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Wolfe's Sight

Page 10

by Shelby Lynn

  “You are perfect, my mate. Now—you call Alpha Haven, and I’ll get on the phone to find out when the next plane out is,” he told her.

  Mandy watched her handsome mate walk across the room in the nude. Hell—it took all her willpower not to follow that amazing body. The things he had taught her were still vivid in her mind. With a shake to clear her head, she knew this wasn’t the time to think about her body’s need. She quickly walked over to her purse and pulled out her phone. She already had the Pack on speed-dial. Within in seconds she could hear the phone ringing on the other end.

  “Now, Mandy, you are supposed be on your honeymoon in some very warm place if I remember right,” Lucas teased her.

  “Lucas, this is really important. Is Alpha Haven around?”

  “He is in the office with Garrett. I think they are on a conference call. Is there anything I can do?” Lucas asked.

  “I had a vision, Lucas. I really need to talk to the Alpha. Can he be interrupted?” Mandy asked.

  “I’ll go and knock on the door. Can you give me a second, and I’ll run down there? They will pick-up in the office I am sure,” he told her.

  “Sure, Lucas, I’m not going anywhere,” Mandy replied.

  Lucas walked down the hallway to the office door and knocked.

  Garrett heard the knock and went to see who was on the other side. Haven had been on the conference call for over an hour now with Councilor Jackson. When he opened the door to Lucas standing there, he knew something was going on.

  “Sorry to bother you, Alpha Mate, but Mandy is on the phone and she said it was an emergency. She had a vision,” Lucas told him.

  “Is she still on the phone?” Garrett asked.

  “Yes—she wanted to wait. She was very adamant about talking to Alpha Haven,” Lucas told him.

  “Alright—thanks, Lucas. I’ll have Haven pick it up right now,” he said, thanked him again, and then closed the office door once again. Garrett then turned back to where his mate was still talking to the Counselor.

  “Is everything okay?” Haven asked his mate.

  “Mandy is on the phone. She needs to talk to you immediately. She had a vision and just called,” Garrett told him.

  “Councilor Jackson, do you mind if I take this call from Mandy? It could be very important,” Haven asked him, not wanting to be rude not including him.

  “Please do, Alpha Haven. If the Seer is calling then I am sure it is very important,” Councilor Jackson told him.

  Haven picked up the phone. “Mandy, how is Hawaii?”

  “It is beautiful—but I miss our forest home as well. Now to the reason I am calling. Alpha, I just had a vision. Something this coming to hurt the Pack, and somehow Teddy is involved. I couldn’t tell who was coming—it was as if they were shielded somehow. Is Teddy okay?” she asked worriedly.

  “He is actually great. He found another mate, and his name is Ethan Clarke. He was the man who was in trouble and coming to the Sanctuary. I think we have a little trouble heading our way,” Haven told her.

  “That is what I felt as well. Simon is finding us a flight back to Washington right now. I need to be there for my friend,” Mandy told her Alpha and boss.

  “I understand—we are going into lockdown mode for a while though, Mandy. It might be safer for you to stay where you are for now.”

  “I’m sorry, Alpha—I’m needed at home right now. My vision showed me that much, Alpha. It is something I cannot ignore,” Mandy replied.

  “I understand duty, Mandy. We just hate for you to cut your honeymoon short. We have no idea when this might happen. Honestly, I don't have any confirmed reports on an attack,” Haven told her. He knew he wouldn't change her mind. She was too duty-bound like the rest of his amazing Pack.

  “Thanks for understanding, Alpha. I need to be there. Honestly, I couldn't explain it even if I tried,” Mandy told him.

  “We'll see you both soon,” Haven told her.

  Mandy hung up the phone and quickly dressed. The things Alpha Haven told her weighing heavily on her mind. She knew now why she couldn't see her dreams clearly. It had to be the dark magic shielding itself against any kind of interference. It was very unsettling to know she had been shielded from seeing her friend’s other mate for this reason. Did that means he wasn't trustworthy or was he just an innocent bystander in this situation? Mandy couldn’t help wondering.

  Simon stood watching his mate for a moment before saying anything. He could easily feel her worry over the situation, and wanted nothing more than to hold her within his loving arms. Instead he walked over to her. “Mandy we can fly out in an hour, my love,” Simon told her.

  “That is great! I'm sorry I ruined our honeymoon,” she told her husband.

  “You could never ruin anything, Mandy. As long as we are together, it doesn't matter where we are, my love. I'll always be beside you to support you,” he said with a smile.

  Mandy leaned in, and pulled his head down for a kiss. She would make it up to him. It was with a reluctant sigh she pulled away to get their stuff together.

  In less than ten minutes, they were pulling out of the Sunrise Resort and heading toward the airport. She knew they still had time. At least the vision had told her that much. They would be behind the walls of the Dream Weaver Sanctuary before anything happened. Still so much she didn't understand. Only time would bring those answers to them all.


  Wolfe and his mates were pulling into the Sanctuary with his friends close behind them. With magic coming into play, he was glad to be back on familiar territory. Wolfe was never one to run from any situation. However, this time was different from anything he had ever handled. His second mate was in extreme danger, and they had already dealt with the after-effects of magic once before. It was only by sheer strength of the Alphas’ Dragons that saved them. He would be lying if he weren’t worried for both of his mates.

  He wasn't even sure how to explain what happened next. His wolf even whined for a moment as he felt something much stronger come forward in his mind. It was just waiting to be acknowledged.

  From within him he heard a voice, ‘You have nothing to worry over my counterpart. Until this moment, I have stayed in the background. I can no longer do this with our mates in danger. I am a protector of old and now a part of you. My brethren are within your mates as well. We are mighty fighters of the sky, the once lost Caucasian Eagles. We are now a part of each you. We will fight to the death to protect our family.’

  Wolfe could tell from the shocked feelings coming from his mates that they were talking with their own counterparts. They all stepped out of the Charger at the same time. To anyone looking, the three of them just disappeared in a sparkling cloud into the bright afternoon sky. They reappeared seconds later, as gigantic eagles with the wingspan of a small plane. To their friends below, they were as large as the Alphas’ Dragon forms. The three took up a large part of the sky above, and then just as quickly they disappeared into thin air.

  “They were magnificent. What are they?” Johnny asked.

  “Honestly, I don't know. I have never seen any eagles that big. Then again just how many unicorns have you seen, well, besides us?” he teased his mate.

  “You do have a point there, my mate. I guess we had better get inside, and tell Alpha Haven what just happened.” He was still reeling over the changes happening within their Pack. They could use all the help they could get, was his last thought before heading inside.


  There was nothing like the feeling of riding the waves of air surrounding them. Wolfe could feel the joy of each of his mates as they flew through the air. They had fallen in behind him in formation. A kind of hierarchy they had instinctively agreed to with Wolfe as their appointed leader. They were fully aware of what was going on around them, and within moments they disappeared from sight. It was instinctive as well—like they had all done it many times before.

  ‘This is amazing, my mates,’ Wolfe whispered within their minds.

  ‘I couldn’t understand what was happening, the first-time I transformed into my Eagle. Now I know my counterpart saved me from a certain death. He is very strong—he was just dormant until I needed him,’ Ethan told them. It was amazing to know what had happened.

  ‘You are amazing, Ethan, never doubt that. You have given us both a wonderful gift as well, my mate. Our counterparts are more than willing to fight in times of trouble. Their strength inside of us will be needed if war comes our way,’ Teddy told his second mate. This was one of the most amazing experiences he had ever been given.

  ‘We had better get back to the Sanctuary. We have already flown many, many miles away from it. Sawyer and Johnny will be freaking out on us. I know they saw us before we did the whole invisible thing. I’m just glad we were all outside of the car before we turned. Can you just imagine what the car would look-like right now?’ Wolfe teased. One thing he did notice was just how much better his sight had gotten with the change. He could see for miles ahead of him. It was an amazing gift. He wondered if he would now have it in human form as well.

  His counterpart answered that for him. ‘As the leader of the Caucasian Eagle Clan, you now have the unique ability to see farther than any other being on earth. You are the protector of not only your own mates now, but also the other fledglings out there in the world. There are many in this world that are dormant, as we once were. You are their leader, protector and it is within you to find these lost souls. This sight has a dual purpose. Now you can see the enemy coming from many miles away, but you will also be able to find the members of your clan.

  ‘We are a part of the Dream Weavers, I have read in your mind. It was once our home as well—until the Demonian slowly killed our homeland. The others may have lost their memories of the torture our lands and people went through at their hands. My people's memories are imprinted within our DNA. With every rebirth, the memories are kept safe to carry on. The destruction of our world was not a pretty one, Wolfe. I will not let this happen to our new world as well. My brethren will share this with your mates as well. The Spirits have chosen well in our mates. They are both strong, and have heroes’ hearts. Now it is time to go back. The Dream Weaver Sanctuary is our home.’

  Wolfe spoke softly into his mates’ minds, ‘It is time to go home.’

  He turned them easily back in the direction of the Sanctuary.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Magnesia listened to the Alpha complain until she couldn’t stand it another second. With a few words under her breath, and the flick of her hand, she cut off his voice. It was truly the most satisfying thing she could think of. Her plan was working perfectly. She just needed the Alpha as more of a diversion than anything. He was so wrapped up in finding the man, so she could cure him of the “evil” curse put upon him, that it was all she could do not to laugh her head off at his ignorance.

  She was using him for her own purpose. The last drink he had stopped to get now contained demon blood. The Alpha would drink it before they reached Washington. It would slowly seep into his veins and start to change him. With the other Alpha it had taken time, weeks before his true nature came out. With this one, it would be days at the most, and it should start before the night was over. Her own dark magic had hurried it along the way.

  The paranoid Alpha would go beyond insane once the blood took effect, giving her time to kidnap the one she was after. During the fight would be the perfect time to use her magic to bind him, and portal him away before they even knew she was there. It was the perfect plan. Now all she had to do was get him to the cabin for the night. If everything went according to plan, the change would happen while he was sleeping. With a sleeping spell, he wouldn’t even know what happened until it was far too late.

  With a cruel twist of her lips, she laid back and closed her eyes for the rest of the ride. She had already told him they were stopping for the night, and where. He had no idea his obsession was only a few miles away.


  Sawyer and Shannon walked into the Alpha’s house to the sound of a child’s laughter, along with the giggles of a little boy. When they followed the sounds into the living area, they found most of the Pack and their friends there. They were all watching the little boy entertain the little girl.

  Alpha Haven noticed them at the doorway.

  “Where are Wolfe and his mates?” Haven asked him.

  “Well that is an interesting story, Alpha. We had just pulled into the driveway when we noticed them get out of Wolfe’s car. One moment they were there, and then the next they were not. They were all engulfed in a shimmering light, and then all three transformed into the biggest damn eagles I have ever seen. They took off into the sky, and literally disappeared before our very eyes,” Sawyer told the Pack.

  “Damn—there is no doubt they are some type of Dream Weaver then. I wonder what kind?” Haven said more to himself than anyone else.

  Wolfe and his mates walked in the room just then.

  “Alpha—I can answer that question,” he told Alpha Haven.

  “Wolfe, we are glad to see that you and your mates are back safe. Please tell us what you have learned, my friend,” said Alpha Haven.

  “We have learned a lot in a very short time. Please—bear with me on the story.” He began telling his counterpart’s story.

  “They are called Caucasian Eagles, and they are a part of the Dream Weaver Legacy. There is one difference between the Caucasian Eagles and other Dream Weavers. When they are ‘reborn,’ as my counterpart calls it, their memories of the Caucasian Eagles of the past are passed down to them through their DNA.

  “My counterpart is the leader of the Caucasian Eagle Clan. His memories are strong of the destruction of their world. He did tell me there are many others in our world who are part of the Eagle Clan but are dormant. It is as we had hoped, we just have to find them before the Demons do. He did tell me that I have within my sight to find other dormant Eagle shifters of the Clan. My eyesight has drastically changed as well. It is a protective feature of the Clan Leader, my counterpart told me.

  “That is all I know right now,” finished Wolfe.

  “Well congratulations are in order. You are an Alpha now in your own right. I want you to know you are always a part of my Pack as well. I am so proud you were chosen to represent your counterpart’s clan. I can feel the approval from my mate as well,” Haven told him happily.

  “I am so happy to find other Dream Weaver brothers as well. As Co-leader to the Dream Weaver’s, I welcome you as well,” Garrett told him happily.

  “As do I,” said Shannon from across the room. As he went on to say, “You are all brothers to be cherished. We are so glad to have an appointed leader for your clan. It has been my hope to find more of our kind out in the world. The Spirits did speak of more of us out in the world. I guess it just feels great to finally have it confirmed. It sounds like we couldn’t have picked a better time to get the Sanctuary up and going. Every one of them is in danger,” Shannon told them. He was now more sure than ever. The Spirits had entrusted him and Garrett with a very important task. It was good to know they would have a little extra help along the way as well.

  “Thank you all for accepting this new part of me and my mates. We will do everything within our powers to help keep our Pack safe. If we are lucky enough to find more of the Caucasian Eagle Clan then we’ll be doubly blessed,” Wolfe told them proudly. The Haven’s Wolves Pack would always be his family.

  With another round of congratulations from everyone, the newly mated trio was finally able to sneak away for a little quiet time. Once they were out of the living room, they raced up the stairs in anticipation.

  It only took moments until they were behind the closed door of Wolfe’s room. Teddy and Ethan each took one of Wolfe’s hands and led him to the big bed. When they were just a few feet from the bed, they both stopped. Ethan was so anxious to touch his mates, and see their naked bodies in all their muscular glory. Teddy made quick work of Wolfe’s shirt, ripping it right
off his body in the rush to see his mate, hearing the buttons ping off the furniture and floor. Ethan took his place, slowly looking Wolfe over, admiring what he saw. Ethan leaned in to the crook where Wolfe’s neck and shoulder came together and inhaled his scent. Then he slowly licked his flesh there where he planned to mark him, tasting his skin. A growl started up Ethan’s throat, his wolf appreciating his mate’s tastes. From there, Ethan dragged his tongue, with licks and kisses, on a path first to Wolfe’s nipple, biting down on the hardened tip, eliciting a moan from Wolfe, and then continued to lick and kiss his way down to Wolfe’s hip, taking a bite and licking away the sting. Now on his knees, Ethan licked his way along the waistband of Wolfe’s button fly jeans, enjoying the taste of his mate. Pulling back, Ethan reached down and took off Wolfe’s shoes, first the right foot then the left, leaving Wolfe only in his jeans. Sitting back on his heels, Ethan admired the incredible piece of man in front of him. Watching Teddy move closer to their mate, Ethan saw Teddy slowly lower Wolfe’s zipper, the room silent except for the quick breaths coming from Wolfe, who stood there not moving, waiting to see what would happen next. Ethan watched as Teddy dropped to his knees next to him, and slowly pulled his jeans off his hips, down his muscular thighs, down his calves to his feet, where Teddy directed Wolfe to step out of his jeans. Both he and Teddy admired the fact Wolfe was commando.

  Teddy just wished his clothes would disappear so he could be naked along with Wolfe, when around his body he began to feel a tingling sensation. As quickly as the tingling started, it stopped and suddenly, his clothes piled neatly on the dresser a few feet away.

  “Shit, how did you do that?” Ethan asked in shock. In all his years, he had never witnessed such a thing. It was another blessing the Warrior Spirits had gifted them.

  “I’m not even sure. I just wished they were off, and all of sudden they were,” Teddy told him. The surprise was evident in his voice. It was a very handy gift, but sometimes he knew he would personally enjoy undressing his mates.


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