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Fate Loves (Twist of Fate Book 3)

Page 26

by Tina Saxon

  She forgot already.

  “Here are your drinks, love birds,” she says, first handing one to me. Well, I guess I can have a sip and then get something else in a minute.

  “To my gorgeous wife,” Aiden says, lifting his glass.

  “And to my perfect husband.” I bring my glass up to his and clink it. He downs his whole glass before mine has even made it to my lips. When the bubbling liquid hits my mouth, I can immediately tell its cider. My shoulders relax, and I swallow the entire glass, too. The cool liquid moves down my throat and it feels amazing. I didn’t even know I was that thirsty. I look at Sydney and smile wide, mouthing, “Thank you.” She blows me a kiss and takes our glasses.

  “I’ll get y’all another one. Be right back.”

  The next half hour we make our way around the room, talking to everyone. My cheeks hurt from smiling. Harper brought me some flip-flops so at least my feet aren’t hurting anymore. Lexi has been by our side, her small hand in mine, the entire time. Seeing her smile and her excitement about being adopted has shred every doubt that I might have had. There will always be a small part of me, hidden deep down, that thinks she lost her parents because of me. But I silently vow to them that I will give her the best life I can offer.

  We’re talking to Brooks and his nanny, Robin, when my stomach rumbles. I grab my stomach. Aiden looks at me and smiles. “I guess I need to feed my wife.”

  Instantly, I feel nauseous. “Oh, my God. I’m going to be sick,” I say, putting my hand in front of my mouth and running to a trashcan. Please, don’t throw up. Please, I beg my body.

  “Addison, what’s wrong?” Aiden says from behind me as he rubs my back. I try to take in deep breaths and slowly blow them out. My stomach rumbles again. Shit! My mouth waters and I squeeze my eyes shut, waiting for something to come up. How freaking embarrassing to throw up at your wedding.

  “Addison, eat these,” I open my eyes and see Bryn standing beside me holding out some crackers. I grab them and stick them in my mouth like I’ve been without food for days. The memory of when I was starving flows through my mind. I shake my head, forcing that memory out. That will not taint my wedding day. Bryn hands me some Sprite to wash it down. I stand by the trashcan, thinking I’ll probably throw it right up, but I start to feel better as quick as I felt sick. I look at Bryn and her soft smile tells me everything. Oh, no. I just got morning sickness. At my wedding. I glance around the room and there are a few concerned faces watching me, one being Aiden.

  “Sweetheart, are you okay?” he asks, still rubbing my back.

  “Uh, yeah. That was weird. I think my blood sugar was low since I haven’t eaten in hours. I guess maybe we should eat.”

  “Okay. Are you sure you’re feeling alright?”

  “I promise I’m fine.” I’m just growing a baby inside me, and I guess he’s hungry. He nods slowly, still unsure about what just happened. I would tell him, but I’m not ready to tell everyone. If I tell Aiden right now, everyone will know.

  Aiden wraps his arm around me like I’m going to fall as we walk to the head table. Pulling out my chair, I take a seat and look up to him. “Aiden, I already feel much better. Stop worrying. I just need food.”

  “Maybe you shouldn’t drink anymore,” he says. I bite my lip to hide my laugh. Sydney hits my leg with hers under the table. I look at her and she shakes her head and chuckles. I look over at him when I feel him sitting down. His leg brushes up against my dress.

  “I’ll eat before I drink anymore.” I smile wide and he returns it, satisfied with my answer.

  Throughout dinner, glasses clink, which seems to be the cue for us to kiss. Usually I wouldn’t mind kissing Aiden, but this steak is incredible. And every time I hear someone clink a glass, Aiden gets excited and I get irritated. Damn people, can’t you see I’m starving?

  I accidently huff out loud when I hear another clink, and Syd shakes from laughter. I glare at her and then I notice her half-eaten steak. “Are you going to eat that?” I ask sweetly. My mouth waters just looking at it. When I steal my gaze away and look back at her, her eyes are wide. “What?” I whisper. “I am freaking hungry.” This baby isn’t anything but a bean, but he obviously has a major appetite.

  Harper leans forward on the other side of Syd and quietly says, “It must be a boy.” I jolt upright and I peek at Aiden, hoping he didn’t hear. People, this is supposed to be a secret! Aiden’s busy talking to the guys, so I turn back.

  “Why?” I whisper.

  “Because you’re craving meat.”

  “Huh.” I rattle that around in my head. A boy. A little Aiden running around. I softly sigh and unconsciously run my hand over my stomach. Syd elbows me and I jerk my hand away. Shit. Thank God I’m telling Aiden tonight.

  “Thanks,” I lean over and say.

  After eating half of Sydney’s and my dinner, the nauseous feeling has subsided and I feel more energetic. Aiden’s staying close by my side, still concerned. Amy has been keeping an eye on me. Every time I glance her direction, our eyes meet and I awkwardly smile. When I sneak away to go to the bathroom, she corners me when I come out of the stall. She leans against the wall while I wash my hands. I quickly peek at her in the mirror and look away to dry my hands. I feel like I’m a teenager again and she’s using the silent treatment until I break down and confess.

  I blow out a breath and then turn to face her. “I’m pregnant,” I blurt out. Damn it. It works every time.

  “I knew it!” she says vigorously, grabbing my hand and pulling me into a hug. “Congratulations, Addison.” She steps back but holds my hands. “Were y’all planning it? When did you find out? How far along are you?”

  I laugh and squeeze her hands. “Okay, stop!” I say.

  “Sorry,” she winces. “I’m just so excited for you.”

  “I just found out last night. It definitely was not planned.” She tilts her head. “I took antibiotics last month because I was sick,” I explain. She nods slowly in understanding. “Nobody knows except for the girls in the wedding party, and now you.”

  “Aiden doesn’t know yet?”

  “No.” I throw my arms out. “I’m planning on telling him tonight. He was supposed to be the first person I told, but not being able to drink and getting sick out of the blue has given it away.”

  “I promise I won’t say anything.” Her eyes soften and she smiles, the soft wrinkles around her eyes deepening. She brushes an errant piece of hair behind my ear. “Let’s get out there before someone comes looking for you.”

  I put my hand on her upper arm, stopping her from turning around. “I’d like my kids to call you grandma…” I grin, tearing up, “…if that’s okay with you.” I was never able to call her Mom, even though that is what she is to me in every way possible. She respected my decision and always knew how much she meant to me. I want her and Ted to be a part of my children’s lives. They will be the only grandparents our kids will have.

  Amy chokes back her tears. “I would be honored.” Her eyes gleam as she cups my face. “You’ve brought so much happiness to my life. A lot of worry in between all that,” she adds, chuckling, “but you have filled my life with more love than I could ever have imagined.” My nose runs from tearing up, and I have to keep sniffling.

  I wave my hand in front of my face. “Okay. We need to stop or I’m going to be a blubbering mess.” I wipe the tears from my cheek and walk into a stall to grab some toilet paper. I grab a handful for Amy, too. With one last hug, we walk back out to the reception.

  “There she is,” a voice announces, coming from the speakers. It’s Aiden’s voice, so I glance toward the stage. When our eyes meet, he says, “Hi, sweetheart.” His voice is raspy and sexy as hell. I lick my lips, watching him up on stage. His sleeves are rolled up and his tie is loose. He flashes his panty-dropping grin. Both dimples are on display, causing my stomach to flutter.

  That gorgeous man is mine.

  “Aiden, stop staring at Addie,” Lexi whispers, forgetting she’s at a m
icrophone. Her small voice breaks our connection, and I laugh with the crowd. I hadn’t noticed her up there. I was too busy ogling Aiden. My heart beats differently when I look at her. The beat is a slower, patient beat filled with adoration. She smiles at me, lifts her arm, and waves. I wave back and blow her a kiss. The little girl who looked up at me through frightened eyes when I opened her closet door that horrific day has stolen my heart. When I let go of the guilt that followed the death of her parents and brother, I knew Lexi’s place in my life would be permanent. I was relieved when the courts agreed.

  Aiden strums his guitar once. “You ready, Tater Tot?” He looks down at her, and she nods her head quickly. Her small hands wrap around the microphone. “This song was for Addison, but I think I’m singing it for both my girls.”

  I can tell how much she adores Aiden by how she looks up at him. Her smile is contagious. He winks at her before his fingers move across the strings of the guitar. The drums and piano play behind him. Lexi sways to the beat. She’s so freaking adorable on stage.

  Aiden’s deep voice fills the air with the words from “You’ll Be in My Heart” from Phil Collins. A song from Tarzan. Fitting for Aiden. He looks down at Lexi when he sings the first part. When the chorus starts, Lexi joins in and they both look at me. Her angelic voice is wrapped around his raspy voice, creating the perfect storm of melody.

  My body is shaking with so much feeling I don’t even know what to do with it. I cover my mouth as tears stream down my face. Up on stage is my heart and soul. Their words burn into my heart, leaving a permanent mark. It’s the birthmark of our family.

  Someone hands me a Kleenex, and I blot my face and nose. I try to bottle up my breaths and attempt to calm down, but I just end up suffocating myself. They take turns singing then come back together. My eyes move around, catching glimpses of people with tear-stained faces. When they finish the song, everyone is on their feet. Including me. I clap and then bring my hands back to my heart, staring up at them. Lexi jumps into Aiden’s arms as soon as he puts his guitar down.

  When they come down from the stage, the band takes over again. I’m waiting for them when they walk down the stairs. “I loved it,” I say, squeezing them. “Y’all were amazing together.”

  “We make a good team, don’t we, Tater Tot?” Aiden says, pressing a kiss on her cheek.

  The best. I rest my head on Aiden’s shoulder, watching the two rehash about singing together. They tell me about practicing on Sundays when they were having their special time. I knew they had to have practiced. They were too good for it to have been spontaneous.

  “Hey, little rock star, do you want to dance with me before you become too famous and forget you even know me?” Damon asks Lexi, reaching his hand out.

  “Let’s go, Peter Pan.” Aiden places Lexi down, and she dances away with Damon.

  Aiden’s fingers slowly scrape up my arm, making my body shiver. His eyes follow the path of his fingers, and he inhales deeply, letting it out slowly. When his eyes meet mine, they’re so intense. I tilt my head, wondering what he’s thinking. His thumb outlines my collarbone before moving up and cupping the back of my neck.

  “God, you’re beautiful, Addison.” I softly smile. He draws me to him and claims my mouth before I can say anything. I grip a handful of his shirt to hold on. My mind turns dizzy as I’m consumed by Aiden’s mouth. When he releases me, we’re both breathless. “I need to step away from you or we’re going to need to leave our wedding early,” he growls. I nod, still trying to catch my breath. That’s probably a good idea.

  He spins around and starts to walk away. “Thanks for the song,” I say. He looks back and nods.

  “Wait until you hear the next one,” he says with a sly smile. I bite my lip, watching him leave, wondering what he plans on singing.

  “Dance with me?” Max asks from behind, startling me.

  I wrap my arm around his, and he leads me onto the dance floor, pulling me into his very large chest. We two-step around the floor. He doesn’t say anything, just leads me. It’s an awkward silence. One I’ve never had with Max. I can tell he has something on his mind.

  “So…” I bite my inner cheek. He looks down at me and waits for me to continue. I didn’t have anything specific to say, I just wanted to break the silence. “Cherrie’s cute,” I blurt out.

  He arches a brow and grins. “That she is.”

  “Y’all seem to have hit it off.”

  He smirks. “Something like that.” I’ve always appreciated Max and his simple, no bullshit talks, but he’s holding something back and it’s irritating me.

  I nod and go back to concentrating on dancing. I look around, even though I still feel his eyes on me. Finally, I glance at him. “What, Max? Just say it.”

  “You’ll be mad at me.” Whatever he thinks I’ll be mad at doesn’t stop him from flashing a Cheshire Cat grin.

  “Max, I could never be mad at you.” He looks down at me, and I shrug. Okay, that’s a lie. “Tell me.”

  He leans down and whispers in my ear, “Congratulations.”

  I whisper back in his ear, “Thanks.” I shake my head at the weird conversation we’re having.

  “I’m talking about being pregnant.”

  What the ever-loving hell? My foot stumbles, and I trip on Max’s foot. He catches me and continues two-stepping without missing a beat. I regain my footing and stare up at him.

  “Max, how in the world do you know that?” I say through gritted teeth. I am going to kill someone. I asked for one night of secrecy. One. Fucking. Night.

  “Calm down there, Annie Oakley,” he chuckles. Using the nickname he gave me the day we met doesn’t calm my rage. “I heard Harper at the dinner table.”

  “You did not. She didn’t say it loud enough.” I narrow my eyes at him. His smirk tells me everything. “Asshole. You read her lips.” Goddammit. At this rate, everyone is going to know I’m pregnant except Aiden. “You’re a Nosey Nelly, Max.” He laughs out loud.

  “I promise I wasn’t trying to be nosey. I just happened to look over when Harper leaned forward. I still wasn’t sure but then remembered you running to a trashcan to lose your shit, so I put it together.”

  I sigh and look up to the white tent ceiling, lights twinkling all around. I tap my finger against Max’s back, wondering if I should just go find Aiden and tell him right now. If he hears it from someone else, I’ll feel like the worst wife ever.

  “Addison,” Max says, pulling me from my thoughts. When our eyes lock, he softly smiles. “He doesn’t know. And I’m sure as hell not going to tell him.”

  “Dammit, Max. I was planning on telling him tonight, but my plan was also for him to be the first to know and now the whole place seems to know.”

  “No, they don’t.” That’s easy for him to say. He’s not the one going to let Aiden down when he hears the news secondhand. “You only have an hour left. Keep to the plan.”

  I nod and take in a deep breath. “Thank you,” I say, looking at him. He winks and smiles.

  “Remember, you said you’d name your first son Maximus.”

  I laugh, remembering the first time we met and how that wasn’t how the conversation went. “I think that was your idea, and I don’t remember agreeing to it,” I say.

  He shrugs. “I knew you two would end up together. There was never a doubt in my mind. I never saw Aiden look at someone the way he looked at you. I’m glad someone finally made the asshole wake up.”

  I lean my head down on his chest. “I can’t say that I never doubted that we would be here, because…well, you know. But I knew that I had never felt like this for anyone else from the moment I saw him as Jett.” He chuckles at the name.

  “I think the love you have for each other will outlast anything thrown your way. Just don’t forget that.” He leans down and kisses the top of my head. “Congratulations, Addison.” My heart warms from his tender touch. Max and I have forged a deep bond from a dark place in my life. He will always be my hero.

“Thanks, Max…for everything. It makes my heart happy that you’re part of the package deal with Aiden. And you’re going to be the best uncle to our kids.” He squeezes his arm around my waist and softly nods.

  As soon as the song ends, Aiden stands behind me. “Alright, I think you’ve taken enough of my wife’s time.”

  Max releases his hold on me and pats Aiden on the back. “You did good, brother.” Aiden pulls him in for a tight hug. They give each other a silent nod that says so much. The love and friendship between them rivals mine and Sydney’s. There isn’t anything that could come between us.

  “Okay, you two newlyweds, we’re going to take Sleeping Beauty here to bed,” Ted says, holding Lexi. Lexi yawns and puts her head down on Ted’s shoulder.

  “You’ve had such a big day, Lulu, you’ve been a trooper,” I say and push a piece of fallen hair behind her ear. She manages a small smile. Her eyes flutter as she tries to hold them open.

  “You can put her to bed in her room,” Max says from behind us. We all look at Max and stare at him. Her room? I glance up to the house and wonder what the hell he’s talking about.

  He shrugs. “I had a room set up for her.” He’s very factual about it…like we should have already known. Lexi’s head bobs.

  “I have my own room?” She perks up, wide eyed and awake.

  “Just for you, Lulu,” he says. “I also thought about getting a couple horses.” She gasps and I look at him. How often does he plan on us being here? He lives in a freaking different state, for God’s sake.

  “Can I bring Ketchup up here?” Her hands clap.

  “Ketchup has to stay in Texas, Lulu,” I say quickly before Max can say yes. The horse that helped both Lexi and I during our time of healing is currently a therapy horse on Amy and Ted’s ranch. Amy works with a team of therapists who bring their clients to the ranch for animal therapy. The work they do there has a special place in my heart. I made a huge donation when Amy started up the nonprofit business.


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