Powertools Complete Series

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Powertools Complete Series Page 26

by Jayne Rylon

  “Gonna be fine. Cutest kids ever, I bet.” Their soft exchange drifted away as Devon entered Kayla’s loft room. “Can’t wait. Spoil ‘em rotten…”

  Kayla folded her thick down comforter to the foot of the bed and started to climb into the fluffy nest. Devon hopped onto the mattress and snuggled into the pile of pillows on Dave’s side. When the other half didn’t dip, she opened one eye and caught a shadow marking the spot where Kayla had paused.


  “Should I put pajamas on?” She sounded uncertain for the first time, maybe ever. “I can dig up one of Dave’s T-shirts.”

  “If I can handle sitting in the stands while your husband fucks you—or my guys—senseless, I’m not about to turn squeamish about sleeping next to your bare tatas.” She grunted. “Get your ass in here. These sheets are chilly.”

  Kayla didn’t need to be asked twice. She slid beneath the covers but stayed so far away, Devon thought she’d tumble out the other side if she so much as sneezed. Stiff, awkward silence ballooned inside the loft, making it hard to catch her breath.

  “What the hell is this crap?” Devon slapped a hand on Kayla’s shoulder and tugged until her friend faced her.


  If Kayla intended to play dumb, Devon could do the same. Time to force them both to acknowledge the elephant in the room. Anything less would drive her batty before sunrise.

  “You never did say what you’d like to try but haven’t.” Devon couldn’t remember the last time she’d been coy in her life. Still, some tiny insecurity kept her from whispering her own desire into the night. The admission would have been so much easier if Neil and James were there to coach her and hold her hand.

  “Okay, fine. I think you know what I’m after,” Kayla murmured. “When you’re ready. If you ever are. All you have to do is say so. No pressure.”

  Devon grew warmer the instant she laid her hand on top of Kay’s in the space between them. The other woman’s pulse tripped against her own wrist before tapering to a more regular rhythm. Kayla sighed, and entwined their fingers. The bond they created transferred heat and reassurance that lulled them both to sleep in no time at all.


  “Rise and shine, sleepyheads.”

  Devon groaned and burrowed closer to the warm body beside her without poking her head from beneath the jumble of covers. It wasn’t until the racket caused by two people climbing the hardwood stairs roused her a little more that she realized the person snuggled up to her was soft in all the places her guys were hard. Mmm, nice.


  “Yeah, I’m awake.” Her clear voice didn’t seem to indicate she’d been jerked out of a wonderful dream about sexy, naked construction workers mere seconds earlier either. How long had she been lying there, thinking?

  “Damn. What time is it?” Devon blinked in rapid succession. She squinted into the unusually refulgent morning sunlight as she attempted to shove onto a straight-locked arm while clutching the sheets to her bare chest. She blew rogue strands of hair from her face.

  “Almost noon,” Kate informed them. She set a tall glass of orange juice on the nightstand, then towered over Devon and Kayla. “I couldn’t let you miss out on the chance for one of Morgan’s amazing breakfasts. She made waffles from scratch, the kind with fruit and her secret spices in them.”

  Devon sniffed the air. “Oh my God. Do I smell bacon too?”

  “Could be.” Morgan grinned. She set a tray of food carefully on the nightstand.

  “Hold that thought. If I don’t pee right now, I’m going to drown.” Devon scampered from the bed. Less than a minute later she bounded to the loft once more.

  Kayla, Morgan and Kate held congress in low tones from their perches on the rumpled duvet.

  “No, nothing happened…” Kay bit her lip and hesitated when she caught sight of Devon returning.

  “What’s going on?” Dev asked.

  “We’re waiting for you to get your act together so we can savor our feast.” Kate deflected genuine concern with sarcasm. “So hurry it up, punk.”

  “Oh yeah? I’ll give you punk.” Devon sprinted the last few feet. She leaped and tucked her knees to her chest, cannonballing into the pile of plush covers between her friends. The mattress bounced, jostling them all.

  “Very funny.” Kayla laughed as she whipped a pillow from the head of the bed. “But you left yourself unprotected.”


  Something puffy smashed into her face. “You did not just hit me with…”

  Whap. Whap.

  Kate and Morgan joined in the battle. They took turns pummeling her with the light bundles. Devon’s fit of giggles didn’t do much for her coordination. She lunged for the fourth pillow while unsuccessfully attempting to evade the incoming barrage.

  Battling to her knees on the mattress allowed her to launch a counterstrike. Her one-against-three odds improved when her friends’ coalition deteriorated. They whacked each other as often as they did her. Every woman for herself.

  They shrieked, chased, ducked, whooped, dove, tackled and smacked each other. Feathers flew through the air. They fell as thick as the flakes that had blanketed the mountain during the legendary blizzard that fused Dave and Kayla in an inseparable pair the previous winter. Busy daydreaming about what it would have been like to watch Dave, James and Neil ravaging Kay in front of the fireplace downstairs, Devon got caught off guard.


  She leaned into the force of the blow, but it was no use. Her arms windmilled. Gravity pitched her inevitably toward the floor. She braced herself for impact, heart racing as she completed a split-second assessment of the minimalist railing that kept the space open to the cabin below. It would probably hold.

  Instead of a slat of wood to the ribs, strong arms—too thick to belong to one of her female friends—banded around her.

  Neil. She would recognize his hold anywhere. A perfect blend of tender yet unbreakable.

  “It’s all fun and games until someone cracks their skull open.” He rocked Devon against his chest. “Careful, baby. I have plans for today that don’t involve a trip to the emergency room.”

  “Unless it’s because you’ve fucked yourself into complete exhaustion and dehydration, right?” Joe smacked Neil’s back, rattling both him and Devon.

  She hated that she nearly cried. Clawing at Neil’s shoulders, she encouraged him to squeeze her tighter. “You’re home early! Damn, I missed you.”

  “Same goes. Couldn’t stay away any longer.” He buried his nose in her hair and breathed deep.

  “What the hell is going on in here?” Mike asked as the rest of the crew piled in close on Neil’s heels.

  The loft had never seemed cramped before. Hard bodies and testosterone overwhelmed Devon’s senses. She couldn’t speak so she indulged in the luxury of having them surround her.

  “A pillow fight?” Dave groaned when he took in the four women, naked except for the feathers tangled in their hair and stuck to the light sheen of perspiration coating their flushed skin. They breathed hard where they’d collapsed onto the bed. “And here I thought you couldn’t get any sexier.”

  “Why the hell did we need a vacation again? We’re living the dream.” Joe stared, licking his lips, while James sidled up beside Neil. He sandwiched Devon between their chests. Neil angled her so she faced their partner. Several inches shorter than Neil, he easily claimed her mouth in a scorching yet infinitely tender kiss. His fingertip traced the tattoo—similar to the one both he and Neil sported—on her ring finger.

  “I missed you too,” Devon whispered when they finally broke apart.

  “But not as much as Kay missed me. Right, babe?” Dave strutted to the side of the bed near his wife.

  Morgan surprised them all when she whacked him hard in the gut with her pillow. “Ha! She’s got nothing on me. Without Joe, I almost died of loneliness. And horniness.”

  The women’s ceasefire erupted into a second round of good-natured exchanges. Devo
n squirmed from Neil’s arms to join the fray. The crew cheered on their girls, calling out helpful tips. When Kate swung wide, her pillow caught the edge of the tray on the nightstand.

  Mike dove for the tipping platter. The guys roared when he rescued it. Sort of like he’d done for Kate that fateful afternoon two summers ago.

  “Hey, now. Truce. That’s not funny. Bacon almost became an innocent casualty. Wasting it would be a cardinal sin. Straight to hell, do not pass go.” Joe snapped up a slice and devoured it in one bite. If he were a cartoon, they would have heard the galoomp of him swallowing it whole.

  “Did you even chew that?” James shook his head, whether in awe or disgust it was hard to tell.

  “There’s nothing better than salty breakfast meat.”

  “That’s what he said.” Kayla had her friends rolling with her snide interjection.

  As if they were universally wired, the guys scanned first the pile of steaming waffles, then the assortment of women. They made the circuit several times. Dave practically gave himself whiplash before growling, “We can reheat the food when we’re finished working up our appetites.”

  “No bacon left behind,” Mike agreed.

  “I’m dying for a taste of you.” Joe rushed Morgan. He triggered a stampede.

  The crew invaded the girls’ sanctuary, pairing—or trebling—up with their mates. Moans and sighs replaced battle cries as they held sensual reunions.

  Devon gasped when Neil pressed her to the bed. A welter of limbs cascaded over her as nine people found a way to share the king-sized bed in some fashion or another. They writhed in the wake of equal pleasure.

  “I have a better idea.” James lifted his head from where he’d suckled Devon’s nipple into a taut peak. “No reason we can’t have our women and eat them too.”

  “I like the way you think.” Dave groaned. “Hand me some of that whipped cream.”

  Neil’s hand shook as he passed the gravy boat heaped with fresh-made topping. The cobalt glass slipped from his grip. Joe snagged the handle, keeping the vessel from bonking Kayla. The rapid deceleration launched the contents all over. Splatter dispersed across Kate, Mike, Kayla, Devon and anyone else in the path of the sweet cream.

  “Shit.” Neil’s pupils dilated when a glob dripped off James’s pec onto Devon’s tummy.

  Before she could register the chill accompanying the splash above her mound, the moist heat of Neil’s tongue swiped across the same spot. All too soon, he’d licked her clean.

  “Excuse me.” James grinned as he slipped his hand past Dave, who’d crawled between his wife’s legs for the best seat in the house at the unusual buffet.

  Kayla arched. Each of the men scooped a portion of the treat from her skin.

  “You like them petting you?” Dave murmured against the succulent flesh of her pussy.

  “Yes. God, yes.” She spread her legs wider, rocking her hips toward her husband’s parted lips. “Eat me.”

  He did.

  Devon observed the industrious man devouring her friend. He made up in gusto anything he might have lacked in finesse. Long laps of his tongue gathered whipped cream mixed with the glistening arousal spreading across Kayla’s inner thigh.

  Neil groaned. Devon’s fingers clenched on his shoulders, urging him closer. He obliged her unspoken command by lavishing similar attention on her.

  James wormed into an available space between Devon and Morgan. The entire loft overflowed with passionate cries and hard-bodied males worshipping their women. He rolled onto his side, his cock prodding the curve of her hip as he settled his lips over hers for a series of sinful kisses. His mouth tasted faintly of vanilla.

  He burrowed one arm beneath her neck, supporting her head. He held her at the angle he preferred for feasting on her lips. Their tongues flicked over one another. His detoured to trace the corners of her smile and tickle the roof of her mouth. They alternated ravenous sucks with dainty sips.

  She shivered when Neil thrust his firm tongue into the opening of her pussy. Her hands glided upward, burying in the almost-too-long strands of Neil’s thick hair.

  “Dev, if you’re touching him…” James angled his head to verify she hadn’t shifted as he murmured to her. Before he could sort out the puzzle, his brains understandably addled by the outrageous level of pheromones battering their systems, Morgan came to his rescue.

  “Hey there, cutie.” Morgan winked before tugging on James’s erection.

  “Um.” His stare flew between Devon, Neil, Joe and Mike to gauge their reactions. “Am I allowed to enjoy this?”

  Mike shrugged. “Why do I get the feeling we should have known better than to leave these vixens to find trouble without us?”

  “It’s okay with me.” Devon grinned.

  “Joe?” James stayed stock still.

  “Shit, it’s hot. If my wife wants to jerk you off, I vote for letting her. She passes inspection in my book when it comes to hand jobs.”

  The other crew members groaned.

  “Alrighty then.” James clamped his fingers around Morgan’s, which were slick with whipped cream, encouraging her to stroke faster.

  “Well, since we’re playing like that…” Mike swiped a dollop of fluff from Kayla’s chest, lingering longer than necessary to massage some of it into the swell of her breast. He walked his fingers up her neck and allowed her to suck his index finger clean.

  “Yeah, that’s right, sweetheart.” His hand shook as Kate straddled him, grinding on his obvious hard-on. Only then did Devon realize the guys were naked. They must have shed their standard jeans and T-shirt uniforms on arrival at Kay’s naturist retreat. She certainly didn’t intend to complain about the display of cut muscles and sleek bodies.

  “Neil.” She whimpered his name several times before her plea registered.

  “Dev?” He glanced up though he didn’t stop teasing her for longer than it took to whisper her name.

  “Will you fuck me? Please. Need you inside me.”

  “No.” He shook his head, causing the nerves in her swollen folds to riot. “But I will make love to you. Here. With our friends surrounding us. Joining in.”

  Devon smiled when she thought about sharing the positive energy they generated. She’d been hanging around Kayla and her New Age junk too much lately.

  James reached for Neil’s cock when their lover rose over her. The smaller man guided their mate’s long erection to her opening. The slickness the men inspired ensured Neil glided through her rings of muscle despite the tight fit he still made with her body.

  “You love watching them together.” Morgan didn’t ask James. She didn’t have to with her fingers wrapped around his steely shaft. “I swear you just got twice as hard, and that’s saying something.”

  “Yeah.” He groaned.

  “And you. You’re soaked.” Joe snuggled tight to Morgan’s back. With her front pressed to James, she could have felt claustrophobic. Her guttural moan proved that wasn’t the case. “You like being a dirty girl, don’t you? What does it feel like to grope my friend while I’m fucking you?”


  Kate chuckled at Morgan’s helplessness. Grunts and sighs fell from the couple. Joe draped Morgan’s knee over James’s hip to guarantee he’d penetrated her completely.

  Devon tried to watch. Flat on her back, she missed some of the action.

  “Here, shorty.” Neil scooped one arm beneath her shoulders without a hitch in his stride. He rocked into her as he rearranged some of the pillows, inclining her shoulders until she could survey the entire lascivious landscape.

  Despite only sixty-seven and a half hours apart, she could tell he worked harder to penetrate her than he had when he’d said goodbye. Luckily, the visuals turned her on even more. She appreciated the distraction from slight discomfort that quickly became something entirely pleasurable.

  “We can’t all be giants like you.” She nipped Neil’s bottom lip before he rose to optimize the angle of his stokes. With the view clear, she allowed he
r gaze to wander.

  She lay on her back with Neil pumping into her, making her see more stars than the night sky held far out here on the top of the mountain. James lounged on his side facing her. Morgan’s hand brushed the dip of her waist and the side of her ribs as she worked the gentle man who’d captured Devon’s heart from her very first day as the crew’s intern.

  She paused to stare into his eyes, which looked so much like her own it startled her on occasion.

  “I love you,” he moaned before stretching his neck toward her for another taste. Neil swooped in to lick the seam of their mouths. Soon the three of them traded open-mouthed kisses.

  When they came up for air, Devon continued to feed off the scene before her. Beyond James, Morgan took Joe’s increasing strokes, writhing between the men bracketing her. The roving action of her hand on James’s cock grew less regular. James facilitated the exchange by fucking into her hold. The ruddy tip of his hard-on poked Devon in the side at the apex of each thrust.

  Beyond the three lovers on their sides, Mike reclined, stretched out like a sultan enjoying his harem. With his arms crossed behind his head, he held himself in a suspended crunch as though it were no effort at all. With ripped abs like his, maybe it wasn’t.

  “Like what you see?” He smirked when he caught her staring.

  Kate must have read Devon’s mind. She tweaked her husband’s nipple. The cocky foreman jerked, rubbing the sting from his chest even as he laughed. Still, his raging erection never wilted.

  “Behave yourself.” Kate wagged her index finger at him. He rocked upward to catch it in his mouth, sucking until his wife melted a tiny bit.

  “I could say the same for you.” He dusted light kisses over her knuckles between every couple words. “But I’d much rather you be naughty. Quit teasing me. Three days is too long to be without you. Put my cock inside you. Now.”

  Devon shivered at the command inherent in his tone. Mike was impossible to resist when he got bossy.


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