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Powertools Complete Series

Page 20

by Jayne Rylon

  What they had was the real thing.

  Kate coughed. Maybe the char wasn’t all a product of the couple’s searing kiss. “Hey now, Morgan. No distracting the chef. I don’t like my burgers that well done.”

  “Fine, fine.” Morgan removed her tongue from Joe’s mouth and stuck it out at Kate. “I am getting pretty hungry.”

  “You know, I can round someone else up to do the honors here if you need me to feed you a little appetizer.” Joe wiggled his brows. “Has that picnic table been christened yet, Kay?”

  The tall, tattooed woman whistled a little ditty.

  “Should have figured you two have nailed each other on every rock and up every tree on this mountain by now.” He shook his head.

  “Jealous?” Dave came around the corner with Mike, beers in hand. He tossed one to Joe then settled onto the stone wall they’d built a few weekends ago.

  “Nah, but I do approve.” With a grin, Joe began to plate the meat as James and Neil trotted up beside them. They panted, out of breath from their game.

  James jogged until he was within arm’s reach of Devon then slowed to a stop. “Hi.”

  She let her hands hang, awkward, at her sides since she had no pockets to stuff them in. “Hey.”

  “Oh, damn. We’re not doing this weird first-time-we-see-you-after-having-sex thing are we?” Neil strode right up to her and wrapped her in a tight embrace. He planted a juicy kiss directly on her lips before retreating. “I’m no good at pretending. I missed you yesterday.”

  “No mistaking that.” Kate dropped her gaze to his solid hard-on. “That thing stood up and waved hello from across the field.”

  The group cracked up as they selected brightly colored plates from a stack and dished out the food they’d made together. The last traces of Devon’s reservations disappeared with dinner. Great conversations, a generous helping of ribbing and easy camaraderie made her forget all her concerns. She didn’t realize she’d shifted in her seat, leaning against Neil with her legs in James’s lap, until the rest of the crew piled their plates in the center of the table.

  “Guys are on clean up duty since the girls cooked.” Kate stood and stretched. She claimed a fresh pitcher of the sangria someone had mixed up.

  “Hey, I grilled.” Joe’s pout earned him a kiss on the cheek from Morgan.

  “Too bad. It’s time for girl talk. Come play in a little while.” She patted his chest then sauntered after Kate, plucking a pair of fresh glasses from the supplies.

  “Who are we to argue?” Kayla entwined her fingers with Devon’s and tugged. “Wait ’til you see what Dave designed back here.”

  Devon glanced over her shoulder, pleased to see James’s and Neil’s gazes locked on the sway of her hips. She blew them a kiss.

  “Are you teasing them or are you serious?” Kayla slowed as they sauntered down the hillside. She kept hold of Devon’s hand, using it to guide her along the soft, sandy path fringed with pretty river rocks and flower beds. Perfect for bare feet.

  “Uh…” Putting her heart on the line didn’t seem wise. Especially when she hadn’t gotten to talk to the two men, whom she’d dreamed of every second since Friday afternoon, about what had happened. She shivered a little. The setting sun made her wonder if she should run back to grab her dress. Though late in the spring, the nights still got chilly.

  “Don’t worry, you’ll be warm soon. Unless you’re screwing around with our friends. Then you might find yourself getting the cold shoulder. Neil has feelings for you. It’s obvious to Dave, and after seeing you together tonight, I agree with his assessment of the situation.”

  “What?” Devon faltered on the path. Good thing the padded walkway absorbed her stutter steps.

  “He treats you different than us. He’s protective, like he is with James. He cares for me, Kate and Morgan. Hell, he’s even fucked us silly from time to time. But with you… He’s softer. Careful. I know things are happening fast, but I’m asking you to respect him.” Kayla squeezed Devon’s fingers again and led her into the glade ahead.

  “I will.” Devon cleared her throat then spoke louder. “I do.”

  “Good.” Kayla smiled. “Then let’s get nice and comfy. They’ve been dying to try this doohickey out. I want tonight to be perfect for all of us.”

  “What thing?”

  “You’ll see.” They followed a curve around thick foliage. On the other side, Kate and Morgan were lighting several gas fire pits placed artfully around a patio. Crew-made waterfalls edged the rockwork. They fed a tangle of streams that meandered through the space. Tiny bridges crossed the wandering flows, which emptied into an asymmetrical koi pond near the center.

  An enormous woven rope lounger stretched above the gurgling water. Plenty big enough to hold a dozen people comfortably, the modified web impressed Devon with its scale and creative use of the materials. For naturists, the air swirling around their relaxing bodies would feel like heaven.

  She visualized lying face down, peering at the fish swimming in lazy circles below. Unlike a hammock, the netting was bolted at the four corners, preventing it from swaying too much.

  “We can try out the new pads I sewed this week.” Kayla opened the top of a cedar storage bin off to the side and withdrew puffy strips that would prevent the rope from digging into sensitive skin. A pile of blankets and pillows overflowed the rest of the large trunk.

  Kate snagged one of each and climbed onto the mesh. She reclined, crossing her legs at the ankles as she stared up at the gorgeous colors streaking the sky. “You’re going to make oodles on this place, Kay. I’m sort of sad we won’t have it to ourselves much longer.”

  Morgan heaped Devon’s arms full of pillows then she grabbed some blankets. They acclimated themselves to the surprisingly comfortable seating, taking advantage of the pads while each of them downed a glass or two of sangria. Chatter came easy—about their guys, the books they’d been reading, deals they’d scored at the mall the day before and life in general. They collapsed onto the bedding to study the emerging stars like pampered members of an elaborate harem.

  “It’s still a little nippy out for this.” Morgan chaffed her arms.

  “We can head inside if you want.” Kayla tried not to sound disappointed. She failed miserably.

  “No way.” Kate scooted her pad closer to them. “Let’s snuggle up. The guys will be here soon to keep us warm.”

  Devon didn’t hesitate when Kayla patted the spot beside her. Warmth from the fire pits paired with heat waves rolling off her new friends to keep her nice and toasty. She relaxed, not caring that her head rested on Kayla’s shoulder. Stress and worry over what might or might not come to pass seeped away. Lids heavy, she closed her eyes.

  “Now there’s a Kodak moment if I ever saw one.” Mike groaned. “Gorgeous women curled up like a pile of puppies.”

  Devon couldn’t believe she’d just about drifted off. She started to sit up. A warm hand pressed her shoulder against the netting. Neil. With one touch, she knew it was him. Her body arched toward the contact while she searched with the other hand for James. He wouldn’t be far behind his boyfriend.

  At the same time, Dave reached for Kayla, settling her closer to where he’d climbed onto his masterpiece.

  “Stay. Please.” Neil crawled beside her, tucking her against the furnace of his chest.

  “Mmm. Toasty.” Devon didn’t flinch when he rolled, presenting her to James. The other man sandwiched her between them, infusing her shoulders, ass and the back of her thighs with a twin blast of heat.

  The ropes shifted as Mike and Joe joined the fray. A gorgeous tangle of limbs and sleek, toned bodies littered the expanse. They paired off and spread out a little—enough to be comfortable, but not so far that they added unnecessary space.

  “Look, I don’t say this enough…” Mike stole the opportunity to address them while they studied the deep royal blue of the twilight sky. “I can’t imagine my life without you all. Without this connection we have. The wedding is coming up
quick, and I believe I’m the luckiest bastard in the whole world. Honestly. I do.”

  Joe rumbled from beside them, where he cuddled Morgan against his chest. “Why do I sense and enormous but?”

  “It’s true.” Mike sighed. “I’m worried, for the first time since we found each other, that if we’re not honest now, we could lose this closeness. I refuse to let us drift apart.”

  Devon felt like an interloper. Hell, she’d barely gotten to know them and they were a decade into their friendship. “Should I go?”

  “Shh.” Neil put his hand over her mouth.

  “Hell no, you shouldn’t leave.” Dave rounded on her. “He’s talking to you too. You’re part of us. Can’t you sense it? This crazy bond? It’s happened to us enough times now to recognize when we meet someone that belongs here. It doesn’t take long to be sure. Unless you don’t sense it?”

  She bit her lip until Neil removed his fingers to let her speak. “There’s a connection.”

  “That’s good enough for me.” Mike shifted, rising to his knees so they could see him better. “I’m telling you right now that I trust you. Each and every one. If something were to happen to me, I’m confident you would look after Kate.”

  She whimpered beside her soon-to-be-husband.

  “Don’t worry, babe. I’m not planning on checking out anytime soon. But why should it be any different when we’re here? Now. Together. I love you, Kate. Same as Joe does Morgan and Dave with Kayla. Neil, James and Devon too. Being with the crew before we met you didn’t impact that. Changing how we act around each other is stifling us. I’m afraid it will lead to fights. To discontent.” He rubbed his temples. “I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately. I’m more sure now than ever that how we’ve gone about things is not the answer. Watching and staying apart sucks. We need to be together. It’s how we’re best. However feels natural. Right, Kayla?”

  “It makes sense to me, yes.” She roused from Dave’s embrace. “If you want to express your affection physically, you should. Like the other day. I could tell when Dave walked through the door. His eyes were brighter and he hugged me twice as hard as usual. It’s a vital part of you guys. Sharing like that. Whatever seems right and nothing else. But I expect you to tell me all about it, in detail, if I’m not there to enjoy it firsthand.”

  Murmurs from around the group ensured they were all in agreement.

  Devon shivered. “If I had a vote, I would love to watch you do more than play voyeurs. As hot as things got the other day, I saw you struggling to stay detached and I wondered… God, you have no idea the dreams I’ve had the past two nights.”

  “You do have a say.” Mike nodded at her. “Each of us does. I’m guessing we’d all be in favor of sharing that link with each other. With you.”

  A smattering of curses, moans and pleas—both masculine and feminine—filled the wild evening. Rice-paper lanterns with botanical prints cast a soft glow over the gathering. Radiance enveloped them as darkness gathered outside the boundaries of their intimate world. Nothing beyond the reach of their spell mattered.

  James moaned and Neil caressed her shoulder. “Sort of like your first time all over again.”

  “Unless you count fantasies, group sex is definitely something new for me.” She smiled up at him, accepting his light kiss.

  “We’ll be gentle. At least where you’re concerned.” Mike grinned. He didn’t hesitate in resuming his usual role, foreman through and through. “James. Get on your hands and knees in the middle of us. Let’s see how well Dave designed this contraption.”


  The men surrounded the slightest member of their group, staying low and helping him stabilize while they caused ripples in the surface of the lounger. If the presence of four smoking hot men and their fantastic ladies messed with James’s equilibrium as much as it did hers, Devon understood his need for their steadying touch.

  The women followed their guys until one couple occupied each side of the square rope-work. It then resembled a dirty version of Hungry, Hungry Hippos with James in imminent danger of having his marbles devoured. There was a game that had taught major life lessons… Slam the handle—as hard and fast as possible—over and over and over until somebody wins. No wonder it had been her favorite.

  The adult jungle gym turned out to be great for more than relaxing. They could indulge their creativity. James spread his legs. Pliable cords, set close enough that he didn’t have to worry about sinking through, supported each of his knees.

  What was the rope made out of? It was soft enough to be silk. She’d ask the crew later.

  Much later.

  James’s knuckles went white as they wrapped around one of the strands that created perfect grips. Spaced at frequent intervals, they ensured no matter what height he was, there would have been a rung guaranteed to be comfortable.

  “Simple and ingenious.” She didn’t realize she’d spoken aloud until Dave answered her.

  “Thanks, Dev.”

  “The possibilities are endless,” Kate murmured as though she contemplated a thousand or so positions she’d like to experiment with.

  “We have all the time in the world to try whatever you can concoct,” Joe chimed in, making James groan.

  “Speak for yourself. If someone doesn’t touch me soon I’m going to die.” He attempted to rub his crotch, but tipped. Mike righted him, chuckling at James’s plight.

  “Diabolical.” The smaller man shook his head. “I should have known.”

  “So, how are you going to convince Joe to stroke your cock for you?” Mike’s inquiry turned squeaky at the end. It took Devon a second to notice Kate’s arm had snaked around his hip from behind him to fondle his package. Devon couldn’t help but stare as his cock thickened, overflowing his fiancée’s palm.

  “I’ll blow him.” James didn’t sound like he minded. In fact, it kind of came out like begging.

  “I’m sure he’d appreciate that. Fair trade, Joe?”

  “Yeah. I want him to get me nice and hard for Morgan.” He angled his head to steal a red-hot kiss from his lady.

  “After watching James working your hard-on I might not need you to fuck me.” She panted when he released her lips.

  “I’ll always need you, Morgan.” The intensity of his stare seemed to melt his future wife.

  Devon could relate. She didn’t think before sidling closer to Neil. His abs scorched her hands when she rested her palms on the flexing muscles.


  “If you really want to rev him up, rub his chest.” James tossed the hint over his shoulder in her direction.

  “No fair, tag-teaming me like that.” Neil groaned when Devon massaged his pecs, pausing to flick her thumbnails over his hard nipples. “Ah. Damn.”

  James’s chuckle was short lived. Joe scooted tighter in front of James and fed the kneeling man his erection. Their lover obliged greedily, sucking the shaft down to the base in one fluid slurp.

  “I have a plan,” Mike announced. “We’re going to play spin the construction worker. Whoever his mouth points to wins the BJ lottery. If you’re on his right, you’ll work his cock. I think the person in the rear can figure out something that suits you both.”

  “What about the guy on the left?” Dave, currently in that position, actually raised his hand, making Devon and several others laugh out loud.

  “That lucky bastard will fuck his woman. When he makes her come, we’ll turn James ninety degrees. Not one second sooner.” Mike grinned, clearly pleased with himself when Joe slowed James’s sucking with a light tap on his cheek. “And if James can hold out until each of our girls has come at least once, we’ll make sure he gets a special prize. Whatever he requests. Sound like fun?”

  “Hell, I’m halfway to orgasm thinking about it.” Kayla shifted beside Dave. She rubbed her thighs together, drawing Devon’s attention to the glimmer of arousal coating the tops of them.

  James paused his sensual assault on Joe’s cock. “I know what I want.”

>   “Yeah? What?” Joe painted moisture over James’s lips with the tip of his cock.

  “I want all of the guys to fuck me, to come on me. It’s been almost a year since…” He trailed off.

  Kate petted his flank from her position at his side. “I’m sorry, James. You should have said something sooner. I wouldn’t have kept Mike to myself if I had understood how you missed him. All of you.”

  Devon didn’t realize she’d held her breath until Neil cupped her hand in his and whispered over his shoulder, “Are you ready for this? There won’t be any stopping them soon.”

  “You could say that.” From her position, crouched behind him, she ground her mound against his hip.

  He growled and captured her mouth in a brief yet fierce kiss. When he relented, her eyes fluttered open once more. Mike had shifted closer, reaching beneath James to cup his balls and stiffening shaft. Kate hugged the foreman from behind, kissing his back and studying the motions of his roaming hand.

  James moaned and spread his legs wider, arching his back. The motion presented his ass to her and Neil.

  “Hang on a sec.” Dave lunged for the edge of the net and jabbed his hand into the plants surrounding one of the supports. He retrieved something then tossed it to Neil, who caught it effortlessly in one palm.

  “Dude, did you pluck this from the lube bush?” Neil laughed as he uncapped the small bottle.

  “Always prepared, you know.” Dave wiggled his eyebrows. “I stashed some supplies earlier, just in case.”

  “I’m not sure what merit badge you get for this, but nice work.” Neil grimaced. “I don’t suppose you have some condoms over there too, do you?”

  Devon tapped Neil’s elbow. When he glanced at her, she whispered, “I’m on the pill. You don’t have to if…”

  “We’re clean. All of us.” Neil groaned. “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah.” She bit her lip.

  Neil groaned. He tried twice to open the bottle before he drizzled the gel over his fingers. Some dripped off, landing on James’s exposed ass.


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