The Great Reformer

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The Great Reformer Page 57

by Austen Ivereigh

  Faber, Saint Peter

  Fabrizi, Aldo

  Falasca, Stefania

  Falcón, Ada

  Falklands War (Guerra de las Malvinas)

  family and marriage, synod of bishops and cardinals on

  Far Away and Long Ago (Hudson)

  FARC (Columbian militant group)

  Favre, Pierre

  Fazio, Father Mariano

  Federal Peronist party

  Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences (FABC)

  feet-washing ceremonies

  Fellini, Federico

  Fernández, Father Victor Manuel

  Fernández Castañeda, Father José Luis

  Figueroa, Marcelo

  Financial Times

  Fiorito, Father Miguel Angel

  first Christian era

  Five Loaves and Two Fish (Vân Thuân)

  Flores vicariate

  Bergoglio as bishop, and poor

  Focolare movement


  Formosa montonero assault (1975)


  Four principles (Bergoglio’s)

  reality before idea

  time before space

  unity before conflict

  whole before part

  Fourth Vow (obedience to pope to go on mission)


  Francis, Pope. See also Bergoglio, Jorge Mario

  abortion and

  Arrupe tomb and

  atheists and

  balance of local and universal Church and

  Benedict XVI and

  bond with people

  Buenos Aires and memory of

  canonization of John XXIII and John Paul II

  Catholic doctrine preserved by

  choice of name “Francis” and

  collegiality and

  Congar and de Lubac as influences on

  conservative criticisms of

  consistory of cardinals and

  contemporary culture and

  contraception and

  early life of (see Bergoglio, Jorge Mario)

  election of

  Eucharist for remarried and

  evangelicals and

  Evangelii Gaudium and

  first appears on St. Peter’s balcony

  first homily

  first Mass celebrated by

  four principles of

  gays and

  God vs. devil and

  grandmother Rosa’s letter and

  human rights and

  inauguration of

  interpretation of Gospel and

  interview with Scalfari

  interview with Spadaro

  interview with TV Globo

  Jalics meeting with

  Jesuits’ reconciliation with

  Jews and Muslims and

  kairos of mercy and

  Kirchner’s reconciliation with

  leadership style of

  liberal Catholics and

  living quarters chosen by

  meeting of June 2013 with

  migrants to U.S. and

  mission of, to “creating havoc”

  moral doctrines and

  papal communication and

  Parolin as secretary of state and

  Paul VI and

  Peres-Abbas meeting and

  personal approach of

  Pierre Favre sainthood and

  poor and

  popularity of

  prayer vigil for Syria and

  press and

  prologue to Milia’s memoir by

  radicalism of

  reforms begun by

  San Lorenzo soccer team and

  sex abuse scandal and

  simple, frank, and informal style of

  social issues vs. morality and

  spiritual discernment and

  spiritual worldliness fought by

  Vân Thuân sainthood and

  Vatican II and

  Vatican reforms under

  visits Assisi

  visits Korea

  visits Lampedusa

  visits refugee center in Rome

  visits Rio de Janeiro

  visits Sardinia

  visits Sri Lanka and Philippines

  visits U.S.

  vitality of Church and

  warning against making Gospel ideology

  washing feet of women and

  Wednesday audiences and

  white rose and

  women’s role in church and

  Francis, Saint, of Assisi (Francesco di Bernardone)

  Franco, Francisco

  Frankl, Viktor


  French bishops, document of 1999

  Frondizi, Arturo

  Fürer, Bishop Ivo

  Future Vision Church of Buenos Aires

  Gabriele, Paolo

  Galeano, Eduardo

  Galli, Father Carlos

  Gallo, Marco


  Gänswein, Archbishop Georg

  García Elorrio, Juan

  García-Huidobro, Juan

  García Lorca, Federico

  García-Mata, Father Ignacio

  as provincial

  as socius to Zorzín

  Gardel, Carlos

  Gassman, Daniel

  Gaucho Martín Fierro, El (Hernández)




  Gaudete in Domino (On Christian Joy, Paul VI)

  Gaudium et Spes (Paul VI)

  Gauffin, Alejandro

  gay people. See also civil unions; marriage, same-sex

  General Congregations of Cardinals

  General Congregations. See Society of Jesus, General Congregations


  George, Cardinal Francis

  Gera, Father Lucio

  German Church


  Bergoglio sabbatical of 1986 in

  Gerstner, Lou

  Gesù (Jesuit baroque church, Rome)

  Giannetti, Father Fernando

  Gibson, Mel

  Gillespie, Richard

  Gilson, Étienne

  Giulio Cesare (ship), grandparents migrate to Argentina on

  Giussani, Luigi


  Globulin, Ana

  Globulin, Sergio


  God, war of

  God’s holy faithful people (santo pueblo fiel de Dios)

  Goldman, Rabbi Daniel

  Gómez, Father

  Gómez, (Argentine provincial)

  Góngora, author

  González, Carlos

  Good Samaritan parable

  gorilas (anti-Peronists)

  gorilismo (fanatical anti-Peronism)


  Evangelii Gaudium and

  Jesus washing feet of apostles

  new model of society and

  Gospel of Luke

  Jesus’s expulsion from synagogue

  Zacchaeus story

  Gracias, Cardinal Oswald

  Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo

  Gravois, Juan

  Great Schism

  Gregorian University (Rome)

  Guaraní people


  music and

  Reductions by Jesuits and

  Reductions crushed

  Guardia de Hierro (Iron Guard)

  Guardian (newspaper)

  Guardini, Romano



  Guevara, Ernesto “Che”

  Gutiérrez, Gustavo


  Hart, Basil Liddell

  Hebblethwaite, Margaret

  Hechos y Ideas (journal)

  Hegel, Georg W. F.

  Hernández, José


  Hickethier-Bachmann laboratory

  Himitian, Evangelina

  Himitian, Pastor Jorge

  Hiroshima, atomic bombing of

  Hogar del Cristo socia
l project


  Holy See. See also Vatican

  call to remove patronato and

  juridical relationship to global Church

  UN Convention on Rights of the Child


  homosexuality. See civil unions; gay people; marriage, same-sex

  Hudson, W. H.

  Humanae Vitae (Paul VI)

  “humanitarian corridor”

  human-rights abuses

  2010 inquiry into

  human-rights groups

  human trafficking

  Hummes, Cardinal Claudio

  Hurtado, Saint Alberto

  Ibáñez Padilla, Alberto

  Ibarra, Anibal

  Ibarra, Father Duarte

  I Ching

  ideologies, Bergoglio’s rejection of

  Ignatius, Saint, of Loyola

  on accepting invitation of God

  age quod agis and

  agere contra and

  aid to prostitutes and

  Alcalá de Herares and

  Arrupe and renewal of spirituality of

  Bergoglio as novice master and Lallemant on

  Bergoglio’s formation reforms at Máximo and

  Bergoglio’s Ignatian retreats and

  Bergoglio on “anthropology of politics” and

  on causes of intra-Jesuit division

  CIAS vs. Bergoglio on

  on desolation and

  discernment rules of (see also spiritual discernment)

  early companions, and principles deduced from

  feast of

  first companions of

  first Mass of

  influence of, on Francis/Bergoglio

  election of Francis as pope and

  journey as house of

  letter-writing and

  life of, and founding of Jesuit order

  love in deeds and

  personality of

  renewal of Jesuits post-Vatican II and

  six core “experiments” of

  Spiritual Exercises and spiritual path of

  on state of consolation

  on three ways of choosing

  Yorio and

  Iguazu Falls





  insertion communities

  Institute for the Works of Religion (IOR, Vatican Bank)

  International Eucharistic Congress 1934


  International Monetary Fund (IMF)

  Internet / Worldwide Web

  interreligious dialogue

  Interreligious Institute

  IOR. See Institute for the Works of Religion

  Irenaeus, Saint

  Irma La Douce (film)

  Irons, Jeremy

  Isasmendi, Father Juan

  Islam. See also Muslims

  Islamic Center of the Argentine Republic


  Israeli embassy attack

  Italian fascists

  Italian immigrants

  Italian literature


  “I-thou” relationships

  Ituzaingó community

  Jalics, Father Franz “Pancho”

  abducted and held at ESMA

  Bergoglio accused of betrayal of

  Bergoglio’s reconciliation with

  Bergoglio’s testimony of 2010 on

  insertion communities in slums and

  meets with Francis

  memo of 1979 and

  released from ESMA


  Jefferson, Thomas

  Jesuita, El (Bergoglio interview with Rubín and Ambrogetti)

  Jesuitas en Fidelidad (Jesuits in Fidelity) network

  Jesuit Faculty of Theology (Sankt Georgen)

  Jesuit martyrs

  of El Salvador

  of Paraguay

  Jesuit Pontifical Biblical Institute (Jerusalem)

  Jesuits. See Society of Jesus

  Jesus Christ

  Beatitudes and

  centrality of, for Francis

  expelled from synagogue

  at gate, in Revelation

  Good Samaritan and

  holy people and

  Last Judgment and

  mercy and

  Pharisees and

  poor and

  Stations of the Cross and

  suffering and

  Jesús Obrero in La Manuelita, parish


  Jobs, Steve

  Joffé, Roland

  John Paul I, Pope

  John Paul II, Pope (Karol Wojtyla)

  Bergoglio made bishop by

  Bergoglio made cardinal by

  Bergoglio made coadjutor to Quarracino by

  Bergoglio receives pallium from

  canonization of

  CELAM and

  collegiality and

  consistories of 2001 and

  death of and election of successor

  election of

  funeral of

  Guardini and

  Jesuit intervention by

  last years and infirmity of

  married priesthood and

  Menem and

  millennium repentance initiative and

  new evangelization and

  Quarracino and

  travel by

  Trusso family and

  visits Buenos Aires

  visits Cuba

  visits Lourdes

  visits UK

  World Youth Day and

  John XXIII

  canonization of

  election of

  Vatican II and

  Jornada de Pastoral Social (Social Pastoral Day)

  Joseph, Saint

  Juan Diego de Guadalupe group

  Juaretche, Arturo

  judicial inquiry of 2010

  Jung, Carl


  justicialismo (Peronist state doctrine)

  Justicialist party

  Kane, Marie

  Karlic, Archbishop Estanislao

  Kasper, Cardinal Walter

  Kelly, Father Alfredo

  Kirchner, Cristina Fernández

  Kirchner, Néstor

  death of

  Klaiber, Father Jeffrey

  Knights of Malta

  Kolvenbach, Father Peter-Hans

  KPMG firm

  Kristallnacht commemoration

  La Alameda anti-trafficking campaign

  labor movement and unions

  Lach, Ernesto

  La Civita, Miguel

  Laghi, Pío


  Laje, Father Enrique

  Lallemant, Louis

  Lambruschini, Father

  Lampedusa, Francis visits

  Langenmantel, Wolfgang

  Larrazábal, Father Gustavo

  Latin America in the Twenty-First Century (Methol Ferré)

  Latin-American and Caribbean Confederation of Religious Men and Women (CLAR)

  Latin-American bishops confederation (CELAM)

  Aparecida General Assembly (2007)

  Bogotá meeting (2012)

  Lima meeting on 50th anniversary (2006)

  Medellín General Assembly (1968)

  Puebla General Assembly (1979)

  Santo Domingo General Assembly (1992)

  Latin-American Jewish Congress

  Latin-American Rabbinical Seminary

  Lawrence, Deacon

  Lebanese Argentines


  Legionaries of Christ

  Lehmann, Cardinal Karl, bishop of Mainz

  Leo XIII

  Rerum Novarum

  liberals and liberalism. See also neoliberalism

  economic, as ideology

  Liberating Revolution (coup of 1955)

  liberation theology

  Aparecida and

  Bergoglio-Swinnen regime critiqued by

  CELAM’s rejection of

S and

  demise of

  dirty war vs.

  Gutiérrez as pioneer of

  indigenismo strain

  Marxist strain

  Medellín and origin of term

  popular or traditionalist

  San Miguel Declaration and

  teología del pueblo or “theology of people” strain

  Vatican condemns

  Yorio and Jalics and

  Life of Christ (Ludolph of Saxony)

  Light of the World, The (Benedict XVI interview)

  Limbaugh, Rush

  Liu Ming, Taoist monk

  Lives of the Saints (de Voragine)

  Lombardi, Father Federico

  López, Estanislao

  López, Francisco

  López Rosas, Ernesto

  López Trujillo, Cardinal Alfonso

  Lord, The (Guardini)

  Lord of Miracles (Salta devotion)


  John Paul II visits

  Lozano, Bishop Jorge

  Lubac, Henri de

  Luca, Renzo De

  Ludolph of Saxony

  Luján national shrine, pilgrimage to

  Luke, Gospel of

  Luke, Saint

  Lumen Gentium (Light of the Nations, Vatican II)

  Lunfardo dialect

  Luro, Clelia

  Luther, Martin, 500th anniversary of Ninety-Five Theses


  Luzzi, Father Jacinto

  Lynch, John

  Maciel, Father Marcial

  MacLaine, Shirley

  Macri, Mauricio

  Made, Adel


  Magnani, Anna

  Maizani, Azucena

  Majella Agnelo, Cardinal Geraldo

  Malabar rites

  Mallimaci, Fortunato

  Manent, Jorge González “Goma”

  “Manifesto of Third-World Bishops” (1967)

  Manzoni, Alessandro

  Marchetto, Archbishop Agostino

  Marchisano, Francesco

  Marcó, Father Guillermo

  Mar del Plata summer camps for children

  María Desatanudos (Argentine copy of Baroque painting)

  Maria Knotenlöserin “Mary, Untier of Knots” (Baroque painting)

  market. See also capitalism

  Márquez, Marcelo

  marriage. See also divorce

  same-sex (see also civil unions)

  Marruecos, Chile

  Marta, (poor woman)

  Martin, Father James

  Martínez, Father

  Martínez Ossola, Quique

  Martín Ezratty, Juan

  Martini, Cardinal Carlo Maria

  Marx, Karl

  Marx, Cardinal Reinhard


  Massa, Father Lorenzo

  Massera, Adm. Emilio

  Matthew, Gospel of

  Matthew, Saint

  May 25 Te Deum








  McKinsey firm

  Medellín Declaration (CELAM, 1968)

  Medina, Mario

  Medina Estévez, Cardinal Jorge

  Meditaciones para Religiosos (“Meditations for Religious,” Bergoglio)

  Meditations sur l’Église (de Lubac)

  Meisegeier, Father “Pichi”

  Mejía, Cardinal Jorge

  Mendes de Almeida, Archbishop Luciano

  Menem, Carlos

  Mente Abierta, Corazón Creyente (Bergoglio)


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