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Wolfe's Sight

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by Shelby Lynn

  Wolfe’s Sight

  Haven’s Wolves

  Book Four

  Author: Shelby Lynn

  Editor: Caroline Kirby

  Artwork by JK Publishing, Inc.

  Published by JK Publishing, Inc.

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  To my fans! Thank you for your support! This one’s for you, Marie H. and Kim T!

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  Thank You,

  Shelby Lynn

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  I would love to hear from you!

  Table of Contents


  ~Chapter One

  ~Chapter Two

  ~Chapter Three

  ~Chapter Four

  ~Chapter Five

  ~Chapter Six

  ~Chapter Seven

  ~Chapter Eight

  ~Chapter Nine

  ~Chapter Ten

  ~Chapter Eleven

  ~Chapter Twelve

  ~Chapter Thirteen

  ~Chapter Fourteen

  ~Chapter Fifteen


  ~Books Available from Shelby Lynn

  ~Excerpt from Forever Levi

  ~Excerpt from Sawyer’s Hope

  ~Excerpt from Meridian Warriors

  ~Excerpt from Enough Time


  Teddy could remember every detail as if it were yesterday.

  Lance had been his best friend since they were pups. He had been adopted into the Pack at a very young age. When they both hit puberty and turned into their wolf counterparts, Lance also came into another power at the same time. That very evening was the first of many visions over the years. Unfortunately, there wasn’t anyone else in the Pack who would have believed the young men. Anything different was looked upon as wrong.

  He and Teddy did everything they could to prevent any of the tragic visions from happening. To the others, they just seemed lucky to have been in the right place at the right time. This worked until their Alpha, a mean brute of a man, started paying a little too close of attention to Teddy. Since Lance was always with him, Alpha Stan started to make both of their lives a living hell.

  Teddy had known from the time he was a teen he was destined to have a male mate. This hadn't bothered his friend in the least; Lance had known he was gay before he even had known it himself. Nothing would change their friendship. Especially not something like whom you were destined to love.

  Over the summer, the Alpha’s advances had become more violent in nature. In the Pack, he banished anyone who came forward with a gay mate. Many of the Pack disagreed with this decision. A mate was a sacred bond, and shouldn’t have been treated as a punishment.

  It was also the summer when Lance met Mandy’s mom. He had a vision from the Spirits after their first night together. A Weir should have never been able to have children with anyone other than their true mate.

  During this dream, Lance found out he not only had a daughter on the way from one night of passion, but he wouldn’t live long enough to see her born. His little girl would have a big part to play in the future of the wolves. Lance needed to know his friend would watch over his little girl. It was a lot to ask of his friend. He knew Teddy would have to leave the Pack, and it wasn’t easy for a wolf to be Packless.

  Teddy hadn't wanted to believe his friend’s vision; it was insanity to him. He had agreed in the end that if Lance truly were going to be a father, then he would watch over the little girl in his absence.

  It was not even two months after the vision that Lance indeed found out he was going to be a father. He set up an agreement with the mother to send money every month if she would agree to have the baby.

  Teddy didn’t think she even saw Lance again after the last meeting with a lawyer. It was only a week later when he died, protecting him from their Alpha. He had caught Teddy unaware, and after Teddy refused his sexual advance, the Alpha told him he would submit or die. He was in the process of trying to tear off his clothes. While Teddy was trying to fight him off, Lance came in and attacked the Alpha.

  The Alpha was too strong for Lance, and even after the shocked Teddy tried to help his friend, the Beta was the one who came upon the fight and ended up taking down the Alpha. Lance only lived long enough to explain what happened. The Alpha had ripped out his throat in his insanity for daring to come between him and his obsession.

  Teddy finished the story. There were tears in Mandy’s silver eyes as he looked deep into their depths. He knew the telling of it had been hard on his friend. She was the closest thing to a daughter he would ever have.

  “Thank you, Teddy, for giving up so much for me. Promise me—you will now become a part of any Pack you desire. I can’t help thinking we were never meant to walk this path without a strong Pack behind us. I never want to stand in the way of you finding your own mate and Pack to support you. I know Haven would be delighted for you to become a member of our Pack,” she told him. They had taken her in. Even before knowing she was a dormant wolf and Seer.

  “You are like a daughter to me. Please know—I wouldn’t change a thing. It brought you into my life. Although my time was short with your father before his death—as my first best friend, and the father of an amazing woman—he will be forever remembered. Honestly, we didn’t know the things that would happen all those years later. My only regret was the “Ass” of a stepfather you had growing up. I would have killed him, if I could have,” he told her with so much passion in his voice. The thought of anyone hurting this beautiful young woman, it made him fighting mad!

  “I know, Teddy,” was all Mandy managed to get out before the dizzy feeling came back with a vengeance. Then she felt herself let go of her human body. It was as if she was once again in a long hallway. With each step she took toward the light at the end of the tunnel, the more determined she was to find out what the hell was going on! After walking down the seemingly endless hallway, she finally reached the end. Mandy found herself standing before three identical doors. She knew each one was to a different future. What would happen if she opened the wrong door? Mandy thought, with a little fear she wasn’t afraid to admit to herself.

  From the sounds coming from each of the doors, it was apparent her friends were in a heap of trouble. Mandy closed her eyes and let her wolf take over completely for the very first time. She reached for the door, and opened it with a gasp coming from deep inside of her… So this was their future, Mandy thought. A voice warned of telling them too much too fast. It could change the outcome—not for the better. It warned her sternly.


  It was finally done—she knew his big secret. However, something was very wrong. Mandy was swaying in front of him, and then she was falling. Before he could reach out for her, Mandy’s mate flew past him and caught her before she hit the floor. He cradled her within his arms, as if she was the most precious thing imaginable. Which she was, Teddy thought.

  “She knows everything now? Maybe it was just too much for her with everything happening to her today.” Simon pulled her close within his arms. He was thankful they were in a private room. It would have been hard to explain to the humans who were having dinner within the main part of the restaurant.

  “Yes—but really I only just began to tell her of my past, and how my life was so intertwined with her own. I had no idea she would turn out to be a Seer. She had always just been my very proud friend. You will not find a more independent woman than our Mandy.”

  Teddy just hoped they were going to be okay. He valued her friendship more than he could ever say.

  Mandy’s movement pulled him out of his thoughts.

  “Are you okay?” Teddy asked his friend as her eyes focused on him. She had been given quite a shock passing out like that.

  “Yes—I just had a vision, and it overwhelmed me is all. I am fine. You can put me down, Simon,” she told the man who was holding her so effortlessly. Although, she would much rather have stayed right where she was, she thought. Did that make her shameful? After the day she had, honestly, she couldn’t care less. Wow, she was really starting to like this new assertive side of herself. Even if it was only in her own mind for the moment, as she sighed to herself.

  “What if I don’t want to let you go,” he whispered into her ear. He loved the way her cheeks flushed red in reaction to his words. She was more precious to him by the moment.

  “Now, you two are making me blush just looking at you. Simon, I think of Mandy as a daughter, so please don’t make me act like a protective dad. I don’t even need to remind you of the Mating Ceremony. This is something I know her dad would have insisted on, even though it is a little old-fashioned,” said Teddy. It was one of those traditions that have gone by the way side. Teddy knew if he ever found his mate then he would want to go through the ceremony himself. He would have to talk to Alpha Haven to see if they practiced it within his Pack. If not, it was about time they did, Teddy thought.

  “I think Teddy’s idea is perfect. In fact, I am going to talk to Alpha Haven just as soon as we return, my beautiful mate. Mandy, would you do me the honor of agreeing to a Mating Ceremony?” Simon asked. His hands were sweating as if he was some young wolf.

  “What exactly is a Mating Ceremony?” she asked.

  “Well, it is the Weir Community’s form of a marriage. It is performed by the Alpha of the Pack, and you exchange vows much like a human marriage. The only difference is the blood-bonding at the end of the Ceremony. It is rumored when the Spirits bless mates, identical tattoos will show on each of the mates. Honestly, I haven’t seen one done since I was a boy. It is past time we took back this tradition,” Simon told her.

  “It sounds so romantic. I would love to go through the Mating Ceremony with you,” Mandy told him with so much emotion shining in her silver eyes for the man before her.

  For the rest of the evening they enjoyed each other’s company. Simon talked about his family and business back in California, stopping to assure Teddy he was indeed happy to move his business to Washington and make a home in Haven’s Pack. The evening flew by as the men got to know one another better. They both discovered they had a lot in common themselves and were on the way to becoming friends.

  Mandy was so glad her best friend and her mate were getting along so well. They would all need each other in the coming months if her vision rang true. It was something she needed to think about before discussing it with anyone. She wanted to make sure it was indeed a true vision. Until Wolfe returned from his latest mission, she wouldn’t know for sure. If she heard Haven right the other day, then he wouldn’t be back for several weeks.

  For now though, she would just enjoy her newfound love, and learn just what it meant to be a Shifter and a Seer. Her friend would fit right in with the guys, and she would let nature take its course. She wouldn’t mind a little romance herself, and she had no doubt Simon would show her just what it meant to be loved.

  Chapter One

  Two months later

  Teddy watched his friend walk out of her room. He didn’t know how she could be any more beautiful than in this moment. Her happiness shined from deep inside. Today was she and Simon’s Mating Ceremony. Just as they had talked about two months ago—the idea had been brought before the Alpha. They agreed wholeheartedly; it was a tradition they would like to be a part of reviving, but neither had ever seen it performed. After a month of research on the Alpha’s part and courting on Simon’s, the day had finally arrived for them.

  It was a time of romance and self-discovery for Mandy. From long walks to candlelit dinners, she had never felt so cherished. Simon was holding himself back and giving her the time to get to know him. His slightest touch turned her inside out, and she could tell her soft touch did the same as his body trembled in response. She had never felt sexy in her life until Simon’s eyes caressed her body. With each day that passed, her love grew stronger and stronger for her mate. The time wouldn’t come soon enough for their Mating Ceremony.

  After Haven found the Ancient Book with the Ceremonial Bindings, there was a great celebration. All the mated couples insisted on having a ceremony themselves, after Mandy’s of course. The Blackwood Alpha was coming down at the end of the month to perform Haven’s and Garrett’s, then Haven would do the same for them. It was an exciting time in the Pack, and everything seemed to be going so well without a hint of trouble.

  Simon had gone straight to work on the Sanctuary, and it was close to completion. In fact, Garrett had received his first call through the anonymous hotline for help from a wolf on the run from his insane Alpha. A lone wolf named Ethan Clarke had called last night to say he had escaped from the man. He was on the run, and in heap of trouble.

  Wolfe, one of the members of the Pack, was just coming in from a mission. When he called last night to tell them all he would indeed make it back for the Ceremony, Haven told him about the wolf on the run. He had insisted on going himself when he found out the man was in a Pack he had dealt with before. Wolfe was going to leave straight after the Ceremony and meet the hurt wolf at the coordinates the wolf had given them.

  Teddy still didn’t know anything about Wolfe, other than all the remarkable things the men told him he had done to help wolves in trouble. In his mind, he rather built him up to be one of his “Heroes” he wrote about in his books. Now he was going to find out for himself tonight if the man was anything like the legend he’d built him up to be. Okay—so maybe he was looking for a “Hero” himself. Who wouldn’t if they were given half a chance? as his thoughts came back to the beauty standing before him.

  “How do I look?” Mandy asked. She spun in a circle to show off the beautiful pale-blue dress her mate had given her for the occasion. It was the most gorgeous thing she had ever worn.

  Mandy was stunning in the pale-blue dress, a perfect contrast to her long blond curls and silver eyes. “You look gorgeous, my girl. You are going to knock the socks right off your man tonight. I am so proud of you, Mandy. Ever since Haven found out the true meaning of the Mating Ceremony, it has been on my mind a lot. If something were to happen to Simon, I don’t know what I would do without my dearest friend,” he told her with so much emotion.

  “Teddy, honestly, without Simon in my life, it wouldn’t be worth living. The Ancient texts do give instances of pregnant mates or ones with young children living until the children no longer need them. They die quickly to be with their loved one. I can understand both sides. I wouldn’t want to be without Simon, yet I couldn’t abandon my children either. We feel it is indeed the right choice for both of us. I have come to love him, more than
I ever imagined possible. Truly, my friend, if I died today, I would be a happy woman, but I hope for many more happy days ahead,” Mandy told him with a smile.

  “As do I, my love,” Simon told her as he walked up quietly behind his beautiful mate, and took in her beauty and goodness for all to see. “My love, you look incredibly beautiful. I just knew that dress was made for you. Are you ready to get started?” he asked. His hands itched to touch those hourglass curves shown off perfectly in the gown.

  “Yes—I’ve never been more certain, Simon,” she told him with all her love shining in her silver eyes.

  Teddy followed them down to the Meeting Room, where everything was arranged for them. There was already excitement in the air; the Pack was in celebration of the upcoming mating. The mated pairs in attendance were very fortunate to have found the persons they would love for the remainder of their lives.

  The single wolves looked on in hope of someday finding their own fated mate.

  Chapter Two

  The last two months had been very long but necessary to the Dream Weaver Sanctuary, building it to become everything they wanted it to be. Wolfe had literally been nothing more than a spy, as he went from Pack to Pack handing out cards, which were secretly for anyone in any type of danger. The Council had sent him to a certain person within each Pack who could be trusted with the information. They would start circulating them to anyone within their reach who needed help, or were aware of someone in need. It was just a start to get the hotline up and working that they had setup back at the Sanctuary.

  Even in the modern day Packs, there was too much violence and prejudice for all types of offenses. Wolfe was determined to help anyone in a bad situation. He had left a Pack for just the same reason—their outdated prejudice. They were still a long way from reaching all the Packs across America. When he had first talked to Councilor Jackson about this job, it had seemed endless. Now two months later, he had already made it through the four states nearest to Washington. Now it was time to head home for his Packs first Mating Ceremony.


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