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The Teflon Queen PT 3

Page 7

by Silk White

  Angela took the thumb drive from Ashley’s hand and then pulled her in and hugged her tightly as the little girl cried on her shoulder. “It’s going to be okay,” she said rubbing Ashley’s back in an attempt to calm her down.

  “My mother is dead isn’t she?” Ashley asked out the blue in between sobs.

  Angela nodded her head yes as she found herself crying right along with little Ashley as the two hugged one another tightly. She could only imagine what the young child was going through, how she felt, or how scared she had to be right at this moment. To wake up one day and never see your parents ever again would be hard for any child to handle and honestly Ashley was handling the situation like a trooper. Deep down inside Angela was happy and proud that Ashley was beginning to trust her. “I promise I won’t let anyone hurt you,” Angela told her.

  “They’re not going to stop until they find me,” Ashley said wiping her face dry with the back of her hand. A part of her felt like she would be killed any day now. While another part of her felt safe when she was with Angela.

  “Let me worry about the bad guys,” Angela said. “Besides this place is out in the middle of nowhere. I highly doubt anyone will find us here.” She also knew she had set up several trip wires around the house so if anyone tried to creep up on them, she’d see them coming from a mile away.

  Angela walked over to the freezer, opened it, and then yelled. “Who wants ice cream?”

  Angela ordered pizza and did her best to make Ashley feel as comfortable as possible. No child deserved to die because of a mistake that their parents made. Angela knew that Ashley wasn’t really her problem, but there was no way she could just leave the little girl for dead. Ashley’s problems had now become her own problems. As Ashley sat down eating a slice of pizza, Angela took apart a 9mm and began to clean it and piece it back together. She wanted to make sure that if any trouble did show up that she’d be ready. Angela had no clue how this entire situation was going to play out, but she liked her chances.

  “How did you learn how to kill so good?” Ashley asked helping herself to a seat on the sofa next to Angela with her eyes focused on the gun in Angela’s hands.

  Angela smiled. “It took years of practice and killing is very bad,” she said making it crystal clear that there was nothing fun about killing someone.

  “It looks fun like a video game,” Ashley said returning Angela’s smile.

  “Trust me this ain’t no video game,” she said seriously. “Once you get shot, you don’t get another life or another chance to complete the level. That’s it when you’re dead, you’re just dead.”

  “Can you teach me everything you know?” Ashley asked.

  Angela laughed, until she realized that Ashley was dead serious. “You’re just a kid!” Immediately thoughts of her training James popped into her mind. She had remembered when James had asked her the same thing and because of her he was now dead.

  “So you started when you were a kid right?”

  “Yeah that was different,” Angela said quickly. “I didn’t want to become a killer. It was forced upon me.”

  “Just like it’s being forced upon me right now,” Ashley countered. It excited her to watch Angela kill with ease, move around, and barely get noticed as if she was invincible.

  “You have your whole life ahead of you,” Angela began. “You still have time to be anything you want to be.” She refused to let Ashley throw her life away like she had done hers. If she could go back and change everything, she would change it in a heartbeat. No one wanted to kill and murder people for a living, and live life as if they didn’t even exist.

  “I want to be like you,” Ashley replied. “The way you handle yourself, the way you’re untouchable, and the way no one can touch you. I want to be just like you.”

  Angela shook her head as she thought about how to explain to her that there was a better way to live than what she did for a living. It may have seemed exciting, but with the job also came the bullshit. “Listen,” she said. “I know you don’t want to go on with life never being able to enjoy yourself. Don’t you want to have some kids? Get married? Travel the world? Well if you do what I do, then the only one thing you may be able to do is travel the world, but then you still won’t be able to enjoy it.”

  “I don’t care!” Ashley shrugged.

  “No,” Angela replied. “Trust me you’ll thank me later. Now go brush your teeth and get ready for bed” she said ending the conversation at that. She definitely understood how little Ashley felt, but there was no way that she was going to turn an innocent little child into a killer and ruin her life. She watched as Ashley stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom brushing her teeth with a sad look on her face.

  “I ain’t falling for the puppy eyes,” Angela laughed to herself. Once Ashley was done in the bathroom Angela offered her the bedroom, but Ashley declined and chose to sleep on the floor next to Angela.

  Ashley may have been young, but she wasn’t a fool. If someone kicked the front door down and started shooting, she wanted to be as close to Angela as possible. She felt safe when around Angela and knew that she wouldn’t let any harm come her way. They hadn’t known one another for that long, but that was one thing that was already understood and no denying.

  Once Angela was sure that Ashley was sleep she got up from the floor and grabbed her laptop and powered it on. She just had to find out what was on that thumb drive that had everyone trying to kill an innocent child. Once the computer booted up, Angela stuck the thumb drive in and tried to gain access, but was immediately denied. The thumb drive needed a password in order to open.

  “Shit!” Angela cursed and snatched the thumb drive out of her laptop and stuck it down in her bra. For the rest of the night Angela would be raking her brain wondering what was on that thumb drive.

  The next thing on Angela’s objective was to find out who this detective that kept sticking his nose into business that didn’t belong to him was. She pulled up the article about Detective Washington rescuing Ashley and got as much information as she could on him from the Internet. Angela didn’t want to have to kill the detective, but figured him to be one of those super cops that wouldn’t stop coming until his head was blown off. She read up on the detective for about another hour before lying down next to Ashley and going to sleep.

  * * *

  The next morning when Angela woke up, her eyes scanned the area first and then she quickly jumped up. She looked around the living room and Ashley was nowhere to be found. Panic quickly kicked in as she grabbed a knife from out of the kitchen then ran throughout the house in search of the child. Angela came to a halt when she reached the bedroom and saw little Ashley sitting on the bed fumbling around with a 9mm in her hand.

  “What the hell are you doing!?” Angela snapped as she snatched the gun out of Ashley’s hand. “Are you crazy? You could have killed yourself by accident!” she continued to rant. “This is not a toy!” she yelled holding the gun in the air. She was so pissed off with Ashley at that very moment. She had been going out of her way to protect this child and here she was putting herself in a situation where she could of easily killed herself by accident.

  “Sorry,” Ashley said in a voice below a whisper with her head hung low. “I was just trying to learn how to shoot,” she said innocently.

  Angela thought about continuing to scold Ashley, but then decided against it. Instead she leaned over and hugged Ashley tightly. “Sorry for raising my voice,” she said. She knew how curious children could be and it was her fault for leaving a loaded firearm where a child could get a hold of it. She would have to start being more mindful, but the truth of the matter was this was her first time ever living with a child.

  “It’s okay. I shouldn’t of had touched your gun while you were sleep,” Ashley apologized. “I just figured you wouldn’t let me see it if you were awake.”

  Angela paused for a second and then removed the clip from the gun and popped out the bullet that was in the chamber. “Here, let
me show you how to hold it,” she said with a smile. She knew that wasn’t a smart thing to do, but seeing a smile on the little girl’s face was priceless.

  “Really!?” Ashley’s face lit up like a Christmas tree. Angela stood behind Ashley and showed her how to hold the gun. For hours she showed Ashley how to hold and shoot the gun. After that was done Angela took Ashley out back and set up a few targets. She screwed a silencer on the barrel of the 9mm and handed the loaded weapon to Ashley.

  “Okay breath,” she instructed. “Take your time, visualize the target, make sure you’re in tune with the target, and then pull the trigger.”

  Ashley stood there for a second. She was nervous and didn’t want to mess up. Never in a million years would she have thought that she would be learning how to shoot a gun. She took a deep breath and then pulled the trigger knocking down the first target.

  “Wow,” Angela hummed. “Try the next target.”

  Ashley aimed the gun at the next target, paused, and then pulled the trigger. Again she hit the target.

  Angela had never seen such a good shot at such a young age. “Ummm, are you sure you’ve never shot a gun before?” She asked in a joking tone of voice, but she was dead serious.

  “Only on my video games and at the arcade,” Ashley answered with an innocent smile. “Can I shoot some more?” She had only fired the gun twice and was already addicted. Her heart was pumping fast and her adrenaline was flowing.

  “Sure,” Angela said as she set up four more targets. The next round it only took Ashley six shots to hit four targets. Angela could tell that the more she practiced, the better her aim could get. It was already good so with a little practice and training, there was no telling how good Ashley could become.

  “Looks like you’re a natural at this,” Angela said. For the rest of the night Angela set up target after target and showed Ashley the fundamentals of becoming an assassin. From shooting, to knife strikes, she even taught her a few take down moves that she could use if she was ever in a jam. Angela hated to admit it, but the more time she spent with Ashley the more she realized how much the little girl was just like her. At first she thought that Ashley was playing around when she asked her to train her, but the more Angela taught her, the more Ashley focused and paid close attention. After a few hours of training Ashley had the hand gun down pact. Ashley was knocking down targets left and right. She removed the empty clip and slapped a fresh clip in, in record time surprising herself and Angela all at the same time.

  At the end of the night Ashley and Angela sat down on the floor with their legs folded up under them eating Chinese food enjoying a good laugh. Having someone else around wasn’t turning out to be such a bad thing after all. Angela was definitely enjoying the company and she liked the fact that little Ashley looked up to her and wanted to be just like her. Yeah she knew what she did for a living was wrong and she by far was not a role model, but at the same time it felt good that someone thought so highly of her. It felt good to be around someone that didn’t want or need anything from her, felt good to just be around some love for once. This was the closest Angela would ever come to being a mother and she couldn’t deny that having Ashley around wasn’t half bad. The more time she spent with Ashley, it made her wish that maybe she should have taken a different road in life; maybe she should have went out and got a regular job and lived like a normal person; got married and had a few kids.

  “So what are we going to do if the bad guys come here trying to kill us?” Ashley asked shoving a fork full of rice in her mouth.

  Angela smiled. “I’m going to kill them!”

  “Can I help?”

  “Absolutely not,” Angela said quickly. “These men are professionals and you’re just a child.” There was no way she would allow Ashley to get involved in this mess. Teaching her how to shoot was one thing, but actually shooting someone was a whole other story.

  “Two guns are better than one so I think you should let me help,” Ashley said smiling. She knew Angela wouldn’t allow her to actually kill someone, but it was worth a try.

  “Nice try,” Angela laughed. “Hopefully I won’t have to kill anyone else.”

  Chapter 15


  Frank sat on the loveseat in his hotel room sipping on a glass of Cognac. In between his legs sat a young Brazilian prostitute. She had a soft pillow resting under her knees as her head bobbed up and down at a nice and slow rhythm. Frank sat in the loveseat and the only thing he could think about was his wife Kate. Images of her lying on the supermarket floor dead with a bullet in her head kept popping up in his head. The Teflon Queen had written a check that her ass wouldn’t be able to cash. This was no longer business for Frank, it was now personal and he planned to personally watch Angela take her last breath. Loud slurping sounds snapped Frank out of his thoughts and forced him to look down at the beauty that was between his legs.

  “You like that?” the prostitute said in a sexually charged voice. Then she turned her attention to Frank’s balls, holding them in her hands and licking them assiduously like a cat while she looked up at him the entire time. Frank stood to his feet and began to thrust himself in and out of the prostitutes mouth at a fast pace. He grabbed two handfuls of her hair and began to fuck the prostitute’s mouth like it was a pussy, like he wanted to choke her, like he was trying to fuck the life out of her. “Look at me!” he demanded and slapped the woman’s face. The prostitute looked up at him with her eyes watery from gagging several times and saliva sliding out the corners of her mouth dripping from her chin down to her breast. She moaned loud and gagged even louder as she let Frank have his way with her mouth. With each stroke Frank delivered, he pictured himself stabbing Angela with a knife. He pictured himself punishing her for what she’d done. He pictured himself making her suffer for what she had done to Kate.

  “That’s it! Take it bitch!” Frank gasped, thrusting his pelvis harder and faster into the prostitute’s mouth. Suddenly he pulled out and shot his load spraying cum all over her face. “Ahhhh yeah,” he groaned as he shoved his dick back into the prostitute’s mouth. “Suck it all out!”

  The prostitute choked and gagged but managed to suck the rest of the cum out and swallow it like a good whore. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and then smiled up at Frank. “Was this mouth good to you?”

  Frank smiled. “Yes it was amazing,” he said as he peeled off a few hundred dollar bills and handed them to the Brazilian beauty.

  The prostitute eyed the cash, smiled, and then looked up at Frank. “Damn! For this I can stay for the whole weekend if you like.”

  “Won’t even be here for the whole weekend,” Frank said standing up straight. “It was nice meeting you, but you have to go.”

  “Well the name is Spice, and I’ll be twice as nice for the right price,” she sang and handed Frank her card. “If you’re ever back in town, give me a call honey.” She kissed him on the cheek and then left.

  Once Spice was gone, Frank took a quick shower and then prepared himself for what he knew would be a showdown. Mr. Clarke had called and informed him that Angela had attempted to gain access to the thumb drive. Once she tried to access the thumb drive, Mr. Clarke was able to trace the IP address to the computer and track down where the laptop was located that attempted to access the thumb drive.

  Frank looked down at his phone and saw that Mr. Clarke was calling him. “Yeah,” he answered.

  “Tracked Angela down,” Mr. Clarke said with his voice full of hope. “She’s hiding out in a house in North Carolina. I want you and a few of my men to go out there and settle this once and for all. I need that thumb drive back,” he said as if his life depended on it.

  “Text me the address,” Frank said in a cold tone. He was mentally and physically ready to go to war.

  “I really need you to handle this once and for all. I either need that thumb drive or the little girl because she’s the one that knows where it is.”

  “Not a problem text me the
address,” Frank said and then ended the call. At the moment he could care less about some stupid thumb drive. All that was on his mind was killing any and everybody affiliated with the so called Teflon Queen. Because of her, he had lost his best friend, because of her he had lost his lover, and most importantly because of her he had lost his soul mate, and for that reason alone Angela had to die. Frank packed a duffle bag with everything he would need and then headed out the door.

  Chapter 16


  “Keep it steady and breath,” Angela instructed in a light whisper as she lay next to Ashley. Ashley laid flat on her stomach in the middle of the woods. In her hand was a sniper rifle, and in her cross hair stood a deer. She took a deep breath and exhaled as she flipped the safety off and wrapped her finger around the trigger.

  “Get in sync with the target,” Angela whispered. Ashley stayed patient and when she felt the time was right she squeezed the trigger. Angela watched as the deer’s head snapped to the side and then dropped down to the ground like a sack of rocks.

  “You did good kid,” Angela said like a proud mother.

  “Can I do another one?” Ashley asked excitedly.

  “No maybe tomorrow you already killed four deer today and six in the last two days,” Angela pointed out. She hated to admit it, but Ashley was great for a beginner and with time and practice she was sure to become a beast and maybe even one of the best assassins to ever walk this earth. Angela still had second thoughts about training the young girl, but she seemed determined to learn and she was persistent about the craft. Angela knew it was wrong but she respected the fact that someone respected and loved the craft as much as Ashley did. She also had to teach Ashley to use her training for good instead of evil, because training in the wrong hands could get real ugly, real fast.

  “Just one more please?” Ashley begged.

  “Tomorrow,” Angela said. “And hopefully we can find another deer. You may have killed them all” she chuckled.


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