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Page 4

by Linda Ladd

  She began to sense they were close to his destination when he turned his horse up a slight incline. She picked up a distant roaring that grew louder as they proceeded, until they came out upon a high bluff that overlooked a wide, fast-plunging waterfall.

  He halted and dismounted, then looked up at her. She looked straight ahead, her chin high, completely ignoring him. One corner of his mouth lifted in amusement at the stony set of her jaw, and he reached up and pulled her off the horse. She didn't protest, so he let her body slide slowly down his own. As he'd intended, he could feel every soft curve, and he held her to him tightly, enjoying the warmth of her, the feel of her body, as he buried his face in the fragrance of her hair.

  Outrage purpled Starfire's eyes, and she began a vicious protest inside his embrace. Her feet hung suspended about a foot above the ground, and although she tried to kick, she knew she had no chance to free herself. He was too strong, so it was like a cat teasing a mouse. Angry, she cursed at him with snapping eyes, but Tracker only knotted one hand in the luxurious silver tresses at the back of her head and kissed her hard on the mouth, quieting her by force.

  Starfire could feel the steel-muscled arm flex as he tightened his hold on her waist, holding her immobile. She fought impotently, his head bending hers backward, his beard scratching her soft skin as his tongue forced her mouth open. The fury she felt was intense, uncontrollable; but she could not move a muscle, could not stop him. She was pinned, completely helpless against his immense strength. She felt a horrified dismay when her skin began to heat under the warmth of his kisses. Fierce, indescribable longings stirred somewhere deep inside her body. Unknown, confusing pleasures created an intense, sensual ache in her loins. She began to tremble, unable to think of anything but his lips searing her throat, her chin, then again covering her lips. They scorched her, tingled her flesh, fanned the fires of her sensuality alive for the first time.

  Tracker had wanted to kiss her from the first moment he'd seen her; and now that he felt her softening under his lips, it was almost impossible to stop. He fought the desire to lower her to the ground, to possess her without another thought, knowing it was foolish to stay in the open when they was so very close to his sanctuary. Reason finally forced down the tremendous need for her raging inside him, and with a mental groan, he stepped back and stood looking down into her flushed face, her eyes closed, her skin reddened by his rough kisses.

  She opened her eyes slowly, and Tracker saw the emotions play revealingly across her face. He saw the pleasure first, changing quickly into confusion, then last of all, surprise. Tracker had to grin, knowing she'd expected him to do much more.

  Starfire stared up at him, trying hard to steady her ragged nerves and weak knees. The lovely feeling had ceased the minute he'd taken his hands off her, and was replaced by a wave of disappointment. Suddenly she was appalled that she'd gotten pleasure from of his brutal, forceful treatment. She saw the knowing smirk on Tracker's dark face, and it infuriated her that he knew she'd been affected by him. Her jaw tensed hard as she gritted her teeth in embarrassment, in self-disgust. She wanted to strike him, to wipe the smug expression out of his sky eyes. She released her rage by kicking his ankle as hard as she could. It hurt her as much as it did him, but it made him yelp, and that made it worth it.

  Tracker grabbed her up off her feet and gave her a few violent shakes, muttering an oath under his breath. Then he pushed her away and walked back to the stallion, trying not to limp. She watched him in satisfaction, glad she'd hurt him, wishing she could do it again. She didn't understand what had happened to her. Why her body had burned as if a blaze had been fanned alive inside her. Lone Wolf's touch had not ignited such fire in her. Her eyes widened with sudden fear, wondering if the white man possessed some strange magic he used against her.

  Tracker jerked loose the saddle bags and slung them over his shoulder. He was angry and trying without success to control his temper. He stalked furiously back to her and scooped her up in hard, capable arms. She didn't protest, intimidated by his black scowl. She stiffened warily as he strode with long, purposeful steps to a high point that jutted out precariously over the falls.

  Cold spray spattered against them, wetting their clothes. Starfire gasped, and her heart pounded as he moved to the edge. The roaring was deafening at such close range, and Starfire watched with a clogged throat as his eyes probed the falls, estimating or searching. She was afraid she'd gone too far, angered him enough to throw her into the maelstrom below. She couldn't help the frightened cry that escaped her white lips, or the way she locked her arms around his neck in a stranglehold, determined that if she went into the raging water, he'd go with her. She heard a low rumble of laughter in his throat, but she was too frightened to care.

  His arms grew tighter around her, and she screamed in terror and buried her face in his shoulder as he leaped off the ledge. The cold torrent hit them hard, a staggering force that drenched them in seconds, but Tracker held her securely to him. She screamed as the horrible sensation of falling took over. A moment later she felt a horrible jolt that shook her to her bones as Tracker's feet hit ground, not ten feet below the cliff.

  She clung to him, paralyzed with fear, while he carried her out of the falling water. Starfire was afraid to look, her heart beating erratically, as he moved farther into a vast, cold darkness and set her down. She refused to let go at first, still afraid, but he gently disentangled her fingers and moved away from her. She opened her eyes and stared in disbelief at a small, crackling fire. Her eyes widened as she looked around, realizing they were in a cave behind the falls.

  She began to shiver uncontrollably as she sat in her dripping clothes, her wet hair straggling over her face. She pushed it back, hugging herself for warmth, watching Tracker walk to a stack of supplies set against one corner. He tossed her a blanket.

  “You'd better get out of those wet clothes. It's freezing in here.”

  She caught it, desperately wanting to fling it back into his face. She'd never wanted to do anything so badly in her life, but her chattering teeth stopped her. It was cold, and she needed the wool blanket. Despite her fierce pride, Starfire was practical. She took it silently, trying not to shiver as she looked at Tracker, suddenly more afraid of him. For the first time, she truly feared that Lone Wolf and Raging Buffalo would not find her.

  His blue eyes shone in the firelight, fixed on the darkness behind her. Starfire jumped when a low voice spoke from the black shadows.

  A tall Indian stood behind her, dressed in fringed buckskins like those of the big white man. He was handsome and stood casually, leaning against the entrance. He'd spoken in a dialect she didn't know, but it didn't matter what he'd said. If he was a friend of the white one, he was her enemy.

  Tracker grinned at his blood brother in relief at finding him unharmed.

  “Is everything set?” he asked in Sioux.

  Two Bears remained impassive as he answered in the same low tone. “Yes, everything went well, and I saw no sign of pursuit.”

  Tracker's muscles relaxed for the first time since he'd entered the Cheyenne camp the night before. His smile widened.

  “You bring good news, Two Bears. But they'll come, sooner or later. They won't let her go without a fight. She's too much of a prize.”

  Two Bears dropped his gaze to the girl, who was glaring up at him with the same poisonous look she used on Tracker. He looked back at Tracker, and his eyes gleamed faintly with amusement.

  “She will be a hard one to handle, my brother. It is in the purple of her eyes.”

  Tracker's mouth lifted in a lazy smile. “She's a hell of a handful, but I can manage her. She needs some taming, that's all.”

  Two Bears didn't answer, but his intuition told him that Tracker's impressive experience with women probably didn't include one such as this beautiful, silver-haired captive. The girl looked wild and headstrong, and she wouldn't be an easy conquest. He glanced at her again and read the hatred in her face as she watched his white bloo
d brother's every move. The obstinate slant of her jaw told him she wouldn't bend to Tracker's wishes as easily as most women; he knew that Tracker wasn't the type to be bested when he wanted something. It would be quite a contest, and Two Bears was almost sorry he would miss the battle.

  “I wish you luck, my brother. How long will you keep her here?”

  “Probably a month or so. Maybe more. The woods around here will be crawling with Cheyenne.”

  Two Bears stared hard into Tracker's blue eyes.

  “Do they know of this cave?”

  Tracker jerked a thumb at Starfire. “She didn't know about it, so I doubt if they've ever been this far west.”

  Two Bears nodded then said, “I will go now.”

  Tracker moved to him, and they looked affectionately into each other's eyes as they placed their palms upon one another's shoulders.

  “May the all-spirit go with you, Two Bears.”

  Tracker's words were warm and so sincere that Starfire looked up, wondering what he'd said.

  Tracker watched as Two Bears disappeared into the outer cave, then turned back to Starfire. She sat huddled by the fire, not looking at him. He hesitated, reluctant to leave her alone, but he had to check on the horses and the supplies in the other chamber. He ducked through the low ceiling into the next cavern, then hurried past the torch Two Bears had set against the wall to another opening. The horses were tethered inside, and he checked to make sure they could reach the food and water. He stood still a moment, listening. A steady drip of water from somewhere in the shadows of the cave was the only sound, except for the faint roar of the falls outside. He was satisfied, and he went back to Starfire, knowing she couldn't be trusted alone for long.

  He walked in just as she dropped her wet shift from beneath the blanket she held securely around her body. His blood quickened as a vision of naked flesh invaded his mind with unsettling clarity. He made an effort to throw off his thoughts and walked toward the fire.

  Starfire watched him covertly, shivering slightly when his hot sapphire eyes slowly raked over her. The kiss by the falls intruded into her mind. She recalled the way her body had blazed to meet his hard, searching mouth, despite her intense hatred of him. How could she be so attracted to her enemy, the man who had stolen her? She moved closer to the fire and refused to look at him.

  Tracker knelt across from her and fed a few logs to the blaze, trying to give it all his attention and forget what he was thinking. When he did look at her, she was huddled down into the blanket, staring into the flames. He lounged down on his side and propped his head up in the palm of his hand. Starfire glanced at him warily, then lowered her eyes again, not comfortable under the strange, unwavering blue gaze, feeling an intuitive alarm. He looked at her as Lone Wolf had so many times. She wrapped her arms tightly around her chest, trying not to shiver.

  Tracker studied her, examining the flawless skin, the exquisite bone structure of her face. He'd always enjoyed beautiful women, and she was the most beautiful he'd ever seen. She threw out an aura—one of sensuality, of hot blood and warm response. But she was so young, not much more than a child.

  Starfire was unaware of his thoughts, but she was cold, and nervous with him sitting so near. She leaned closer to the warmth of the fire, and as she moved, the blanket fell apart. Tracker's eyes dropped immediately to the exposed curve of her body. His breath caught, his mind changing in mid-thought. Starfire was not a child. She was a woman, a woman he wanted. He could not take his eyes away, and he felt the desire rising with such force he couldn't block it.

  Starfire saw his dangerous expression, then quickly followed his intent stare to her naked breast. She gasped and pulled the blanket together quickly, cursing herself for being so stupid as to undress in his presence. She jerked her head up as Tracker sat up suddenly, his unwavering stare pinning her where she sat.

  “Don't come near me,” she warned harshly through her teeth.

  His laugh was arrogant, and it created a fury in her that jabbed like a spear to the core of her pride. He was contemptible, he was insolent. He held her at his mercy and laughed about it. She hated him.

  “I hate you, you dirty wasichu, white man,” she gritted passionately, her violet eyes slits of venom.

  Tracker's eyebrows drew together in a dark frown, and Starfire pulled back quickly from the terrible, fierce expression.

  Tracker was angry. For some reason her words bit into him, ate at him like acid. He didn't want her to hate him. He didn't want her to be afraid of him. He didn't know exactly what he wanted, but now he could see the fear and uncertainty in her eyes. The vulnerable look killed the storm about to erupt in him. She was trying to hide her fear now, but he'd seen it.

  Starfire watched his anger dissolve and the now familiar, taunting grin take over his features. Her anger ballooned until she was livid with rage. Her fingers found and curled around a large heavy rock near her hand. She got a grip on it, then hurled it across the fire at him with all her might.

  Her action caught Tracker unaware, and the rock struck him on his left temple, stunning him for an instant. Like lightning, Starfire was out of her blanket and at his side, jerking his long knife from the scabbard at his thigh.

  Tracker rolled back and deflected the blade with his forearm as she brought it plunging down toward his chest. The sharp steel cut into the back of his tensed muscle, and he groaned as it opened a long, bleeding gash. He fought to disarm her, knowing she was savage enough to cut out his heart if she could.

  He grabbed her shoulders and threw her down beside him, then swung his leg over her until he straddled her. Starfire stabbed at him desperately, hysterically, but for all her efforts, she was unable to wound him again. He grabbed her wrist and squeezed it until her whole hand went numb and the knife fell free.

  Tracker was furious, a blind rage ruling his mind. His temple bled and ached, and he could feel the hot rush of blood over his forearm. He ignored the pain and pinioned her wrists above her head as he locked her kicking legs between his knees.

  “I underestimated you this time, you little hellcat, but it won't ever happen again.”

  Starfire fought him wildly, her teeth bared in a fury that matched Tracker's immense wrath. She finally gave up and lay panting, knowing it was futile against his strength.

  Her violet eyes locked with his angry blue ones as she spoke calmly and bitterly. “I'll kill you next time, white dog. You'll have to kill me first to stop me.”

  Tracker lowered his eyes to her naked breasts, wanting to teach her a lesson, wanting to humiliate her. He looked back into her eyes.

  “No, I won't ever kill you, love, you're much too beautiful and worth too much money, but there are things I could do, things you wouldn't like.”

  He touched her with his finger, and Starfire intensified her struggle.

  “Leave me alone,” she gritted, hating him with every fiber of her being.

  Tracker only laughed as he lowered his head. Starfire stiffened in despair as he began to nuzzle her throat, and she tossed her head to prevent it, but his lips moved to her shoulder, causing a shiver to run over her limbs. Starfire was horrified, hating herself for reacting to his touch. She tried to go numb, to forget what his strange powers could do to her.

  Tracker felt on fire, her skin was so soft, so smooth. He lifted his head and stared into the amethyst of her eyes, seeing the bewilderment and confusion in them. He was giving her pleasure, but she snarled and called him a name. He smiled, sliding his hand down the velvety warmth of her skin, and Starfire squeezed her eyes shut. She tried desperately to free herself, but Tracker brought his face back to hers, holding her immobile as he stared into her eyes.

  Starfire began to feel weak and fluttery as his hand continued to caress her, her insides alive with a craving she could not explain. Her body moved her in one direction, but her mind rebelled. She refused to look at him, knowing his eyes would have the same mocking amusement in them. The thought turned her blood cold, and she refused to give in.

  Tracker wanted her as he'd never wanted another woman. He knew she was ready for him, and he knew she detested him for what he was doing to her. She was aroused but fighting it, and his passion began to control his actions. He'd have her. He couldn't wait, didn't want to wait. He moved over her, the blood drumming in his temples.

  Starfire felt his hard body against hers and became frantic, her voice high and shrill.

  “You're a filthy animal, a wasichu! I hate you, I hate you!”

  She was sobbing, her panic-stricken tone cutting through Tracker's lust and rage and making him sickeningly aware of what he was doing. His mind winced, appalled at his own actions. He'd never forced a woman. And the girl was a virgin. Wild and beautiful and untamed, but an innocent. He cursed inside, forcing himself to release her. It took every ounce of self-discipline he had. He'd never wanted anything as much as he wanted her.

  He rolled away from her quickly before he could change his mind, and got to his feet. He felt shaky and a little sick. And ashamed. He leaned down and got his knife and walked quickly away without looking at her.

  Starfire lay unmoving, afraid to believe that he was really gone. Her mind was jumbled, confused by conflicting emotions. She'd wanted him to stop, but her body had reacted to his brutal touch. A terrible, frightening sense of danger rolled over her. She was no longer afraid of him, but of herself.

  She had to escape. She had to get away from him, before something else happened. She jumped up, slipping her dress over her head on the way to the opening. She peered out, and when she didn't see him, she ran into the waterfall. It felt like a frigid shower, and she hesitated, trying to see through the torrent.

  His low voice behind her sent her to the very edge of the cliff. She could see the water far below, roiling and gushing as the falls rushed into it. She stared back at Tracker, her hair plastered over her face, her outspread hands in front of her, as if to fend him off.


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