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A Witch's Destiny

Page 13

by E. J. Bennett

  A memory flashes of how her grandpa acted in the hospital found its way to her mind. A sizzling bolt of hatred went through her, shocking her with its intensity. She wanted to throw herself at Kane and rip her nails down his cheek, kick him until he screamed. It would definitely take much. He wasn't a coward. He was just too soft, too guilty to be innocent in her eyes. She started forward again but this time the rocky ground didn't help.

  Kane's hair plastered to his face with sweat. It was hard to believe that he wasn't as sweet as he did look. He ran towards her and did a smooth spin just to land abreast the little witch.

  "You don't want to do this," He spoke softly like he was speaking to a child..

  Something changed about his voice, it was more sassy than it used to be and more alluring. Divina could feel his hot breathe close to the skin on her forehead. It was amazing how hate could become something different within seconds with the same intensity like before. What was he doing? How possible was it for him to get into her head. No! She wasn't going to allow that.

  Divina gave him a jab almost hitting his ribs like she thought she did.

  "Damm, that hurts,"

  It did actually because it was a close range blow. She was about giving him another punch when he held her fist.

  "I know you can't do this. You are weak, if you really wanted to hurt me you would have done that a long time ago," His voice still had the sassy alluring quality.

  Oh no, why must you sound so hot.

  Divina sporadically started to rain soft punches to his chest for a while then stopped. His eyes cold blue-red, totally different from the guy who took good care of her for a fortnight. She began to do the same again but noticed how muscular he seemed to be under the thick hoodie. Kane held her hand firmly but gentle. He could feel the heat getting to him. His eyes graced her lips.

  Who's gonna make the first move He thought. But he had learnt from past experiences that the best thing is to let her come. She was drowning in his gaze for a moment. She hesitated but the mockery by the pounding of her heart couldn't let her be. She raised her head standing on her toes and she kissed him.

  Shots of sensations ran down her skin. Kane stood there absorbing some pretence shock, like all the sensual pleasures and confusions around were passing over him like waves and his body was being permeated with these things.

  Kane returned the kiss and it continued. She wouldn't have thought that a kiss could be so brief, desperate and could become wild.

  She had thought his kiss would taste of holy water. Divina couldn't tell what was happening. The way he had kissed her had ordered her. She knew she kissed him first but now her feet were off the ground and she could feel him move.

  Did he walk faster than he run? Divina thought.

  In no time they were on the mattress. Kane continued to kiss her. She put her arms around his neck, held her eyes shut tight. He moved to her neck and was covering her neck with his kisses. He had hold of her round, firm little arms.

  He was kissing them, kissing the soft indentation of the flesh in the crooks of her arms, her wrists, her open palms. He felt her fingers stroking his hair, his face.

  "Whatever you wish," she vowed. Kane couldn't believe his ears. She had been acting uptight but a simple kiss was just the remedy.

  "Whatever you wish," she vowed again.

  "Are you happy?" He asked.

  "Yeah, just do what you want" She begged.

  "Yes, Kane." she held him against her dress, her fingers clasping the back of his neck.

  "I have all that I want" But do you truly know what you want?" He asked her again. Divina was lifting his face so he could look into her eyes.

  "I want to make my dreams come true."

  IT SEEMED AS IF THE lamp outside the room died somewhere. Divina was sitting on the verge of a dream. Same as Kane. He was so mortal now and was almost in that drowsy, comfortable strange stage. The habitual mortal feeling, that the sun would wake him and he would have that rich, habitual vision of the ferns in the sunshine and the droplets of rain.

  Often afterwards he tried to remember those moments. Tried over and over to recall just what was in those moments which qualified them as special. He remembered how he had been caught off guard, how he was somehow insensible to the subtle changes which must have been taking place in him long after his heart had been bruised, robbed and embittered beyond his wildest dreams. He needed to sift through those moments, those drowsy quiet early-hour moments when the clock ticked almost imperceptibly on the mantelpiece, and the sky grew paler and paler; and all he could remember-despite the desperation with which he lengthened and fixed that time, in which he held out his hands to stop the clock-all he could remember was the soft changing of time.

  "It's not in your power to make that happen,"

  Divina gave him a surprising look like she was saying now is not the time to begin your destiny talk.

  He kissed her fiercely, a strong feral smell crawled up to them. She could feel it. It was without doubt the most pleasant sensation. He explored every inch of her mouth and gently forced his tongue on hers. His fingers began moving across her body, squeezing her breasts, slowly sliding down her stomach toward her thighs. And all the time his lips didn't leave hers. His hands was moving downward, caressing Divina's thighs, starting to reach between her legs. He stopped midway to pull off her top exposing the succulent jugs. She did the same and oh yes she knew it.

  His chest was so broad better than her dream.

  Nothing mattered except their nakedness and the wonderful feel of Kane's body against hers. They were on the mattress exploring each other, and Divina gently pulled away from his embrace and started her tasty journey down his jaws. Moving up to his lips. She started kissing him, her tongue moving down his muscular, taut, sturdy body, embracing him with her lips, feeling his velvet hardness close, just so close to her mouth.

  Then his hands found its way to her hips, turning her on her side, and his mouth was running down, down between her thighs, parting them to with tongue and pushing into the sweetness there, and just when neither of them could bear it an instant longer, he moved on top of her and slowly slid inside her, thrusting deep and making gentle circling motions he began moving. She began moving to his rhythm, their rhythm, the rhythm of the universe and everything around it.

  Everything began to move faster and faster as he gently jack hammered her core. Blood boiled under Divina's skin. It burned her lips so much that she had to bite her lower lip. After that her breath came in a wild gasp. Her fingers still remained knotted in his hair, clutching onto her. She raised her eyes to observe his look why she was caught in the costly thrill. His eyes were wild, his jaw clenched in acute restraint while he maintained the perfect conversation between his body and hers. Just the site of her bare skin-spotless and innocent was enough to keep him going. Slide after slide, glide after glide they were moving close to a climax and then it became spinning out of control, until there was a vast ecstatic explosion and the earth became still and peaceful again.

  Chapter 19

  "You're doing nothing," she accused him

  "I am trying my best here, Amy. It's not been easy,"

  "Then use your bounty hunting skills. She's been missing for more than two weeks days now," Amy dreaded the worse. Wouldn’t she feel it though if her baby girl was gone? People said that they felt it within their bones. She felt lost and helpless. She only wished there was more she could do.

  "And don't you think I haven't done that," He abruptly interjected.

  "Keep calm, we are going to find her," Aiden assured her.

  "First you said we shouldn't involve the police. Keep calm she would be back, we are yet to see our daughter-"

  "Even with the police, the missing person poster and the community search we are yet to find her." Aiden felt like he was sounding so cold about it and it made Amy angry.

  "It will be alright," he added quickly.

  Amy sighed noisily.

  "I can't just sit here
and do nothing,"

  "And who told you we are?"

  "You talk like you don't care," Amy folded her arms and glared at him. She wouldn’t settle and be calm until her girl was home safe and sound.

  Aiden consumed Amy's eyes in his serious gaze. He walked out of the living room, got into his car and zoomed off.

  THE NEXT DAY, IT WAS time to return home. Apparently she wasn't ready.

  Mom and Dad wouldn't be at home now She thought. There was every possibility that they would be out looking for her. Kane had kept her safe for two weeks and it wasn't against her will. There wasn't any need for a blindfold. Still, Divina didn't know where they were. One thing was for sure, they were miles away from town. They walked east for fifteen minutes before they arrived at a vacant forest of dead trees. Little chats from here and there about everything or anything except what had happened yesterday night spiced up the walk. Both continued on foot until they arrived at a particular spot beside a dead-looking but still living leafless tree.

  "Now, we are here," excitement glittered his words.

  "So?" Divina couldn't see anything except the obvious.

  "That's our way home," He announced, like it was a special invention of his.

  Divina stared confusedly at him.

  Did the sex affect his brain badly? Or was he just dumb today?

  Kane was pointing at the thick tree standing in what seemed to be the centre of the dingy forest.

  Was he nuts?

  "That's a tree," Divina stated the obvious still trying to access Kane's recent demeanor. A scientist revealing his new invention to an uninteresting audience with such gusto and enthusiasm, Kane walked up to the tree, traced a particular line and hit its dead bark in three quick successions. Immediately, a spiral, carved from the decayed wood, bordered with a rare red light elated itself from other parts of the tree trunk. Divina blinked five times in disbelief. Kane smiled, at last his uninterested audience valued his discovery.

  "What's that?" she asked as she slowly walked towards the trunk. She was about to stretch her hands to feel it when Kane stopped her.

  "Don't touch witch. Until you're ready,"

  She turned backwards sharply to look him in the eye.

  "Ready?" she asked

  "Yes, ready."

  "For what exactly?"

  "Ready to take us home,"

  Divina smiled.

  "I can't do what you suggesting,"

  "I haven't suggested anything,"

  "That sign, the tree, I know what it is. I thought it didn't ex-"

  "Exist? Well you have it there,"

  "The Spriggan Spiral. It has the ability to make one dematerialize matter and transport it. Space, matter and time separated by this Spiral is what makes it so powerful. The tree would make sure the spirit, soul and body of a weak one is separated and scattered across the universe. Only a powerful witch can control its powers. "

  "And that's you,"

  "I wouldn't be able to control such power, talk less of using it to get us home,"

  "You have little or no choice"

  "What do you mean?" Divina understood the part of getting back home now but was that the only option.

  "Trust me, we are in the middle of no-where. We don't have a plane, an helicopter, a car, a horse not even a bicycle,"

  "You kept assuring me that I'll leave soon when there wasn't any plan in place?"

  You idiot

  "Divina, you are a powerful witch. I have seen what you can do. Give it a try,"

  "YOU DON'T GIVE IT A TRY STUPID! You only have one opportunity. No, two I mean,"

  "Which are?"

  "To get the right spell or die trying,"

  A few minutes ago, Kane would have thought that his idea was the perfect one not until when she harshly delivered the truth. He was ready to stand by his idea or a now dumb-ass plan.

  "This is going to work. Those magic books have a lot of threat cases and consequences, blah blah blah. It's just to scare you off the spell. Nothing-"

  "Is going to happen right?" Divina shook her head pityingly.

  "You know nothing about magic,"

  "Yes I do. Magic acts according to your conviction right?"

  "That's just a vague idea. Your belief wouldn't save you from the consequences of a wrong spell,"

  Divina walked round the trunk. All other parts seemed natural except the spot of the Spriggan Spiral.

  "Something isn't right yet" Divina had read all about the Spriggan Spiral and it's spells so she could spot an accidental on the sheet.

  "Is it the tree?" Kane enquired.

  "Not at all. The force behind the tree. The tree possessing the Sprigan Spiral is always guarded by an Al Borak. He/she could be a vamp, a wolf but not a witch and. . ." Divina turned to look Kane in the eyes. She knew something or someone existed behind those honest eyes.

  "And only the Al Borak could bring the Spiral from hiding. That's you?" Divina laughed lightly.

  "Oh good-"

  "It's my duty to the clan,"

  "Wow, that's fine and you didn't deem it fit to tell me?"

  "I am not obligated-"

  "Will you shut your mouth for once!" Divina retorted.

  This tree was the force behind their disappearance. Kane did create a loophole between time and space. A fortress which didn't exist on earth but did exist between the earth. Only the Al Borak could do that. But it had its rules and Kane had flaunted one.

  "Why did you do it?" She asked impatiently.

  "Do what?" Kane feigned ignorance.

  Divina gazed at him. Her look-wrathful, her eyes red with vexation.

  "You were unconscious, on the verge of death. I knew they would hunt you."

  "And you didn't take the consequences into consideration?"

  "The rules state that if a loophole is created an Al Borak wouldn't be able to leave if he got in with another being not if he got in with a powerful witch,"

  Divina raised her left hand to cover her face in disappointment.

  "How did you ever become an Al Borak? Who placed such a huge responsibility on your irresponsible shoulders?"

  "My father,"

  "I thought as much, the same being who killed my Pa’s mind and yo-" Divina was getting all riled up now.

  "Young nephew, not my father like you think he is," Kane interjected.

  Kane's family was one group of killing, power desirous and extremely vile people related by the vamp-wolf blood. Kane was the black sheep of the family. For centuries he couldn't maintain any relationship successfully. He found it hard to love someone without family intervention and attack from backstabbing friends.

  "Fine, thanks for the update."

  "You need to exercise your powers Divina. There are potentials in you waiting to be discovered,"

  "We have no choice," A dismayed Divina stated.

  "Well, I think you know we do,"

  Divina was startled.

  "You wouldn't mean staying here forever?"

  Kane kept mute.

  The only way she could get them out of the loophole was to destroy the loophole as they simultaneously dematerialize themselves to the earth realm. The spell was quite easy to articulate but the mind work was what made it difficult. First the witch had to clear her mind, bring one strong memory of the destination forward and picture herself in that memory. She would recite the spell before touching the spiral. Immediately when she touches the spiral, her spirit soul and body would become separated. That single memory with its alteration should be the only thing with the spirit. The soul would leave the loophole to earth. If the thought wasn't strong enough the spirit could be lost in the Bhairava-a galaxy existing between the physical and the spirit world. The body would arrive dead on earth. For two individuals, the witch's soul and spirit becomes the lead. Whatever happens to her happens to the other person.

  Divina had to be at a complete calm before she could began the initial process.

  "You do know that whatever happens to me affects you direc

  "I guess if the worst happens we would be together in whatever realm we find ourselves," Kane answered with a sassy grin.

  "And you think that is romantic?"

  He wasn't trying to sound romantic but comforting. He failed. Divina had pressing matters and all thanks to him she was about doing the impossible. Amy wasn't here to put her through, she needed to trust her little instinct and build her experience on previous experiences.

  Divina sat in a yoga position on the forest floor. Kane understood the process so he knew he had to be as quiet as possible any sound would be an interruption.

  "You would have to do that standing," Kane stated.

  Divina ignored him.

  "Your hands can't reach the spiral from that position,"

  He was right. She needed to start the thinking process just a few inches away from the spiral so that she could touch it easily. This meant that she would go through the thinking process on her feet. For Divina it took quite a while to entirely empty her mind. After all there was a lot riding on her success. She couldn’t fail. The only way she could do that successfully was to hold on to that particular memory on earth firmly why she emptied her mind from intruding ones. It was a method which required much concentration.

  The dead silence had begun. Divina and Kane were standing side by side. Deep, dead, dim silence had prevailed for over forty minutes. Kane just kept staring at his legs, his head bent downwards. This was a perfect posture for this ritual. At the seventy-sixth minute, Divina had been able to reach ataraxia with just a single thought on her mind. Slowly, she reached for the spirals. Immediately she touched it she felt herself being carried away. Like she was falling down an unending hole.

  Her world kept spinning and spinning until it arrived at a bizarre constellations were the stars, moon and the sun all co-existed beneath the grey-blue welkin.


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