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Claudia's Surrender: The Case of the Reluctant Submissive

Page 6

by S. J. Lewis

  “What?” he asked, still grinning.

  “Nothing,” she smiled up at him. “It’s just…you’re beautiful.”

  “Beautiful?” His grin didn’t fade as he sat down on the bed alongside her. “How?”

  She reached up to run her nails through the hairs on his chest. “You just are,” she murmured.

  “Guys aren’t beautiful,” he said.

  “Yes, they are,” she corrected him. “You are.” Then, to keep him from arguing, she put her hand on the back of his head…short as it was, his hair was still damp from the shower…and pulled him down to her for a long, long kiss. She heard the chain clinking again as she moved. As if that sound were some kind of trigger, her kiss suddenly went from warm and loving to hot, hungry and passionate.

  “Hey…” Sam protested mildly. “Hey now…I just took a shower.”

  “So what?” Claudia smiled. “You can always take another. Mmmm…” she reached for his towel and tugged at it. “Or I can lick you clean…”

  Sam gripped her wrists, pulling her hands away. “Or…” he countered, “I can give you a shower…which is what I was planning.”

  “Well…” Claudia pretended to consider his suggestion. “That sounds good too…I guess…”

  “C’mon, Red,” he laughed. The nightstand next to her bed now held a number of toys and devices. He opened the top drawer and took out a ring of keys and a pair of handcuffs. “We have to get a move on. I made plans.” He cuffed her hands in front of her before he unlocked her collar, so she remained secured.

  He led her to the bathroom with one strong hand gripping the chain linking the handcuffs. She went willingly. She was already aroused at the thought of what he could do to her with that new shower attachment…and his hands. The metal of the cuffs bit into her wrists, and that was also arousing.

  He chained her up in the tub, her hands over her head as before, but this time she had to stand on tiptoe to keep the cuffs from digging in hard enough to really hurt. She felt stretched and particularly vulnerable. He stepped back to look at her, and she arched her back for him. He hadn’t actually done anything to her yet, but the promise of what he might do already had her nipples starkly erect.

  He looked her up and down. She was heartbreakingly lovely this way, long and lean and thoroughly female, waiting for his touch. Standing on her toes as she was accentuated the shape and length of her legs. He didn’t know how long she could stay like that before it began to strain her too much.

  “One more thing,” he said. He opened the medicine cabinet and took out a new toy. He held it up for her to see. It was a ball gag, bright red. A length of black nylon cord ran through it. It was perfectly suited for use in the shower.

  She looked at it for just a moment before opening her mouth. He wedged it in, ran the cord behind her neck and then back in front to knot it snugly at her throat. It fit nicely. It stuffed her mouth effectively without straining her jaws too much. Her nostrils flared once as she drew in a deep breath. He tickled a nipple with one finger, looking into her green eyes as he did so. She shuddered, moaning weakly through the gag, and her eyes seemed to lose their focus.

  He turned on the water, adjusting the temperature carefully. He could hear Red making little muffled noises as he drew the procedure out. Well, he liked his women noisy and she knew that. He suspected she liked to be very vocal anyway.

  He stood up and peeled off his towel before stepping into the tub with her. He drew the curtain and stepped close to her so that she could feel his cock hard against her belly. He unhooked the shower attachment and held it up to her. “Ready?” he asked.

  Claudia moaned and groaned and grunted as he did a very thorough job of washing her down. She tilted her head back so he could wash her hair, closing her eyes against the spray. She loved the feel of his hands on her body, and she shuddered uncontrollably as he slowly, lovingly, soaped and rinsed her legs. All the while, he kept working closer and closer to her pussy without actually touching it until she was half out of her mind with frustration and anticipation. She didn’t mind. She didn’t mind at all, because it always aroused her even more, knowing it was coming but never knowing when or how and being totally unable to do anything about it. Then he brought the hand-held attachment up between her legs and slowly changed it from a fine mist to a hard, pulsing spray. He supplemented it with his fingers.

  She moaned, she howled, she shrieked through the ball gag. The muffled sounds echoed off of the tiles. She spread her legs wider, the long muscles straining. She pressed herself against his hand, against the spray. Her hands were clenched into white-knuckled fists, and he knew she was biting down hard on that rubber ball. He kept a careful eye on her for any sign of fatigue, but for fifteen long minutes she was nothing but a writhing, shuddering, howling female animal. He was pretty sure, although not completely, of when she came. Her head would tilt back and she would grunt quickly and softly several times as her body began to sag but judicious application of the spray would have her up and dancing again. Then came a time when she couldn’t seem to keep herself upright any longer, and he knew she had reached her limits. He put aside the spray attachment and quickly freed her hands. He supported her as she sank to her knees in the tub. Her eyes looked glazed and far-away now, and she felt almost boneless in his arms. Her head sagged forward, making it difficult to remove the gag, but she seemed to recover a little once he’d pulled it out from between her teeth. There were deep indentations in the soft rubber. She took in a long, shuddering breath through her mouth, then another. She slumped forward, but stayed upright on her knees as he uncuffed her hands and recuffed them behind her. He noted that her wrists were only slightly bruised.

  This hadn’t been part of his original plan for the morning, but he wanted her right here and right now. He took a fistful of her coppery hair and pulled her up and towards him. Her eyes were still unfocused, but she opened her mouth and took him in immediately. He kept his grip on her hair, but let her proceed as she chose. Soon she was making noises again; tiny little wet slurps, nasal grunts and the occasional moan. She kept trying to take him in a little deeper with each bob of her head.

  He looked down on her as she sucked and licked. From this angle he couldn’t see her face very well, but he could see her pink-nippled breasts between strokes. Her nipples were swollen again…or were they just still swollen? Behind her, her cuffed hands were relaxed, open.

  He’d known women for whom fellatio was strictly an act of submission. He’d known others for whom it could also be an act of aggression. With Red, it always seemed to be both mixed together, plus an indefinable something else, something extra and infinitely arousing. He could feel the tip of his cock impacting the back of her throat now, could feel her tongue sliding along the underside, tickling and teasing. He groaned once, tightening his grip on her hair. She knew the signals. She began to speed up. She got noisier.

  When he came, he clamped both hands on her head, holding her in place. He didn’t so much groan as roar with each ejaculation as Red squirmed and struggled weakly and made squeals and squeaks of objection and outrage, very real-sounding but utterly fake. She knew what he liked.

  “Mmmm…” Claudia smiled sleepily and laid her head on his thigh. She was still naked and handcuffed, kneeling beside him. There was a big folded towel under her, protecting her knees from the cold, hard kitchen floor. He’d dried her hair, but the ends were still a little damp, and they tickled the back of her neck whenever she moved her head. “I don’t know if I can eat two breakfasts in one morning.”

  “Just a little, Red,” he urged. “Come on, now.”

  She straightened up and opened her mouth for the forkful of Western omelet. She made a playful production of chewing and swallowing. Actually, she was ravenously hungry, but it was fun for her to have him cajole her into eating. She opened her mouth for another bite.

  She felt safe and free like this, with Sam in her apartment. She could make up for two years of denial and celibacy with no fear th
at Sam would tell anybody what an utter slut she could be. Well, no. Slut wasn’t the right word, because she could be this way with Sam and with Sam only. There was still a nagging worry in the back of her mind that Sam could be this way with other women. She knew he had been, though she’d never asked him about it. But he had told her that after her, every other woman he’d been with had felt like plain vanilla, over and over again, and she believed it. Hadn’t he come looking for her after two long years? She didn’t even mind…too much…the fact that he’d fucked (“Slept with” just didn’t fit: “Pumped for information” was more accurate and much more descriptive.) her friend Dianne not long before he’d shown up here. He’d said that he’d been a little bit crazy at the time trying to find her and that at that moment, Dianne had been the closest thing to her that there was. The important thing was that he was here now. He had come looking for her and had found her. After all that time, he could still set her free even as he chained or tied her up. She kissed his denim-clad thigh before accepting another bite. He followed that with some coffee for her. It was in a baby bottle. She sucked eagerly at the nipple. He’d told her that there was no chance for a scalding spill this way, which was true. That certainly wasn’t the only reason he did it, but she didn’t care. It just added to her feelings of arousal, like everything he did. Every minute she spent with him, she felt vibrant, desired, female, alive in a way she never had before. Was this love or just lust? Right now, it didn’t matter. She wanted to wallow in the sensation, to drown in it.

  “What’cha thinkin’, Red?” he asked. He stroked her hair. She rubbed her cheek against his thigh softly.

  “Nothing…” she replied. It was mostly true. She wasn’t so much thinking as feeling.

  “Up for another date?” he asked.

  “Oh?” she looked up at him. He was smiling. He had something planned. “What kind of date? Dinner and a movie?”

  He laughed. “Anybody can do that, Red. I’ve got somethin’ else in mind.”

  “Mmmm…” she purred, smiling in return. “And what might that be?”

  “Finish your breakfast and I’ll tell you.”

  She smiled and then opened her mouth wide for the next helping.

  “This is wonderful!” she exclaimed, twisting half around in the saddle to look at him. “How did you ever find this place?”

  Sam shrugged and grinned. He looked very much at home on the back of a horse. “It wasn’t too hard, Red,” he replied. “I figured any place with as much open land as there is around here had to have a riding stable somewheres.”

  She wanted to hug him, but it wasn’t feasible. It had been a while since she’d gone horseback riding, and she felt a bit rusty at it. Her horse was a placid older mare named ‘Cindylou’, of all things. Cindylou seemed to have an aversion to letting any other horse get ahead of her. As long as Sam and his horse, a younger gelding named Pitchfork, stayed a little bit behind, Cindylou was happy. Any time Sam tried to catch up, Cindylou would toss her head and quicken her pace. In all other things, the mare was content to let Claudia have her way.

  They were riding along a clearly defined trail that meandered through open woodlands and meadows. The horses seemed to know the way as well as Claudia knew her way to work and back, which took only a little bit of the fun out of it. Given how long it had been since she’d last gone riding, she was content. She leaned forward and patted Cindylou’s neck affectionately. The horse whickered softly.

  “You still haven’t told me what’s in that basket,” she called over her shoulder.

  “Haven’t I?” Sam called back in mock surprise. “Oh, well. Sorry!”

  “You haven’t, and I want to know.”

  “Nothin’ much, Red. Just a little picnic lunch for the two of us and a couple of apples for our transportation.”

  She turned in her saddle again. “You’re serious?”

  His grin grew wider and threatened to break into a smile. “Why sure. Why not? We have the whole afternoon to ourselves, Red.”

  She was pretty sure that a packed lunch wasn’t a normal part of the services here. She looked at the basket, which was strapped securely to the back of his horse. It looked almost new. How far ahead had he planned this? She was willing to bet that if it had rained today he would have had some alternate plan ready to go.

  They came out of a stretch of woods and into a meadow. The sun was very warm now. The air was heavy with the scent of long grass and the buzzing of insects. She could hear crickets chirping, birds calling. There was no sound of traffic out here. She tugged her straw hat down a little and smiled. She could feel Sam watching her, and it was a good feeling. She knew he was trying to see right through her clothes, at least with his imagination and didn’t mind now that he had insisted that she wear no underwear for this date. Oh, it felt a little odd, with her sensitive nether regions in direct contact with faded denim. But she rather liked the occasional jiggling of her breasts under the oversized white shirt she wore. Better still, if Sam had a picnic planned he probably had some very special additional plans as well, and underwear might only get in the way.

  They stopped in the shade of some big old gnarled trees. There was a little grass growing there, short and discouraged-looking. Sam tethered their horses in the shade, but within easy reach of more abundant grass if they wanted a snack. Then he began to set up the picnic. Claudia watched him, sitting with her back to one massive trunk. She was used to male attention, but usually a man went to this much trouble only when he was trying to get into her pants. Sam had been into everything she had already, although the thought made her blush, and she pulled down the brim of her hat so he wouldn’t see. Still, he was going to considerable lengths to do things like this for her…no, with her, she corrected herself. Was he trying to show her how very special she was to him, or was he just doing them because she was so special to him? She supposed she could ask him, but not now. He might not have thought it all out yet. She was still trying to sort it all out herself.

  “Lunch is served, Red,” he sat down on the blanket he’d spread and waved her over. Claudia rose, smiling, and doffed her hat. She wondered what kind of picnic he’d arranged.

  “Seriously, Red,” Sam persisted. “Why don’t you come out to my ranch and visit for a while?”

  “Sam…” Claudia propped herself up on her elbows to look at his face. They were lying next to each other on the picnic blanket. Sam was on his back. “I told you…I can’t. I just can’t afford to take so much time away from my agency.”

  “You’re dead sure of that, Red? You said yourself it’s a slow time just now.”

  “Dead sure,” she replied. “If I’m not there for too long it’ll all go to Hell, slow time or not. It took me a while to build it up. I don’t want to have to start all over again from square one.”

  “I’m not talkin’ about a long time. You sure you can’t spare a week? I’d really like to show you around my place.”

  She reached past him to pick up the last fried chicken leg, more to stall for time rather than because she was still hungry. She took a bite, chewed and swallowed, trying to look as if she were considering his suggestion.

  “No, I can’t spare it,” she said at last, shaking her head. “Jer has vacation time coming, but if I shut down for a week, Amanda has to go back to the temp agency. She’s trying hard, learning and really needs the job. It wouldn’t be fair to her.”

  “I suppose you know best about that, Red.” Sam sighed. He took her wrist in his hand and pulled it down so he could take his own bite out of the chicken leg. “But I really wish you’d change your mind. You’d love the desert.”

  Claudia smiled down at him. “No, I wouldn’t, Sam.”

  “How can you know that? You’ve told me all those stories about how you love the great outdoors.”

  Claudia sat up and unbuttoned the top three buttons of her shirt. She pulled the material apart a little. “What do you see?” she asked him.

  Sam sat up for a better look. “Not muc
h, Red…but it looks good to me.” He reached out to touch her with his fingertips, just below her neck. She felt her skin tingle where he touched her. “You’ve got beautiful skin, Red.”

  “Right,” she nodded. “But Sam…I don’t tan…I burn…and I freckle! God, how I freckle!”

  Sam slid his fingers down under the material of her shirt to the top of her breast. She shivered at that, but didn’t pull away. “I don’t recall seein’ any freckles, Red.”

  “No! You wouldn’t…now. I’ve been taking very good care of myself since I hit puberty when all of a sudden how I looked got a lot more important to me.”

  “But what about all that outdoors stuff you told me about? The fishing, the hunting?” Sam seemed genuinely puzzled.

  “Oh, Sam!” She laughed. “Most of that was in the fall or winter! I was all covered up to keep warm then! And haven’t you noticed how I’m dressed now? How I was dressed for the zoo? I was sure my hat would be a clue.”

  “I was kinda curious about that, Red,” Sam admitted. “But you looked so good no matter what you were wearin’ that I just let it go.” He withdrew his hand from under her shirt to caress her cheek. He sighed. “I really wish you could come visit.”

  “Maybe next year?”

  “I’m thinkin’ that maybe next year there’ll be somethin’ else keepin’ you from a visit, Red.”

  “Don’t push it, Sam. Please?”

  He sighed again and shrugged. “Okay, Red.” He leaned over to pull something out of the picnic basket. It was a spray can of whipped cream. “Ready for dessert?” he asked as he began to shake the can.

  “Dessert? There can’t be anything left in that basket!” She looked around at the plates of cheese, chicken bones and leftover fruits spread out around them.

  “No, there isn’t.” She knew what that grin of his meant…and that look in his eye.


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