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Galaxy Warrior Tyce: Alien Abduction: Galaxy Series 9

Page 11

by K. L. Wallen

  “Don’t pull Justin into this. Not yet. I’m his guardian and the decision is mine.” Carlie didn’t like Tyce pressuring her by using her brother. “I need some time to digest all of this.”

  “I’ll take you to guest quarters where you can rest.” Tyce saw the clear distress on her face and added. “You are not a prisoner.”

  “Says the alien who knocked me out, and brought me here against my will.”

  “Carlie, I am sorry for that. We’ll meet with you after you rest and have time to think. I’m sure you have questions and concerns.” He handed her a data pad. Since meeting her, Tyce has been captivated by her green eyes and this moment in time was no different. He sent a silent prayer to the gods and goddesses to provide him the correct words to say. “I’ll show you how to work this. You can record everything you would like to ask us and have clarified. We’ll meet with you later this evening when you are ready.”

  “Okay. She bid Stacy, Favian, and Ivanoff farewell.” Carlie accepted the data pad, “Thank you.” She followed Tyce to guest quarters. “Who had this data pad before me?”

  Tyce looked at her questioningly but answered. “There was a young Earth female, Dakota, and her mother, Christine, up here for a day. They’ve gone onto the Guardian and are being transported to Pzianian. They agreed to go.”

  Carlie ran her hand over the unit. “She speaks to ghosts.” She held her hand still on the top of the unit and asked, “Were they pressured to go?”

  Tyce vigorously shook his head. “No. In fact, Dakota was very excited. She and her mother are both ghost whisperers. They’ve had a tough time on your planet. Particularly young Dakota.” He opened the guest room and ordered the computer to accept her palm print for the guest quarters, entertainment, training, and cafeteria.

  “Carlie, Dakota and Christine will be treated like royalty on our planet. Their gifts will be revealed only to those they choose to share the knowledge. Leader Thalmar, who leads all of Pzianian, is very excited to discover persons such as Dakota, Christine, you, and Justin. He wishes to offer you a new life, new employment, a new start. Think of your questions and we will answer them all.” What Tyce really wanted to do was pull her into an embrace, and assure her everything would be fine.

  “Wait,” Carlie requested and walked the few steps to Tyce before he left. She reached out and touched his bare arm with her hand. She needed to know if he were telling the truth. Carlie received more than expected.

  “Did the touch answer your pressing question?” Tyce quirked the corners of his mouth up and hoped that she picked up how much he desires her and wants to do right by her and Justin.

  Carlie nodded. “Yes. I’ll see you later.”

  Chapter 16

  “So far I’ve been pepper sprayed, had horned lizards try to neuter me, and had crustaceans try to separate my skin from my calf bone. Yes, I’m up for another try with Gabriella Mendez-Powers,” Blaize declared with confidence. “This time I located the safest place possible. A park for younglings. There’s a picnic area, a playground, and a petting zoo.”

  Adal looked at Blaize with concern. “A petting zoo? Is my translator working correctly? Isn’t that a place with various forms of lower life?”

  “Yes,” Blaize boasted. “It’s a place for younglings to interact with these lower life forms. If the humans can trust their younglings to be around these beasts, then they must be safe. I have already deduced that any place in the city is not safe.” He seemed truly pleased with himself.

  Adal looked even more perplexed. “Then why not the country? Perhaps an isolated place with woods and a lake?”

  Blaize had not considered that. “That sounds nice but it is still wilderness. I want a controlled environment. Perhaps, next time,” he told her in a conciliatory tone. “Besides, there is no time to find such a location and give Gabriella directions. She will be arriving at the petting zoo soon.”

  Adal decided to withhold any more comments for the time. She already knew there would be plenty of time to comment when he returned. Now she needs to calculate how many minutes until his return to the transporter and place her bet.


  “Hey, what are you doing in today? Don’t you have some big weekend plans?” Gabriella asked Maria as she opened the door to their office.

  “Got some overtime. Boss man has me filing. So where’s the jinxed Mr. Pulten taking you this time?” The receptionist avidly listened as Gabriella provided the details. She laughed as she asked Gabriella to say again.

  “A petting zoo. That’s where he wants to meet for lunch,” Gabriella repeated with a disbelieving expression.

  “Hasn’t the poor man had enough already?” Maria rhetorically asked with glee. “I wish I were going along. You’ve got to tell me what happens when you get back. Oh, if only I hadn’t agreed to do the filing.” Maria truly looked regretful.

  Gabriella retrieved her client’s folder from her office and waved to Maria on the way out. “I’ll let you know. If I don’t come by here afterwards, I’ll text you.”


  “Ms. Powers,” Blaize said softly as he confidently strode to her.

  “Mr. Pulten,” she replied and held out her hand. “I must say, this is a unique choice of place for a meeting. I haven’t been to a children’s zoo in ages.” She was dressed in business casual, beige slacks, an ombre brown and beige short sleeve blouse with a bit of lace on the outer edge of the modest V-neck collar, and two-inch, light brown, open toed strappy sandals. Her hair fell free around her shoulders in a sexy and carefree style. Gabriella looked like she just walked out of a fashion magazine, but not made up. She wore mascara, inner-rim mascara that was enough to highlight her eyes but not make them hard or scary in any way, and a touch of nude-blush lipstick.

  Blaize appreciated that Gabriella took time to dress nicely and didn’t look like any of the painted women at the psychic fair. Well, except Tyce’s female, Carlie. She too was simply styled and not ostentatious. It fit her well. Blaize recalled his conversation with some of the other warriors after the fair, and how they all debated how long it would take to remove the putty from the females’ faces and necks.

  He pulled out the currency card Ivanoff had given him and handed it to the female in the booth as instructed. He waited for her to return the card and slips of paper, which they would use to gain entrance. He properly thanked the female and offered his arm to Gabriella.

  Gabriella looked at his bent arm and decided he’s probably only being a gentleman because of the gravel and her short heels. She wrapped her hand under and then over his arm. She noticed the way his muscles flexed as she did this and she admired the power in his biceps and forearms. Gabriella saw that he didn’t have a picnic basket with him and hoped they would sell more than snacks in the park. She had a light breakfast, hours ago and was quite hungry.

  “What services do you require Mr. Pulten?” She realized how that sounded and amended, “Professional services.” Gabriella sucked her lips in and tried again. “In the capacity of a consultant.” She turned her head and smiled up at him. She liked that he was taller. Most of her clients were the same height or shorter. That meant she couldn’t wear heels around them out of fear of damaging their male pride. Gabriella also liked that Mr. Pulten weighed more than she, by a good hundred and thirty or forty pounds of pure muscle.

  “The male that followed you here, do you want me to get rid of him?” Blaize offered.

  “He won’t disturb us. I’ll take care of the matter later,” she glanced over her shoulder and saw Detective Lance Crawford paying for a ticket. “I’m sorry about him showing up.”

  “Is he your male?”

  “Nope. Not at all,” Gabriella answered honestly and changed the subject back to what services Mr. Pulten requires.

  Blaize glanced back at the detective and sized him up. He had seen him many times, from afar. This was the first up close and personal look he got at his competition. He was sorely tempted to go beat on him, knock some of that pretty o
ff his face, transport him to the ship, and toss his ass out an airlock. For the sake of their first date, he didn’t. But he inwardly pledged to have a word or several with his fists later on.

  “Would you like something to eat?” Blaize looked at the nearby booths but didn’t know if the food items listed were acceptable cuisine or not.

  Gabriella looked at the poor choices and merrily stated she would love some unbuttered popcorn and a diet soda. That appeared to be the least messy choice. She led him over to a booth and ordered.

  Blaize ordered the same and handed his currency card to the vendor. He held out his arm to Gabriella and when she didn’t accept it, he figured it was because both of her hands were full. He spotted a table and benches and went to them.

  Gabriella munched on the popcorn as she watched the children go into the pet pens. “They are cute,” she remarked.

  “The younglings or the beasts?”

  She cocked her head at his choice of words. “Both,” she replied.

  He observed the beasts and knew he had made a correct choice. None of those beasts appeared in the least bit threatening. Blaize narrowed his eyes and read the name of the animal, Alpaca. “Those alpacas are quite docile. The parents must be pleased with how gentle they are.” He knew he was making small talk but figured it was better than silence.

  “Alpacas are gentle creatures. Would you like to go in and pet one? I never have and have wondered what their coat feels like,” she stood and held out her hand.

  Blaize didn’t really want to go in there, but she was offering her hand. He couldn’t say no. He took her delicate outstretched hand into his larger one and wrapped his fingers around hers. “Your hands are so soft,” he remarked in absolute awe.

  “Thanks. Now come on,” she tugged on his hand and he lifted out of the chair and followed her in.


  “Is that beast spitting on him?” Adal exclaimed in disbelief.

  “Repeatedly,” Rort laughingly remarked.

  Adal continued to watch their security officer. “Did any of you see it spit on anyone else?”

  As if in one fluid motion, all the warriors on the bridge moved closer to the front view screen.

  “There it goes again,” Maxon stated with disgust.

  “He’s out of there,” Adal interjected. “Look, Gabriella’s handed him napkins.” Adal watched as Gabriella took more napkins and wiped off the spit that landed on Blaize’s backside. “Look, she’s leading him to another pen. These beasts look like the other ones, but bigger. Do you think they spit also? Computer. What kind of animal is that?”

  “A llama,” the computer answered.

  “That detective that has been following Kodiak’s daughter appears to be enjoying Blaize’s discomfort,” Ivanoff observed.

  Dorn started laughing. “Seems this breed of beast wants to mate with Blaize. Look it’s jumping on him and trying to mount our security officer.”

  “Oh, now he’s trying to follow Blaize out of the enclosure,” one of the warriors announced.

  “Isn’t that sweet. Gabriella is now brushing the dust off Blaize’s back,” Adal cooed.

  After a few minutes, Adal asked the computer what type of animal that was that was in the next enclosure Blaize and Gabriella entered.

  “Chickens,” replied the computer.

  “These ones don’t appear to spit and don’t seem to have any sexual interest in humanoids. Chicken?” Dorn recalled chicken being a food favorite. “Interesting that they keep food they eat as petting companions,” he remarked.

  They watched as a youngling about 10 cycles old repeatedly picked up one of the chickens and tossed it up in the air trying to get it to fly.

  “Oh,” Adal groaned as the bird was frantically flapping its wings and heading straight for Blaize’s head.


  Maria ignored the ringing phone, after all, it was Saturday, and Gabriella just returned. “What happened?” She was anxious to hear the details.

  “He partially de-feathered a chicken and we were kicked out.” Gabriella was shaking her head all the way down the hallway to her office. “He says we’ll try again in a couple of days,” she called back.

  “Do you know what he needs your services for yet?” Maria hollered.



  Gabriella tidied up her desk and exited the office. “Detective, trailing me?”

  Detective Lance Crawford had pulled his vehicle up along the curb by the entrance and was standing next to his vehicle. He picked a large bag up off the hood of his car and waved to two blue fold-up polyester sport chairs that he had set up on the lawn to the side of the building. “I brought lunch. Thought you might be hungry,” he opened the bag to release the aroma of toasted Philly Cheesesteak. “You can’t live off of popcorn. Come and sit with me, please.”

  “Did you bring anything to drink?”

  Lance handed her the bag and retrieved two lite beers from a cooler in his car. “I’m off duty today,” he uttered as he ushered her to the two chairs.

  Gabriella never was a shy eater. She practically devoured half of her sandwich before she stopped to take a swig of her beer and to let out a long exhausted breath. “This is good. Thank you.” She took another bite of her sandwich and downed another swig of her beer. “You know you need to stop.”

  “I wish I could.” Lance handed her a couple more napkins. “Gabriella, I can’t stop thinking about you. I’m not referring to a professional reason. I’m attracted to you and I believe you’re attracted to me. Am I wrong?”

  Gabriella set her beer on the grass next to the chair. “Lance, I would be lying if I said I haven’t thought about you, but,”

  He interrupted, “But? Not the but. Gabriella, I’m not asking you about your extracurricular activities. I only want us to go out on a date like any normal couple.”

  “We’re not any normal couple and you know that. I’m sorry.” She stood and looked down at the mouthwatering detective. “You really are gorgeous detective. I, ah, I just can’t.” Gabriella folded the remainder of her sandwich in the napkins and walked away.

  “Gabriella,” he waited before she made it to the parking lot to call her name.

  Gabriella turned around and looked at the handsome officer. She didn’t reply, only waited to hear what he had to say.

  “Friendship?” he asked. When she shrugged her shoulders, he spoke up before she could reject the idea, “We can give it a try. Let’s pretend we’re old school friends.”

  “I don’t know if that will be possible,” Gabriella sighed. She looked down and studied the curb for several seconds before raising her head. “Don’t get pushy,” she finished and briefly wondered if she hadn’t just made a major mistake.

  Lance Crawford was glad that wasn’t a total rejection and smiled. He watched until her car pulled out of the parking lot.

  Chapter 17

  Commander Gharm and the other crewmembers responded to Tyce’s request for an urgent meeting.

  “Carlie is insisting on returning. I need advice,” Tyce admitted as he sat back in his chair.

  Adal took in his defeated posture and offered, “Commander, might I suggest we bring the MacKennas aboard? Their presence might have a calming effect on Carlie.” She faced Tyce and added, “Maybe offer her the hair removal wand? Human females prefer to have their hair permanently removed.” Adal said this as if truly perplexed.

  Favian grinned. “Stacy has already used it. She was most excited. Her smooth legs are soft and sexually alluring,” Favian abruptly stopped and scanned the other male warriors who were listening with curiosity. He then narrowed his eyes and declared, “None of you will touch her legs, or her.” He thought about the other areas Stacy used the wand on and decided not to offer that private information.

  Dorn cleared his throat to bring the warriors’ attention off Favian and back to Tyce’s problem. “Ivanoff, you’re most familiar with the MacKennas. Will they help convince Carlie to stay?” the Commander

  Ivanoff didn’t answer readily, rather he gave it several moments of thoughtful consideration. “Perhaps. I honestly don’t know. I would recommend that if you request their assistance that you let them know you took Carlie and Justin, unwillingly, out of fear for their safety. They may see it as a misguided attempt to protect them. The MacKennas have commented many times, about how protective Pzian warriors are and how glad of this they are for their daughter, niece, and other honored guests.”

  Tyce looked at his data pad and announced, “Carlie and Justin have left their quarters and are entering the cafeteria.”

  Dorn ordered monitoring of the cafeteria be brought up on the conference room screen. “Adal, move the ship to California. Contact the MacKennas and see if they are available to come aboard. If so, retrieve them immediately.”

  Officer Adal Lucia left the meeting to do as ordered.

  Dorn continued with the meeting, “Perhaps Carlie and Justin will give us a clue as to how to proceed.” He lifted his chin to the screen. They watched the pair approach the food dispensary.

  The Commander had pledge to not take unwilling honored guests, and was experiencing an inner battle with his pledge to the Fleet Commander after learning more about the violence perpetrated against citizens by other citizens on planet Earth. He thought about Dakota’s physical, and how Favian sent in a medic bot to repair the damage behind Dakota’s left eye. In her last physical altercation with classmates, she was brutally punched in the eye repeatedly. Earth physicians had not discovered the damage, which might have eventually cost Dakota her vision in the one eye. Christine Shasta was grateful they had repaired the damage and was more willing to travel on to Pzianian as a result.


  “Computer. Translate the dispensary menus to English,” Carlie ordered.

  “Translation completed, Honored Guest Carlie Longwood,” the computer responded.


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