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Fate Loves (Twist of Fate Book 3)

Page 14

by Tina Saxon

  “Some kids at school said I don’t have parents,” she says quietly and looks down. “They said you can send me away if I’m bad.” My mouth drops open in shock. What the hell kind of devil kids go to that school?

  “Those kids are assholes.” The words are out of my mouth before I can stop them. I cover my mouth with my hand, and Lexi smiles softly.

  She nods. “They are,” she whispers. I bite back a smile and pull her into a hug again.

  “Lexi, this is your home. I don’t want you to ever worry about if I’m going to send you away because I’m not. Okay?” I feel her head nod.

  “I love you, Addie.”

  “I love you, too, Lexi.”

  After she showers and I tuck her in bed, her words stick in my head. Give her away? Is that always in the back of her mind? My stomach knots at the thought. Those fucking brats, putting ideas like that in her head.

  I walk into my bedroom and spot Aiden on the bed. He’s relaxing on my bed, reading something on his phone. I let out a small growl in frustration and slam my phone down on my dresser. He lowers his phone and stares at me.

  “What’s wrong?” he asks slowly and sits up. I shut the door so Lexi can’t hear me talking.

  “I’m seriously about to go ape shit on some five-year-olds.”

  “Do you need backup?” He smirks.

  “This isn’t funny,” I snap. He holds his hands up to say sorry, but I’m so furious that I don’t wait for his apology. “Some little shits from school told Lexi that she didn’t have parents and that we were going to give her away if she did something bad.” Aiden’s eyes bulge open, and he does a double-take. My thoughts exactly. I start pacing the room, wrapping my arms around my stomach as my emotions start to bubble up. She’s not here temporarily, dammit. Why hasn’t she talked to me about this?

  I stop walking, lean against my dresser, and dig my palms into my eyes. I don’t hear Aiden get up, but I feel his arms wrap around me. He buries his face in my neck. I take a few deep inhales and exhales to gather my thoughts.

  I can fix this. “I want to start the adoption process,” I whisper into his ear. He pulls his head back and smiles down at me. His eyes shine from the light of the lamp. He wants this, too. I’ll make sure she knows she’s ours. Forever.

  “I’ll have Jaxon start the paperwork.”

  “And on Monday, I’m going to need backup.”

  Chapter fifteen


  I’m a man.

  I’m a fucking FBI agent.

  I’ve been in some of the worst situations undercover and still stayed in control. Even when the words “she’s gone” came out of Addison’s mouth, I didn’t panic. I can’t say I wasn’t scared because I live in a world where I see the worst in people. I see the people who prey on the innocent, hiding in corners, waiting for the perfect moment to inflict their worst pain. But I remained calm until we found her.

  Not now. I’ve been brought to my knees with three little words out of the mouth of a five-year-old. Give her away. Someone kicked the ground out from underneath me and the control that I crave came tumbling down with me. My initial thoughts were to go hunt down some five-year-olds. Make them pay for the pain they caused Lexi. Irrational, I know. If it hadn’t been for the hurt in Addison’s eyes, I would have been on a mission. Like I said, no control.

  What kind of shit nugget kids say that anyway? The ones who grow up and hide in corners, that’s who. They’re just starting early in life. I haven’t stayed the night at Addison’s place when Lexi has been there, but tonight I’m making the exception. If I leave here, I can’t promise I won’t go hunt down some little people.

  So, here I lie on the couch, my feet propped up on the end of the armrest, and I can’t sleep. I hear cars randomly drive by as I stare up at the ceiling. My thoughts keep taking me to how I’m going to deal with the shit nuggets. One thing is for sure, I’ll be making a visit to my favorite principal on Monday.

  Tomorrow, though, I’m going to make sure Lexi knows that she’s wanted and loved. And when she falls, I’ll always be there to catch her. I wish I could tell her the only thing we’re giving away is the word foster and replacing it with forever. That would fix a lot of insecurities she’s feeling. I sigh, running my hand through my hair. Jax tells me not to because of all the due diligence crap that goes along with adoption and the possibility that we won’t be approved. For that reason alone, I won’t be the one to give her false hope. It will crush her if it doesn’t happen. For now, we’re just going to have to show her how much we love her.


  “Why don’t we just keep the door open?” I ask Addison. Every time we shut it, there’s a knock at the door and I have to stop what I’m doing and go answer it.

  “Because I don’t want random people coming in here.”

  “Who walks into a little girl’s birthday party in the middle of the day, uninvited?” We’re in Addison’s apartment, and we gave the approved guest list to security so they are only letting them up so it can’t be just anyone. And there are two FBI agents, an ex-agent who looks like the Hulk, a cop, and then there’s Jaxon. Four out of the five us are carrying a gun. I think we’re safe in here.

  “I would just feel better keeping it closed.” She bites her lip, worry still reflected on her face. I can tell by the circles under her eyes she didn’t get much sleep last night either. I pull her into my chest and wrap my arms around her.

  “Sorry,” I whisper.

  “I know I’m being a little overprotective, but I can’t stop.” She pulls back and peeks up at me.

  “You don’t need to explain,” I assure her. I wipe a streak of blue makeup off her cheek. I show her my blue thumb and she chuckles. The knock at the door makes her smile.

  “I’ll get it,” she says.

  “No, you go take care of that hot mess,” I say, pointing to Lexi and her three little friends putting on makeup and dressing up. “I’ll take care of the door.” She flashes a wicked smile.

  “Scared of a few little girls, Mr. I Want Ten of Those?” She hits me on my arm and smirks. I swat her ass.

  “Woman, that is your job. I don’t do makeup and girly things.”

  She twists her lips and shakes her head. “We’ll see about that, Agent Roberts.” She saunters away. Damn, her ass looks amazing in those jeans. It’s Sunday, which for Addison means Dallas Cowboys attire. Her loose gray shirt with a blue star hangs off one shoulder and matches her gray furry boots. I love when she dresses up, but her casual look is one of my favorites, not including her naked. Because naked Addison will always be my favorite. I’m preoccupied staring at her ass and thinking about her naked that I forget about the door, until they knock again. Oh, shit. I have a job. I glance at the girls and their colorful painted faces that almost resemble clowns. I turn quickly to get the door so Addison doesn’t fire me and decide to give me a new job with them.

  Addison’s apartment fills up quickly. The whole wedding party is here, minus Katie and Ryker. The both of them wanted to be here, but work got in the way. Brooks is here with Presley, who (by the look on his face as he watches the squealing girls) is terrified of what’s to come. You and me both, brother. Lexi’s friends’ moms are all here and talking with the women while us guys watch the football game. I thank God that Addison is a football fan. She doesn’t mind that we’re watching. She even slips away to catch the score every now and then. When she sits on my lap, I can’t help but think about our future.

  Surrounded with friends and family, I never imagined wanting this. Now that I have it, I’ll stop at nothing to make sure it stays this way. Lexi comes and sits on my other knee. Her frilly princess dress drapes over the chair, and she waves her wand around.

  “Why is Ryker wearing a different number?” she asks, staring at the game.

  The guys all laugh. “That’s not Ryker,” Jax says.

  She looks at him, her face scrunched up. “It’s not? Where is Ryker then?”

  “Ryker plays for a different
team. They play tonight,” I explain.

  Her eyes open wider. “Are we going?” She bounces on my knee in excitement.

  “Nope, we have other plans.” Addison jerks her head in my direction and her brows furrow. I wag mine at her.

  “What are we going to do?” Lexi asks, clapping her hands.

  “Yeah, Aiden…what are we going to do?” Addison turns her body so her legs are in between mine, and she stares at me with confusion.

  I tap them both on the nose. “I’ll tell you after our friends leave.” Max looks over at me and shakes his head. Addison sees it and narrows her eyes.

  “You know, don’t you?” She points at Max. He shrugs, smirking. She’s about to say something when Lexi’s friends decide to all come over to see what Lexi is doing. Addison pushes off my thigh and stands up, corralling them back to the kitchen table. Squeals of excitement echo in the room when she mentions cake and ice cream.

  Max gets up from the couch and slaps me on my shoulder as he passes me. “You know she hates surprises.” I nod slowly. Oh, I know. That’s what makes this so fun.

  “Where are you going?”

  “To get some cake and ice cream,” he says, looking at me like I’m crazy for even asking.

  I hear Lexi giggling behind me, so I look back. Max has her on his shoulders, and he’s telling her he gets to be first for cake and ice cream.

  “No, Max, it’s my birthday. I get to make a wish and blow out the candles and get the first piece of cake.” She leans over his head so her head is upside-down in front of his. Lexi’s friends cheer her on and attack Max. He picks up all the girls, bouncing them up and down. Their giggles fill the room. I look at the moms, and they all have hungry eyes. One bites her lip and the other two whispers back and forth to each other, blushing.

  Jaxon stops and leans down. “Max needs to find someone to settle down with.” I nod as we both watch him entertain the girls. I sigh, knowing him better than anyone. Unfortunately, he did find someone. She’s standing just a few feet away from him, in the arms of one of his best friends. He’ll never admit it, but I see the clenched jaw, the quiet sigh whenever she gets close. He hides it well. I know he’s fighting with himself internally, so I keep my mouth shut. Someone will come and replace those feelings; he just needs to find the right someone.

  The next hour is entertaining. Not because the girls put on a fashion and talent show for us, which of course Lexi stole the show with her singing, but it’s the sideways glances Addison gives me or the puckering of the lips with her eyes narrowed. It’s killing her that she doesn’t know what I have planned. Who knew this would be so fun? Max catches the looks she’s giving me and laughs out loud, which pisses her off even more.

  She even has Sydney ask Damon, but he tells her he has no idea. He’s a great liar. But then that’s our job. It’s not until the girls leave that she runs and jumps on me, demanding that I tell her what we’re doing.

  “You know I hate surprises,” she says, digging her fingers into my side.

  “I do,” I say, grabbing her fingers, pulling them to my mouth and playfully biting them. “That’s what makes this so fun.”

  She huffs. “You’re evil!”

  I growl into her ear. “The good kind of evil,” I whisper and bite her bare shoulder. Her body shudders and my cock feels it instantly. I keep my lips on her soft skin, wishing I could feel the rest of her. I breathe in her unique scent. Fucking delicious.

  “Aiden,” she says slowly.

  “What?” My lips move against her skin. I can feel her body move as her breathing deepens. Her hand squeezes on my inner thigh.

  She leans back with her back to my chest and rolls her head against my shoulder, looking at me. “You better stop,” she giggles, regaining some of her control.

  “Stop what?” I shrug and her brow rises.

  She wiggles her ass on my hard cock and I lean my head back, trying to hide the moan that escapes my lips. “Hmm, I guess you weren’t doing anything.” She shrugs.

  The little she-devil continues to find reasons to grind her ass against me. My balls are bordering on painful, but fuck if it doesn’t feel good. After I can’t take it anymore, I grip her hips hard.

  “You’re evil,” I rasp.

  She licks her bottom lip, biting it right after, and then she leans back again. “Yes, but it’s the good kind of evil.” She leans in, running her lips along my jaw, nibbling it a little. Then she stands up and walks off. Jesus Christ! I sit forward on my knees as the ache in my balls rolls through my stomach. Max is sitting on the other side of the couch, laughing his ass off. I pick up a pillow and launch it at him.

  “Fuck off,” I say through gritted teeth, not even caring if Lexi is in the room. I’ll just hand her my wallet.

  He tsks me. “Someday you’ll learn not to mess with Addison. She’ll have you by the balls. Every. Time.” He couldn’t have said truer words.

  Thankfully, I’m able to stand without seeing stars when Lexi comes running into the living room. “Aiden, my friends are gone!” she exclaims, jumping up and down. “You can tell me now. What’s your surprise?”

  “Tater Tot, I’m taking you skydiving.” Her eyes open so wide, I think they might pop out.

  “Aiden,” Addison says, standing behind Lexi. Her voice is clipped as she stares at me with hands on her hips. “Can we talk?” It’s not a question. It might sound like one, but I’m not stupid. I can read between those lines. What she is really saying is fuck no, but I expected this.

  I look down at Lexi, and she still hasn’t moved a muscle except her smile has faded. Shit! This is not the reaction I was expecting from her. I was planning on messing with Addison a little longer but seeing the fear radiate off Lexi, I squash that plan.

  “Tater Tot, I thought you wanted to go skydiving?” I say, squatting down in front of her.

  She slowly shakes her head. “I don’t think I want to jump out of a plane for my birthday. Maybe my next birthday?” I chuckle at her attempt to negotiate.

  I pick up her hands and squeeze them. “We are not jumping out of a plane today.”

  Her eyebrows scrunch together. “I thought you said we were going skydiving?”

  “We are, but it’s called indoor skydiving. You get to feel like you’re flying, but you’re just a few feet off the ground.” I look up at Addison and smile wide.

  “You better be glad I like those dimples that you’re flashing,” she says, rolling her eyes.

  “Do we all get to go?” Syd says from the kitchen.

  “Yep, our ride should be here in…” Max looks down at his watch, “…twenty minutes.”

  “Brooks, I’ll stay here with Presley if you want to go,” Macie says. She has Presley in her arms and she’s asleep.

  “Are you sure?” He stands up, walks over to where she’s sitting, and gently runs his hand over her head, admiring her. “You must be tired of holding her by now.”

  “Are you kidding?” She swats his hand away. “I could never get tired of holding this sweet baby. And anyway, I need all the practice I can get. As long as Addison doesn’t mind that I stay here?”

  “Oh, my gosh, not at all. Feel free to use my bed if you want to lie down with her. Or whatever you need.”

  Brooks shows her where everything is in the diaper bag while we all get ready to go. I’m shoving a piece of cake in my mouth when I feel a tug on my pocket. I look down at Lexi’s concerned face. I lick the icing off my finger before grabbing a napkin. I swing a chair around and sit down, pulling Lexi in between my legs.

  “What’s up, Tater Tot?”

  “I’m scared.”

  I flash her a lopsided grin and pull her up onto my leg. “Lexi, I’ll have you the whole time. And I promise that I’ll never let you go.” Ever. My words remind me of what those shit nuggets said. “I want to tell you something. Are you sure you’re listening?” She nods. “Addison and I love you. You mean so much to us. If you are ever afraid because of what someone says to you, for whatever rea
son, I want you to talk to us.” Tears pool in her eyes. “Those…” I swallow the words that want to come out before I continue, “…kids were wrong.”

  “You can call them assholes. They are,” she sniffles. I hear Addison gasp. I look over at her and she has her hand over her mouth, stifling her laughter. I chuckle and look back at Lexi.

  “Yes, they are. They are bullies. Kids are bullies because they are jealous of what you have or who you are. They make themselves feel better by making others feel bad. Don’t let their words make you question our love for you.” She nods again and the movement causes tears to fall down her face. Her arms wrap around me, and she digs her face into my chest. I embrace her tiny frame, resting my head on hers. The heat from her little body wraps around me, and I can feel the grasp she has on my heart. She has embedded herself inside, staking claim to a piece of it.

  I will give you the world, Lexi, and all I ask is that you hug me like this forever.

  “I love you, Aiden,” she murmurs into my chest.

  “Tater Tot, I love you, too.”

  She releases her hands and looks up. Her eyes are wide as she sniffs back her tears, trying to dry them up. “I’m ready to go skydive now. But not out of a plane,” she adds, squinting her eyes and puckering her lips.

  I tickle her and the sound of her giggles makes everything better. “Not this time. But someday I’ll get you up on that plane.” I lift her off my leg, putting her back on the floor. “Go get some tennis shoes on so we can go.” She runs to her bedroom with her arms out like she’s an airplane. I take a deep inhale and let it out slowly before finding the eyes of everyone in the room pinned on me.

  Sydney is looking up, blinking back tears, and Addison’s wiping hers away. Harper and Bryn softly smile. I clear my throat, standing up. Everyone, stop fucking staring at me. I spin around and shove another piece of cake in my mouth, chomping down on the sugary substance to avoid all the hormonal stares. Hands wrap around my waist. Addison leans against my back, resting her chin on my shoulder.


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