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Randy & Jett_Dragon Kisses

Page 13

by Lynn Stark

  All the tension left Randy’s body with one bark of laughter. Sitting up, he threw his arms around his neck to hug Jett tightly. Yeah, Jett was a keeper. Randy had no plans to let him go, ever. Thoughts of sex with Jett were far from repulsive. That was the real proof he needed to know that Jett was the man for him. He might be super fucking nervous the first few times, but he figured he would get over it. Especially when he had a good idea, Jett would give as much to making love as he did to other details in his life, with total focus and attention to detail.

  “I love you,” Randy told him. “You’re perfect for me. Now, why don’t we start with me giving you a blow job and then we’ll see what happens after that?”

  Pulling back, Jett studied Randy for a moment. Large hands slid down to cup the mounds of Randy’s ass cheeks. “Sounds like a plan we can both live with.”

  “Why don’t we start with some kisses? You give the best kisses.”

  Taking over, Jett pressed Randy back into the pillows. “I do, do I?”

  Randy nodded. “Absolutely the very best kisses.” Before he puckered up, he said teasingly, “Who knew dragon kisses were so wonderful?” He peered at Jett through his lashes. “I believe they are magical.”

  Jett’s mouth came closer. “I believe that’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. I might have to ravish you.”

  “Ravish away, my sweet dragon. I know where you can start with those kisses.”

  Warm, firm lips pressed to his, causing his lips to tingle. Jett raised his head. “Why don’t I start here and work my way down.”

  Randy’s cock, trapped between their bodies, throbbed almost painfully. He couldn’t remember ever being so aroused, and certainly not during the years before his arrival in Silver. His fingers flexed against the muscles covering Jett’s shoulders as Randy stared at the man above him.

  Then there was a wink and a devilish grin, and Randy knew he was in trouble. The very best kind, he hoped. Jett began at Randy’s forehead, pressing a kiss to it, and then to his nose and each of his eyelids.

  Sighing, Randy gave himself up to focusing only on the pleasure Jett wanted to give him. Pleasure was a positive thing, and it would help him get over the hurdles in his life, placed there by circumstance and by him.

  Jett’s larger body nestled between Randy’s legs, pushing on his cock and balls. The man’s weight sent a wave of pleasure through him. His blood began to simmer in his veins. With his eyes closed he used his imagination. He could almost see them from above the bed. Jett’s wide shoulders and tattooed back, tapering to a narrow waist and hips, and long muscular legs, completely dwarfing Randy’s smaller body. Randy hadn’t seen Jett’s ass without the towel, but what had been under it was firm and rounded. Yeah, the guy knew how to fill out a pair of jeans, too. He was looking forward to seeing his naked butt in the near future.

  Sliding his hands downward, he caressed Jett’s back. It was all he could reach. Randy wanted to caress the mounds of Jett’s ass, but Jett was working his way down. He was now kissing along Randy’s left jaw, over his chin, and along the right side, completely ignoring the lips aching for his possession. Jett paused long enough to rub his jaw over Randy’s, obviously enjoying the feel of the soft growth of hair covering it. Randy had never had a beard before and thought having one might be good for winter. Then Jett was teasing him with kisses again, making him forget about everything else.

  A soft growl erupted from Randy’s throat as Jett pointedly ignored his mouth. Randy tried to chase Jett’s tormenting mouth. Jett laughed softly and shifted his body so he could move down, beginning to kiss and lick Randy’s neck, lingering to suck on Randy’s Adam’s apple.

  Randy was completely at Jett’s mercy, but unlike the times before with other men, he didn’t resent it. He wasn’t resentful, angry, or afraid. He was doing this because he wanted to be with Jett. He was doing this because Jett loved him. He wanted to do this because he loved Jett.

  Warm lips moved over his collarbone. Randy whimpered. Jett’s hard body continued to slide down between his legs, dragging over his aching flesh. Bringing up his knees, he clamped them against Jett’s sides. Jett’s hot, moist mouth latching onto a nipple caused him to hump his hips. He began to rub himself against Jett’s chest. Desperation was gripping him tightly.

  As Jett sucked on Randy’s nipple, he reached between their bodies and finally made another connection, wrapping his fingers around Randy’s aching cock. He could feel the pre-cum oozing out. It was probably dripping onto Jett’s fingers. He would lick it off, if he could. Jett gently stroked the rigid, throbbing shaft, each stroke matching the suction on Randy’s nipple.

  They remained like that, Randy desperate and humping his dick through Jett’s encircling fingers, Jett stroking and sucking. Randy held Jett’s head against him. His black hair was so short he couldn’t grip it. That was probably a good thing for Jett. Randy was close to reaching madness.

  “Jett, please, I have to come,” Randy begged, his voice strained as he spoke.

  Maybe speaking hadn’t been a good idea. Jett released his cock and his nipple. Lifting his body away, Jett was staring at him when Randy opened his eyes in disbelief. There was a tenderness in his dark eyes. Tenderness and a slew of other things, like desire, lust, and love—all important elements.

  “Not yet, hon. I want you to roll over. I’m going to ride you. Not fuck you, just ride you. You can come then, okay?”

  Randy nodded jerkily. He pushed himself up and over onto his hands and knees. He didn’t even think about how many times he had done this. This was Jett. It was the first time in the position with him. The eroticism of the suggestion made Randy’s blood boil over as lust of his own surged through him.

  Jett left the bed, but Randy didn’t have time to wonder what he was doing, as he returned almost at once. He heard the click of a cap. A second later the cool lube ran down the crack of his ass, causing him to jump a little. Jett chuckled softly as his fingers spread the lube, touching the tight pucker of Randy’s asshole, but not pushing in.

  Releasing the breath he’d been holding, Randy relaxed. The tension returned when Jett moved between his legs and took hold of his hips. The press of the large cock in the crack of his ass was enough to take his breath away again, but for different reasons this time.

  “A mirror. We need to get a mirror,” Randy told Jett as his lover began to ride his ass, his cock sliding up and down in the crevice between the mounds.

  Jett pressed hard against him, his hips flexing. Strong fingers tightened on the flesh of his hips. “Anything you want, hon. We’ll go shopping for one tomorrow.”

  “We might need two.”

  “Anything for you,” Jett promised as his hips thrust and rolled, the pressure of his long, thick cock coming and going.

  Lowering his head and shoulders to the mattress, Randy closed his eyes and rode the wave of bliss he was experiencing. It was incredible, completely unlike anything he’d ever felt before, and he wanted more.

  Reaching under his body for his cock, Randy sucked in his breath as he touched the over-sensitized flesh. He was ready to explode, with his balls aching and drawn tight to his body. He didn’t want it to end yet, however. He wanted it to go on forever.

  Or until Jett said something so incredibly hot that Randy wasn’t given any choice.

  “I’m about to come all over your ass and back.”

  That was it, the trigger. Randy came hard, joining Jett as his orgasm rocked his world. As his balls emptied, cum splattering on the sheet beneath him, he felt Jett’s cum coating his skin, landing on his back and ass as Jett pulled back slightly.

  * * * *

  Blown away, Jett was shaky as he lowered himself to the bed beside Randy. They had a mess to clean up, but he was in no rush. Hell, it wouldn’t have mattered if he was. He didn’t have the energy to move yet.

  “You doing okay, hon?”

  Randy’s head moved. It might have been a nod. Rolling onto his side, Jett propped himself up on
his elbow, his head in his hand. He admired the cum-coated body beside his. It was a primal thing, but he liked the fact that he had marked his man, his lover, his sweet boyfriend.

  Things between them were improving sexually. Jett knew Randy loved him. It meant a lot to now know that Randy trusted him, too.

  “Honey, can you make it to the bathroom on your own, or do I have to carry you?” Taking a corner of the sheet, he reluctantly wiped his cum off the man’s warm skin.

  Randy’s body twitched. Jett watched as he moved cautiously until he could sit up and swing his legs over the side of the bed. Jett hoped there were spare sheets otherwise they would be sleeping on the mattress while the sheets were being washed.

  Taking a shower with a man who was almost asleep was a new experience for Jett. He held Randy close under the spray and soaped as much of his body as he could reach. Randy moaned and snuggled closer. Jett wasn’t immune. Coming once hadn’t come close to being enough to ease the desire that had been building inside him since first seeing Randy at the bar.

  By the time Jett finished washing Randy the man had revived enough to return the favor. Jett turned obediently as Randy washed him from his ears to his ankles.

  “I don’t have enough soap to wash your cock, too,” Randy teased as he slid his soapy palm up and down the length.

  It hadn’t taken long for it to revive. There was no surprise there. Jett couldn’t count the times Randy hadn’t done more than look at Jett and his cock had begun to harden. It made things tricky from time to time, he thought with amusement, as he bent to give his man a gentle kiss on his wet lips.

  “Do you have another set of sheets?” he asked as he rinsed and stepped out of the shower. He hoped their landlady didn’t get up in the middle of the night needing hot water, he thought with a grin.

  “Yeah. They were on sale at Connolly’s Department Store. Hank called to tell me about them. I got these nice towels, too.”

  The towels were thick and soft. Jett rubbed Randy down before drying his own body off. He followed a cute butt back to the bedroom. It didn’t take long for them to make the bed. Jett put the used sheets in the basket they would take to the laundromat.

  “We might have to buy more sheets,” Jett said as he returned to the bedroom. “It’s that or do laundry every other day.”

  Randy giggled at the thought of what they would be doing to make it necessary to have to wash sheets so often. Jett watched as he slapped a hand over his mouth. When he dropped it, he was blushing. “Well, that was completely embarrassing. I sounded like Quinn.”

  “I loved it. Don’t feel embarrassed about anything. Now, I’m going to put my clothes on and take Gemma out.”

  Randy started to pull on his discarded sleep pants. Jett stopped him. “No, hon, you just wait here for me. I won’t be long.” His gaze skimmed over his naked body, taking it all in. Fuck, if Randy wasn’t the most desirable man on the planet. “Just get in bed and get rested up.”

  “For what?”

  “I’m not telling. Just get in bed. I won’t be long.”

  Gemma was good at reading the situation. She was waiting by the door leading to the rear stairs. She ran down in front of him, her stubby little tail, with its fringe of copper and white hair, waving like a flag. Randy called it her happiness indicator. It was a pretty good description, Jett thought as he stood out on the back porch and watched Gemma run to the back of the yard. He frowned when she dashed behind the bushes near the fence. It was a good place for her to do her business. Unfortunately, she was completely out of sight.

  “It’s a lovely evening out,” a soft female voice said, from Jett’s right. Turning his head he saw Mrs. Green seated at the small table at the end.

  “Yes, it is. Can’t sleep?” He hoped his and Randy’s sexual antics hadn’t disturbed the woman. Randy would be embarrassed to death.

  Mrs. Green laughed. “No. I don’t usually go to bed until around one o’clock. I’m out here enjoying the nice weather while it’s still here. In another month there will likely be snow and it will be a lot colder. This old woman doesn’t go out much when it’s below twenty degrees.” She laughed, and began rocking in the chair. “Randy’s very excited about the horse. I think it will be a good thing for him.”

  “I thought so, too, which is why I pushed him to get it. Hopefully we’ll get a call from the farrier in the morning, letting us know everything is good to go.”

  “Well, I’ll put it in my prayers tonight. By the way, I’ve been meaning to tell you. If you guys need to do any wash, feel free to use my washer and dryer. They’re in the room off the kitchen. Just go on in anytime you need to.”

  “Thanks. It’s nice of you to offer.”

  Mrs. Green laughed as she stood, picking up something off the table as she did so. “My youngest son and daughter-in-law paid a small fortune for the pair. I only use them about once a week. It seems a waste.” Gemma ran up the steps and over to greet Mrs. Green. “Aren’t you a sweetie pup,” she said.

  As she did so, they heard loud popping noises.

  “What the fuck?” Jett knew the sound very well and it wasn’t fireworks. “Come on, Gemma. In the house.”

  “I’ll take her,” the elderly woman said, scooping her up. “you take this,” she said, handing Jett the object in her hand. It was a large handgun. “Watch it. It’s got a hair trigger and it’s dead-on accurate.”

  “Okay. I’ll be right back. I want to go see what’s happening. It could be nothing.” He didn’t believe that for a moment. “Be sure to lock the door,” he ordered as he all but pushed the woman through door, closing it behind her.

  Jett headed out of the backyard, glad that his eyes were adjusted to the darkness. There was a half-moon in a cloudless sky, casting some light over the quiet street. He wished he had shoes on. It made the going a little slow. But slow was good. He didn’t want to rush out and into a bad situation. His gaze scanned the area. Down the street, he could see the light on in the truck where Snake kept watch. Lights were coming on in houses along the street. Considering how many people in the area owned firearms, he hoped he wouldn’t be accidentally shot.

  With his heart pounding, Jett made his way to where Snake was trying to get out of the car. He was pressing his hand to his right shoulder. There was blood pouring from between his fingers. “Sit the fuck down,” Jett ordered, helping his friend to the ground and closing the truck’s door. Crouching beside Snake, he looked around.

  “That little weasel fucker popped up out of nowhere and took a shot at me through the windshield.”

  “Give me your phone so I can call for an ambulance. Where’s Quinn? I thought he was hanging out with you tonight.”

  “I convinced him to stay home with his friends tonight. They were having a cookout.”

  “Good.” Although Jett could hear sirens, he went ahead and called 911 to request medical assistance for one gunshot victim. “You got this? I have to go take care of Randy.”

  Snake laughed. “You go ahead. This is nothing but a scratch.”

  The first SUV from the sheriff’s department arrived. Jett was straightening up when Grayson Evans exited the vehicle. “I have to go to Randy,” Jett told the sheriff. “I called for an ambulance.”

  Then he was gone, leaving his friend in the care of the sheriff as he ran back down the street, around to the rear of the house, and up the stairs. As he did so there was another loud gunshot and he thought his heart would stop beating as terror struck him. This time the gunshot was from the apartment he shared with Randy.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Randy was waiting for Jett to return from walking Gemma. He was floating on his little cloud of happiness as he stretched out on the bed and stared at the ceiling. He knew there was a big, stupid grin on his face. He couldn’t help it. His life was going in new and unexpected places.

  A few weeks before, Randy hadn’t expected to ever want to have a man in his life. Because of his past, the idea had actually been extremely repulsive to him. N
ow he not only had a man, but he had one he loved and couldn’t envision not having in his life in the future.

  Getting up off the bed, Randy pulled on his sleep pants and T-shirt. He pushed his feet into slippers and headed out of the bedroom toward the kitchen. He was getting a little hungry and knew a small snack would help him sleep. Because they had similar appetites, Randy knew Jett would probably like something, too.

  As Randy stood in the kitchen, trying to decide what would be a good snack for them, both healthy and enough to satisfy them, he heard two muffled bangs. They sounded like a car backfiring, so he didn’t give it much thought. He opened the cupboard and took out a loaf of whole grain bread. He removed two slices and placed one on each of two plates. The slices were so large he planned on cutting them in half to make a sandwich for each of them. The next problem to conquer was deciding on what to put on the bread. He went to the refrigerator to have a look. A smile curved his mouth as he spotted the low-fat cream cheese and a cucumber. He didn’t know how good they would be together, but he was about to find out. On impulse he grabbed the jars of sundried tomatoes and roasted peppers.

  With everything on the counter, Randy began to assemble the sandwiches. He put the peppers and tomatoes on a paper towel to drain off some of the moisture. As he did so he wondered where Jett was with Gemma. He smiled, guessing that Gemma had decided to investigate around the backyard, despite the fact that it was after midnight and her people needed to go to sleep.

  Taking a knife out of the drawer, he cut the bread and then spread a thick layer of cream cheese on two of the pieces. He was about to cut the cucumbers when a sound behind him caught his attention. Glancing back, his welcoming smile faded when he saw Brad Barker standing in the archway between the kitchen and the hall leading from the downstairs entrance. His gaze dropped to the gun in the man’s hand. It was steady and pointed at Randy.

  Randy finally realized that it hadn’t been a car backfiring, but gunshots. Fear slammed through him, causing him to lose his breath. Where was Jett?


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