips, and I take the opportunity to kiss her deeper. Our tongues tangle together as we taste each other. I can’t get enough of her.

  The kiss turns frenzied as we both search for skin. Clothes are torn o
ff in record time. I kiss my way down to her neck as she moans and arches her sexy body against mine.

  “Arianna, we need to go to my bedroom, I don’t have any condoms out here,” I whisper against the silky skin of her neck.

  “Okay,” she breathes.

  I pull her up with me as I stand. I carry her, with her legs wrapped around my waist, to my bedroom down the hall. I climb onto the bed, loving the sight of her sprawled out underneath me again. She pulls me in for an explosive kiss as her hand finds my cock, where it’s trapped between us. She slowly caresses me, drawing out the pleasure that is gradually building. I moan into her mouth and rock my hips.

  “Arianna,” I pant, pulling back from her luscious lips.

  “Hmmm?” she replies with a smug smile on her pretty face.

  I still her hand that’s stroking my dick. “Do you want sex? Cause if you keep this up, it won’t be happening,” I tell her.

  She laughs low and sultry. “Okay, I’ll stop. But you need to get a condom because I want you inside of me right now.”

  I groan and reach over to my nightstand where my condom stash is in the drawer. After grabbing one, I move back over Arianna. I give her a couple of lingering kisses on the lips before pushing up to my knees so I can roll the condom on.

  “Do you think I can be on top?” Arianna asks before I can do anything.

  I have to fight my eyes from rolling back in my head. “Baby, you can absolutely be on top,” I rasp.

  I trade places with her, lying down on the bed on my back. She takes the condom from me, assuming so she can put it on me. But instead, she sets it down next to my thigh. My eyebrows draw down as I frown at her. She shoves my legs apart and settles on her knees between them. My stomach flutters in anticipation. I can’t tell you the last time I had a good blowjob. Arianna dips down and drags her tongue up the underside of my cock, from root to tip. I gape down at her, unable to tear my gaze away from what she’s about to do.

  Wrapping her hand around the base, she lifts my dick off my stomach and flicks her tongue over the tip a couple of times before swallowing me down to the base. I choke out a cry of pleasure. I was so not expecting her to do that.


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