Wicked Rage of the Moon: Book Three of the Airendell Chronicles

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Wicked Rage of the Moon: Book Three of the Airendell Chronicles Page 20

by Audra Hart

  Morna speaks from the doorway. Ewan MacGregor and Morna are standing in the doorway. “That is what I just saw in my dream. Sleeping with my two little seers is a powerful experience.” Morna says as she rubs her belly. “Luca, we need to get everyone gathered, I have an idea. But I want Nora, Sammy and Auggie with us when we discuss it.”

  “I agree with the lady,” Ewan says looking at Auggie. “Val isn’t doing this because she wants to. Val wouldn’t hurt anyone who wasn’t hurting her if she had a choice. And we damned well better avoid Morna and Valgullveig confronting each other on the Assylian plain, we will lose both of them!”

  Morna nods, “I know in my gut you are right Ewan. I am missing something and it’s driving me nuts!” She walks over to Luca and wraps her arms around his waist, and he strokes her back gently. Suddenly Morna turns and looks at Ewan, “MacGregor, we need to know if any of those who attacked us last night were Shape Shifters. You would be able to tell, right?”

  “I would.”

  “Do you mind? We need to know who all we have to watch out for.” Ewan nods and Valliant leads him to the bodies at the Healer’s Hall.

  Morna goes to stand before Auggie, “Do you mind helping us?”

  “Of course not, my Lady. I have always hated being a seer, and tried to ignore it. But my visions are coming more often, and they are much more detailed. I must face up to what I am. I can be of some help, I believe.” Auggie says sadly.

  Morna hugs the elderly cook. “Thank you. I know this is a sacrifice for you.”

  Auggie smiles and says, “Not really. I spent sixty years pretending I was an ordinary woman. I finally embraced what I was and spontaneously ascended as an old woman. That was almost two hundred years ago. But I have been avoiding the true calling on my life even after ascension. It is time I utilize my ‘gift’ for the good of someone, and stop pretending it doesn’t exist.”

  “Yes, but it is still a burden.” Morna says quietly and pats Auggie’s shoulder. Morna then laughs and says, “Auggie, you are one hot sixty year old.”

  “Yeah, I look pretty good for an old woman,” Auggie says with a chuckle.

  The group quickly finishes preparing brunch. By now the children have all joined them and the group eats in relative silence. When the meal is almost over Maria, Rodrigo and Mordir arrive.

  Rodrigo is watching Morna closely before he speaks, “I thought you would be resting, Lady Morna.”

  Morna laughs and says, “I could say the same of you my friend. I really need to talk to you and Mordir, but first I have to talk to my children.”

  Luca and Morna lead all five of their children back to their private sitting room. When everyone is comfortable Morna sighs and says, “I have news for Kyle and Aiden…”

  “I think I know Mom.” Kyle says quietly. “I have been dreaming of Rolan and Aiden has too. He is still alive isn’t he?”

  “Yes, son, Rolan is alive. He is an immortal. He is the son of a dark elf and a highland dimensional jumper. So you children are descended from two magical beings, not just one. He is in Airendell and demanding to see the three of you,” Morna says quietly.

  “Why is he in Airendell?” Aiden asks.

  “Because that is where I have ordered him held until I decide what to do with him. We found out that he has been working with Valgullveig all along. I am sorry to have to tell you this, but he knew exactly who I was and that I was already mated to someone else when he married me. We found him last night threatening Elias with a gun, demanding to be taken to you three. I had him held at the gateway until I could talk to you kids.”

  “I am not surprised to learn that he knew about you being mated to Luca Mom,” says Kyle. “Once when I went with him when he demanded visitation, I asked him how come he was so angry with you all the time. He said it was because he wasn’t the one you really wanted. I got mad and told him you would not be unfaithful as long as you were married to him and he said, ‘Yeah, I know. Deidra the perfect would never knowingly cheat on someone that she was married to.’ I guess it really bothered him to know that if Luca was around, or if you even knew about Luca, you wouldn’t have even given him a second look.”

  Morna shrugs at that information and says, “Well, like I said, he is demanding to see you. He is claiming his rights under the Code of Paternal Bond.”

  “What is that?” Asks Aiden.

  “It is a law among all magical realms that says a mother cannot withhold her children from their father. The law became necessary after a couple of wars were fought over paternal rights. There is a similar law that protects the rights of a mother if the father has custody of the children,” Kylor tells his little brother as he pats his knee reassuringly. When he notices how upset Kyle and Aiden both look at the news he continues, “But there is an upside to this…”

  “I won’t go!” Kyle says stonily. “He can go to hell. He is not my Father, Lucian Michaels is my Father, and I defy anyone to say otherwise.”

  “That’s the up side little brother,” Kylor reassures him. “You can sever the bond. Only the children can sever the bond. But it must be done in person and in front of impartial witnesses. There has to be a hearing.”

  Nora, who has looked pretty bored up this point suddenly says, “Look, Mom calls four witnesses; Tarvish of Scotland, Mars the Roman God of War, Taranis the Celtic god of thunder, and Hector, an Aztec Prince who is also a Shape shifter. He is an immortal being that keeps the infestation of those nasty vampires under control in Mexico. No offense Daddy. They aren’t like you and Damian.”

  “No offense taken, Pumpkin. I am acquainted with Hector. We met once during your Mama’s time in Mexico. He actually helped me find her that time. He had gotten word that an immortal was being held captive, he told me where to find her. But how is Mars impartial?” Luca asks his daughter.

  “Daddy, he is your grandfather. Biologically speaking, he is no relation to us. We have only met him once. It is perfectly reasonable that he will be seen as impartial. Okay, this is what happens; Tarvish votes in favor of Rolan because Valgullveig is holding his wife and youngest child captive to make him do her bidding. Taranis is offended because Rolan married Mom when he knew that she had a mate that she couldn’t remember, so he votes against Rolan. Mars votes against Rolan just to piss Valgullveig off. His words not mine.” Everyone chuckles at that. “Hector votes against Rolan because he says Rolan is dishonorable excuse for a man. Presto! The Paternal Bond is severed because it only takes three votes.” Nora finishes with a smile.

  “Then why should we even invite Tarvish?” Asks Aideen.

  “Because I need his help and he needs mine,” says Morna quietly. “Rolan claims that you three have the MacQuahae gene that enables dimension jumping. We don’t know how to activate it or how you would use it. Tarvish can teach you. Then you could keep yourselves safe from Valgullveig. We need this advantage because Rolan allowed Valgullveig to put a tracer spell on each of you during infancy. She can come to any of you any time she wishes. We must be prepared. In turn, we will free his wife and youngest child. It should be a win-win for everyone but my sister.”

  Morna is watching Nora as she talks, her daughter seems to be digesting everything. Suddenly the little girl looks sad and looks down at her hands. “What do you see Nora?” Morn asks quietly.

  “The Dark One kills Rolan for failing her.” Nora says quietly, as a tear slips silently down her cheek.

  “We will protect him.” Four voices say in unison, with quiet confidence. Kyle, Aiden and Nora look at their mom, dad, oldest brother and sister in shock.

  Morna looks at her two oldest children with obvious pride, and then she mouths, “Thank you.” She turns her attention to her youngest children. “We can offer him our protection.” Luca, Kylor and Aideen all nod their agreement. “Look just because I don’t like the man doesn’t mean I want him dead. He is after all your biological father. And just because you don’t want to be raised by him or maybe even have him in your lives, you do not want him dead. We
are all willing to protect him, it is the right thing to do.”

  Nora closes her eyes and after several minutes smiles. “It might work. I don’t know… there are a lot of people making a lot of choices right now that will affect the outcome. But one dominating image that keeps popping into my mind and has for days…

  “What is it Pumpkin?” Luca asks quietly.

  “Daddy, I am not sure. I feel like I am being lied to, used or manipulated somehow. My visions, I mean. I can’t shake the feeling that I am being tricked.” Nora says quietly.

  “It’s okay Pumpkin. We are careful not to rely too much on second sight. We know it can be manipulated. We also know that you can have conflicting visions as people toy with different ideas. We will be alert, and watching out for you.” Luca assures his tiny daughter. He can’t help but marvel at how wise she is at only seven years old. And he wishes he could give her a normal childhood.

  Morna makes eye contact with her mate and they silently resolve to protect their children and strive to give them a normal life as soon as possible.

  “Daddy, Mama, I keep seeing the woman that I assume is Valgullveig staked out in the sun… being tortured horribly. I have been getting this same flash since before I arrived in Asgard. It’s very confusing.”

  “Mama, I also have seen Valgullveig trying to rescue you from your parents… Roxie, I mean. That doesn’t make any sense.”

  Morna gasps, “Yes it does! I remember the night I died as Roxie, there was a blond lady… she tried to get me out of there. But a dark woman and several vampires stopped her. Later the vampires killed my parents and me… but that was after… Someone is definitely controlling Val!”

  Morna stands and begins to pace. Her excitement is plain to see and nearly overwhelms the empathic abilities of her sons. “This Dark One, when she arrived with the vampires, she held out her hand to Val… and uttered something… and then ordered Val to put me down and walk to her. Val obeyed, but it looked like she was being dragged physically to the Dark One, but no one was touching her.” Morna shakes her head, and looks at Luca; “I don’t remember anymore after that until my Deidra incarnation. I have no memory of the limbo period.”

  Ewan has returned with Valliant and comes to Morna, “Describe the Dark woman in your memory.”

  Morna shudders, “She was almost as tall as Val, very thin and very dark. Her hair was jet black and reached nearly to the floor. It was a wild mane of curls. She was very beautiful, but very frightening. Her eyes were dark, black even. But they glowed, somehow.” Morna shakes her head. “I don’t think I have ever seen that woman before.”

  “Sounds like Nyx,” Ewan growls. “I told you, she’s behind this!”

  Luca nods, “I am willing to concede that it’s possible. But we still need to be on guard against Val. I guess now I need to learn more about Nyx.”

  “Valgullveig had an affair with Nyx when she was married to Lootz. I think that was a very sad marriage, and Val sought someone to make her feel better about herself. I don’t know, she wouldn’t confide in me,” Gullveig speaks up. She turns to Ewan, “You really think my girl has been under the dominion of Nyx for over six hundred years?”

  “I do,” Ewan says quietly.

  Morna shakes her head sadly. “Well, we don’t know about that, yet. We need to do everything we can to find out though. We need to get Heimdall to look for Nyx. But in the meantime, Rolan has demanded his rights under the Paternal Code. I can’t ignore it. She looks at everyone in her family. “Is everyone on board? Shall we call the Paternal Bond Hearing?”

  “Mom, we do not have a bond. He has not seen fit to recognize me as his offspring, why should I want to maintain a legal bond with him as father. It makes no sense, especially since Luca is more of a father to me than Rolan ever could be,” Aiden says quietly with a small smile on his face.

  Morna stands up and takes her three youngest children into her arms for a little group hug. “You kids are amazing, you know that?” They all laugh and Morna says, “Daddy and I will set up the witnesses for as soon as we can. Probably tomorrow or the next day. But first we need to get Mordir in here to look at Aiden,” When the boy starts to protest Morna says, “Baby, we are just being careful. You look excessively tired.” Aiden shakes his head but doesn’t argue. “When Mordir gives you a clean bill of health, we have a few other matters to discuss with him and Rodrigo.”

  Aideen says, “Uh Mom, I am a healer, a medical doctor. Hell, I am a world class surgeon even, I went to his room and checked him over before he joined the group, and I examine him every single day. He’s fine. Better than fine, he is getting stronger all the time.”

  Morna looks at Aideen in surprise. “Sis, Mom didn’t know you did that. None of us have ever told her because she’s been crazy busy lately. And most of your exams have happened while she‘s been out defending the Guild and her kids. Besides, she does her little healer thing too every time she sees me. She thinks I don‘t know what she‘s doing, but I do.” He chuckles and says, “Dad does it too.”

  Morna looks at Aiden and Aideen and says, “I am sorry, there is no excuse for my not knowing that. Forgive me, both of you.” Both hug their mom and says, “Nothing to forgive.” Morna looks at Aideen and says, “Damn, woman, I find something new to admire about you every day.”

  Aideen chuckles and says, “Yep, I can say the same, Mama.”

  Nora hops up and says, “Look, Mom and Dad have business with Mordir and Rodrigo. Grandpa promised to help me build a tree house today. Are we done yet?” Everyone laughs and Nora skips out of the room. When they return to the main hall Nora is sitting on Valliant’s lap. Morna looks to Auggie and Sammy, both nod. Morna walks up to them and says, “You know what we have planned?” They nod again, “And it works?”

  Sammy laughs and says, “Yes, but you end up having to protect that pig Rolan. He gets hurt and goes to the Healer’s Hall. Eventually he and one of Mordir’s healers hook up, he gets interested in medicine. I see him as a pretty decent guy in about three years, all things considered. Thor rides his ass every day for him though,” Sammy laughs happily at that image.

  Luca and Morna can’t help but laugh at that idea too. By now Nora is dragging her grandpa outside when suddenly she stops and looks at Auggie and says, “Don’t forget to make one of those venison steaks rare and one medium rare. Everyone else wants them medium.”

  Auggie chuckles and says, “I saw the same thing you did you little chit. Go play with your Grandpa!”

  Everyone laughs when Nora giggles and resumes urging Valliant outside. “Someone please help me. This little girl wants a tree house, and I have never built a tree house.”

  Damian laughs and says, “I worked with a carpenter for a couple of years before I was changed, maybe I can help.”

  Kylor joins him and says, “I am a pretty decent builder myself. I would love to help Pumpkin build a tree house.”

  Breena gets up and quietly follows them out. Morna looks after her thoughtfully and then follows her. “Bree, you okay?”

  “Yes Morna. I am going to keep an eye on the carpenters to make sure they are careful. I suspect Nora will have them plenty distracted.” Breena smiles at her sister and says, “Are you okay? How are you taking the new Luca?”

  Morna stammers at this and Breena smiles. “I saw his face flush. I haven’t seen that since before the change. I don’t know exactly what has happened, but I know he has been changed, irrevocably. His emotions are all over the place, but mostly on cloud nine.” Breena chuckles at that.

  “I am not sure what has happened either, but yes you are right, something has definitely been changed. We need to talk to Mordir. We may have to go to the Healer’s Hall. Thank you for watching out for Nora.”

  “I love her too, sis. I love all your children, you know that.” Breena assures her younger sister. “Well, go do what you need to do. You guys will obviously have to answer a lot of questions at dinner time, judging from the cryptic comments of Nora and Auggie. Besides, you have
to talk to Maria. She is chomping at the bit to tie into you.”

  “Yeah, even I can feel that one,” Morna rolls her eyes and wonders what the hell is going on now.

  Ewan stops Morna and tells her that six of the dead invaders are Shape Shifters. He recognizes two of them as belonging to the Clan Gregory. He also tells her that he is going to talk to Heimdall. He wants someone to help him find The Primordial. “Be careful Ewan, she might be the one who created the Stone Cold vampires. They say she is deadly and dark in her soul.”

  “She’s an evil bitch, there’s no doubt about that. I will be careful. Good luck sorting out your little family drama,” Ewan says with a smile. Morna chuckles and tells him to keep in touch.

  Morna goes back to join Luca as he chats quietly with George and Rodrigo. They are discussing the problem with Rolan. Morna looks around and asks where Aideen and Kyle have gotten off to. “They have gone to Kyle’s room to watch a movie.” Luca says absently.

  “What? Watch a movie? How?” Morna stammers. “I guess Ingrid got a TV for him?”

  “No, Tena did. And two boxes of DVDs. She said it wasn’t natural for modern human children to have to read all the time for entertainment.” Vali says with a laugh. “I am going to go check on the treehouse builders.” Vali and Bellona walk out of the room, both are wondering what is going on. You couldn’t cut the tension in that room with a sharp knife, it‘s that thick.

  After they leave the room Morna finally gives Maria her full attention, “Lady Maria, you have been busting at the seams to scream at me about something. Let’s hear it.” Morna says gently.


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