The Great Reformer

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The Great Reformer Page 58

by Austen Ivereigh


  Mercy (Kasper)

  Mercy Sisters’ convent

  Merton, Thomas

  Messagero, Il (newspaper)

  Methol Ferré, Alberto

  Mexican Revolution


  Last Judgment

  Mignone, Emilio

  Mignone, Mónica

  migrants, undocumented

  Milia, Jorge

  milonga dance

  Minuto, Concepción María

  “Miracles of Father Bergoglio, The” (article)

  Mirás, Archbishop Eduardo

  Mission, The (film)

  Mocobi people

  Modelo Nacional (Perón)

  Möhler, Johann Adam

  Montes, Father Fernando

  Montonero Peronist Movement (MPM, montoneros)

  Morelli, Hugo

  Morricone, Ennio

  Mosca, Gonzalo

  Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo

  Moura, Father

  Movement of Excluded Workers (MTE)

  Moyano, Juan Luis

  Mraida, Pastor Carlos

  MSTM. See Third World Priests’ Movement

  MTE. See Movement of Excluded Workers

  Mugica, Father Carlos

  Murphy-O’Connor, Cardinal Cormac

  Muslims. See also Islam

  Mussolini, Benito

  Nación, La

  NAC. See Pontifical North American College

  Nadal, Jerónimo

  NAPAC. See National Association for People Abused in Childhood

  Nardín, Leonardo

  National Association for People Abused in Childhood (NAPAC)

  National Autonomist Party (PAN)

  National Catholic Reporter

  National Democratic Party (PDN)



  National Observatory of Argentina

  National Reorganization Process (el proceso)

  National Students’ Day

  Navy Mechanics School (ESMA)


  Neeson, Liam

  Negre de Alonso, Senator Liliana

  Negro, Pastor Angel



  New Deal

  new ecclesial movements

  New Yorker

  New York Times

  Nexo (journal)

  Nicolás, Father Adolfo

  Niño, Gustavo

  Non Abbiamo Bisogno (Pius XI)

  Nostra Aetate (Vatican II document)

  Novak, Bishop Jorge

  Nunca Más (“Never Again,” report on human-rights abuses)

  Ochagavía, Father Juan

  O’Connor, Flannery

  O’Farrell, Father Ricardo

  O Globo

  Ogñénovich, Archbishop Emilo


  Oliveira, Alicia

  O’Malley, Cardinal Seán

  Onganía, Juan Carlos

  On Heaven and Earth (Bergoglio and Skorka)

  Open Veins of Latin America (Galeano)

  Opinión, La (newspaper)

  Opus Dei

  Ortega, Cardinal Jaime

  Orthodox Church

  Ortiz, Guillermo

  Otello (Rossini)

  Ouellet, Cardinal Marc

  “Our Flesh in Prayer” (La Plata retreat)

  Our Lady of Bonaria shrine (Sardinia)

  Our Lady of Perpetual Help church

  Our Lady of the Way chapel

  Pagni, Carlos

  Palin, Sarah

  Pallottine fathers, murder of

  Palmer, Anglican Bishop Tony

  Palmer, Emiliana

  PAN. See National Autonomist Party


  Parodi, Dr. Juan Carlos

  Parolin, Cardinal Pietro

  Parsifal (Wagner)

  Pasinya, Cardinal Laurent Monsengwo

  Passionist Church of Santa Cruz

  Passion of the Christ, The (film)

  Pastor Bonus (Vatican constitution of 1988)

  Patten, Lord

  Paul, Saint

  Pauli, Carlos

  Paul III, Pope

  Paul VI, Pope

  birth control and

  collegial reforms and

  death of

  Evangelii Nuntiandi

  Gaudete in Domino

  sainthood and

  Vatican II and

  PDN. See National Democratic Party

  Pell, Cardinal George

  Pellegrini, Father Vicente

  Pentecostal Evangelical Church of Buenos Aires


  Peres, Shimon

  Pérez del Viso, Father Ignacio

  Pérez Esquivel, Adolfo

  peripheries (margins, las periferias). See also poor, option for; slums and shantytowns

  Perón, Evita

  Perón, Juan Domingo

  coup of 1955 and exile of

  death of

  election of 1973 and return of

  Perón, María Estela “Isabel”


  Peronist Youth


  Peter, Saint

  Pfirter, Eduardo

  Pfirter, Rogelio


  Phenomenon of Man, The (Teilhard de Chardin)

  Piazzolla, Ástor

  Piña, Bishop Joaquín

  Pinochet, Augusto

  Piñón, Francisco “Cacho”

  Piqué, Elisabetta

  piqueteros (social protesters)

  Pironio, Cardinal Eduardo

  Pius V, Saint, tomb of

  Pius VII, Pope

  Pius XI, Pope

  Pius XII, Pope (Eugenio Pacelli)

  Plaza de la Constitución Mass

  Plaza de Mayo protests

  Podestá, Clelia Luro

  Podestá, Jerónimo

  Podetti, Amelia

  Poggio, Roberto

  Poirier, José María

  Poli, Cardinal Mario

  Ponce, María

  Pontifical North American College (NAC)

  Pontoni, René

  poor. See also God’s holy faithful people; peripheries; slums and shantytowns

  popular religiosity

  Popular Revolutionary Army (ERP)

  post-Medellín theology, influence on Bergoglio

  poverty, vow of

  Pozzoli, Father Enrico

  Premat, Silvina

  priesthood and priests

  abductions of

  decline of


  Prodigal Son

  Promontory Financial Group




  Puebla document (CELAM, 1979). See also Latin-American bishops confederation (CELAM)

  pueblo fiel. See God’s holy faithful people; teología del pueblo

  Puyadas, Nicolás

  Quadragesimo Anno (Pius XI)

  Quarracino, Cardinal Antonio

  Quevedo, Francisco de

  Quinn, Archbishop John R.

  Quiroga, Estela

  Quiroga, Facundo


  Radical Civic Union (UCR, Radicals)

  Radio del Estado

  Rahner, Karl

  Raspanti, Monsignor or Bishop Miguel

  Rastellini, Father

  Ratzinger, Cardinal Joseph. See also Benedict XIV, Pope

  election of, as pope

  Re, Cardinal Giovanni Battista


  Reese, Father Thomas

  Reflexiones en Esperanza (Bergoglio)

  Reflexiones Espirituales (Bergoglio)


  Reform of the Papacy, The (Quinn)

  reform. See also riformisti


  true vs. false

  Regno, Daniel del


  Rem, Father Jakob

  Repubblica, La

  República de
Cromañón fire

  Rerum Novarum (Leo XIII)



  Restrepo, Father Alvaro


  Revolution of May 1810

  Riccardi, Andrea

  Ricci, Matteo

  Ricciardelli, Father Rodolfo

  riformisti (Church reformers)

  rigoristi (Church conservatives)

  Rio de Janeiro, World Youth Day (2013)

  Riva, Vinicio

  Rodríguez Maradiaga, Cardinal Oscar

  Rolling Stone

  Rome, Open City (film)

  Romero, Bishop

  Roosevelt, Franklin D.

  Rosas, Juan Manuel de

  Rosica, Father Tom

  Rossi, Father Angel

  Rouillón, Jorge

  Rousseff, Dilma

  Rubiano Sáenz, Cardinal Pedro

  Rubín, Sergio

  Ruiz de Galarreta, José Enrique


  Sábato, Ernesto

  sacraments, access to

  Sáenz, Father Alfredo

  St. Gallen group

  “Saint Joseph in the Life of the Single Woman” (Rosa Bergoglio)

  St. Joseph of Flores, Basilica of (Buenos Aires)

  St. Mary Major, Basilica of (Rome)

  Sala, Abel

  Salesians of Don Bosco

  Salvador University. See Universidad de Salvador

  San Cayetano shrine, annual mass

  Sánchez, Sergio

  Sandri, Archbishop Leonardo

  San Francisco Chronicle

  San José del Talar church

  San Lorenzo soccer team

  San Martín, General

  San Martín, Inés

  San Miguel, Bergoglio’s missions to poor in

  San Miguel Declaration (1969)

  San Patricio church, murder of Pallottine fathers

  San Rufino Cathedral, Francis visits

  Santa Cruz dozen, murder of

  Sant’Egidio Community

  Santo Domingo Declaration (CELAM, 1992)

  Santos Dicépolo, Enrique

  Saracco, Pastor Norberto


  Sarmiento, Domingo F.

  Saunders, Peter

  Scalabrini Ortiz

  Scalfari, Eugenio

  Scannone, Father Juan Carlos

  Scherer, Cardinal Odilo

  Schönborn, Cardinal Christoph

  Schotte, Cardinal Jan

  Scicluna, Bishop Charles

  Scola, Cardinal Angelo

  SECAM. See Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar


  secularization theory

  Sen, Amartya

  September 11, 2001 attacks

  Seventh Seal, The (film)

  sex abuse scandals

  Shoes of the Fisherman, The (West)

  SIDE (Argentine intelligence agency)

  Silencio, El (Verbitsky)

  “Silencio y Palabra” (Bergoglio)

  Silva, Norberto

  Sily, Father Alberto

  Sívori Sturla, Francisco (grandfather)

  Sívori Sturla, María (grandmother)

  Skorka, Rabbi Abraham

  slum priests vicariate

  slums and shantytowns (villas miseria)

  SMSV. See Sociedad Miltar Seguro de Vida

  SNAP. See Survivors’ Network of those Abused by Priests

  sobrantes (left-over people)


  Social Darwinism


  social justice

  Social Pastoral office

  social teaching

  Sociedad Miltar Seguro de Vida (SMSV)

  Society of Jesus (Jesuits). See also Bergoglio, Jorge Mario; Ignatius, Saint; spiritual discernment; and specific concepts; conferences; individuals; institutions

  400th anniversary of

  Arrupe leads renewal of

  Arrupe succeeded by Kolvenbach

  Bergoglio as novice master and

  Bergoglio as provincial and

  Bergoglio estranged from

  Bergoglio joins

  Bergoglio reconciles with

  Bergoglio’s formation and

  Bergolio’s reforms and

  CIAS and

  dirty war and

  divisions among

  formation and Exercises of (see also Spiritual Exercises)

  history of

  John Paul II and

  liberation theology and (see also liberation theology)

  O’Farrell’s reform of

  Pius VII reestablishes

  post-conciliar renewal and

  properties sold

  Reductions and

  sex abuse scandal and

  true vs. false reform and

  Vatican II and

  vows of

  Society of Jesus, General Congregations

  Decree Four on social justice and

  GC31 (1965)

  GC32 (1974–75)

  GC33 (1983)

  GC34 (1995)

  GC35 (2008)

  Sodano, Andrea

  Sodano, Cardinal Angelo

  Soldiers of Perón (Gillespie)

  Somali migrants

  Sosa, Julio

  Spadaro, Father Antonio


  Spanish-Portuguese boundary demarcations

  Spinoza, Francisco


  spiritual discernment

  Spiritual Doctrine (Lallemant)

  Spiritual Exercises (St. Ignatius)

  First Week

  Second Week

  Third Week

  Fourth Week

  spiritual worldliness

  Stampa, La (newspaper)

  Storni, Father Fernando

  Story of a Soul (Thérèse of Lisieux)

  Strada, La (film)

  Stromata (journal) 72

  Suárez, Francisco

  Survivors’ Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP)


  Swinnen, Father Andrés

  Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM)

  synod of bishops

  reform of


  Syrian immigrants

  Tauran, Cardinal Jean-Louis

  Tedeschi, Ettore Gotti

  Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre

  Tello, Father Andrés

  Tello, Rafael


  teología del pueblo (theology of the people). See also God’s holy faithful people; liberation theology

  textile workers


  Thérèse of Lisieux, Saint (Santa Teresita)

  Third World Priests’ Movement (MSTM)



  Times of London

  Tissera, Selva

  Toledo, Monsignor Robert

  Tomasi, Archbishop Silvano


  Tordesillas Treaty

  Tornielli, Andrea

  Torres, Camilo

  Torres, Father Diego de

  Tortolo, Bishop Adolfo

  Tortolo, Sister Dolores

  “Toward a Bicentenary in Justice and Solidarity” (Argentine bishops)

  Tradition, Family and Property group

  Trejo Lema, Eduardo

  trickle-down economics

  Triple A death squad

  True and False Reform in the Church (Congar)

  Trusso, Father Alfredo

  Trusso, Francisco Javier

  Trusso, Francisco “Paco”

  Trusso, Juan Miguel

  Trusso, Pablo

  Tucumán mission

  TV Globo

  UCA. See Catholic University (Buenos Aires)


  United Nations (UN)

  Committee on the Rights of the Child

  Convention on the Rights of the Child

  Development Program (UNDP)

; United States. See also American cardinals

  United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)

  Universidad de Salvador University (USAL)


  USCCB. See United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

  Valente, Gianni

  Vallini, Cardinal Agostino

  Vanguardia, La (newspaper)

  Vanity Fair

  Vân Thuân, Cardinal François Xavier

  Varney, Stuart

  Vatican. See also Holy See; and specific individuals and institutions

  CELAM and

  collegiality and

  Commission for Latin America

  dysfunction of

  Francis and reform of

  homosexual unions banned by

  Peronism and

  relations with other faiths

  rigoristi and


  sex abuse scandals and

  Vatican Bank. See Institute for the Works of Religion

  Vatican City government

  Vatican Council, First (1869–70)

  Vatican Council, Second (Vatican II, 1962–65)


  Vatican Prefecture for Economic Affairs

  Vatican Television Center

  Vázquez, María Esther

  Vedia, Bartolomé de

  Vedia, Father Lorenzo “Toto” de

  Vedia, Mariano de

  Velasco, Father Rafael

  Venables, Bishop Gregory


  Venturi, Guillermo

  Vera, Gustavo

  Verbitsky, Horacio

  Vergara, Raúl

  Vicariate for Education

  vicariate of solidarity

  Videla, Gen. Jorge

  Viganò, Archbishop Carlo Maria

  Viganò, Monsignor Dario

  Villa 21

  Villa 31

  Villa Devotoseminary

  Villa Don Bosco retreat house

  villas miseria. See slums and shantytowns

  Vingt-Trois, Cardinal André

  Virgin of Caacupé statue of

  Virgin of Luján statue

  Virgin of the Immaculate Conception painting

  Voragine, Jacopo de

  Wagner, Richard

  Wals, Federico

  War of the Triple Alliance

  Washington, George

  Weigel, George

  Welby, Archbishop Justin

  Wernich, Cristián von

  West, Morris

  Wilfrid Barón de los Santos Ángeles boarding school

  Winters, Michael Sean

  Witt, Marcos

  Wojtyla, Karol. See John Paul II, Pope

  women’s ordination

  women’s vote

  working class. See also labor movement; sweatshops

  World Bank

  World War II

  World Youth Day

  1984 (Rome)

  1987 (Buenos Aires)

  1995 (Manila) 40–41

  2013 (Rio de Janeiro)

  Wornat, Olga

  Worstall, Tim

  Xavier, Saint Francis

  Yad Vashem

  Yáñez, Father Miguel

  Yom Kippur War

  Yorio, Father Orlando

  abducted and held at ESMA

  Bergoglio accused of betrayal of

  Bergoglio’s testimony of 2010 on

  death of

  final vow denied to

  insertion community in slums and

  interior crisis of

  leaves Jesuits


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