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The Throne of Hate: A mafia romance (The Romano's Book 2)

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by Stella Andrews

  It feels so awkward sitting here in the middle of a family altercation, and I catch Riley’s eye and smile as she rolls her eye at Lucian and shakes her head. Then she says loudly, “Let’s watch Luca unwrap his present and then we can help him with it later. What do you say, Isabella, will you let me tag along?”

  “Of course, that would be nice.”

  We watch as Luca holds the brightly wrapped package in his hand and looks at it with a puzzled expression, and I am destroyed all over again. He doesn’t know what to do.

  He spins it around in his hand and looks extremely unimpressed, and for a second there’s an awkward silence as everyone realizes what has happened.

  Then Dante appears to wake up and grips the parcel in one hand and tears a small corner of the paper and says brightly, “Tear the rest of the paper off because inside is a surprise just for you.”

  The concentration on Luca’s face melts my heart as he gingerly tears the paper as if he’s afraid to cause damage and then pulls out a lovely red fire engine. His eyes light up and Riley claps her hands. “I told you he would love it.”

  Lucian just nods looking bored and Riley says happily, “See Luca, your very own fire engine and you’re the chief fire officer. Isabella and I can be your firefighters and we can go and put out fires.”

  “Not real ones, I hope.”

  Lucian nudges her and she rolls her eyes. “Maybe, who knows what we’ll find when we go on patrol? Honestly, Lucian, lighten up and reconnect with your inner child. If you ever were one, I have my doubts about that.”

  I am fascinated watching the couple who have arrived like a whirlwind. Riley is outspoken, unafraid and obviously doted on by the scary head of this family. Lucian Romano, mafia don. I almost have to pinch myself as I realize the table I dine at. Then there’s his brother who is looking at me with such intensity I feel afraid for my life and then he makes me jump as he says gruffly, “If you’ll excuse us, I would like a word with Isabella before we head into the meeting.”

  He scrapes back his chair and looks at me pointedly and feeling the flush reach my face, I do the same, catching sight of the interest on Riley’s face and the amusement on Elena’s.

  Nervously, I follow him outside and as soon as the door closes, he grabs my hand and pulls me quickly away after him.

  I almost have to run to catch up until he pushes open a door to a small room that looks over the garden and says roughly, “Sit.”

  Quickly, I take the nearest seat and then he drags one over to face me and sits astride it, before grasping my hands and staring at me with a dark look.

  I swallow hard and feel my legs shake as he says gruffly, “Thank you.”

  I look at him in surprise and see emotion in him that makes my heart thump madly. “For what?”

  “For getting Luca to tell you his past. We have tried and failed and yet two hours in, you’ve done the unthinkable, thank you.”


  “How did I know?”

  He grins wickedly. “I know everything, Isabella, you would be wise to remember that. This house holds no secrets and your conversation with my son was recorded along with everything you’ve done since you arrived.”


  My voice sounds weak and I feel so mortified I want to curl up into a ball and fade away.

  Dante just smirks. “Not in your room, or any of the bedrooms come to mention it. No, those cameras are only activated by the person inside the room if they require it. We have guards who monitor our safety 24/7 which is why we picked you up so easily when you tried to escape. This is a fortress in case you hadn’t realized it but your privacy is guaranteed when you need it.”

  “You spied on me?”

  I feel so angry I want to punch him and he shrugs. “I watched you. If you thought I wouldn’t check on my son, you’re mistaken.”

  “So, you heard what he said?”

  My tears blind me to his expression and when they clear I see the devastation on his face. “I did.”

  For a moment, we just sit in silence and I don’t miss the fact he is still holding my hands. It feels nice and kind of normal, which is surprising given I hate him most of the time. Yet now, seeing the emotional side of him, it paints him in a different light and I say gently, “That must have hurt, to listen.”

  He nods. “It did.”

  Now I know why he hugged him so hard and I lean forward and smile through my tears. “He will be ok you know, he’s young and the memories will fade. Just make him your number one priority as you do already and he’ll be fine.”

  “What about you?”


  “Will you be fine because from where I’m sitting, you have only one person backing your corner and she lives half way across the country. What about you when the year ends, how fine will Isabella be without a family to lean on?”

  His words conjure up feelings that I would prefer remain buried and I snatch my hands away and say tightly, “That’s my concern. Now, if you don’t mind, I need to head back, Luca is my priority here, after all.”

  Quickly, he reaches out and pulls me back until his face is inches from mine and growls, “It is my business. I told you I own you and I need to know everything about you.”

  “Why?” I almost can’t get the word out because to move my lips risks touching his, they are so close.

  “Because I need to know the person I am trusting with my son. Tonight, we will spend time alone and you will tell me every detail of your life.”

  “Alone?” My heart races as I contemplate being in the same room as him—alone and he smirks as the fire flashes in his eyes. “Yes, tonight you will put Luca to bed and then dress in an outfit of my choosing. Then we will head out to a restaurant I know by the water’s edge. Common ground for a business meeting, I thought that would be fairer given the circumstances.”

  “A business meeting, what business?”

  “You’ll see.”

  I almost think he’s going to kiss me and I am so ready for it. In fact, since he entered the dining room, I have been aware of his every move. Dante Romano is impossible to ignore and impossible to forget. He is a force of nature that is like the deadliest storm, wreaking havoc and burying everything in its path and destroying what’s taken a lifetime to build. He is so far under my skin he controls my heart and my brain. He is like a poisonous gas that chokes and taints and causes devastation. Then as he pulls back, his eyes lose the fire and he says coolly, “You may go.”

  I snatch my hands away and leave the room as quickly as possible. Spend the evening with him. The thought of it scares the hell out of me and yet I’m looking forward to it way more than any sane person should. Yes, Dante Romano is set to destroy me tonight, it was in his eyes. Then why I am counting down the hours until then?

  Chapter 18


  Romeo is late and Lucian and I have polished off two glasses of whiskey before he decides to grace us with his presence. Lucian is angry. “What took you so long?”

  Romeo just shrugs nonchalantly. “I had business across town. I was doing some digging on Emilio Vasquez, courtesy of the guy Tony carved up on Tuesday night.”

  Lucian looks thoughtful. “That was a surprise. I thought he had learned his lesson, but it appears he’s back for more. What did you find out?”

  “That he’s holed up on Marco Island, scared shitless now he knows we’re onto him. Do you want me to take care of it?”

  “Do you need backup?”

  “No, I’ll go in mob-handed and deal with it. What about you, I heard you were off to the Keys?”

  “Riley wants to go and I thought we’d catch up with Billy Davros while we’re there.”

  I look at Romeo and grin and he laughs. “Is he still making the rounds, what on earth do you want with him?”

  Lucian just smiles in his usual sinister way. “He has a new trade route we could use to our benefit. I’m just checking it out, although I doubt we’ll use it, too dodgy. We need t
o lie low after the last shipment was seized.”

  We fall silent as it still burns to have lost such valuable cargo, and then Lucian destroys my world with one sentence.

  He turns to me and says firmly, “Luca’s nanny.”

  “What about her?” My ears prick up at the mention of Isabella and Lucian shrugs. “She’s got to go.”

  I just stare at him in shock and Romeo asks for me. “Why?”

  She’s hot property. She’ll only bring trouble here, which we can do without.”

  I keep my temper under control because knowing my brother he would love to see me lose my shit, so I say blankly, “What’s her story?”

  Leaning forward, Lucian stares at me long and hard and I can tell the bastard is enjoying every second of this. “I did some digging into her background. Her parents were hippies and ran off, taking her with them. They were into drugs and dealt for Vincenzo Lorenti and went rogue. He arranged a little car accident as punishment and your nanny was left an orphan as a result.”

  I can’t believe what I’m hearing. Drug dealers, Isabella’s parents, what the fuck?

  He carries on, obviously enjoying every moment of his little story.

  “That’s not the problem though. It’s way bigger than that.”

  Romeo leans forward and Lucian shakes his head. “Turns out her mom was quite connected. Isabella’s grandmother was none other than Edwina Stanford-Major.”

  Romeo laughs out loud. “Well, fuck me.”

  I almost can’t take it in and Lucian says casually, “Turns out Isabella Grey is now ranking as the fifth richest woman in America. When her grandmother died, she inherited the lot. The oil company, the cotton mills and the bank. That lady is on everyone’s hit list because there isn’t a guy in the country who hasn’t got her in his sights. Word on the streets is that as soon as she signs on the dotted line and everything’s hers, she’s fair game. The attention that little girl is going to receive will be relentless. So, for Luca’s sake and yours, Dante, find someone else because as soon as that bird gets her wings, she will fly off into the sunset. My advice is get rid now before Luca gets attached.”

  His eyes burn into my soul as he looks for confirmation of what I know he suspects, but I deny him that pleasure. Instead, I just shrug and act unconcerned. “Does she know how rich she is?”

  Lucian shrugs. “I doubt it. I don’t think she liked her grandmother very much, probably fed bullshit by her mother and father. I heard she’s intending on pissing the money down the drain out of revenge for her grandmother. I don’t think she realizes the money would fill several drains and it’s doubtful she will be able to do what she likes, anyway. The will is probably tied up and sealed in concrete, doubtless chaining her to a lifetime of responsibilities. Her head will spin with it all, so do yourself a favor and let her go, find someone else who won’t let you down.”

  For a moment we sit in silence as my brothers wait for my reaction. It’s only been two days since Isabella came here, so they will expect me to do as Lucian says. But, how can I? It would break Luca’s heart and mine—well, I haven’t got one but I know one thing, I would rather cut out what heart I do have before watching her walk away.

  She’s going nowhere.

  Chapter 19


  Within the first five minutes, I fall a little in love with Riley. She’s open, good company and so funny I find myself constantly laughing. Luca seems to like her too, and we head outside for some much-needed air and make our way through the manicured gardens to the water’s edge. Riley looks around and sighs. “I love this place. It’s so beautiful, you wouldn’t think it hides so much menace, would you?”

  I look at her with interest because I’m guessing she has a hard time being Lucian Romano’s girlfriend and she laughs softly. “You wonder why I stay, don’t you?”

  “A little, it’s none of my business though.”

  She points to the grass and we sit side by side as we watch Luca flipping stones into the water.

  “I fell in love, what can I say, my heart betrayed me and chained me to a monster.”

  She smiles and I see that she means what she says. Her eyes are wistful and her lips curved in a smile. Whatever their story, she has fallen hard and I’m a little jealous of her.

  Then she turns to me and says slyly, “What about you, Isabella, Dante’s rather hot, wouldn’t you agree?”

  My face must betray me because she laughs and fans herself with her hand. “I thought as much. So, tell me, what’s the situation between you two?”

  She seems nice and god knows I need a friend, so I find myself opening up and whispering the whole sorry tale of the last few days, making sure that Luca can’t hear me.”

  If I thought she’d be shocked, I was wrong because she just laughs out loud. “Those Romano men are in a league of their own. It was much the same for me. Lucian actually kidnapped me and locked me in a cage in his room. He punished me too and made my life hell, but somehow that became the most delicious game to me and I wanted more. As it turned out, the game changed and we fell in love. So, you see, Isabella, stranger things have happened, maybe Dante will fall in love with you?”

  “He locked you in a cage, are you serious?”

  “Yes, I am. Mind you, don’t knock it ‘til you tried it, I loved every minute of it which shows what a sick bitch I am.”

  My eyes are wide and she leans closer and smiles. “I’ve shocked you, honey, I can see that. Tell me, where’s your head at, by the atmosphere at lunch, I’d say something was cooking?”

  “I’m not sure.” I stare at her with a sadness that’s never far away. “You see, Riley, I am attracted to Dante, who wouldn’t be? I mean, he’s seriously hot and I have been locked in a girl’s school for three years. That does kind of mess with your head a little. The thing is though, I’m not very experienced, if you know what I mean and I’m terrified.”

  Riley smiles softly and reaches out and squeezes my hand. “I see.”

  “Sad but true. But anyway, even if I was, um, experienced, what sort of girl would that make me if I agreed to be his plaything? That’s not me, I want more than that. I want the whole package, Riley. Love, happiness and a happy ever after. I don’t want to be used and abused and then cast aside for a fresh alternative when the excitement wears off. I have my standards, despite how desperate that man makes me feel.”

  Riley grins and looks thoughtful. “I see. So, what’s your plan, I mean, do you think Dante may change his mind and make more of an effort, or is he just using you as you think he is? Maybe you should stick to your guns, although…”

  “What?” I can’t think what she’s about to say and then I see a wicked gleam in her eye as she laughs softly. “It would sure make your first time something to remember. When I think of mine, it was with Spencer Grady from Mandrake High. It was a mess. It hurt like hell and I got a really weird rash that I was too embarrassed to go to the doctor about. It was a troubling time and even more so because he told just about every football player in the locker room and I had to put up with the smirks and knowing looks for the rest of the semester. Nobody would touch me after that because they thought I had an std.”

  I can’t help but laugh and she grins. “So, I’m guessing Dante would show you a good time. Maybe you should use and abuse him before you leave. It would make for a nice memory if nothing else.”

  “Do you think I could leave, I kind of get the feeling I will only get my freedom when he says so?”

  “Yes, that could be a problem.”

  We look across at Luca and Riley says sadly, “It’s not just Dante, is it? There’s that little angel to consider first. He needs to be happy and so I know this sounds hard, but maybe if you aren’t going to stick around, you should tell Dante you need to leave for his son’s sake.”

  “I’ve tried, but he won’t listen.”

  She looks at me sharply, and then laughs softly. “That is interesting. Well, maybe a miracle will happen. Hang in there until it does

  She looks at her watch and groans. “Sorry honey, I need to catch up with Elena before we leave. We have a lot to discuss because apparently I’m getting married in a few weeks, nice of them to tell me, don’t you think?”

  She laughs at my expression. “Get used to it, honey, these men have their own agenda and we have to run to keep up. I hope it goes well with Dante and make sure you keep that smile on Luca’s face, you’ve done a great job so far, I’m proud of you.”

  Before she goes, she slips a little card in my hand and smiles. “My number should you need a friend. Call me anytime, I’ll always pick up, unless…”

  She winks before adding, “I’m locked in my cage.”

  I don’t know if she was joking or not, but her laughter carries across the open space as she leaves. Shifting toward Luca, I pick up a handful of stones and challenge him to a contest. I have some serious decisions to make because it’s not about what I want anymore, what Dante wants either, it’s all about this little boy who needs a friend more than anyone I’ve ever known.

  Chapter 20


  I can tell Isabella has something on her mind. I felt it as soon as I returned from my meeting and saw the distance in her eyes. I have an uneasy feeling that Riley somehow told her what Lucian told me. I wouldn’t put it past him to confide in her because ever since Riley showed up, Lucian is a changed man and can only see her. I wonder what that feels like? I’m kind of getting a taste of that myself, so as she closes the door to Luca’s bedroom after settling him down for the night, I turn and whisper, “You have thirty minutes to shower and change. Your outfit is already laid out and I don’t expect to be kept waiting.”


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