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Axxios and Braxxus

Page 16

by Alana Khan

  This is wonderful and exciting and scary all at once. After grabbing some breakfast, I’m going to head for my room, take a shower, and try like hell to resist the urge to break the twins’ “no release” rule.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I’m sitting in the small chair in the corner of our cabin, already dressed in my black-leather gladiator regalia. That was a new lesson in humility—having my twin dracking dress me. It seems every hoara brings a new revelation of the indignities I’ll be subjected to if I choose to stay in this life.

  Then I watch Brie and Braxx. What a great couple they make. Of course, I’d never really seen a couple on Mythros, my only role models were triads. But on the ship, the couples who are paired off look cute and happy.

  But I’m not certain how cute and happy these two can remain if my brother can’t get it up for his bride.

  And where that leaves me? Nowhere. I found nothing in the Intergalactic Database that spoke to the issue of silvers getting erections after their gold is dead.

  I have one more idea, but I’ve put it off for tomorrow. I just didn’t have the stomach for it. I could contact Dr. Merendi back home. He was our family physician. He treated Braxx and me for childhood illnesses as well as the occasional broken bone.

  If he doesn’t know the answer to my question, he'll be able to find it. The problem is that my fathers will be fully briefed on my condition and whereabouts within a minima of the communication.

  We overthrew our masters more than two months ago. I’ve had ample opportunity to contact them since then. I’ve chosen not to. My parents were always hard on me. I think we all knew on some level that I’d be the golden twin. Even before the change, I was charged with protecting my gem.

  I knew they’d blame me for his death even though I was piloting my own ship at the time. Now that he’s alive, I gave some thought to a quick trip to Mythros to see the family. It didn’t appeal. I assumed Braxx would ask to go at some point, but I think first his Angel and now his twin have been at the top of his priority list, not our parents.

  With this paralysis, I can visualize in detail what our reception will be. I can imagine them giving Braxx drack for not protecting me—even though that’s ridiculous. And I’m certain B knows as well as I do that bringing a human home to meet the parents will not thrill any of them.

  It would be nice to spare all of us that drama.

  But I may have to call Dr. Merendi tomorrow. I’ll do anything to make the cute couple standing in front of me happy.

  “You two look fantastic. I had no idea talent shows were a gala affair,” I tell them brightly. Braxx is dressed in an outfit matching mine. His back is covered in clear plas-film under the black leather sash, as is mine.

  Brie’s wearing a simple pink dress she borrowed from Grace for the occasion. It’s not fancy in the slightest, but except for the Mirasian silk she wore to the dracking fair, I’ve never seen her in anything but leggings and the shapeless, baggy top she calls a t-shirt.

  She smiles shyly. Someday I’d love for her to know—really know down to the depths of her soul—how beautiful she is. Perhaps it will take more time. Nothing else has worked.

  There’s a knock on our cabin door and Braxx looks like he just got caught filching money from our mother’s purse. I only have a moment to wonder what he’s hiding before he throws the door open and invites whoever’s out in the hall inside.

  Dax carries in a three-fierto tall contraption. Both males are beaming. By her expression, it’s clear Brianna’s not in on the little secret—nor am I.

  “See you in an hoara,” Dax says as he hurries out.

  “An exoskeleton, Axx!” Braxx grabs the computerized walking device, comes over and clasps me on the shoulder. “I’ve been designing it and producing it on the 3D printer all day. Let’s get you walking.”

  Setting it in front of me, he maneuvers my legs into it. It’s compact, with little more than two sturdy rods that hug the contours of the outside of each leg. The rods connect around the back of the waist. That and a wrist controller are all I need.

  I stand and almost fall. I need to figure out my center of gravity. B is patient with me, letting me lean most of my weight on his shoulder until I get the hang of it. In less than five minimas I manage to quickly pace from the door to the back wall and return.

  As soon as I can shamble on my own, I let go of B’s shoulder and do a few more laps. On my own. Now that I feel moderately competent, I take a moment to glance at Brie.

  She’s given me room to practice with the gizmo, and is standing just inside the bathroom threshold. Her smile shows a combination of pride and joy. “I’m so happy for you, Axx. How does it feel?”

  “I never knew how good standing and walking felt until I was relegated to a chair for the past few days. Being able to look at my gem eye to eye again—that’s amazing.”

  I’m smiling. Not only can I walk, I feel like I can fly. A weight has been lifted off me. And look at my bondmates. Braxx pulled Brianna into the room and has his arm around her waist. They’re both so happy for me. This is what I’ve wanted all my life.

  I’ve quit paying attention to my legs and movement, and almost stumble, but I right myself. Can I do this? Can I allow myself to remain here and let these two love me? I don’t know how I’ll feel tomorrow. I just know that right now I think I might be able to stay.


  I love these guys. Those are the only words coursing through my thoughts. I’m choked up and hot tears are welling in my eyes. I love Braxx, he’s so easy to love. And I love Axx, too. He’s got more layers than his twin, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

  Somehow I maneuver us into a tight circle and force a group hug. It’s so good to look up at Axx again. Oh, the way he’s looking at me, like he could administer the antidote he promised me right this minute, I actually feel weak in the knees.

  “Maybe we could skip the talent show?” I wheedle. “There are twenty-two other people on board. I doubt they’ll miss the chubby girl and the handsome twins.”

  Whoa. By the expression on both their faces, you’d think I just said their mother looked like a baboon. Axx’s face turns to golden thunder. Braxx’s turns to lightning.

  “Come here,” Axx orders as he pulls me into the bathroom.

  The three of us stand in front of the mirror above the sink. Their faces are so serious, a little thought pricks the back of my mind that they’re planning a punishment I might not like.

  “Tell me what you see,” Braxx instructs. Both of them are looking at me through our reflection in the mirror, and by the looks of things, they wish they could shoot lasers out of their eyes.

  “Two handsome guys,” my voice quivers, “and me.”

  The corners of their mouths slash down even further as my eyes flick from one to the other.

  “More,” Axx dictates.

  “Two huge, muscled Mythrian males, one silver and one gold. Dressed up for a night on the town—gladiator style. Turquoise eyes, chiseled cheekbones, masculine lips. Nice hair?” I end on a question, hoping I’ve passed the test.

  “And the person in the middle?” Braxx asks.

  “Describe her,” Axx commands.

  Well crap. I was avoiding that. I’m usually so good at not seeing my own reflection.

  “Dark brown hair, green eyes, pink dress.” There. That should do it. I look up at Braxx, usually the softer of the two, hoping the quiz is over.

  “Stop it, Brie. Don’t make light of this,” he says, his face still tight with anger.

  If his face is this irritated, I don’t want to spare a glance at his tougher, angrier brother.

  I look into the mirror, trying to see what they want me to see. I don’t know what they’re fishing for.

  “Brown hair,” I repeat, “green eyes. Freckles?” Is that what they want?

  Braxx looks furious. I’ve never seen him this angry, even when they told him his gem would never walk again. It’s Axxios whose
face has softened. He stands behind me, gently resting his hands on my shoulders.

  “Try this, Angel. Look into my eyes in the mirror.” He pauses. “Really look, that’s right.” His voice is sensitive and tender. That’s the voice you could hold onto during a rough patch. It’s full of warm affection.

  “Good job. What do you see?”

  The river of time seems to stop flowing. I know this is serious. I consciously unclench every muscle in my body and try to breathe easy. My shoulders relax, my jaw slackens and I lose myself in his gaze.

  “That’s right, Angel, tell me what you see in my eyes. Only my eyes.”

  “Love?” The awareness hits me like an avalanche. “Love, Axx. I see so much love. Oh my God. So much.” A liquid warmth suffuses my chest as I allow myself to receive it.

  “That’s right. Now look at Braxx’s eyes in the mirror. What do you see?”

  Somehow I gather the nerve to look—all the fury is gone from his gaze. I see him regarding me with so much affection I feel lightheaded. It’s penetrating me and moving through me like a wave of warm, passionate energy. It’s so intense it could be overwhelming, but it’s not.

  “What do you see?” Braxx prompts gently.

  “Love. You guys love me.” I’m full-on crying now, my lips are quivering and I can’t take my eyes off the mirror as my gaze bounces from one pair of compassionate blue eyes to the other.

  “Now,” Axx says. “Imagine you’re looking through our eyes and look at yourself. Describe yourself.”

  It’s the bravest thing I’ve ever done to tear my eyes from his and look at myself. My image wavers before my eyes, then crystallizes.

  I take a long moment to allow the emotions swirling inside me to register with my brain. When I look at myself through their eyes, everything changes. Like getting a new pair of glasses, everything looks different.

  “I see Brianna.” I breathe deeply. “Cute upturned nose, intelligent green eyes, they’re inquisitive. I see a perfect mouth, just made for smiling...and kissing. I see a graceful neck, the ideal smattering of freckles, and look...,” I pause and look first to one twin and then the other. “Dear God, I look just like I belong with both of you.”

  I know they’re smiling down at me, and I want to look at them right now, I do. But first my lids slam closed and I just savor this moment. For the first time in my life I feel totally at home in this body. This is my body and I fully inhabit it. I belong here, dammit, and nothing needs to change. I’m fine exactly as I am.

  I have to say that out loud, right this minute, “I’m fine exactly as I am.” Then louder, “I’m fine exactly as I am.”

  And I realize my guys are chanting it now, “You’re fine exactly as you are, Angel.”

  They bend down and envelop me in a three-way hug that touches my heart, and my soul.

  “We belong together, Angel.” Axx captures my chin in his hand and lifts my face until I’m looking at him. “We’re a beautiful triad. We’re going to make it through all of this together.”

  His voice still sounds so serious. I wonder if he’s reassuring himself as well as me.

  “Speaking of three’s…” Axx steps behind me and turns me toward the mirror. “Close your eyes.” He reaches over my head, then I feel him place a necklace around my neck. I’m already smiling. I know exactly what it is.

  “Open your eyes,” Braxx urges.

  It’s the necklace he showed me on Fairea. My hand flies to it. I adore the feel of it, the fact that it’s already warming from my body heat, and that it symbolizes our tri-bond. I’m torn between holding it and letting go so I can get a good picture of what it looks like on my skin.

  “I love it. It’s the perfect symbol for our tri-bond—gold for Axx, silver for Braxx and pink rose gold for me.” I’ll admit it, I’m tearing up.

  I glance up at them both, they’re looking at me with love and admiration. My stomach does a happy flip.

  “But you’ve still got to sit through an entire talent show before we administer your antidote,” Braxx jokes, a sexy smile slashing across his face.

  And then he’s kissing me. Not soft, tentative kisses, but hard, claiming ones. The kind of kisses that usually accompany a good fucking. But he’s barely touching me anywhere except my shoulders. He’s pulling me close and kissing the shit out of me like he owns me.

  My response is not to push him away. My core responds with warm approval in the form of clenching and copious amounts of lubrication.

  “Braxx, we have to leave soon,” my words protest, but I press myself so close to him daylight couldn’t peep through. My heel has snaked behind his knee, pulling him closer.

  “Right you are, Angel,” Axx agrees, his voice soft and soothing even as he sweeps my hair off the back of my neck and nibbles behind my ear.

  He’s known my secret spot for ages and loves to use it against me. I’m panting even as I move my hands to Braxx’s magnificent ass and pull him against me so hard I can ride his cock through the stiff black leather that protects it.

  They must have communicated through their twinlink, because they both kiss me once more—a bit too chastely for my taste—and stand up to their full height.

  “We should go,” Axx says forcefully, even as he’s apologizing with his gaze.


  The sheer joy of being able to walk to the dining hall on my own power is surpassed only by the pride of having my little family with me. Brie’s in the middle, exactly where she should be, and Braxx is on her other side. We’re all walking in step, talking excitedly with each other, as if there’s only the future ahead of us. As if Braxx and I hadn’t both almost died within the last lunar cycle. As if I wasn’t damaged beyond repair.

  We arrive a few minutes before the show is to start. Stryker smiles and nods at me. Dax’s impossibly deep voice booms out, “Good to see you walking again, Axxios.” Maddie gives me a long hug, then asks if she can bring me a snack.

  I receive a few happy waves and many more congratulatory comments. Everyone on board is genuinely glad for my good fortune. I don’t think it’s all about the fact I walked in here on my own power, they’re all happy to see the three of us together and holding hands.

  We take our seats a moment before the talent show starts. I grab three seats in the back row to give us privacy.

  I’ve never been to a talent show before. Are they all like this? It’s interminable. There are some entertaining moments. Grace’s melodic music was lovely as usual. Petra performed an interesting gymnastic routine while wearing clothes that covered her from ankle to neckline. I’m certain her “costume” was designed by Shadow, her protective mate.

  And who knew huge Dax of all males would recite the most sensitive love poem ever written by a member of his race? His entire performance was executed while gazing deeply into Dahlia’s eyes with utmost sincerity.

  B and I each held one of Brie’s hands during his poetic recitation. I could tell she was getting choked up. If I was still a complete male, my cock would be hard as mamnite. I love that Brie gets emotional about Braxx and me.

  I consult my heart. I’ve always had an intense bond with my gem, many who knew us remarked on how close we’ve always been. And Brie? I would have given my life for her since the day I met her, and that was before my emotions returned from where they were buried for decades. Now I love her. I would do anything to keep her from pain—either physical or emotional.

  Have I really decided to stay in this triad? Have I transformed from a male who was ready to take my leave of this lifetime to being willing to stay? All in the span of a handful of hoaras?

  Gathering my emotions in check, I wonder what it’s going to feel like to watch my silver take the lead in the bedroom tonight. I’ll be sidelined—able to bestow a few kisses, assist with a finger or a tongue, but will have to watch my brother conduct the “big finish.” I can only imagine how completely that will decimate any shred of ego I might have left. By the way my heart is squeezing inside my chest, I wonder i
f I might call Dr. Merendi tomorrow after all.

  I try to pay attention to the show. Other than Grace and Petra, who have true talent, I realize we’re watching one gladiator after another get up on stage and “perform.” The idea of talent seems to be optional for the males—and they all seem to be having a great time.

  I wonder what it is about planet Earth that none of the women are willing to be dragged up on stage.

  “No!” Maddie screams when Stryker attempts to get her to join him for a song that could cause a healthy person’s ears to bleed.

  “Why don’t any of the females want to have fun?” I whisper to Brie.


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