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Axxios and Braxxus

Page 18

by Alana Khan

  “Mmmm,” I say as I scoot closer to his touch. He complies by dipping his long, thick finger into me and starting a slow rhythm.

  I could find my release in a minute this way, especially now that Braxx’s teeth are nipping the tight bud of my breast, but I have other ideas.

  I slide out of both of their embrace and crouch between Axx’s legs.

  “No, Brie,” his tone is loud and firm and almost panicked. “Don’t!”

  I grab his waist and lick downward from his navel. I have a feeling if I don’t hurry he’s going to heave me off of him, so I slide lower and take him into my mouth in one swift movement. I used to love to do this when we were slaves and the lights were out in our cell block. I learned every movement he liked. I knew the pressure and the pace that drove him wild. His responses then were nothing like they are now.

  His cock is still partly flaccid, but I keep my rhythm, licking and swirling and adding vibration with a long, deep moan from the back of my throat. What do you know, he’s fully erect, just like the articles on the Intergalactic Database promised.

  “I want you both inside me. I want to be fully bondmates,” my embarrassed whisper is so soft and low I can’t imagine either of them heard me.

  But they did.

  Axx pulls me up and kisses me with more passion than I’ve ever felt. “I love you, Brianna. You’re a gift.” He spears me with a look so long and deep and full of affectionate warmth I feel it to the depths of my soul.

  I’m still slick with my arousal as well as Braxx’s release. I ease myself down on him in little pulses, reveling in the experience of him filling me, stretching me. I adore this position, being able to look into his eyes. That look I always wanted from him is there now, flowing out of him and into me. The pendant symbolizing our love captures my attention as it swings in and out of my vision.

  “Are you sure about this, Angel?” Axx asks. “Braxx can join us another time.”

  “There’s oil on the bedside table,” is my reply, even though my voice quavered rather than coming out boldly like I would have preferred.

  Braxx applies warm oil to my back hole, tentatively at first. It’s arousing as he circles the outer rim. He’s taking his time as we both warm to the idea.

  Then his finger presses inward in little increments. I’m totally focused on his movements, assessing the feeling.

  “That feels good, B,” I murmur as I press back into him.

  This must give him the permission he was waiting for, because now he’s emboldened and moving a bit deeper. I focus on the feeling of tightness, being filled, and the intensity of the experience when a second finger joins the first.

  This heightens the pressure, but I can’t call it pain in any way. We keep moving, me riding Axx, Braxx moving in me from behind.

  “Ready, Angel?” Braxx breathes into my ear.

  I’m still a bit nervous, but I answer, “Yes.”

  He pulls out, slathers himself with oil, and presses against me. What was I thinking? This isn’t the size of one finger—or two. These boys are well-endowed. But B goes slow and begins to whisper deliciously dirty things in my ear while Axx urges us both on.

  “I’m going to make you come, Brie,” Braxx tells me confidently as he presses harder. “I want you to say my name when you do.”

  He presses a bit stronger as Axx’s finger circles my clit. Oh, too many sensations to pay attention to.

  Braxx takes that moment to fully breach my backside and the moment of pain comes and goes in an instant.

  “Fuck,” I moan as I press back toward him. He surges forward and back a few more times until he’s fully seated.

  “Oh my God. I love you guys,” I say. I can’t pay attention to anything other than the feeling of being filled by the two males I love more than I’ve ever loved anything in my lifetime. The combination of emotional as well as physical overwhelm adds to the pleasure.

  Braxx is pumping me from the rear, I’m riding Axx, and his hand is doing all the right things to my clit. My noises ramp louder as my release thunders down on me. A moment later I hear Braxx’s loud groan from behind me and Axx’s short bark from in front.

  I collapse on Axx, with Braxx covering me from behind. I can tell he’s holding all his weight on his arms so he doesn’t squish me, so I tip us all to the side.

  “So we’re bondmates now?” I smile at Axx.

  He spears me with a look so deep, so serious, I’m almost afraid of what he’s going to say.

  “We’ve always been bondmates, Brianna. What happened here just spoke to the deepest part of our brains that might not have gotten the message yet.”

  I smile and press my lips to his. “I think what we just did was eloquent enough to send the message to the buried recesses of my antiquated ‘lizard’ brain.”

  “I got the message a long time ago,” Braxx says from behind me. “I’m glad you two caught up. I told you everything would work out.”


  I never wanted things to be this way. As a younger male, I envisioned myself hale and hearty when I thought of my first night in my bonding bed. I didn’t ask to be paralyzed. If someone had told me this was the way it would be, I would have said it wasn’t fair.

  But two lunar cycles ago I was a slave bound for death in the gladiator arena, and I thought my gem was dead. If someone had told me then that I’d have the loveliest bondmate in the galaxy laughing and kissing me in my bed within a few lunar cycles, I would have called them a liar.

  So no, this isn’t exactly what I dreamed of, but it might be more than I deserve. I won’t be calling Dr. Mirendi tomorrow. I think I’ll be practicing with my exoskeleton, getting back to work on the bridge, and figuring out how to better let my love shine through to my gem and my bondmate.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I woke up this morning feeling well used, and I mean that in a good way. I’m a bondmate! What a terrific twist of fate. I love my guys and they love me.

  My heart still breaks for Axx. How terrible such a strong, virile male will never feel anything from the waist down.

  I read on the Database that manual stimulation could give him an erection. That worked just like the articles said it would. They also said he could ejaculate, which he did. I hadn’t thought that through, though. He orgasmed, but he couldn’t fully feel it.

  You’d think that would have destroyed him. But he seemed calm and happy last night. And Braxx seemed fine. If Axx was just faking it, Braxx would have picked it up from their twinbond, and I would have picked it up from him.

  I feel Braxx stirring on my left. His eyes pop open and the first thing he does is gaze over at me and smile. “Brie looks beautiful with her hair all messed up,” he whispers, “the just-dracked look becomes you.”

  I consult my stomach. It’s not contracting in discomfort at the “b-word.” In fact, I think I just might get used to this.

  I feel Axx stir on my right. When I turn my head to say good morning I immediately know something is terribly wrong. His face contracts in worry.

  “Axx? What’s wrong?”

  “My body’s numb.”

  His eyes widen in fright. “Can’t move my arms.”


  B’s behind me comming the doctor as he bolts out of bed and pulls on his jumpsuit. I don my clothes in record time, then sit on the chair near Axx’s side, my palm pressed to his cheek.

  It seems like an eternity until the blue doc comes running in, but I know it’s probably been less than two minutes. He’s using his medpad to scan Axx, the corners of his mouth tightly drawn down.

  “I didn’t mention it before,” the doctor says, “because I didn’t think it was relevant, but my earlier scans indicated that the shrapnel was laced with a previously unknown radioactive isotope. This one hadn’t been quantified, but I didn’t think it was of any consequence.

  “Something is affecting Axxios in an unusual manner, and now I’m wondering if it’s due to the unfamiliar qualitie
s of that isotope.”

  “Cut to the chase, doc,” Braxxus orders.

  “Axxios's condition should be stable. The fact that his paralysis is spreading has no known cause. Maybe it’s the isotope, maybe not. Whatever the reason…” he bites his upper lip and looks down at his pad, avoiding our gaze, “my scans indicate this is unremitting, that it will continue until his muscles cease functioning.”

  He pauses, then continues in a rush, “even his heart.”

  “How can you be so certain?” Braxx demands.

  “Because in the five minimas I’ve been in this room, the paralysis has spread an additional .05%. This thing is raging through your brother’s body.”

  Silence. Thunderous silence. My heart is pounding in my chest, hot tears pool in my eyes. At first, I’m afraid to look at either of my guys, then I can’t tear my gaze away. Axx’s jaw is set, his newfound emotions shuttered and tightly locked down. Braxx’s sweet face is slack in shock and sadness.

  I fist my hands at my sides and try not to cry—Axx doesn’t need to be worried about me right this moment.

  “So what’s the treatment?” I ask forcefully, as if by sheer strength of will I could make Dr. Drayke invent a cure.

  “Miss Brianna, I…”

  “There is no treatment, Angel,” Axx says. Of course, it makes perfect sense that out of all of us he’s the strongest, calmest one in the room right now. “I’d put my arms around you if I could.”

  I climb in next to him and curl up next to his side, one arm slung over him. I press against him tightly and lean up to kiss his golden cheek. He’s already fast asleep even though he just woke up.

  “What’s the timeline, doc?” Braxx asks, his voice breaking as he rubs his hand absentmindedly over his head.

  “I’ve never encountered anything like this before. This is uncharted territory. The scans don’t look good, Braxxus. I think he’s got days, maybe less. I’m sorry. I’ll go to the lab and pour over the Database. I’ll have Callista comm all the other ships that were on Fairea that day, see if they have any info. But…”

  “Thanks, doc.”

  It’s quiet in the room after Dr. Drayke leaves. Braxx slides into bed on Axx’s other side and we just hug each other. Axx is sleeping deeply, at least I hope he’s sleeping and not in a coma. I’m crying silently. I reach over Axx and pet Braxx’s velvety head.

  “This is bad, Brie. Drack, my heart is breaking.”

  “It’s like a bad dream. I can’t believe this is happening.”

  “I know this isn’t fair to ask, Angel, but can I have an hoara alone with him? I wonder if maybe our twinlink…” his voice trails off.

  “Absolutely, B. I’ll give you time with your gem.” I don’t feel hurt that he wants time alone with his twin. I’ve known Axx for two months, they’ve been intimately connected their entire lives. “I’ll bring you food when I come back.” I reach over Axx’s body, kiss Braxx, and scoot off the bed and out the door.

  My feet make their way to the kitchen, although my head is in a complete fog. In every sense of the word, yesterday was my wedding day. Now one of my mates has been given a death sentence. Dear Lord, I just want to stay in this blissful cocoon of numbness. I’d rather not feel anything right now.

  I have time on my hands and want to stay busy. I’ve been meaning to go to the cellblock and visit the geneslave. Yuck, I hate that name—it obviously carries the most vile connotations. It’s my fault he’s on this ship. Although I’ve asked the doc how he’s doing, I should check on him myself and make sure they’re treating him okay.

  I visit the kitchen and coax Maddie into making a huge bowl of sumra, the noodle porridge all the males seem to love. While she’s cooking, I forage in the cold box for leftovers he might like. He was so emaciated, I assume he’ll eat whatever I bring.

  I snag a huge mound of leftover bake-a-cake and add it to the tray I’m carrying. Thanking Maddie, I wend my way to the belly of the ship.

  That’s right, Brie, I tell myself, stay busy, keep moving, help others. Don’t think.

  I pause before I get to the cellblock door. Shit, I don’t want to enter. I’m filled with a sense of dread. I know what happened in that cell wasn’t all bad. Axxios was kind to me and although it was the oddest place in the galaxy to have a sexual awakening, that’s what happened here. And I know now this is where I began to fall in love with him. My mate. My mate who’s dying.

  Stop it, Brie! Keep moving. Step, step, step. Help the geneslave. Don’t think.

  When I was in this cellblock there was constant fear of being shocked or having my head blown off my shoulders. The Urluts leered at me, I knew they were probably watching us have sex on their hidden cameras. There was continual terror knowing I’d be sold and separated—all that was a true nightmare.

  I square my shoulders and kick the door with my heel, hoping whoever’s guarding the prisoner will help me in. Stryker’s scarred face peers through the window in the metal door and he lets me in, although he doesn’t seem happy about it.

  “Brianna, I’ll take that. You don’t have to come in here. I can’t imagine you want to revisit the memories you created in this drackhole.”

  “Actually, I came to visit the prisoner.”

  His eyes narrow and his jaw tightens. “Why?”

  “He saved my life. He saved Braxx and Axx’s life, Stryker. That’s why.”

  “He’s a geneslave. A canine. He’s dangerous. I’ll take the tray.”

  I shift out of his reach. “I brought him food and I’d like to talk to him.” I can’t control my shiver as I offer, “let me have his collar controller and you take a break. I’ll be fine.” God knows I never want to touch a collar again.

  “He’s a geneslave, Brianna, and I don’t think you’d have the heart to use the collar controller. Let me—”

  “You must not know me very well, Stryker. You’re not going to talk me out of this. I’m not leaving without giving him his food and talking to him. You might as well take a break.” I look him hard in the eyes and square my shoulders.

  He gently pulls the tray out of my grip and shoves it through the notch in the bars onto the floor of the cell.

  I look at the geneslave for the first time since I walked in. He’s in the first cell, maybe eight feet away. His back is pressed into the back corner of his cell and he’s studiously avoiding both Stryker and me. I catch him sneaking a quick glance at the heavily-laden tray, then he turns his dead gaze to the floor.

  I pull Stryker’s chair against the wall in the corridor outside the male’s cell. “See? I’ll sit here and talk to your prisoner while he eats. Unless he can shimmy through those bars, I’ll be as safe as a baby in a crib.” I smile up at him sweetly. “Maddie’s in the kitchen. Nobody else is there. You two might be able to snag some alone time.”

  That certainly got his attention. The enticement of sex might have done the trick.

  “Here’s the collar controller. Promise me you’ll use it if you need to.” He edges toward the door.

  “Absolutely. I’ll be fine. I won't leave until you get back.”

  “Doctore should be here to relieve me in half an hoara,” he says, and he’s out the door at a jog.

  I take a moment to glance down the hallway toward the cell where Axx and I were imprisoned. That’s history, I tell myself as I square my shoulders, no time to think about that now.

  I notice my fingers fiddling idly with my new necklace, the symbol of our tri-bond. I snatch my hand away as if I’d touched hot coals. I don’t need to think of that right now, either.

  “Feel free to eat. I’m certainly not going to go in there and fight you for it,” I tell the prisoner.

  He glances at me, a feral look in his mismatched eyes. He walks on all fours, almost like a dog, to grab the tray, then pulls it to the rear of his cell. With his back toward me, he begins inhaling his food.

  I know instinctively that no words will calm him. Nothing I say could soothe him or convince him I won’t hurt him, zap his
collar, or snatch his food back. Although I have a terrible voice I decide to sing. Of course, the song that flies into my mind is from Brownies about friendship—the one about new friends, silver and gold.

  Ah, the power of the subconscious. I wasn’t really focusing when that song popped into my mind. A pang of sadness so sharp and so deep threatens to break me, but I push that inside and focus on just this moment.

  My terrible singing seems to be working. First, his back straightens a bit; he’s not hunched so far over his food. Then he slows down from fast shoveling to normal eating.


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