Powertools Complete Series

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Powertools Complete Series Page 25

by Jayne Rylon

  The other three women clapped. Morgan chortled until she snorted. Of course that set off another round of giggles. By the time they’d recovered, their cheeks were flushed and their eyes were bright.

  Devon hustled to join the gathering. She tipped onto her side in the foreground, propping her cheek on one hand. With the other buried beneath a silk pillow, she depressed the remote shutter release. Several frames were captured in rapid succession.

  Oohs and aahs rained around her as the women caught sight of themselves on the laptop screen. Their reactions led to some unusable shots dotted with awkward expressions.

  They took the visual feedback and adjusted their poses, displaying themselves to the best advantage in their naughty lingerie. Kate leaned over the chair-back, thrusting her pert ass into the air. Morgan and Kayla stood back to back. Each bent one leg to display their shapely thighs. Devon tipped onto her tummy for a few cheeky shots, her stilettos kicking in the air as she touched one fingertip to her pursed lips. Then she curled up at the other women’s feet, shifting the splay of her legs until she threatened to expose herself to her friends, their lovers and anyone else who went digging around on her memory card.

  “Yeah, I think they’d like some raunchier ones too.” Kate switched her stare to each of them in turn. “Don’t you?”

  “Yes.” Kayla knelt on the cushion Devon had used to prop herself up. “Come here.”

  Devon obeyed automatically.

  Kay wrapped her hand around Devon’s nape, squeezed gently, then guided her close. Close enough to kiss if she’d wanted to. Instead, she paused a hairsbreadth away and let the camera immortalize the moment of anticipation.

  Sweet strawberry lip gloss tempted Devon’s tongue to peek out and steal a taste from Kayla’s mouth. She held the urge in check. It wouldn’t be the first time they’d kissed. But it didn’t feel right to indulge without Neil, James and Dave there to enjoy the moment.

  From what she could see of the next few shots—a couple of which involved Kate spanking Devon playfully while the others cheered her on—the guys would cherish their gift almost as much as they did their new wives.

  In her case, their committed life partner.

  Devon let her smirk linger for a few more frames before tipping forward and eliminating the chasm between her and Kayla. Too bad Morgan’s excited cry startled them apart a few instants later.

  “That’s the one, right there.” She did a little fist pump. “It’s perfect. We all looked hot. I think that’s a wrap. Agree?”

  “Yeah, this thing is starting to itch and there’s no Mike waiting upstairs to rip it off me.” Kate frowned.

  Devon didn’t meet Kayla’s gaze as she popped to her feet, practically racing to the camera and laptop stations. She disconnected the equipment, packing each component into a neat bundle before dropping it into her carrying case.

  When she pivoted, she realized the other three ladies had wandered off to change and gather their belongings. Kayla returned just as Devon tucked the last of the supplies away.


  “I’d better try to wrestle this corset off before it gets too late. You know I’m not a fan of driving in the dark.” Truth was, the frisson zipping up her spine had more to do with the questions in Kayla’s gaze than her nightmares of hitting a deer or breaking down in an unfamiliar neighborhood.

  Damn her guys for leaving her alone for three whole days. Her system had grown accustomed to regular relief. The lack of orgasms must have been turning her brain to mush and making her senses go haywire, as though she were in endorphin withdrawal. Hell, she probably was.

  As Devon prepared to make her escape, a hand landed lightly on her forearm. She glanced over her shoulder. Directly into Kayla’s eyes.

  “If you’d rather not be alone, you’re welcome to stay at my place tonight.” She smiled with enough warmth to soothe the goose bumps rising on Devon’s skin. “You’re always welcome.”

  A reflexive refusal hovered on the tip of her tongue.

  Kayla’s fingers trembled where they touched.

  Devon reconsidered in a flash. It hadn’t been an easy offer. They had too much at stake to fuck things up. Who was she to reject Kayla? Especially when Dev wanted to accept the invitation more than she craved the pink leather tool belt she’d spotted at Chicks Construct?

  “Thank you.” She smiled. “It’s been a long time since I had a slumber party.”

  “Oh, damn. That’s a great idea. Why didn’t we think of it before?” Morgan rejoined them, Kate trailing a handful of steps behind. “We could rent a bunch of movies, do each other’s hair, whip up a batch of skinny margaritas, compare notes on our guys…”

  “This might be a private party.” Kate tried to rein Morgan in.

  Kayla looked to her three friends. She shrugged at Devon.

  “Since when is anything between us a secret?” Devon grinned. “The more the merrier and all that jazz.”

  “Yes! I think we should watch Dirty Dancing first.” Morgan started a list while Kate ran upstairs to pack an overnight bag. “Then Breakfast Club, and maybe a slasher flick.”

  “No, no.” Devon shook her head vigorously. “I don’t do scary shit.”

  “Don’t worry, we’ll be there to protect you.” Kayla smiled.

  “God only knows what kind of Bigfoot lives in your woods, or maybe a creepy lake monster. No point in tempting fate.” Devon crossed her arms over her chest.

  “I think it might be too late for that.” Kayla met her stare. Then she grabbed for one of Devon’s bags and slung it crossbody. “Almost ready?”

  “I think so. Let me change first.” A wicked grin escaped before she could think better of it. “Unless you’d like me to ride naked to your house. No sense in putting clothes on only to take them off again when we get there.”

  “Just because it’s a naturist retreat doesn’t mean you have to…”

  “I know. But I’ve kind of gotten used to it.” Devon shrugged. “It is pretty cold out today, though. I think I should at least wear my overcoat.”

  Kayla choked as Devon sauntered off, adding an extra swing to her step. She wished her men had been there to witness the exchange and maybe give her the push she needed to see what could evolve if they let it.


  Devon popped another handful of caramel corn into her mouth, despite the fact that the credits of their third movie scrolled past on the muted TV. She smiled as she thought back to Dave and Kayla’s first fight—a battle over the installment of the enormous flatscreen. Secretly, she was glad her friend had compromised and allowed the technology in her haven. The custom oak cabinet the crew had devised to hide any trace of ugly black plastic was a work of art.

  Crispy, coated kernels surrendered to her chomping. She licked sticky sweetness from her fingers. When she looked up, she caught Kayla peeking at her from the corner of her eye.

  Devon knocked her knee into her friend’s. “Want some of this?”

  “Yeah.” Kayla made no move to grab a snack.

  Morgan refilled their pretty, hand-blown margarita glasses. Colorful blobs encased in the clear material looked like confetti. They swirled and mixed in Devon’s blurred vision. Last round for her. Being petite had been a curse she’d endured her entire life. Little to no tolerance for alcohol was a related inconvenience to suffer.

  When Morgan finished serving them—all except Kate, who’d opted for fancy tea instead of booze—she plopped on the floor beside her best friend.

  “So…” Kate leered at each of them in turn. “Truth or dare time.”

  “My favorite.” Devon grinned.

  “Good, then you first.”

  “Truth.” She had no qualms about sharing herself with these women regardless of the silly game they played.

  “Make it something juicy.” Morgan poked Kate in the ribs. “You’re evil at this. I should know. Remember when you forced me to admit my crush on your boyfriend in high school? Holy crap. I forgot his name. How can that be?”r />
  “I think it was Tim. Or Ted maybe. Damn.” Kate squinted. “It seemed like the end of the world at the time. Now that we have the crew, I can’t help but think you saved me from potential disaster.”

  “Plus you got even in college with…” Morgan paused.


  “Uh, something like that. No, no, Doug. Definitely Doug.” Morgan laughed. “I guess we’ve always had similar taste in guys.”

  “Great hormones think alike.” Kate winked. “And now I know you’ve got it good with Joe.”

  “Lucky bitch.” A slap on Kate’s bared thigh accompanied the half-hearted curse.

  “That’s me. Anyhoo… It’s been a while.” Kate tapped her chin, then glanced at Kayla and Morgan. “I’m rusty. Help me. Both of you.”

  “Hell-oooo. You’re the only sober one here.” Kayla rolled her eyes. “You’ve got a pretty big advantage.”

  “Good point.” Kate utilized their fit of giggles to consider. “Okay. But maybe we should change the rules. No singling anyone out. We’ll all answer the question.”

  “Why the hell not?” Morgan shrugged. “We don’t really believe in the whole solo thing around these parts. We’re like the nine musketeers. Or is that three, three musketeers?”

  “I can’t do math after four margaritas!” Kayla rubbed her temples.

  “You’ve had five,” Kate corrected.

  “You sort of proved her point.” Devon nodded gingerly enough to avoid rattling her brains.

  “Okay, okay.” Kate held her hands up in surrender. “How about this? What’s one thing you always hoped to try with our guys but haven’t had the balls to go for yet?”

  “Time to start planning our coup, huh?” Morgan clinked her glass against Kate’s teacup.

  “Yeah. I’ll kick us off with some honesty of my own. Part of me is nervous. It’s been a while now, coming up on two years, since I met the crew. I feel like we need to keep things fresh for Mike and the rest of them. They’re used to adventure. I couldn’t stand it if we didn’t satisfy them as much as they’ve done for us.” The rush with which the confession burst from Kate had them all sobering a tiny bit.

  “You’ve thought about this a lot. Worried.” Devon leaned forward to pat Kate’s shoulder. “Mike adores you. You’re all he really needs. You know that, right?”

  “Yes.” Kate swallowed hard enough for Devon to spot her throat flex. “I do. Deep down. That doesn’t mean I don’t want to give him the world. Better than only what he requires. Bare minimum isn’t enough for the man of my dreams. We’ve also…”

  “What, Katiebug?” Kayla defaulted to the nickname the guys had given their friend.

  She released a dreamy sigh, then confessed, “Mike and I have toyed with starting a family.”

  “No wonder you’re not drinking tonight.” Kayla stared at the cup of tea clutched in Kate’s white-knuckled grip.

  “I’ve been dying to tell you all. I just…” She shook her head.

  “You’ve been keeping too much inside.” Morgan glared at Kate. “Don’t you know we’re here for you when you need us?”

  “If we’d hidden something like this, you would have kicked our asses.” Kayla leaned in closer. Morgan didn’t harp, though. She glanced away, and her cheeks seemed to blush. Before Devon could dig deeper, Kate sighed.

  “I know.” At least she didn’t attempt to deny it. “I’m sorry.”

  “So what’s your main concern?” Devon tilted her head as she tried to decipher the issue.

  “Once we have more responsibility, what if Mike is restless? As much as I can already feel a burning love for the baby we’re praying for, I also know things will get harder. More stress. More obligation. More work. Our relationship could suffer. I’m terrified this brilliant magic we’ve created could fade into a perfectly comfortable, ordinary life. While he might be content, I can’t imagine him happiest like that.”

  “Never forget we’re a team.” Morgan smirked. “With this many aunts and uncles to love a child, he or she won’t be hard up for attention. And you’ll never have to worry about a babysitter if you two need some time alone. Then, maybe someday, you could return the favor for Joe and me. Just think, our kids will grow up like brothers and sisters.”

  “That is nice to dream about.” Kate brushed discreetly at the corner of her eye with a knuckle. “So I guess I’m going to answer my own stupid question. Tell me if I’m crazy.”

  “You are,” Devon answered immediately.

  “Brat.” Kate’s insult held no heat. Some of her seriousness dissolved. She took a deep breath, then admitted in a rush, “I’d like to watch one of you with Mike. I can’t promise I won’t get psycho jealous and try to rip you apart—gouge out your eyes or pull your hair or scratch you to shreds—but I’ll do my best. I think he should have the option. And secretly, though he’s never said anything, I think he’s a touch jealous of the other guys. They got to be with some of you and he never did. Not that he wants to screw around or anything. But he’s possessive. He considers all eight of us his in some way, you know?”

  “You’re both similar in that regard. Always taking care of the gang.” Kayla grinned. “So how about a trade? Dave told me you were pretty damn hot that first time they shared you in the pool. I’m sure he’d be up for another taste. And he’s plenty strong enough to keep your cat-fighting ninja moves in check should you make a break for me.”

  Devon noticed Morgan nodding in agreement. She thought about her relationship with the rest of the crew and how easy it would be to take the last step toward full-on intimacy. She loved each of the men for things they had in common as well as their individual strengths and quirks.

  Morgan added softly, “I’ve grown so close to you all, and our guys. Most of us have been with some combination of them already…when we were first finding each other. One thing I’ve wondered about is making our sessions a free-for-all. The guys share each other. So why not us too? There are times, when we’re all together, it would be so easy to reach out and touch Mike, Dave, Neil or James. They’re gorgeous, and I love each of them. I’m sure I could improve their experience, same for them with me, but I’m afraid they’re off limits. Why do we do that?”

  Devon gnawed her lip. It was no secret Neil and James had played around with every one of her friends before she entered the picture. Truth be told, she imagined sometimes what it would have been like to be Kate. To have had all five men focused on her pleasure.

  Greedy much? Hell, yeah.

  She cleared the lump from her throat when no one spoke immediately. “Okay. I see your point. And I agree. None of us should be restricted. I trust you. You should do what comes naturally. If I’m being really honest, I’m envious of the time you had alone with the guys before I met you. Being the center of their attention had to rock. Sort of like Mike with you ladies, I’ve done the least playing with the crew.”

  “Holy shit.” Kayla put her hand on Devon’s knee and squeezed. “I never even considered you might feel like you missed out. Then again, you have two guys in your bed every night, so I don’t have too much sympathy for you.”

  Another round of laughter broke out. Morgan nodded so vigorously she tipped off balance. Kate launched a potato chip in Devon’s direction. Dev impressed herself by catching it in her mouth despite the alcohol dulling her reflexes. Useless skill #2184 learned in her years of working job sites filled with dudes, most of them a hell of a lot less evolved than the crew.

  When they calmed down a little, Kayla continued, “Seriously, though, being with Dave, Neil and James is an experience I’ll never forget. If you want that too, Dev, I’m fine with it. I think it would be hot to watch.”

  Devon’s eyes grew wide when her friend—her worldly, open-minded, naturist friend—blushed bright red. “Um…and as for me, and the thing I’d like to try…”

  Breath locked in Devon’s lungs. She should have said something, done something, to encourage Kayla to continue. Instead, she froze.

oh. I think Morgan might be done.” Kate poked their friend with her toe. She only mumbled and curled into a tighter ball on the floor. “Let’s settle her on the couch before she’s out cold. Otherwise, she’ll regret it in the morning.”

  Together, the three of them managed to half-lift, half-coax Morgan onto the comfy, makeshift bed. Kate tucked a blanket around their sloshed friend, then fluffed a pillow to mitigate the awkward angle of her neck. Passing out like that all night would have guaranteed a strained muscle the next morning. Only once Morgan was set did Kate accept the quilt Kay furnished.

  “I’ll stay down here with her.” She claimed her spot, reclining on the loveseat.

  Disappointment rushed through Devon. Were they just going to abandon their discussion? Had things gone too far for her friends? They’d made some serious progress she would hate to erase. Maybe the other women had developed cold feet?

  “It’s okay, Dev.” Kate reached out to pat her hip. “No one’s going to change their mind between now and tomorrow. We’ll finish our chat when everyone has a clear mind. Sleep well, girls.”

  “Thanks.” Kayla smiled.

  “Okay. You too, Kate.” Devon wiggled her eyebrows. “Dirty dreams.”

  Morgan roused a bit when the lamp flicked off, leaving the glow from the dying fire as a soft nightlight. “Where they going? We’re plog-ging.”


  “’S what I said. Blotting.”

  “Right. Well, we agree on the important stuff. Our plan of attack can wait until tomorrow,” Kate reassured their friend. “Go to sleep.”

  As Devon followed Kayla toward the loft, she wondered if Kate realized what a great mom she’d make. She took a mental note to share her opinion when Kate couldn’t blow off the compliment as an alcohol-induced warm fuzzy.

  Not surprising, Morgan seemed to be on the same page. Devon caught a snippet of the best friends’ whispered conversation while she and Kayla trekked up the steep, narrow loft stairs.

  Morgan murmured to Kate, “Wow, a baby.”

  “I know. I’m freaked out and excited. Nervous to get my hopes up. We just started trying.” She didn’t pause to catch her breath as she rambled. “Maybe it won’t happen for a while. Or ever. You know how much trouble my sister had…”


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