Wicked Rage of the Moon: Book Three of the Airendell Chronicles

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Wicked Rage of the Moon: Book Three of the Airendell Chronicles Page 21

by Audra Hart

  “I don’t want to scream at you Morna, but I do want some answers. And if I don’t like those answers, I may kick your warrior goddess ass for you.” Maria says stonily.

  “MOTHER!” Rodrigo hisses.

  “Granny, have you lost your damned mind?” George says softly.

  Morna looks at Maria incredulously and then she looks at Rodrigo and then towards Luca. Understanding is dawning in her face and her eyes are wide in shocked surprise. “OH SHIT! Rodrigo is changing too?”

  “Too?” Demands Maria, “Who the hell else did you knowingly do this to?”

  “Okay, wait a minute. I didn’t knowingly do anything to anyone. I am trying to heal Rodrigo, at your request I might add. But something has happened and there are some changes taking place to Luca too.” Morna says uncertainly. “What is happening to Rodrigo?”

  “He has become like you Morna Glynn Michaels!” Maria rants. “My son, the Stone Breaker, has become a vampire. You did it to him!”

  “That’s not exactly correct,” says Mordir. “As well as healing the DNA that changes him into a blood thirsty, uncontrollable beast during a full moon, your antibodies are also making him more like you are Morna, physiologically speaking.”

  “I think the same thing is happening to me,” Luca says quietly.

  Mordir chuckles and looks at Morna with admiration. “God I hope I find a woman someday with half your zest for life, Madam.” Morna blushes to her roots at his words and even Luca flushes at little at the remark.

  George lets out a low whistle. “I thought I saw him flush earlier and I know I did just then.” George walks over to Luca and looks at him intently. The room is silent. George stands quietly listening and sniffing. He tentatively reaches out and touches his friend’s hand. He pulls back quickly and then touches him again. “You are becoming like her! You are not icy cold, not quite as hard to the touch and you smell differently. Hell I smell blood in your body and hear your heart beating!” George whistles low and says, “Man, you damn near seem human!”

  Morna looks at Maria and takes her hands into her own. “Friend Maria, how could I knowingly turn your son into a vampire? I don’t even know what I am for sure. I had no idea my antibodies would make him like me. I am sorry if that is a bad thing in your view. I didn’t realize you saw me as a vile creature to be shunned,” Morna says sadly.

  Maria’s angry face crumbles, “Oh God Morna! No sister, I do not see you that way. There is nothing vile about you. You are loving, honorable, caring and a giver not a taker of life. Even though you are an amazingly proficient warrior, you are far happier healing, teaching and nurturing. I have seen the evidence of your true nature ever since I first met you. Forgive me for screaming at you and accusing you of changing my son on purpose. God, I am an idiot, I should have immediately known better. Can you forgive me?”

  Morna laughs happily and hugs her dear friend, “Nothing to forgive. In your place I probably would have kicked ass first and then asked questions. I am a mother too, I understand completely.” Morna kisses Maria’s cheek and says, “Let’s see what’s going on with these guys. Maybe we can do some damage control or something…” Morna says uncertainly.

  Mordir laughs and says, “Well, I can’t say for sure without examining Luca and continuing Rodrigo’s treatment, but I don’t think there is need for damage control of any kind. The prophesy Heimdall found about Morna and Breena told that they would give birth to an entirely different race of magical beings. I think this is what is happening.” Mordir smiles and says, “Vampires are not magical beings, they are supernatural, rather super-human beings. Experts on vampire history and physiology believe the species came about by accident. Others believe they were conjured up to act as minions to an ancient power.”

  Mordir is obviously warming to the subject, “Someone way back in time was probably experimenting with alchemy or magic. The resulting change led to an entire race of immortals that survive on blood. They have unfortunately given in to their more selfish natures over time. They no longer feed only enough for survival from humans. They choose instead to gorge and feed on the mortals as though they are cattle meant for the slaughter. They have no regard for any life, but their own. Most of them have no regard for any laws other than the ones that protect their race.” Mordir halts his tirade and looks at the other occupants of the room. “I apologize, but I am excited about this. This might be a cure of sorts.”

  “Please, all of you return with me to the Healer’s Hall. I will ask Heimdall to summon my friend Octavius. He is a very, very ancient vampire. He has long since learned how to survive on animal blood and food. But it has been a very long, arduous process. Not all of his kind are willing to suffer as he has to achieve this. But he is also an expert on the physiology of vampires. He will be most interested in you Morna. Most interested indeed. I think Luca will be a beacon of hope for him,” Mordir says excitedly.

  “Fine,” says Luca and Morna at the same time. Morna giggles and defers to her mate to speak first. “But we must finish in time to make some arrangements. We have a small matter to clear up about our children’s biological father.”

  “So I have heard,” says Maria. “By all means you must see to that. I assume the children want to sever the Paternal Bond?”

  Morna nods. And then looks at Luca to see if he has anything else to say on the matter.

  “We can simply ask Heimdall to invite the witnesses. Nora seems confident that they will all come. I can contact Elias and have him make all the necessary arrangements for the declarations to take place at the Guild Hall. Brian or Carrick either one can see to all the necessary security arrangements. I see no reason to tell the mutt anything before tomorrow, do you Morna?” Luca asks his mate with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

  “No, I do not. We don‘t want to tip our hand to my sister or whoever, in case she can contact Rolan,” Morna agrees heartily and then giggles again.

  Morna kisses him soundly. “We are good to go. We can talk to everyone via telepathy from the Healer’s Hall. The babies are well protected by their siblings, grandparents and other warriors of Asgard. I have business with Auggie and I need to drop by our room first. We can meet everyone there in an hour or so?” Everyone agrees so Morna promises to be there in an hour.

  After Morna and Luca leave the room Maria chuckles and says, “Anyone want to wager on whether or not they actually make it there in an hour?” This question is met by a lot of chuckles but no takers.

  Morna and Luca hear the challenge and laugh happily as Morna leads Luca to the kitchen. Auggie looks up at them and says, “I have been wondering how long it would take you to get here. Lucian, what would you like to eat?”

  “I don’t know Auggie. It’s been a very, very long time since I have eaten food,” Luca says quietly.

  “He has never had chocolate cake. I don’t suppose there is any chance you have one on hand, is there?” Morna asks.

  Auggie cackles happily. “Mistress, you can’t catch me off guard. I baked one this morning. I nearly didn’t because I couldn’t believe my vision of Luca eating cake. But in light of my most recent visions I am glad I went ahead and made the cake.” Auggie cuts two huge slices and pours two tall glasses of milk. And sets them before the couple sitting at the breakfast nook.

  Luca smiles and looks at the milk. “I have had milk before, I wonder if I really remember what it tastes like…” He slowly picks it up and sniffs it. He smiles because he likes the smell. He is usually mildly repelled by the smell of food.

  He sips it tentatively and smiles. “It tastes wonderful! Even better than I remembered.” He takes another small drink and looks thoughtful. “That feels so strange. For the last five hundred and seventy-seven years, my nourishment has simply absorbed into my tissues. But now I can feel it move down my esophagus and entering my stomach. Morna you have revived my body, you have literally brought me back to life.” He kisses her again and looks at the cake uncertainly. “What does it taste like?”

a halts her fork bearing the third bite of cake on its way to her mouth. “I don’t know, baby. I don’t know how to describe it. It’s sweet, it’s rich, it’s chocolaty. Oh that doesn’t tell you anything, you have never tasted chocolate. Darling, the texture is moist and spongy, but delicately so. The icing is creamy and melts in the heat of your mouth and releases a riot of flavors, like sweetness, the richness of butter, the … oh man, how do I describe chocolate? I think there is coffee in the icing… but that doesn’t help, you have never had that either. Luca, just take a damned bite of the cake! I am pretty sure that you will love it.”

  Luca chuckles and kisses her. “Oh that is nice. It tastes good on your lips. Thanks for trying to describe it for me.” He inhales deeply and takes a bite. He chews slowly. Morna and Auggie watch him closely. A wide smile appears on his face and he swallows slowly. “That is most enjoyable.” He says softly. He takes another delicate sip of milk and smiles. He slowly eats three more bites of cake and pushes the plate back. “Thank you Auggie, that was truly… delicious.”

  Auggie raises and eyebrow and says, “You didn’t eat much.”

  “I am feeling uncomfortable, right here.” Indicating his stomach. “Perhaps, I am already full. It has been a very long time since I ate food. Plus, I simply may not be quite ready for real food.”

  Auggie smiles and says, “I suppose that is right. Hopefully you will be more ready to eat at dinner time. I am under the impression that grilled venison steaks and boiled potatoes used to be a favorite of yours.”

  Luca smiles at that and says, “I am sure that your steaks will be delicious.” Luca shifts his attention to his mate and says, “Are you ready?”

  Morna isn’t quite finished with her cake, but she can tell Luca wants to go and wants her to go with him. She quickly eats two more bites and a big drink of milk before getting up uncertainly and following him out of the kitchen. He moves so quickly that Morna can barely keep up. When they are inside of their suite he says, “Morna, I think I need to urinate.”

  Morna smiles and kisses him, and says; “Well come on. It will come back to you.” When they get to the bathroom she says, “Always! Lift the seat first, and then put it down when you are finished. And then it’s basically like the old chamber pot we had back in the day. I’ll step out and give you a little privacy.” Morna steps into their bedroom and closes the door.

  After about five minutes Luca calls her into the bathroom. Luca is still standing in front of the toilet with his back to the door. “Morna, I am an absolute idiot. Help.” He laughs happily at himself and says, “Nothing is happening yet.”

  “I am sure you just need to relax, Luca.” Morna says with a smile on her face. She reaches over and turns the water on in the bathroom sink at a slow trickle. After about thirty seconds she hears him voiding his bladder. It is a very slow process and when he finally finishes he says, “You are a genius.”

  Morna smiles as she shuts off the faucet and says, “Not really love. You know how to be human, it will just take a little time for it all to come back. Not all of it is fun though.” Morna nearly chuckles out loud as she watches his shoulders move as he shakes off and zips up.

  He flushes and puts the seat and the lid down. He walks over to the sink and washes his hands with soap and water. After he dries his hands he turns to his wife and smiles shyly. “Do you think I am an idiot?”

  “Not a chance. I know full well that you are not an idiot. I can’t imagine how hard it would be to suddenly find myself in your position.” Morna says honestly.

  Luca takes her into his arms and kisses her soundly. “Lovely liar. You were in my situation recently, just reversed. You suddenly found yourself with needs that you were familiar with, but didn’t really understand.”

  “True, but I had an excellent guide and there are those instincts that kick in. Unfortunately, you won’t have the benefit of those,” Morna says honestly.

  “No but I do have an excellent teacher and a good memory,” He says as he kisses her again. Morna moans and wraps her arms around his neck.

  “Morna, I need to love you, right now.” Luca whispers.

  “I can feel the evidence of that need,” Morna says happily and she leads him to the bed. He gently removes her clothes as she helps him undress. She sighs happily when he is fully nude. And nuzzles into his chest. She starts kissing his much warmer and more supple skin and trails her eager mouth down his body. “Oh God you feel amazing, my love.” But she is drawn back to his chest. She is drawn to the steady thud, thud of his beating heart. It is beautiful music to her. It is now faster than it was before. Much like her own heart rate.

  Luca suddenly rolls her over and says, “Baby, I need you now!” He has trouble working around her large belly so he finally lies her beside him, lifts her leg over his hip and enters from the side. Morna moans loudly as his hard member penetrates deeply. She turns so that she can look at him as he loves her. He cups her face lovingly as he drives into her steadily. It doesn’t take long until Morna feels her orgasm building. Luca can sense the impending release and leans over and kisses her deeply, plundering her mouth eagerly as they share their climax. He continues driving into her until the overwhelming waves of release have stopped moving through their bodies.

  “I love you.” They say in unison, and laugh happily. They lie beside each other until their hearts and breathing are again calm. Morna giggles and says; “We better get dressed or we won’t make it to the hall before the hour is up.

  Luca laughs and says, “Who cares. But let’s go. I want to find out what is going on with me. I would hate to get my hopes up only to find that it is temporary or something.”

  Morna feels like she has been punched in the gut. That thought had never occurred to her. She prays that is not the case as she leans over and kisses her mate and vows, “Whatever condition your body finally ends up in, my love and passion for you will never change. You have loved me steadfastly through all my incarnations and physiological changes. We are just meant to be together, no matter what.”

  “I know, love,” Luca assures her as he helps her up. They dress quickly and head out for the healer’s hall. They stop off to inspect the construction of the tree house. Valliant, Damian and Kylor are excellent builders. It will be a most stately tree house when it is completed. Morna admonishes Nora not to play in it without supervision, ever. The little girl rolls her eyes but promises her mother she will not. Then the lovers take off running for the healer’s hall.

  Luca says, “Let’s see if I have slowed down any.” And with that he pours it on. Morna snorts, and thinks her mate just wants an excuse to out run her. She too picks up speed but cannot catch up with him. He arrives at the hall nearly a full minute ahead of her.

  “You are faster!” Morna accuses with a laugh.

  “So it would seem. I told you that I felt stronger. This is amazing! Let’s go see what the good doctor has to say.” Luca says as he wraps his arm around his mate and leads her into the hall.

  Maria chuckles. She is waiting for them just inside the entrance. “Well, will wonders never cease? You actually got here on time.”

  Morna laughs and says, “Watch it sister!” Maria leads them to the same procedure room where Morna has been performing the healing rites on Rodrigo. Mordir looks up happily when they arrive. He is so excited he can barely contain himself. “Heimdall contacted Octavius for me. He will be here tomorrow at 7:00 am, about the time Morna finishes the last healing ceremony on Rodrigo.”

  Rodrigo clears his throat and says, “I am not sure we need to do the last ceremony.”

  “Oh yes we do!” Morna says emphatically. “I told all of you that first night, magic must be respected. Your vision indicated I performed the ceremony three days in a row, and that is what I will do. I will take no chances in not healing you completely. Unless you fear becoming exactly like me.”

  “Morna, I would be honored to be one as you. That is not my concern. I just know you have many other pressing matters to attend to
,” Rodrigo says quietly.

  “Friend, we have addressed everything, or will anyway when we have Heimdall contact Mars, Taranis, Hector, and Tarvish for the Paternal Bond hearing. Never fear, doing this for you is not a burden. In fact, it may have given me, no us,” She squeezes Luca’s hand when she says that, “the greatest gift imaginable.”

  Rodrigo smiles and nods his understanding. “Fine, dear lady.” He turns his attention to Luca, “Lord Lucian, I would like to observe as Mordir examines you, do you mind?”

  “Not at all Rodrigo.” Luca just shrugs and turns his attention to Mordir.

  Mordir is just beginning his exam when Brigid, Aideen and Valla all enter the procedure room. “May we observe?” Aideen asks. “Daddy, Mama, curiosity got the better of me when Brigid came and told me what was going on.”

  “Observe nothing!” Says Brigid. “I want in on the evaluations and testing. May I Luca?” When he nods she walks over to him and performs a reading. “Astounding, absolutely astounding! How do you feel Luca? Your physiology feels almost identical to Morna’s.”

  “I feel great. I am actually faster than I was, and probably stronger. I have not tested that yet though. But my hearing, sight and sense of smell are all even better than before. And I actually ate some chocolate cake earlier. It was quite good,” Luca says with a chuckle when everyone in the room gasps.

  “He couldn’t eat very much of it,” Morna says, “But I suspect that his evolution isn’t complete. Mine seemed to take days. I am just grateful that he isn’t enduring the burning that I did.” Morna gasps when she sees a shuttered look come over her mate’s face and he looks away. “It is causing you pain, isn’t it?” She demands.

  “Some. Nothing like what you went through. It’s not even as severe as what you experienced when I treated your wounds from the stone cannibals with my venom.” He shudders at the memory of what he sensed from her that time when she reached out to locate him with her senses. “Morna a little discomfort is a small price to pay to be healed. Believe me.” Luca assures his worried mate.


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