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A Witch's Destiny

Page 11

by E. J. Bennett

  Kane set to work immediately. He explained the transformation Mellissa was going through. It was normal and he encouraged her to remain calm. He also explained to her how she could control her thirst for blood. Mellissa thanked Kane and went upstairs to clean up while Kane was left with Divina.

  “Thanks for your help,’’ she said lightly. In person Kane was more enchanting with his perfect toned body and ruffled black hair.

  “Or for saving your life?”

  “Yeah for saving my life too” she said with a grin.

  The tension in the room was palpable. Both of them wanted to tear each other’s clothes off and get some warmth but they were also scared of their dreams about each other.

  Kane regained his demeanor and simply said,

  “Be careful next time girl” and within a few seconds, he was out of the room.

  BLACK CLAW CALLED FOR a meeting. The Lycans, wolves and witches under his command were present. He stood in the middle to address them.

  “Fellow comrades, I have called this meeting here today for two reasons, first, to re-assert my authority over the supernatural beings and secondly, to tell you about a common enemy which we must eliminate,” he said looking round gauging their reaction. I am the lord general because of the feats I have been able to achieve by subduing the Lycans, wolves and the witches, comrades no one has done that before and for that, I deserve your worship.

  Immediately he said this, the supernatural beings in the courtyard all went on their knees in reverence of him. Perceiving that everything was still on track he approached the subject that was of major importance to him.

  “Comrades, there is a foe that we must all crush, a traitor must never be caught in our midst. If anyone is caught aiding the little witch, he or she will rue the day they were born,’’

  “You all know about the story of a girl who is said to fulfill a prophecy. It is all a lie! I dictate who should live and die. Still, to be sure of what is coming, I am sending all of you out, whosoever brings me the head of the girl gets to be my second in command,’’ he concluded. Blackclaw didn’t want her powers anymore, he just wanted her dead.

  Cheers and murmurs wrecked through the courtyard. Being the second in command was more than what a subject would think of. They all made a blood pact with Blackclaw and scattered beyond, each being a bounty hunter set to get Divina’s head. Luck had been on Divina side many times but with these, Blackclaw had declared war and it was only a matter of time before they would catch and kill Divina.

  DIVINA WAS HOME RESTING with her mum on the sofa in the living room. A call came in and Amy stood up to receive the call.

  “Oh yes doc thank you,’’

  “He still asks after her?’’ she inquired

  “Okay I will bring her,” she said ending the call.

  She heaved in a deep breath and approached Divina.

  “Pa wants to see you,’’ she said looking directly into Divina’s eyes.

  “I think we should go see him together,’’ Amy said hoping that going with her daughter would give her the courage she needed.

  Remembering how Pa was weird the last time she visited him she was afraid to see him again.

  “Mum is it necessary,” she asked.

  “Not necessary, but important. He has been asking for you, since the last time I went to see him.”

  Seeing that her mum was determined to get her to see her Pa, she quietly agreed to see the octogenarian.

  “Okay Mum.”

  Amy and Divina grabbed their personal effects and were on their way to the hospital. In the car, Divina’s favorite song blasted through the speakers.

  “. . . Am saying right now right now am free am free am free. . . This is my big hello, if you’re hearing now let me know I can finally see, it’s not just a dream when you said am free am free am free’’

  Mother and daughter sang sweetly together. On reaching their destination, Amy and Divina were pointed in the right direction where the old man was now placed and in no time there were at the door way of the old man’s room. As they were about to enter the room, the doctor was passing by and recognizing Amy called her for some personal information.

  Left alone with her Pa, Divina approached the old man cautiously. He was fast asleep and he seemed to be at peace. Divina examined his body but she was attracted to the cut on his ears which was almost completely healed. That baffled her.

  ‘’I saw that cut the first day I came here it is not possible for it to heal that quickly.” She thought.

  “A cut that deep cannot heal so fast.”

  Moving closer to the old man to survey the cut more closely, she touched the ear and the old man stirred from his sleep and he gently opened his eyes.

  “Hi Pa how are you feeling?’’ Divina said moving back quietly a little afraid of his blank stare.

  “Divina my dear you are finally here,” He said feebly.

  “Come closer, dear.” he instructed Divina.

  Divina moved closer to her Pa and she took his boney hand in hers stroking it gently

  “I am here Pa,” she whispered with sadness.

  Suddenly the old man’s demur changed and he blurted out,


  Having delivered the message, the old man returned to his normal self and continued his conversation weakly.

  “I miss you Divina dear, come visit more,” he said quietly. Divina stood in shock. Her feet felt cemented to the ground.

  It was almost unbelievable, this same old man who had been yelling was now calm, collected and tired. Amy entered the room and set down the drugs she had just got from the chemist down the hospital avenue on the table.

  Divina excused herself from the room and she went outside to get some fresh air. Her Pa had said a lot. More than she needed.

  “What sword,’’ she wondered.

  “Who would want to hurt my family except Blackclaw?”

  She was lost in her thoughts and failed to realize the lady who was sitting beside her.

  “I can give you some answers,’’ she said jolting Divina out of her own mind.

  “Oh, excuse me, am very sorry.” Divina didn’t realize that she had been talking aloud but was she really talking aloud?

  “Who are you?” she asked curiously.

  “How about me telling you who you are?” She said smiling.

  Divina stood up immediately and tried walking towards the main lounge of the hospital as the lady called out to her.

  “You are the Lycan god mother,’’ she said still smiling.

  This confession made Divina turn around to face the woman and she continued,

  “I am a vampire and am here to help you,”

  “Please, have your seat and let’s talk,’’ she said showing off the gap in between her teeth as she spoke.

  Faced with the possibility of learning more about herself after all her grandfather had miraculously recounted, she moved towards the lady vampire and took a seat beside her. She studied the woman. She was rather striking with long black hair and a heart shaped face.

  “Now tell me what you know,” Divina said with an iota of rudeness.

  “Now listen carefully,” she began.

  “Supernatural beings have been at war for the longest time and your birth was meant to end all those wars and bloodsheds. Blackclaw is a cruel leader and he will stop at nothing to kill you, your kind. The witches have been held in bondage by Blackclaw and the family of Steel. You can only save us and return balance to the underworld. If you really want to save your family and fulfill your destiny, you must kill Kane Steel and Blackclaw,’’

  Divina’s eyes almost pooped out in surprise, Blackclaw deserved to die, but Kane?

  “Kane? Why?’’

  “Kane’s family have enslaved the witches for centurie
s and it’s your destiny to restore the witches through the death of Kane Steel,’’ the lady vampire said.

  ‘’I know you are a dream walker Divina and I also know of your love interest in Kane, but for you to fulfill your destiny, Kane and Blackclaw both must die,’’

  Divina was still contemplating on what the woman said. She failed to notice the sword which had been lying on the floor. The lady vampire picked up the sword and unsheathe it and presented it to Divina.

  “This is the great sword, it is the only thing that can free your family,’’ she said presenting it to Divina.

  Divina examined the sword against the sunlight and she discovered it was glittering and it had markings on its blade. She knew a lot was at stake but this lady vampire had reaffirmed the words of her Pa.

  “I will fulfill my destiny,” she spoke to herself. Divina said sheathing the sword given to her

  The lady vampire stood up, gave Divina a smile and started walking away, after some meters from Divina she turned around and said,

  “Oh you have only twenty-four hours to do this Divina, your destiny can’t wait forever,” turning to continue her journey she disappeared.

  Divina moved quietly through the woods on her way to the mansion down by the lake with the sword attached behind her. She had been informed that the future of her kind depends on her killing Kane Steel and Blackclaw. Upon getting to the gate, she pushed the large gate slightly and proceeded on her journey towards the main entrance. She knocked twice and quickly arranged her clothes in a way to hide the sword. There was no response and she decided to go in without permission. She pushed the oak made door open and proceeded inside. Barely in, she noticed some squabbling upstairs and her curiosity got the best of her as she made her way to the scene of the noise. When she turned to the corner of the room, she was dumbfounded. Kane and Blackclaw were together!

  Kane and Blackclaw together? She couldn’t believe her eyes. Unable to hear what they were fussing about she decided to move closer to hear the full conversation

  “OH YES, IF SHE DOESN’T die you are cursed forever,” Blackclaw said looking intently at Kane.

  “But it was my ancestors that placed the curse on her kind not me,’’ he responded.

  “It doesn’t matter who it was, it’s either you or the girl,’’ Blackclaw said more angrily.

  “If you save the girl, you will be cursed for all time and your kind will be wiped out,’’

  “Someone is here!” Blackclaw said spinning around in one fast motion.

  Chapter 17

  Blackclaw's squint eyes went into action, he could smell danger come as death fueled the room.

  Divina walked into the room to see Blackclaw already on his feet as well as Kane.

  "You don't have to do this," Kane spoke first; the hate in Divina’s eyes was evident.

  Divina gave him a killing stare.

  "I know what you want Kitten," Blackclaw began,

  "Since a fight is inevitable here, your dream boyfriend is very responsible for what happened to your Pa,”


  "Byrd, his nephew gave your grandfather the killer bite, the curse of insanity."

  Divina couldn't believe her ears. How was it possible?

  "Don't ask yourself, ask him?" Blackclaw replied.

  Damn magic, why could he read her thoughts?

  They faced each other in the center of the room, surprisingly there were more lights strung up around the area. How had the electricity in the building restored? But that was the least of Divina's concerns. She wondered if the sun would rise again because she felt like it would never be the same. Kane wore the same clothes as before, fluidity apparently; there wasn't any concern for him. Blackclaw's eyes snapped with eagerness as he cracked his knuckles and rolled his head around his shoulders. Divina's palms were sweaty with trepidation. Why didn't she get her gloves, but there wasn't enough time for that.

  "Well, Well, who do we have here?" Blackclaw sneered, eyeing the sword she had tried to hide.

  "All right, Kitten. Because I'm a gentleman, I'll let you have the first try." Blackclaw hesitated before adding his last sentence.

  "And don't think your special enchanted sword could have any effect on me,"

  Divina's face wrecked with concern, why did she believe him? All vamps are deceptive and the one she met in the hospital wasn't excluded.

  "Come on. Let's do this."

  Without further encouragement she charged towards him, moving as fast as she could with the sword in her hand pointed murderously. Blackclaw whirled in a semicircle that left him sailing past Divina, chuckling infuriatingly as he did so. Kane just stood where he was, like his feet were glued to the wooden floor.

  "Going jogging, lill girl?" Blackclaw jeered again.

  Catching herself, she glared at him over her shoulder. God in heaven, but he was fast, so fast. His movements were almost a blur to her. Gathering her courage, she feinted a broad overhead right swing with the sword. When he raised his arm which was now wrapped in a very strong, thick skin to block, Divina swiped low with her left hand and slashed him before she got a devastating kick to the midsection in return. Doubled over, she saw him examine his garment with a slight frown.

  "I loved this shirt. Now you've got it ripped,"

  Divina circled again, breathing slowly to combat the pain in her stomach. Before she could blink, he came at her and punched the side of her head, hard enough for her to see stars. In mindless defense she kicked, punched and stabbed at whatever was near her. The returning blows came heavily and rapidly. Her breathing was ragged and her vision swam as she lashed out with all of her strength. The room began spinning like she was thrown backward, sticks began cutting into her skin. By this time, the sword was already on the floor.

  Blackclaw stood about ten feet from where she sprawled. Clearly, in hand-to-hand combat, she was outclassed. She felt like she had been dropped off a cliff, and there were hardly marks on him. With a sudden inspiration, she flung the sword in his direction. It flew with incredible speed but Blackclaw was able to dodge it without breaking a sweat. It was too high she missed. Quickly she reached for a knife she secretly kept in her boot. A little trick her father had taught her. Never leave home unprepared. She aimed again, and this time it sank into his chest but too high, too high up in his chest to cause any damage or slow him down.

  "Bloody hell, girl, that hurts!" he snarled in surprise, snatching it from his chest.

  Blue-black blood flowed from the wound before it stopped as soon as it started-its faucet had been turned off. Contrary to the popular belief, vampires did bleed. She was dismayed, being down to only one weapon-herself and she was very weak. Divina had not been able to hurt him where it hurts the most. Bracing up herself, she sprang to her feet, moving with heavy steps.

  "Had enough?" Blackclaw faced her and sniffed the air, once. She blinked in confusion, she had never seen a vampire sniff the air like the way he did. She was panting furiously. Sweat dropping off her brow.

  "Not yet." She said.

  This time she was prepared to use her powers. There was another blur of motion and he was on her. Divina blocked, blow after blow and she tried to score some of her own but he was two quick. Fists landed on her with brutal force. Desperately she jabbed the knife into whatever was nearest, but it always missed his heart. After three unbearable minutes, she fell to the ground. While she was on the ground, she decided to dig deep into her innermost thoughts like her mother had taught her. She pulled out a very annoying scenario channeled it to her hands and from it a heavy blast of red beam light hit Blackclaw. It was her first devastating blow. It pushed Blackclaw between walls, and he landed in the third room. The blow had crushed four walls and left Blackclaw weak. Divina wasn't able to move now. She had lost near enough all her strength. She gazed at Blackclaw through swollen eyelids. He was lifeless now.

  That last blow was all Divina had, she had emptied herself just to kill Blackclaw.

  She had totally forgotten about
Kane. He was also on the floor, the blast had hit him too but it did hit him in only mildly. Definitely, he was stronger than Blackclaw and Divina combined for now.

  Why didn't the witch attack me first? He thought. Maybe she felt Blackclaw was more of a threat than . . . He could hear Blackclaw move. Shit he thought.

  Blackclaw wasn't going to be weak for long. Blackclaw was on his feet again.

  "Bitch! I'm going to rip out your throat and fuck your bleeding neck!" He bellowed.

  He charged towards her. Divina saw him moving very fast like before. Blackclaw lunged at her again-and then was yanked backward by the wolf who had seemed to materialized behind him. The blow was expected, Divina closed her eyes and braced up for the death blow. But after some microseconds she didn't feel anything, her bones didn't break, her head didn't bleed. It was Kane. He held him roughly, one hand on the stake in his neck, the other gripping the one in his back.

  "Filthy bastard, I should have killed you first,"

  It amazed Divina that he could talk even with half of his throat laid open. Kane tightened his hold on Blackclaw's back next, digging it deeper until it must have been grazing the vampire's heart.

  Blood was running in rivulets down Divina's arm. She sat up, ripped off one of her sleeves and wrapped it around the wound, which throbbed in accordance with her pulse. Even with that, she managed to grim at Blackclaw's face. Did she trust Kane to help her?

  Blackclaw remained trapped in Kane's grip.

  "Leave!" He bellowed at Divina.

  She was too weak to get up, and didn’t think she had it in her to walk. How possible was it for her to leave or run away from the imminent danger? She just stared at Kane lifelessly. Her eye balls fizzy and foamy but lacked the vibrancy to kill or launch any attack.

  Next Blackclaw did a quick flip, yanking himself from Kane's grip. That was an impossible move made possible by a rare vamp. He was the Lord of the wolves and vamps alike what else could one expect? The flip forced his spine to break in Kane's hand. However Blackclaw was still standing. He was much stronger than he was only mere days ago when Aiden attacked him in his compound. Blackclaw managed to give Kane a deadly blow to his ribs but it wasn't deadly after all because Kane still survived.


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