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Caught in the Middle

Page 13

by Desiree Holt

  “Aphrodite was the Greek goddess of beauty,” Stafford said and pointedly turned his back on the other man to look down at her. She didn’t lift her eyes and meet his gaze. If Hayden had upset her, he was going wring the wolf’s neck right then and be done with it.

  Brushing his lips against hers, he whispered, “He’s an idiot, but he’s harmless.”

  She nodded and leaned up for another kiss. At that moment he was sure there could have been an auditorium full of people watching them, and all she would have registered was their lips brushing together.

  He moved his right hand to touch her, but the cuffs rattled—he wasn’t going to have Hayden’s hands anywhere near her if he could help it. It was far better to leave his own right hand out of the equation and make do with his left.

  Shifting on the mattress to free his other hand, Stafford trailed his fingers down her neck and to her breast. Her nipple peaked eagerly under his touch, pleading for his attention. He allowed his attentions to linger there for several minutes as he manipulated the nerve endings with practised ease.

  Jasmine whimpered her frustration, arching her back to push her breast into his hand. He studied each reaction before he trailed his fingers further down her body, caressing her skin every inch of the way. She spread her legs for him, quickly inviting him to slide his fingers down between her thighs and Stafford was not about to refuse such a generous invitation. She moaned her appreciation as he slid his fingers against her slit and up to her clit to tease the tiny swollen bud, his fingers slicked with her moisture so they slid perfectly against her.

  She pressed herself against his hand as he worked her slowly to a peak of frustration, never letting her have quite enough stimulation.

  As hard as he tried, it wasn’t long before he couldn’t wait any longer. “If you want this, Jasmine, you have to tell me. You have to say yes for me.”

  “Yes,” she said, very loudly.

  Stafford grinned down at her. A movement from the side caught his eye. Hayden shifted uncomfortably and probably very frustratedly on the bed next to them. His smile changed and became more calculating.

  “Does it bother you, Hayden watching us?” he asked her.

  She shook her head, and looked into his eyes for a moment. If that was the case then it was about time someone showed the wolf how a real man made love to a woman.

  “I want you to ride me.”

  Jasmine immediately pushed herself up onto her elbow, ready to get into whatever position he wanted. Stafford knelt on the bed behind her and gently guided her to spread her legs so he could put his knees between them. She leaned forward putting her hands on the mattress, as if she thought he wanted her doggie style, like the damn wolf inevitably would. Sitting back on his heels, Stafford pulled her back close to him instead, so she would be able to ride him.

  She hesitated for a moment, and then she seemed to realise what he wanted and she nodded her understanding. “Yes, sir.”

  “That’s right,” he soothed, as she he guided her to lower herself down onto the full length of his erection. Stafford pushed her hair aside and kissed her neck as she settled onto him.

  Looking across at Hayden, still watching their every move, Stafford met his eyes as he bit down on her neck.

  His teeth sliced neatly through her skin. She threw her head back with a pleasure filled gasp as her muscles clamped down around him.

  Hayden tilted his head to the side, frowning as if he only then realised Stafford told the truth when he said human women enjoyed being bitten by him. Stafford smiled against the cut and teased it with his tongue as blood began to seep into his mouth.

  She was so sweet, so perfect, and he didn’t need Hayden’s sense of smell to tell him she wasn’t afraid anymore—he could taste her pleasure, hot and eager on his tongue. He rocked his hips, pushing his cock deeper into her slit as she rode him and he felt her pleasure grow and double.

  Reaching around with his free hand he teased her nipple between his thumb and forefinger the way she seemed to like so much. She seemed to appreciate a rougher touch than other women in his experience. A sharper pinch of his fingers, a scrape of his nail across the nipple and she gasped and writhed around his cock for him.

  He closed his eyes and sucked at the small wounds on her neck, coaxing the blood to flow more freely as his fingers danced across her breasts. Jasmine shakily took up the rhythm he set for her and she began to ride him properly. She took control of the movements, leaving him free to concentrate on the feeding while she worked hard and fast for both their pleasure. All of a sudden she faltered, gasping and bucking as her rhythm deserted her.

  Endorphins failed to pour into his mouth. Her blood made it very clear she hadn’t come. He frowned, breaking the bite to speak to her.

  Something moved against the base of his cock.

  “What the…!”

  He looked down. Hayden’s head was down between her legs, lapping at her clit as she rode him, and the damn wolf wasn’t being too careful about who received the benefits of his tongue’s attention.

  Before he could reach around Jasmine and push the other man away, she moaned low in the back of her throat and dropped her head right back onto his shoulder. She shifted in his embrace, turning her head to rub her cheek against his neck. Her eyes were closed, but he didn’t need to see into her eyes to see her pleasure.

  She reached back for him. One hand threaded into his hair to guide his lips back to her neck, begging him to resume the feeding. Her other hand went behind his waist, to slide down over his arse. She whimpered and tugged at his body, pleading with him to thrust into her, imploring him to ignore the other man and finish what he had started.

  Stafford automatically kissed the wound on her neck. His every instinct told him she was right. What the pup did was irrelevant. He could wring Hayden’s neck for his impudence later. Right then, when pleasure was flowing through her veins and straight onto his tongue, there was nothing to do but keep going.

  Warm breaths caressed his cock as Hayden’s tongue worked Jasmine to fever pitch, but right then it was impossible to care if those breaths belonged to a man or a werewolf or anything else.

  Jasmine whimpered again and bit her lip. Her rhythm was shot after the shock the wolf had given her, but she was still doing her very best to ride him, encasing his cock in her hot, wet slit only to slide off him a little way and repeat the process again and again.

  With each bit of pleasure his teeth and the other man’s tongue gave her, she writhed against him, no longer able to think but only to react. The hand she’d tangled in his hair, slipped forward to stroke his cheek, then she arched sharply, pressing herself back against his body. Her hand went to his hair again, as if those strands twining through her fingers represented her only grip on reality.

  Her other hand left his backside and move forward to tangle into Hayden’s longer, fairer hair too.

  She was so close to coming, Stafford could taste it. She tried to say something, but she couldn’t even seem to catch her breath to ask either man to push her over the edge.

  Stafford pressed his teeth deeper into her jugular.

  Chapter Two

  Hayden Griffith looked up as Jasmine screamed. It wasn’t quite a howl, but he was still pretty damn impressed by the sheer volume a woman Jasmine’s size could produce when she came. For a tiny little thing, she had a great pair of lungs.

  Grinning to himself, he kept lapping at her clit, following her jerky movements as best he could. A moment later she jerked against his mouth again as Stafford lost his rhythm and came inside her. Hayden kept licking Jasmine’s clit as Stafford’s scent filled the air, marking Jasmine as his.

  When they finally fell completely still and Jasmine’s grip of his hair eased then disappeared, Hayden pulled back as far as the cuffs linking him with Stafford would allow and he watched the two lovers rest against each other’s bodies. Stafford stayed very still, supporting Jasmine as she took deep breaths and struggled to regain her composure.
/>   She smelt happy. So did Stafford. That was new. Stafford usually smelt incredibly pissed off with the whole world—as if the entire planet only existed to inconvenience him. Now, the vampire knelt on the bed, letting a human woman collapse against him, and he seemed to be entirely content to rest there, just kissing her neck over the place he’d bitten her and teasing her skin.

  Stafford, for all the things Hayden hated about him, had been right about one thing. Jasmine had liked the careful, controlled way the vampire touched her. Hayden trailed his finger tips along his own leg, copying the way Stafford had caressed her skin. He frowned a little.

  The way they were together was very different to how he and the female wolves he had mated with conducted themselves. Hayden watched as Stafford caressed Jasmine’s breast and coaxed a final shudder of pleasure from her body.

  Stafford, Hayden decided, obviously wasn’t a man who had been born knowing how to be gentle or controlled. He must have learnt human ways at some point and Hayden was sure he would be able to learn too. Failing to learn their ways wasn’t an option—not if learning how to be more like the humans would allow him to curl his arms around Jasmine the way Stafford did.

  He shifted on the mattress, wishing he could move across the bed and offer her another set of arms, another strong body to rest against right away. He held back a sigh, knowing Stafford wouldn’t be ready to release her for quite some time yet.

  Stafford moved and he withdrew his cock from Jasmine’s slit, guiding her away from him. Hayden tilted his head to the side, watching every move. As she pulled away from Stafford she opened her eyes and smiled across at him. He was right there in front of her, and when she moved forward it was right into his arms.

  Behind her, Stafford frowned. Hayden pushed that aside. It was the vampire’s own fault for not thinking the situation over properly. Any man in his right mind should have realised it was best to enjoy Jasmine’s body last, not first.

  Hayden touched her cheek as gently as he knew how.

  “Do you need to rest?” he asked, trying not to let her hear how much he wanted to her to say no.

  Jasmine shook her head. Hayden smiled his relief and dipped his head to nuzzle her neck. Stafford had left his mark on her throat. It was healing as quickly as rumour had it a vampire’s bite always did, but it was still there.

  He kissed the mark very gently, letting his tongue run over the wound to aid its healing. “It does not hurt?” he checked.

  She shook her head again.

  “I will not hurt you either,” he told her. “Wolves do not hurt each other when they mate and I will be especially gentle with you.”

  He caught sight of Stafford’s expression over her shoulder. He didn’t look at all impressed, but Jasmine smiled at him.

  “I believe you, sir,” she whispered.

  Stafford moved to sit back on the bed, rearranging his legs so Jasmine knelt between them with her back to him. Hayden looked at the handcuff joining them at the wrist. There wasn’t enough room to move her away from him, and right then he didn’t care how close the other man was to them anyway.

  He kissed Jasmine very carefully—tasting her lips and coaxing her tongue out to play. He could smell her scent hanging in the air and he knew she was very ready for him. Watching Stafford enjoy her body had put him on edge too. He couldn’t wait if there was no need to.

  He turned her around, so she faced Stafford. The vampire looked surprised, but he made no objection.

  Stroking his hands down Jasmine back, Hayden ducked his head down and lapped at her clit a few times, the way the werewolf women liked so much. She moaned her appreciation very loudly as he used the length and suppleness in his tongue to tease her to the edge of her pleasure.

  Jasmine arched her back, offering herself to him and inviting him to mount her. The tiny movement was all the invitation he needed. Still lapping pleasure against her, he blindly pushed his clothes off and kicked them off the side of the bed. Ripping his shirt the same way he’d seen Stafford resort to, he freed the trailing material from the cuff and positioned himself behind Jasmine.

  Placing his hands on her waist to hold her in steady, he had to tug at the cuff to make Stafford move his hand and rest it on Jasmine’s back so he had more freedom of movement.

  Hayden pressed the head of his cock against her slit. Rocking his hips he pushed his cock into her a little way, and then a little further with every motion.

  Little by little, inch by inch, he filled her slit until he was fully sheathed inside her. He stilled then, letting her get used to the feel of his cock inside her. Whatever Stafford wanted to believe, Hayden was well aware he had several inches advantage over the vampire. Stafford might be larger than most of the human men Hayden had chanced to see naked, but he still wasn’t a werewolf.

  Looking past her shoulder, he saw Stafford watching her face. He seemed fascinated by her expression. A mirror. Next time they had sex, he would have to arrange for Jasmine to face a mirror, so he would be able to watch her expression too. Right then, he focused on the way her muscles clenched and unclenched around his shaft instead. Taking a deep breath, he ran his palms over her back and stayed as still as he could inside her.

  Jasmine looked over her shoulder, as if confused by his stillness. She tried to move, pushing back against him, fidgeting within his grasp.

  “Hush,” he told her, stroking her skin again.

  He felt his shaft begin to swell slightly inside her, filling her further. He let his eyes drop closed as he savoured the hot, wetness surrounding his cock holding him tighter by the moment.

  “Hayden?” She sounded nervous. Hayden blinked his eyes opened.

  Stafford held her face still so he could stare into her eyes. “What’s wrong?” he asked, casting an accusing glare at Hayden.

  Hayden made a soft hushing sound in the back of his throat. “Hush, it’s fine, Jas.”

  “What going on?” Stafford said.

  Hayden ignored him. “I feel good inside you, don’t I, Jas?”

  Jasmine nodded, her muscles tightened around him. He rocked very slightly inside her, letting his expanding shaft rub against her inside, seeing if she had that little pleasure spot in the same place female werewolves did.

  She gasped, a soft little pleasure filled sound, and he smiled down at her. “You’re safe,” he said. “I’ve got you, now, the bond will keep us together.”

  She nodded again, moaning slightly as he caressed her hips.

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Stafford demanded

  Hayden continued to ignore him. He hadn’t interrupted the bloody bat when he was with Jas, Stafford should have the decency to follow his example. Jasmine purred her appreciation as he filled her just a little more snugly. His pre-cum leaked inside her—coaxing her muscles to contract around him and finally lock them together.

  Hayden settled his hands on her waist and started to move inside her. The way they were joined still allowed for a little bit of movement—enough to bring pleasure to them both without actually allowing them to part completely. Every time he pulled back as if he would let his cock slip from her slit, her muscles tightened around him, milking a little more pleasure from his cock.

  Her head dropped down until she practically rested against Stafford’s body. Hayden guided her away from him. The vampire glared at him and held onto her until he seemed to realise Hayden was only trying to rearrange them so Jasmine could be more comfortable.

  “That’s right, Jas, lie down,” Hayden coaxed her, guiding her to lie down on her side as he spooned behind her, still perfectly connected to her.

  The ache inside him was easing now. Knowing he had his mate close and safe with him where she belonged, made the world seem a far less complicated and confusing place.

  His mate.

  The words were suddenly right there in his head. His mate. His alpha female. Hayden held her a little closer and smiled to himself. Jasmine was his. She might not realise that, he was well aware other specie
s could be somewhat slow on the uptake when compared to werewolves, but that didn’t dampen down his smile at all.

  She was his.

  Hayden licked her neck and stroked her hair and then her body, running his hands over her curves and tugging at the cuffs whenever they got in the way. He felt clumsy and awkward after watching Stafford’s delicate touch, but she arched against his hand and he could see the pleasure in her body as well as in her scent.

  A glance past her and he saw Stafford was still frowning at them both. It had to be hard for him now, to realise he had picked the wrong place in the order, to realise another man was with the woman he had made love to. He didn’t want to share his lover, he didn’t want to let another man touch his alpha female, but when Stafford reached out and touched Jasmine’s cheek, Hayden forced himself to let him make contact with her.

  He might be willing to admit he had a lot to learn about humans and vampires, but he knew how packs worked—Stafford probably hadn’t wanted to share Jas with him either, but he had. The laws of the pack made it quite clear. Even if she was to take her place as his alpha female in the future, she belonged to both of them right then. He had no right to stop Stafford touching her if Jasmine remained willing to accept his touch.

  Just able to see her expression from that angle, Hayden saw her smile at the vampire.

  “You’re…connected?” Stafford asked.

  Hayden kissed her neck. For a man who seemed to think he knew all there was to know about both women and sex, he really was pretty clueless. “Of course,” he said against her neck.

  “Does it hurt?” he asked Jasmine.

  Jasmine shook her head. “It feels good,” she whispered.

  Hayden smiled behind her, rocking his hips so he moved inside her. Her muscles clamped down around him and she purred her pleasure loud enough for the other man to hear.

  Stafford frowned.

  “Like the bite,” she added.

  “What?” Stafford said.

  Hayden hesitated—damn sure the joining shouldn’t feel like anyone was biting her.


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