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Wicked Rage of the Moon: Book Three of the Airendell Chronicles

Page 32

by Audra Hart

  Kylor is gratified to find that Robert is sitting up and talking with some of their siblings. The three little girls are sitting on the bed with him. Kylor wonders if they should be there, he’s afraid they might jostle him and cause him pain. “Kylor, Robert is well enough. We aren’t hurting him,” Nerri says. And then she ducks her head and says, “Sorry, Rebecca and Ma both say it’s rude to read someone’s thoughts.”

  Kylor chuckles and walks over and kisses the sweet little girl on her forehead. “That’s okay Nerri, I don’t mind. This time,” he adds as an afterthought, thinking he might not be so comfortable with it next time. “Robert, you look pretty good.”

  “I feel fine. I want to go home, but Mordir says no. Aunt Breena says I better listen to him or Ma will kick my butt when she gets up… if…”

  “Mother and Father both will be fine. I promise. They may take a while to wake up, but they are safe and healing each other. Mother took him to the Neophasic dimension. They are together.” Kylor informs his siblings.

  Cirona laughs, “You went mind walking again?” Kylor blushes and nods. “Ma told me about that one.” She smirks and then asks earnestly, “But they are both well?”

  “They are. They will come back when they are stronger. Mother is still talking though. How can she do that? I mean I understand that she can be in different dimensions at once, but how?” Kylor says.

  “Michael and I can do it too,” says Cirona. “It’s one of Ma’s quirks she passed on to us. We don’t understand exactly how we do it. I mean we know the steps we take to accomplish it, but we don’t really understand the how.”

  “Ma says that you have a lot of Lucian… Father in you.” Michael says. “Sorry Kylor, I have spent my whole life thinking of him as my Father because Ma always called him that… but it’s hard to call him that. I don’t know why.”

  “I can only imagine how hard this must be for all of you. I know you are adjusting to a lot of different things, but I can’t tell you how happy we are that you are here.” Kylor reaches out and puts his hands on Michael’s shoulder. “I love you guys like we have all been raised together. I know Father loves you all the same way, he truly loves all of us the same.”

  “We know that Kylor, we truly do. We just feel like we are outsiders horning our way into everyone’s lives…” Robert says quietly.

  “No way, bro!” Says Kyle. “Nora told me a long time ago that we were going to have sixteen kids in our family. I thought she was nuts because Mom was still married to Rolan and trying to divorce him. I just couldn’t imagine how our family could ever grow that much. But Nora knew, maybe not the how of it, but she knew. And ever since you guys showed up it’s like many of the missing pieces from our lives have been put into place. Our jigsaw puzzle is nearly completed. I can see the whole picture, well nearly now. No one is horning their way into anything. We are all finally where we belong.”

  Kylor looks at Kyle proudly, “Little brother, you are so articulate! I could have stumbled around all day and never said it that clearly. Our missing pieces are truly coming together.” He looks around at his siblings and his heart fills to overflowing. He shakes his head and says, “Well, the younger ones need bed and rest. I want to stay with Aideen to keep an eye on her healing. She is going to be angry when she awakens and realizes we treated her with Mother’s antibodies.”

  Rebecca laughs, “She gets over it pretty quickly. She wants so much to be like Ma and this truly comes as a blessing to her. Besides, it’s all been foretold in the prophesies. There are fifteen different prophesies about Ma and her brood. We are just now piecing them all together. We need to get together and discuss them soon. We need to be prepared. But I am confident we have a calm time ahead of us, at least until the baby comes…”

  Cirona hugs Kylor and says, “We will take the little ones home. Aiden and Anson have crashed in the lobby.”

  Kylor looks around and asks, “Where is Kevin?”

  “He’s in with Valgullveig. She‘s suicidal. That healer Valla is with her too.” Michael says. “I am staying here with Robert.”

  Kylor clamps down his harsh feelings for Valgullveig. And turns to go to Aideen when Nerri says, “Ky… Auntie Val didn’t do any of those things of her own free will. She was willful and wild before Nyx got her claws in her, but she wasn’t evil. That was all Nyx. Val is as much a victim as any of us.”

  Kylor doesn’t turn to look at his little sister, “I know that sweetheart. At least my mind does. But my heart still hurts. Aideen and I didn’t have Mother with us when we grew up. You guys only had her in short spurts. I am coming around, I will soon be able to welcome Val into our family with open arms, just give me a little time. I will come around, I promise.” Kylor walks out of the treatment room and down the hall to the treatment room where his sister is writhing and moaning quietly. The antibodies are changing her body and Agnar is standing by with an indecipherable look on his face.

  “Ag? How are you?” Kylor asks.

  “I am angry Kylor. She is just as damned stubborn, hardheaded, reckless, selfless, and brave as your mother. I could have lost her today. I can’t thank you enough for going back for her. That was very risky.” Agnar says as he holds his beloved’s hand in his own.

  “She’s my sister, I wouldn’t leave her behind. Just as she wouldn’t leave Mother and Father behind. She protected all of us in the jumper dimension. I guess it was Nyx that was coming after us and Aideen saved us all.” Kylor says quietly.

  Aiden had entered to room to check on his sister, and Kylor comes to put his hands on his shoulder, “Little man, you kept us all on track, especially me. I think that in time will prove that you are the strongest among us all.”

  Aiden shrugs like it really doesn’t matter. He is looking at Aideen with fear and some indefinable longing on his face. Agnar smiles at the boy and says, “Aiden, get up here and lie beside her. Your presence will help her find her way back. She’s in some pain from the venom and the injuries, but she’s definitely on the mend.”

  Aiden doesn’t even have to think twice, he quickly scampers up onto the bed with his big sister and she drapes her arm around him in her unconscious state. She smiles faintly when Aiden settles into her arms. Agnar smiles and motions to Kylor and Kyle to join him in the hallway.

  Agnar turns and takes Kylor into a gruff embrace and slaps him on the back, hard. “Mordir says you saved her. He’s not sure if even the antibodies could have healed all the damage that was done to her body. He says you are one the most gifted emergency healers he has ever seen. I can’t thank you enough. That woman is my whole world.”

  Kylor smiles at Agnar and says, “We need to get the little ones home, unless you want us to stay.”

  “No Morna and Luca will wake up when they are ready and you guys need to get the little ones home and into bed. Aiden can stay here, I will keep an eye on him. Not that that little old man really needs anyone to watch out for him. His judgment is better than mine most of the time.” Agnar says with a laugh. Kylor and Kyle shake hands with their future brother in law and turn to leave the Healer’s Hall. Tena almost crashes into Kylor in her rush to come into the hall. “Oh God! You are all safe?” She asks breathlessly.

  Kylor had wrapped his arms around her to keep her from falling when she first crashed into him. He can’t help but smile because she feels so good in his arms. He fleetingly wonders what his mother would think of his growing feelings for this woman.

  She suddenly seems to realize that Kylor is still holding her and blushes bright red. Kylor quickly releases her and steps back, wondering if his forwardness has offended her. She smiles shyly at him and then turns her attention to Kyle. “I met the little ones with Rebecca and Cirona. They briefly told me what happened. I have been scared to death, Auggie was having a hard time getting a clear vision. I finally gave up waiting and came to check on everyone for myself.”

  Kyle smiles because she shifted her gaze back to Kylor as she spoke and is watching him closely. He has been feeling th
e growing attraction between these two for several days, but he suspects that neither one has made a move to act on those feelings. He wonders why, but then suddenly exhaustion hits him hard. All the stress of the entire day crashes in on him. Kylor had been quickly telling Tena what had happened and that everyone seems to be on the mend. Kyle clears his throat when Kylor offers to take Tena to see Morna. “Bro, go ahead with Tena. I am going home. I really need to sleep.” Kyle says quietly.

  Kylor drags his eyes from Tena’s face and says, “Sure Kyle. Let’s go.” He looks at Tena with regret but he refuses to let his teenaged brother walk back to their home by himself. He smiles broadly when Annie and Lou walk into the lobby. “Hey, are you two going back to the house?” When they say that they are he asks if they will make sure Kyle gets home safely.

  “Thanks bro. I am not a baby.” Kyle smirks. He knows Kylor is just being careful but he can’t help but rib him a little.

  Annie chuckles looking at Kylor and Tena. She too has sensed the growing attraction and knows that Kyle is just messing with his brother’s head a little. “We’d welcome the company. Come on Kyle.” When they are safely out of earshot Annie says, “You little stinker! You knew how much he wanted to stay with her, but he is so honor bound to do his duty by his siblings.”

  “I know. I just had to mess with him a little. I have been wondering if those two will ever act on their mutual attraction.” Kyle says with a smile.

  “They may not. Tena is one of Valliant’s former lovers, her son is your Uncle.” Annie says quietly.

  “Man, you immortals sure get around.” Kyle says with a smirk. “A guy can’t hardly look at a woman for fear she might be related.” Kyle stops when Lou looks like he was just punched in the gut. “What’s wrong Lou?”

  Lou is staring off into space and then shakes his head. “Uh nothing, just tired. Let’s get back to Morna’s place, and then I want to get back to Heimdall’s to sleep. I want to be rested when Mom comes out of it.”

  Kyle is very confused by the flood of emotions he feels from his cousin, but the overriding emotion is guilt and he wonders about it. He looks at Annie and it’s clear that she understands what is wrong with her brother. But she has shut her emotions off from him and that makes Kyle really curious. They walk the rest of the way home in silence. When they get almost to Kyle’s home Lou turns to Annie and says, “I am going to teleport to Heimdall’s. See ya later kid.” And he is gone before Kyle can respond.

  Kyle looks at Annie searchingly, she still has her emotions shut off from him. Kyle was very confused by Lou’s reaction to his snarky comment about immortal’s and their sexual habits, but on the walk home the pieces fell into place.

  Annie looks at Kyle and sighs, “I guess you have some questions you need answers to?” Kyle nods and Annie says, “Yeah, I was afraid of that. You are one smart, perceptive kid. I have been kind of surprised you didn’t figure it out before now. Let’s go out back to the garden.”

  Kyle nods wordlessly and follows Annie like someone deep in a trance. He sits heavily on a marble bench and looks at Annie with a confused look on his face. Annie strokes his face gently, “Kyle, what do you think you know?”

  “Oh God! I think Mom and Lou were lovers when they knew each other in El Paso. But I am sure neither one of them knew they were related. Oh God! I can tell by your face I am right. Poor Mom! Poor Lou!” Annie pats his hand and nods. “How come Lou reacted like that?”

  “Breena and Rinda tried to remove the memories. We thought they were successful. It’s been a real nightmare for both of them, but mostly for Lou. He loved Morna. He knew she was a magical being and knew that our Mom was after her. But he didn‘t know she had a mate or that she is our Aunt. And of course, your mother knew nothing of her different lifetimes as Deidra. It took Lou almost thirty years to realize he had been in love with our mother’s sister. I guess your innocent comment brought it all back. I am going to have to go get Kylor and have him help Lou deal with this.” Annie says softly.

  “Kylor? He knows?” Annie nods and Kyle asks, “How can Kylor help?”

  “Kylor can heal memories. They still remember the events, but he heals the negative emotions tied to the memories. I think he did that for Morna, but she still avoids Lou.”

  “I have noticed Mom avoids him and had wondered why.” Kyle says. “How does Kylor heal those memories?”

  “He can enter someone’s mind and walk through their memories and heal them. It’s a rare talent, but your brother is very, very good at it. He taught your Dad how to do it and that’s how he figured out how the antibodies heal damage in a body. Your Dad is amazing, he used that technique to enter the antibody and go through the body. It’s going to revolutionize medicine for our kind.” Annie says with a smile.

  “How did Dad take the news about Mom and Lou?”

  “He doesn’t blame your Mom if that is what you are worried about. He wouldn’t judge her, and could forgive her anything. He really loves her no matter what.” Annie assures Kyle.

  “I know that, but it had to hurt him, a lot.” Kyle says quietly.

  “I am sure that it did. It ripped your mom to pieces, I know that for sure. Kylor helped, but it’s still hard for her. I am sorry that you found this out. Morna would hate to know that you figured it out. She has never hurt your Dad or you kids on purpose, but the changes she has gone through over the years and the men she had relationships with during her different mortal incarnations have left their mark on all of your lives.” Annie says softly.

  “Mom is very loving, loyal and constant. I know she wouldn’t do anything like this knowingly. I feel sorry for her. She carries a lot of guilt, I have known that ever since we have been reunited, I just didn’t understand exactly why. I guess I do now. Hey, while we are talking about things Mom wouldn’t want me to know, I have to ask something. I hope you will tell me the truth, but I understand if you don’t.” Kyle rubs his hands across his face and exhales slowly, “Mom and Rinda…?”

  “Long, long time ago.” Annie looks at her young cousin and realizes that he needs more of an explanation than that. “Kyle, when they were girls, honorable women didn’t have relations with the first man they were attracted to like girls often do now. But among our kind, we usually live a long time before we find someone, that right someone. So it was common for girls to become lovers. I know it sounds silly, but it was considered preferable to losing one’s virginity before they met their mate. As I understand it from Rinda, your Mom broke off her relationship with Rinda right after she met Lucian. Rinda held onto those feelings for a long time, but your Mom only loves Lucian.” Annie says softly.

  “Wow! It’s really weird to think of my Mom in that kind of relationship. I can’t see her being attracted to a woman.” Kyle says thoughtfully.

  “I don’t think she was attracted to Rinda as a woman, but as her best friend, and a sort of soul mate. But nothing like her connection to your Dad.” Annie evaluates how Kyle is taking this information and decides he is adapting just fine.

  Kyle smiles and says, “But you are very attracted to Rinda, as a woman?”

  Annie smiles back at him and says, “Yeah kid, I am definitely very attracted to Rinda as a woman. Truth be told, I am head over heels in love with her.”

  “Yeah, I knew that. Rinda is really attracted to you too. I think she is reaching a point in her life where she wants to make a connection like Mom has with Dad. I hope you two can find that, together.” Kyle says with a big grin. “Thanks for being honest with me. This explains a lot. I am going inside. I need sleep too. I really want to go check on Mom. I believe you said you need to go get Kylor to help Lou? Don’t you think he might be sleeping?”

  “No way! He’s probably a manic mess by now. I am glad you are taking this so well, but I really need to go help my brother. I don’t want him to freak out and disappear on me. I am afraid he remembers how much he loved Deidra.” Annie leans in and kisses Kyle’s cheek and says, “But do me a favor kid, don’t ever tell your
Mom that I told you any of this. She would kick my ass all across the nine realms.”

  Kyle laughs and says, “No worries Annie! I don’t want her to know that I know about Lou or Rinda any more than she wants me to know. I’ll never tell a soul.”

  “Good! But you can talk to me anytime you need to, about anything. Okay?” Annie says gently. “I mean anything.”

  “I know Annie. I feel really close to you.” Kyle hugs his cousin quickly and says, “See ya later gator.” Annie chuckles as she watches her young cousin go inside, and murmurs, “After a while crocodile.” Annie teleports back to the Healer’s Hall to fetch Kylor to help her brother.


  “Love, Mordir just came to tell me that Robert is well enough to go home and Aideen is doing well also.” Morna says as she kisses her mate again. She runs her hands along his abdomen and smiles when he opens his eyes and leers playfully at her.

  “Morna, thank you for bringing me here while we healed. The pain seems completely separated from me here.” Luca says quietly.

  “I know, Love. But we have to go back soon. The kids are handling it well, but they need to see us up and around soon.” Morna says as she trails her hot breath down his abdomen and then sighs as she runs her cheek along the length of his shaft. “Damn, part of me could stay here forever, just loving you.” Morna sighs happily and circles the head of his manhood with her tongue and begins to draw him into her mouth when he gasps and draws her back upwards so that she is face to face with him.

  “My turn,” He growls as he flips her over and begins to trail kisses down her neck and onto her chest. When he gets to her belly, he sighs sadly, “I miss him. I can still feel him through the spell, and I know he’s fine. But I miss rubbing my hands over your big belly, feeling him kick me. I guess this is a preview for after he is born.” Luca continues to kiss his way down her body and nips the gentle mound at the apex of her thighs. “Would you mind if I told you that I wanted to go back after we make love again?”


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