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Caught in the Middle

Page 30

by Desiree Holt

  The rumble of his voice sent a shiver down her spine. “Hello, Troy. It’s Anneke from last night.” She let the last part drip with innuendo.

  “Well, hello there, stranger. Didn’t think you’d call.” He chuckled.

  She imagined the rise and fall of his chest beneath whatever shirt he wore and found it incredibly sexy. “I didn’t think you’d give me a bogus number, but a girl has to be sure.” She sounded flirty, blithesome.

  “Well hon, I never give a woman the wrong number. She might be the right one.” His voice dropped a note. “What’s up?”

  “I was hoping,” she twirled the phone cord around her fingers and shifted her weight, “we could get together sometime.”

  He waited a beat. “Are you free tonight, Darlin’?”

  “I am, but…” She hesitated. The fantasy of having both men satisfy her burned hot within her, so much that it nagged at her.

  “But what?”

  “I’d like it if Bill joined. Do you mind?” Anneke made sure to let the wanton lust drip from her voice.

  “Mind? If I am right about where this is heading, I think he’ll be more than agreeable, babe. What time should we pick you up?”

  The cockiness in his voice amused her. Anneke leaned back, her lips parted for a response.

  He interrupted her silence. “How about seven tonight? We’ll pick you up at say…the bar?”

  “My but you’re fast.” She let out a light, airy laugh.

  “I have to be if I want to snag someone like you. You’re quite a prize.” His smile was evident through the phone. Closing her eyes, Anneke visualised his full lips curved upwards in a bow before his pink tongue darted out to lick his bottom lip.

  “Flatterer.” Anneke crossed her legs at the ankles and set a hand down on her desk for balance.

  “That’s me. Mr. Charm.”

  “Well, Mr. Charm,” she let out a giggle, “Seven it is.”

  “Great. I’ll tell Bill, and we’ll both be on time.”

  “Fabulous.” Anneke leaned forward, setting a hand on her thigh. She was already aroused from her dreams this morning, but the anticipation would make her antsy. “I’ll see you then.”

  She hung up the phone, slid off the desk and walked around to sit in her chair. One glance at the clock told her the day couldn’t pass fast enough.

  Several hours later, Anneke found herself sitting in the same bar she’d been in with her friends last night, only they were absent. She was dressed in her killer jeans, a pair of stockings and panties complete with garter. A black skin tight sweater hugged her curves in the same manner as the jeans she wore. Pumps completed the outfit. She’d chosen to wear very little makeup, leaving her hair down to frame her face.

  She leaned over the bar, nursing a beer. Deciding to skip the last two hours of work to come home early and change for her dates, she’d made up an excuse about how she needed to be home early for her nonexistent cats.

  Her boss had let her go without a word other than to thank her for her presentation that morning. Still, he’d seemed irked that she had priorities other than her job.

  She’d giddily slipped out of the office and sped home to change into the sexiest thing she could think of: lingerie.

  Black seamless stockings attached to a purple and black garter. A matching strapless bra cupped her breasts, holding them up just enough to give any man a decent view of her cleavage. She topped off the outfit with a black, jeans and fuck-me pumps.

  This wasn’t an outfit her mother would let her wear to a bar!

  She’d already had two guys come onto her and try to buy her drinks, but she’d refused, saying she was waiting for her boyfriend.

  The thought of a boyfriend scared them off while it amused the bartender.

  “Another round, ma’am?” He reached for her glass.

  Checking her watch, she nodded. “I’m early. I’ve got time for one more.” She hoped the boys weren’t insane or assholes. She couldn’t put up with another one of those after dealing with her stupid ex.

  The bartender took her glass and refilled it with more beer.

  Lifting the glass to her lips, Anneke took a long sip before the sound of the door opening to her left had her turning her gaze on the entrance.

  Troy strode through confidently, his long legs encased in denim that showed off how powerful his thighs were. Boots clicked along the floor as his eyes surveyed the place until meeting with Anneke’s.

  His smile widened. Behind him, Bill stepped in, dressed in a black, long-sleeve dress shirt and black jeans with matching boots. His hair had been slicked back as had Troy’s.

  The sight of both men dampened her thighs even more. She crossed her legs unconsciously and turned towards both men.

  “Hello, boys,” she purred.

  Troy was the first to approach, slapping down a bill on the bar. “Keep the change.”

  The bartender slid him two open bottles of beer before taking his money.

  Bill nodded, licking his lips. “Hi,” he waved.

  Troy leaned into Anneke, quickly closing the distance between them. Their lips met. He tasted of beer but smelled more of masculine musk and sandalwood—odd scents for someone who worked on a farm.

  His tongue pushed past her lips, stroking the inside of her mouth, claiming her, caressing her tongue in such a manner that her breasts tingled and her back arched.

  She hadn’t noticed his hand along the small of her back until then, but sure enough, he’d slid it along her spine and sent waves of pleasure racing upwards.

  He broke first from the kiss, a smile on his plump lips.

  Gazing into his eyes, she swore she saw sparkles of desire, the tiniest hints of arousal. Pressing a hand to his chest, she found a wall of muscle she wanted to feel more personally.

  “My,” she licked her lower lip and leaned into his hand, “you’re good.”

  Troy let his hand linger just a moment longer against her back before he slid it along the underside of her ribcage and released her. Taking a sip of his beer, he nodded. “I am always good.”

  Bill joined her and set a hand on her bare shoulder. His touch warmed her.

  Her nipples hardened beneath the dress, the fabric of the material rubbing against her irritated skin. She shuddered.

  “I’m even better,” he whispered against her ear, his breath warm along her earlobe. His tongue trailed along her neck, sending sensations towards her sweet, wet slit.

  Goose bumps appeared on her exposed skin. Anneke took a long, deep swig of her beer before setting down an empty mug on the bar. Bill’s strong hands caressed her shoulders.

  Troy took a seat beside them both. “Hard day at work?”

  She nodded. “Yup. I’m in advertising, and this stupid client we’re dealing with is a pain in the ass.” She nudged Bill’s thighs with her hips, pressing her ass against an already firm erection.

  “I can imagine. Bill and I had a hard day.” Troy raised his bottle to his lips.

  Bill scoffed, “I had a hard day. Mr. I’m-in-the-office-all-day had me hauling bales of hay for our horses. But it’s no big. I’m strong like that.” Bill flexed an arm for emphasis.

  “I see,” Anneke reached around and felt Bill’s bicep. Indeed, he was contracting solid muscle. What would it feel like to have actual strong hands grip her and pump into her from behind?

  Jones was such a pussy with touch.

  “Something the matter, Darlin’?” Troy leaned forward, keeping his body posture open. He leaned his head on the palm of his hand.

  “No,” she sighed in disgust. “You two are just what a girl needs. I had this…” She closed her eyes and searched for the words to describe just what the hell she had with Jones.

  “Bad fling?” This came from Bill, whose hands smoothed over her bare shoulders.

  “Yeah.” She opened her eyes and turned to face him. His touch was gentle but still laced with hidden passion. Soft eyes reminded her of her someone playful, kind but still open to new ideas.. T
he thought made her smile until she noticed the silence, both men waiting on her next words. “That’s what he was. Only more pathetic.”

  Troy chuckled. “We’ve had a few of them, haven’t we, Bill?”

  “Yup.” Bill nodded before taking a pull on his beer.

  “We?” She cocked a brow.

  “Yeah, we.” Troy sighed. “I’m going to be forward and mention that I think this proposition may lead to sex with both of us, am I right?”

  Heat crept up Anneke’s cheeks and pooled between her thighs. The blush that slid up her skin turned her a few shades of red, but she smiled and licked her lower lip. “Maybe.”

  Bill’s hand settled on her hip, his thumb strumming a space on the small of her back. “Well, maybe we’ve had a few girlfriends who have shared us.”

  His voice held the faintest hint of playfulness that made her nipples harden beneath her top.

  “Maybe, huh?” She leaned back, eyeing first Troy then Bill. Both men sat leaned over the bar resting on their elbows. They looked at her and at each other without moving their eyes. It felt a little intuitive.

  “Well,” Troy broke the silence, “it started one night when I’d accidentally slept with someone who just happened to be Bill’s ex.”

  Anneke set her hand to her chest. “Oh?” She narrowed her eyes.

  “Yeah.” Bill leaned back and took a sip from his beer before setting it down on the bar. “I walked in on the two of them and my ex looked dead at me. There was a bit of fear in Troy’s eyes ‘cause I had just cleaned the guns and was bringing them in.” His lips curled upward, and he started to chuckle.

  “Bill brought in my twelve gauge and found us, rather his ex riding high on the T-mobile. I thought he was going to take aim and blow off my damn head!” Troy turned to face Anneke, his posture more open.

  “My fucking ex turns to me,” Bill slapped a hand on the bar and started laughing even more, “‘Come join us Bill’.”

  Anneke was more curious than anything else. “So because of one incident like that, you two decided hooking up with women should be a couples thing?”

  “Ha! Nah.” Troy spread his legs apart, giving Anneke a gaze at just what an aroused man in tight jeans looked like.

  She licked her lips unconsciously.

  “Bill did as Marie told him to, stripped off and started—well you don’t want to hear the rest of this story from this point on.” Troy stopped short just as the bartender came up to refill their drinks.

  “Interesting.” Anneke set her palms down on the bar, aware of Bill’s light touch against her bare skin. She was turned on and thankful that both men seemed able to play nice. “You two have a system of rules or is this basically a free for all?”

  “Honey…” Bill cupped her shoulder, his touch still delicate.. “No system. We’ve been doing this for um…,” he closed his eyes, looked away and then back at Anneke, “probably two years now?”

  “That’s about right.” Troy interjected.

  Somewhere inside her, Anneke felt she should be…she didn’t know. Surprised, maybe? “You’re not playing me, boys?”

  Troy put his hands up, palms outward. “No, ma’am. The choice is entirely up to you. We prefer to operate with integrity.”

  “As it turns out, we end up with better bed mates that way.” Bill squirmed when he realised he’d stuck his foot in his mouth. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean—“

  “No,” Anneke held up a hand, “I understand. It makes sense. That’s kind of a reassuring thought, anyway. I take it you two don’t count your lovers?”

  “Oh, we know how few women we’ve slept with together.” Troy chuckled. “But it’s not polite to kiss and tell. Besides, we’re sort of looking for something more at this point.”

  “Interesting,” Anneke mused, sipping her new beer. She didn’t hear alarm bells or warning signs in her stomach like she had when she was with her last pinhead ex-boyfriend. In fact, she felt wetter than she had in years. Her thighs were so soaked she knew she’d need to discard her panties.

  Or give them to the boys. A sly smile crossed her lips. “Excuse me, gentlemen. I have to go check in with the girls. I’ll be right back.”

  They both nodded.

  She slid off the stool and headed towards the bathroom. Once inside, she practically had to peel off the thong from her body since it was soaked. Her nipples were hard, and her skin was flushed. The two men were honest and open about their lives, which was a turn on. Add to that they were both experienced, she hoped, with sharing a woman, and things got even better!

  It was cold, and she’d chosen to wear her panties on the outside of her garter belt—she’d read somewhere that it was easier to take off that way while still leaving her feeling sexy in her thigh highs and lace. Her bra matched the stockings, a nice shade of purple that looked deeper against her alabaster skin.

  After adjusting her clothing, she walked out of the bathroom, panties in hand.

  Troy was the one to speak first. “Well, are your friends, okay?”

  Anneke smiled big, her lips curving slowly upward as she set one hand on her hip. She had to do this, had to feel them both with her in bed. It’d be wonderful, she was certain! It’d pull her from her monotonous routine of boring books and gardening, and it would keep her from adopting six cats more than she could care for!

  She took Troy’s free hand with hers and set her closed fist in his. Opening her hand, she dropped her thong in the palm of his hand and grinned.

  Troy’s eyes lit up like a Christmas tree in downtown Dallas. He took her wet panties and slid them discreetly into his pocket like any gentleman would, but he’d eyed Bill in a manner that made her intentions clear.

  Bill responded with a kind but wicked grin. She had no idea the two emotions could be blended into one, but he had managed.

  “I think you have your answer, boys.”

  Chapter Four

  She couldn’t believe she’d just done what she’d done. Sitting between Bill and Troy in their black, dual-cab pickup on the way back to their house had been a dream, right?

  She pinched herself, the sting of pain settling into her and reminding her of reality. She was getting her threesome.

  Troy kept one hand on the wheel. The other on her thigh, rubbing circles slowly over her and sending pools of liquid racing towards her pussy.

  Bill leaned against the cushion, keeping an arm behind her while his fingers stroked the bare skin beneath her hair. Chills went through her that made her shudder into his touch. He was definitely the sensitive one.

  Troy was more practical—Get 'em horny and take ’em home to play.

  Bill seemed a little more like the guy you could bring home to mother, while Troy was just the opposite. In stature, the two men weren’t that different in height. Both were well groomed, and the kiss she’d shared with them both before leaving had left her breathless enough to want more.

  Silence carried between the threesome for the most part. The duo lived on a ranch not far from the bar. The road was smooth, and the landscape was dotted with large trees off and on. Anneke patted Bill on the thigh, her hand creeping up towards his crotch. “How far are you from here?”

  “About four or five miles,” Bill responded, opening his legs for easier access.

  “Greedy?” She grinned and felt Bill’s piercing stare in the darkness.

  “Honey, you’re the prettiest most honest thing that’s come our way. Hell yeah, I’m greedy!” He spread his legs apart wider, his knees bumping against Anneke’s.

  She reached higher up his thigh, patting the thick bulge beneath his jeans. “Ooh, I like this.”

  Troy’s hand roamed higher up her thigh until it had reached the waistband of her jeans. Fingertips brushed against bare skin, intensifying the rush of desire already spreading through her.

  Anneke sighed slowly, enjoying the feel the two of them touching her, caressing her, teasing her until she grew wetter. The ride wasn’t at all bumpy until about ten minutes after anyone
spoke. Her hands continued to roam over Bill’s crotch while she leaned against Troy, nuzzling his neck and inhaling his very masculine, woodsy aroma.

  Closing her eyes, she felt thick, warm fingers skitter along the inside of her jeans, brushing over the curve of her ass. Then the truck stopped.

  “Here we are.” Troy’s voice distracted her, bringing her back to reality. She was going through with this!

  Troy slid out, taking the keys with him. He stretched.

  Anneke kept an eye on him, letting her gaze travel up the length of his hard body.

  Bill followed next, patting the seat. “Out you come.”

  Anneke grinned. “I hope.”

  “Oh, the two of us are very good.” Bill’s smile radiated even in the darkness.

  Before them stood a large, ranch-style house with one lit lamp in the window. A wooden porch led to the front door. Anneke took Bill’s hand and felt Troy’s on the small of her back.

  She sashayed, well aware of their heated gazes on her.

  “My, what a lovely ass.” Bill patted her square on her bottom.

  Anneke wiggled her hips a little more for his benefit. She swallowed a lump of nervousness down, pushing any and all fears about this endeavour out of her head. She wanted this, her body craved their touch.

  Troy pushed a key into the lock and turned the handle, opening the door with a soft click. A breeze blew past the trio, forcing a shiver from Anneke.

  Troy looked back, stepped aside and waved her inside. “Ladies, first.”

  She stepped inside, her shoes clicking loudly against the wood patio until she’d stepped onto the soft carpet of the living room and foyer. A light switch flipped on behind her, illuminating the place in a soft glow. Their furniture was sparse, a couch, two recliners, a coffee table she was certain one of them had made by hand. A shelf on one wall housed a number of books, some looking to be fairly old. Candles rested on the mantel above the fireplace. Two oak tables had more candles. A few plants littered the floor by the windows.

  It seems that the boys took care of their place. Not an ounce of what she saw spelled bachelor pad.


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