Wicked Rage of the Moon: Book Three of the Airendell Chronicles

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Wicked Rage of the Moon: Book Three of the Airendell Chronicles Page 22

by Audra Hart

  Morna tears her eyes away from her mate and looks at Rodrigo, “Are you experiencing pain?”

  “Not too much. Mordir is easily managing it. But I knew from my visions that I would experience pain. I believe it is like you said, Morna. We must give magic it’s due and sometimes there is a price. But I too think that it is a small price to pay to be cured of what I have become. Morna I have murdered seventy-eight innocents since I was attacked by that blood wolf. I have tried hundreds of times to kill myself. I can tell you, each attempt was physically and emotionally torturous. This small pain is easy,” Rodrigo assures her.

  Morna nods and says, “Yes, it would be. Fair enough. Mordir, what can I do to help?” Morna asks.

  “Sit over there and let Valla collect antibodies.” Mordir says with chuckle. “We are not sure if the antibodies will still exist or be as powerful after the baby is born. We should collect as many as is safely possible in the meantime. I truly believe this may be a real cure for vampires who don’t want to be compelled to feed on humans.”

  Morna shrugs and sits but then she looks at Mordir, “I hate to burst your bubble, but it isn’t a cure. I crave feeding on human blood. If I didn’t hold myself in tight control, I could easily drain every human of blood in this room in a matter of minutes. Anyone who receives this treatment must still choose to resist the lure of feeding on humans. For all we know, it may make real vampires more vulnerable to injury,” Morna says with a touch of fear for her mate clawing viciously at her heart.

  “I don’t think so Morna,” Luca tells his mate. “I really don’t, baby. I think it is a good thing.”

  Mordir has been trying to draw blood. “These damned needles will not penetrate your skin, Lucian.”

  “I can help with that,” Rodrigo chuckles. He walks over and blesses the needle and Mordir easily slips it into Luca’s arm and draws blood. When he fills the first vial Aideen picks it up and examines it.

  “Amazing Daddy! You really have blood!” Everyone laughs at that. And Aideen walks over and does a healer’s reading on her Father. “You do seem almost human. Your reading is very much like Mama’s. Minus the pregnancy and all that.” Aideen laughs and hugs her Father enthusiastically.

  The healers spend the next couple of hours running tests on Luca. Lou has joined them by now and is enthusiastically telling Luca about his research on Morna’s blood and the antibodies in it. Luca asks numerous questions. Morna is amazed that Luca understands so much about nanobots, microbiology and many other things that she has never even heard of. She tells him as much and he replies. “I haven’t been able to sleep for many, many years my love. I read. You know that. You saw all the journals at our home on Maple Lane.”

  “I guess I did. I just didn’t understand how knowledgeable you truly are about so many things,” Morna says quietly. “I rather feel like a mental midget listening to you two.”

  “Nonsense!” snorts Lou. “Morna I knew you in college remember? You are a freakin’ genius, woman. You just don’t tap into it. Or you didn’t… he stammers.” He looks embarrassed and then says, “Morna, have you ever had your IQ tested?”

  “No.” Morna says with a laugh. “Why in heaven’s name would I do that? In my profession, I side with the school of thought that says IQ tests offer very little useful information, and often cause people to form opinions that limit a student’s potential progress. I am not a big fan of IQ testing. I only use it when I am required to do so.”

  “Well, I have stayed up all night talking physics and philosophy with you. You are truly a genius. Believe me. Your major was elementary education only because that is what you wanted to do with your life, not because that was all you were capable of doing,” Lou says with conviction.

  “That’s true of most people who choose to teach. It’s a calling. We don’t go into it because it is the only thing that we can do. “Morna snorts, “Fine. Sure, if you say so.” By now Valla has collected the antibodies and Morna wants a coke, so she gets up to go find one.

  “Damn, Morna Glynn Michaels! Will you ever learn to take a compliment?” Luca says in frustration. “You dismiss compliments, even when they come from very intelligent and perceptive people who know you intimately. Hell’s bells, Morna!”

  Morna, Aideen and Brigid all start giggling at that. “Fine Luca!” Morna giggles, “Lou is absolutely correct, I am fuckin’ brilliant! Now may I go find a coke and maybe a sandwich?”

  “Sorry Morna. I should know it just doesn’t matter to you what other people think about your abilities. That’s why you don’t easily accept compliments. I will get off of your back about this. Just please stop snorting and scoffing at people when they say something complimentary about you. It’s rather rude.”

  “Fair enough, Lucian. Point taken. Now I am going to find some calories. I didn‘t get to finish my cake,” Morna says with a wink before she walks out of the room.

  Brigid laughs and says “Luca it’s just like her abilities as a warrior. She knows what she is, it just isn’t necessary to talk about it when she can do what needs to be done when it needs to be done. She probably views her intellectual abilities much the same.”

  “Besides that Daddy, all those years that she worked with children with disabilities and delays, probably makes her uncomfortable with labeling people’s abilities,” Aideen says quietly.

  Luca groans and says, “Yes, and during the Natalie years, she had all of her mental abilities, all of her knowledge, all of her magic. She just couldn’t access it because of her autism. I can only imagine what hell on earth those years were for her. And what hell it might be for anyone with autism who has a brilliant mind.”

  Aideen looks very sad at the mention of Natalie. “I thought she was an idiot during those years. I felt so vastly superior and truly enjoyed being around her because of it. I am deeply ashamed of myself for that,” She confesses quietly.

  Morna returns with a coke and a sandwich. She walks over to her daughter and hugs her. “Honey, a lot of people feel that way around persons who are apparently so different than themselves. It’s a pretty normal reaction. Don’t beat yourself up over it. So you haven’t always been Mother Teresa, but you have grown into an amazingly wise, gentle, loving, caring and talented woman.” Morna kisses her daughter’s cheek and walks over to sit down and enjoy her sandwich as she watches Mordir try to get a CT scan of her mate.

  “Dammit! Growls Mordir. CT’s and X-rays won’t penetrate that skin.” Mordir complains.

  “Try Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Mordir.” Morna says with her mouth slightly full.

  “That might work. Come on, Lucian. Our equivalent of an MRI is down the hall.” Mordir and Luca leave with Lou and Brigid trailing behind.

  “What makes you think it will work, Mom?” Aideen asks.

  Morna shrugs, “Who knows. I was just throwing out ideas. I think I am going to go check on the kids and then go talk to Heimdall. I want to know what happened when he contacted the witnesses. George and Rodrigo get up and follow her towards the door. “What are you two doing?”

  “Going with you. Luca isn’t with you, so we will be. The danger isn’t over yet, Morna.” George says.

  Morna smiles and says, “Okay, thanks.” And she turns and leaves the Healer’s Hall.

  When Aideen is certain her mother is out of hearing range, she turns towards Maria and says, “That’s new. Mom accepting help.”

  “They are now her brothers.” Maria says with a smile on her face. “George, because they have had time to stand beside each other and forge a relationship and Rodrigo, because of the connection the healing rite is forging.”

  “Speaking of forging connections; I have noticed how you and Lou look at each other,” Aideen says with a smile.

  “Yes, he is a very special man. I find that I am becoming quite attached to him. I think he returns my feelings,” Maria says with a dreamy smile on her face.

  Aideen hugs the Shaman and says, “Good for you guys! I really like him. He’s pretty cool. I can’t u
nderstand why Mama keeps her distance from him so much.”

  Maria shrugs even though she has her suspicions. She has overheard bits and pieces of conversations between Morna, Breena, Rinda, Luca, and even Kylor that make her think there is more to Morna’s time in El Paso than is public knowledge. She knows that Kylor has the ability to walk through a mind and heal painful memories and she wonders if Kylor had done that for his mother, and perhaps even Lou. Before she moves forward with Lou, she is thinking about asking Breena or Rinda about it. She thinks that asking Luca or Morna would be too painful or two uncomfortable for them. And she certainly isn’t comfortable asking Kylor about it.


  Morna is nearly home when she sees Phillip running towards her with Breena in his arms. “Morna, something is very wrong with Breena! I am taking her to the Healer’s Hall.”

  Morna and the two Stone Breakers quickly fall into step behind Damian. The men are struggling to keep up, but Morna is not because Damian is carrying the added weight of Breena and trying to run smoothly so not to jostle her too much. “What happened to her?” Morna demands. But before Damian can answer another thought occurs to her. ‘What if it is some kind of attack?’ She turns toward George and Rodrigo, “Go make sure the kids are safe! I am fine. Just go, this might be a diversion or something! They nod and turn around to run towards Morna’s home and her children.

  Damian nods and says, “I hadn’t thought of that, sorry Morna. She just collapsed. She hasn’t been feeling good all day, well since last night actually. Kylor examined her and said to get her to the Healer’s Hall immediately. He seemed really worried. Morna nods and runs ahead to get the Healers prepared for Breena. Fear grips her heart as she passes Damian because she can smell blood. Breena is bleeding.

  She runs with all the strength and speed she can muster. She reaches the hall a full minute before Damian and gets the healer’s ready. They meet Damian at the door with a gurney and quickly wheel her into the trauma treatment room. Maria and Lou try to stop Damian from following. He pushes Lou out of the way and snarls at Maria to move. Morna instantly puts herself between Maria and Damian, “Stop it, Damian!” she orders. He turns and growls at Morna, “That’s my mate in there.”

  “Yes and she is bleeding. And they may have to do treatments for her that are painful to save her life. Can you honestly stand by and watch that? I will be in there with her and so will Luca. She is our sister, we will look out for her, and we are more likely to understand what is happening. Trust me, Damian! I will make sure that Breena survives!”

  Damian nods, he reaches out and strokes her face, “Morna, please keep my Breena alive. I love her so much!”

  Morna nods and says, “I know, brother. Now sit and try to remain calm. I will fill you in as soon as I know what is going on.”

  Damian nods and sits down. Morna telepathically tells Maria and Lou that if they have any protective measures they can take, they should use them in case something goes wrong. Morna is certain that Damian will absolutely lose his mind if Breena doesn’t make it and she doubts that she would have the strength or presence of mind to intervene if needed. Besides, she really doesn’t want to have to fight Damian, she loves that boy too much.

  When Morna enters the trauma room the scene is organized chaos, just what she expected. Mordir looks up at Morna and says, “Morna come here. Breena’s heart is weakening. Some sort of systemic rejection of the pregnancy. I have sent for Gullveig, but I suspect that there is nothing she can do for her. But I think that you can. We only have a few minutes to decide. Time is critical.”

  Morna gulps hard and looks at her sister’s face. She looks nearly dead. The smell of her blood is strong. “Why is she bleeding?”

  “Her body is rejecting the placenta. Her organ systems are shutting down rapidly. The baby and Breena will perish soon if we can’t do something.” Valla says softly.

  “You want my permission to use the antibodies?” Morna asks Mordir.

  “I do. I think it’s the only option available to us to save her life. Luca is weaving spells, Aideen is too. They are not working. None of my medical or magical abilities will work either. Your antibodies are her only hope.”

  “But what if it does to her what it is doing to Rodrigo?” Morna says in a tiny voice.

  “At least she will be alive, Morna!” Luca says.

  “What if she doesn’t want to be like me or Rodrigo?”

  “She doesn’t want to be dead either! She is looking forward to a long and happy life with Damian and her children.” Luca reminds her.

  Morna nods and looks at her sister’s failing body. She stands tall, it’s obvious she has resolved to do something. “Go ahead and get the antibodies. I will perform a rite similar to the one I have been doing for Rodrigo. I am fairly confident it will work. Luca, go keep an eye on Damian. I am afraid he is going to lose it. He respects you and will listen to you.”

  Valla quickly starts administering the antibodies and Morna starts performing a rite very similar to the one she has performed with Rodrigo. Five minutes into treatment with the antibodies, Breena looks much less pale and is stirring. “Her heart is getting stronger.” Mordir says with satisfaction. “The bleeding has stopped. It is working!”

  Aideen nods as she gets a healer’s reading from her aunt. “Mama, she isn’t outright rejecting the fetus anymore. She is getting marginally stronger. Keep doing what you are doing.”

  At that moment Damian walks into the trauma room and demands to know what is going on. Luca puts a binding spell on him and whispers nearly inaudibly so as not to disturb Morna‘s healing rite, “Breena is receiving Morna’s antibodies. She was rejecting the baby and her own body was dying from it. Morna is performing a healing rite. Damian, trust me, this is Breena’s only chance of surviving this.”

  Mordir looks at Damian says, “The treatment seems to be working. Morna’s blood has amazing healing properties and her magic is very, very powerful at this type of healing rite.”

  Damian nods and says, “I trust Morna.”

  Breena is stirring again and says, “Damian, it’s helping. Be strong, Lover.”

  Morna turns and faces Damian, “You better dig down and deep and control yourself because you won’t like the next thing that I have to do.” Morna looks back at Breena and says, “Sis, you remember what has to happen next don’t you?” Breena nods. “Okay. Get ready sister.”

  “This will work,” Breena whispers.

  Morna picks up a scalpel and incises the fleshy part of her other forearm and holds it to Breena’s mouth. Damian gasps when Breena raises her head slightly and starts to drink Morna’s proffered blood. Morna looks back and tells her mate telepathically to make sure his binding spell on Damian is holding. And then she leans down and picks up Breena’s arm, weaves a spell to numb the arm and bites gently and drinks. She drinks for about thirty seconds and then releases her hold on her sister’s arm. And weaves a healing spell and the open wound on Breena’s arm heals instantly.

  Just as instantly, Breena looks more like herself. Her color is back and she is now enthusiastically drinking from her sister’s arm. “That’s enough Breena.” Morna gently strokes her cheek and Breena meets her eyes. She reluctantly releases her hold on Morna’s arm and smiles her gratitude at her sister. Morna takes a healer’s reading on her sister’s body, recites the ending prayer and turns toward Mordir. “It seems to be working, how are her vitals doing?”

  “Fairly normal. Her heart rate is a little accelerated but not enough to be worried about. Everything else looks great,” Mordir says with a huge smile on his face.

  Breena sits up and Morna says, “Lie back down. “ Breena complies. “How do you feel?”

  “Very good. Stronger than I have felt in a few days in fact,” Breena says with a smile on her face.

  “Do you burn?” Morna asks quietly.

  “Yeah, but it’s bearable.” Breena says as she sits up again and holds her hand out to Damian. Luca releases Damian and he g
oes to his mate and takes her face into his hands and kisses her gently.

  Luca comes up and wraps his arms around his mate. She leans back into his body and reaches up to stroke his face. “Thank you for covering my back, like always.”

  “You didn’t need me to do so. Damian did not struggle against my binding spell even once.” Luca says with a smile on his face.

  Morna whips her head around and looks at Damian, who tears his eyes away from his beloved to look at Morna, “Morna, I knew you would help her. I trust you, in all things.”

  Morna nods to acknowledge what Damian said but cautions him. “We aren’t out of the woods yet, and we really don’t know what my antibodies and blood will do to her. Rodrigo and Luca both are becoming like me, Breena probably will as well.”

  “She’s already smart, loving, beautiful on the inside and out like you. If she is okay with being strong, fast, and powerful like you, then I certainly am too.” Damian says as he caresses Breena’s lovely face.

  “She might also crave blood because of the pregnancy like I do. She may forever crave blood. She may forever struggle with a desire to feed on humans like I do right now, like you do. You know how hard that is. But we just don’t know, but I am pretty confident that she will live a long and strong life.” Morna says with a smile.

  “Speaking of feeding on humans, how did you stop drinking her blood Morna?” Damian asks, his admiration for her obvious in his voice and face.

  “I had a good teacher,” Morna laughs and looks at Luca. He has picked her arm up and it examining the incision she made to feed Breena her blood. It has already healed. He looks at Morna questioningly and she shrugs. She really doesn’t know what to make of it either. “I guess it won’t be necessary to repeat the ritual. The magic just allowed my body to heal itself.”

  Luca drags his attention from his mate and says, “Damian, Morna credits me with teaching her to resist drinking her sister’s blood. But that’s not true. Not really. She’s just determined not to be a monster, just like you and me.” Luca’s face is lit with a smile.


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