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The Loyalist

Page 4

by James Francis Barrett



  Stephen awoke late the next morning. As he lay with eyes closed, halfasleep, half awake, the image of his partner of the evening sweetlydrifted into his dreamy brain, and called up a wealth of associations onwhich he continued to dwell with rare pleasure. But the ominoussuggestion that her heart could not possibly be free, that perhaps somegay officer, or brilliant member of Howe's staff, or a gallant Frenchofficial, many of whom had now infested the town, was a favoredcontestant in the field, filled his mind with the thoughts of dreadpossibilities, and chased away the golden vision that was taking shape.He sat upright and, pulling aside the curtains of the little window thatflanked his bed, he peered into the garden behind the house. The birdswere singing, but not with the volume or rapture which is their wont inthe early morning. The sun was high in the heavens and flung itsreflecting rays from the trees and foliage; whence he concluded that themorning was already far advanced and that it was well past the hour forhim to be astir.

  And what a day it was! One of those rare July days when the tints of theearth and the hues of the sky though varied in color, seem to blend inone beautiful and harmonious whole. The cypress and the myrtle, emblemsof deeds of virtue and renown, had already donned their summer dress.The many flowers bowed gently under the weight of the flitful butterfly,or the industrious bee, or tossed to and fro lightly in the arms of themorning breeze. Overhead maples, resplendent in their fabric of soft anddelicate green, arched themselves like fine-spun cobwebs, through whichfiligree the sun projected his rays at irregular and frequent intervals,lending only an occasional patch of sunlight here and there to the moreexposed portions of the garden.

  But nature had no power to drive Marjorie's image from his mind. Try ashe would, he could not distract his attention to the many problems whichordinarily would have engaged thoughts. What mattered it to him that theFrench fleet was momentarily expected, or that the Continental Congresswas again meeting in the city, or that he had met with certainsuspicious looking individuals during the course of the day! There wasyet one who looked peculiarly suspicious and who was enveloped, as faras his knowledge was concerned, in a veil of mystery of the strangestdepth. She, indeed, was a flower too fair to blush unseen or unattached.His own unworthiness confounded him.

  Nevertheless he was determined to call on her that very day, in responseto her generous invitation of last night, and in accordance too with thecustom of the time. He would there, perchance, learn more of her, of herhome, of her life, of her friends. But would he excite in her theinterest she was exciting in him? The thought of his possible remotenessfrom her, pained him and made his heart sink. The noblest charactersexperience strange sensations of desolation and wretchedness at thethought of disapproval and rejection. Esteem, the testimony of ourneighbor's appreciation, the approval of those worth while, these arethe things for which we yearn with fondest hopes. To know that we havedone well is satisfaction, but to know that our efforts and our work arevalued by others is one of the noblest of pleasures. Stephen longed toknow how he stood in the lady's esteem, and so her little world was hisuniverse.

  Dispatching the day's business as best he could, the expectant knightset out to storm the castle of his lady. Eager as he was, he did notfail to note the imposing majesty of the great trees which lined eachside of the wide road and arched themselves into a perfect canopyoverhead. An air of abundance pervaded the whole scene and made himquite oblivious of the extreme warmth of the afternoon.

  Ere long the little white house of her describing rose before him. Hehad seen it many times in other days, but now it was invested with a newand absorbing interest. There it stood, plain yet stately, with a greatpointed and shingled roof, its front and side walls unbroken save for agentle projection supported by two uniform Doric pillars which served asa sort of a portal before the main entrance. Numerous windows with smallpanes of glass, and with trim green shutters thrown full open revealingneatly arranged curtains, glinted and glistened in the beams of theafternoon sun. The nearer of the two great chimneys which ran up thesides, like two great buttresses of an old English abbey, gaveindications of generous and well-fed fireplaces recessed in the walls ofthe inner rooms. The lawns and walks were uncommonly well kept, and thewhole atmosphere of the little home was one of comfort and simplicityand neatness, suggesting the sweet and serene happiness reigning within.

  Stephen closed the gate behind him. A moment later he had seized thebrass knocker and delivered three moderate blows.


  "Captain Meagher!" gasped a soft voice. "I am so pleased you have come."

  "Mistress Allison, the pleasure is indeed mine, I assure you," repliedStephen as he grasped her hand, releasing it with a gentle pressure.

  She led the way into the narrow hall.

  "Mother!" she addressed a sweetly smiling middle-aged woman who nowstood at her side, "I have the honor of presenting to you, CaptainMeagher, of the staff of General Washington, my partner of lastevening." And she betrayed a sense of pride in that bit of history.

  Stephen took the matron's hand, for among the Americans the customprevailed of shaking hands, albeit the French visitors of the timemaintained that it was a "comic custom." Stephen thought it democratic,and in keeping with the spirit of the country.

  The parlor opened immediately to the right and thither Stephen wasconducted without further ceremony. Mr. Allison would be in shortly; hewas as yet busied with the trade at the shop. The old clock at thecorner of the room, with its quaint figure of Time adorning the top, andits slowly moving pendulum, proclaimed the hour of five, the hour whenthe duties of the day came to a close and social life began. The oldfireplace, black in this season of desuetude, but brilliant in its hugebrass andirons like two pilasters of gold, caught the eye at the extremeend of the room, while in the corner near the window a round mahoganytea-table, stood upright like an expanded fan or palm leaf.

  Stephen seated himself in a great chair that lay to one side of theroom.

  "I had the good fortune of being your daughter's partner for theevening, and I am happy to be enabled to pay my respects to you."Stephen addressed Mrs. Allison who was nearer to him on his left.

  "Marjorie told me, Captain, of your extreme kindness to her. Weappreciate it very much. Did she conduct herself becomingly? She is astranger to such brilliant affairs."

  "Splendidly!" answered Stephen. "And she danced charmingly," and heslyly looked at her as he spoke and thought he detected a faint blush.

  "I did not attend on account of its extravagance," remarked Mrs.Allison. "I had duties at home, and Marjorie was well attended."

  "Indeed!" pronounced Marjorie.

  "It was magnificent, to be sure," went on Stephen, "but it will exciteno uncertain comment. Republican simplicity last night was lost fromsight."

  "Which I scarce approve of," declared Marjorie.

  "You did not suit your action to your thought," smiled her mother.

  "True," replied the girl, "yet I told you that I was anxious to attendsimply to behold the novelty of it all. Now that it is over, Idisapprove of the splendor and extravagance especially in these times ofneed."

  "Yes," volunteered Stephen, "she did voice similar sentiments to me lastevening. Nevertheless she is not alone in her criticism. The _Gazette_today publishes a leading article excoriating the Military Governor forhis use of the teams, which he had commanded under pretense ofrevictualing of the army, for the transportation of his private effectsto and from the City Tavern. It spells dissatisfaction at best."

  "There has been dissatisfaction from the first day on which he took upresidence at the Slate Roof House," said Mrs. Allison.

  The figure of Mr. Allison appeared in the room to the rear. Stephen madehaste to stand to greet him, expressing his extreme pleasure.

  It was a great day for a tradesman when an officer of the ContinentalArmy supped at his table. The house was in a mild uproar since Marjorieannounced the coming distinction on her return from the ball. From thekitchen chi
mney went up a pillar of smoke. Mrs. Allison and two of herneighbors who were proud to lend assistance on such an importantoccasion could be seen passing in and out continually. A large roast laysimmering and burnished in the pan diffusing savory and provoking fumesthroughout the house. And it was with distinct pride that Mrs. Allisonannounced to the company that they might take their places about thefestive board.

  The discourse bore on various matters, prominence being given topolitics and the affairs of the army. Mr. Allison took care to ask noquestion that might give rise to embarrassment on the part of Stephen.The complaints of the tradesmen, the charges of the Whigs, themurmurings of the Tories and the annoying articles in the morning_Gazette_, all, were touched upon in the course of the meal. Stephenvolunteered the information that Conway and Gates were in hiding andthat Clinton was driven to New York where Washington was watching hisevery move, like a hawk, from the heights of Morristown.

  "General Washington holds General Arnold in the highest esteem,"remarked Mr. Allison.

  "As the bravest general in the Continental Army," quietly repliedStephen.

  "He would make a poor statesman," went on the host.

  "He is a soldier first and last."

  "Should a soldier be wanting in tact and diplomacy?"

  "A good soldier should possess both."

  "Then General Arnold is not a good soldier," declared Mr. Allison.

  "A criticism he hardly deserves," was the simple reply.

  "You saw the _Gazette_?"

  "Yes. I read that article to which you undoubtedly refer."

  "And you agree with it?"

  "No. I do not."

  "I am sorry about it all. Yet I am inclined to hold the Governorresponsible to a great extent. He would be an aristocrat, and it is thesociety of such that he covets."

  "Perhaps jealousy might inspire criticism. Envy, you know, is theantagonist of the fortunate."

  "But it is not his deeds alone that cause the unrest among our citizens.It is not what he does but what he says. It helps matters not in theleast to express dissatisfaction with the manner of conducting the war,neither by criticizing the enactments of the Congress, nor vehementlyopposing the new foreign alliance. This does not sound well from thelips of one of our foremost leaders and we do not like it."

  "I was not aware that he voiced any opposition to the furtherance of thealliance with France," declared Stephen.

  "He might not have spoken in formal protest, but he has spoken in aninformal manner times without number," replied Mr. Allison.

  "I am sorry to hear that. I did not expect such from General Arnold,"muttered Stephen.

  Marjorie had as yet taken no part in the conversation. She wasinterested and alive, however, to every word, anxious, if possible, tolearn Stephen's attitude in respect to the common talk. She took delightin his defense of his General, notwithstanding the overwhelming evidenceagainst him and was proud of the trait of loyalty her guest disclosed inthe face of her father's opposition.

  Mrs. Allison and Marjorie participated in the conversation when thetopics bore, for the most part, on current events, uninteresting to Mr.Allison, who munched in silence until some incomplete sentence calledfor a remark or two from him by way of a conclusion. Stephen's animatedinterest in the more common topics of the day led Mrs. Allison andMarjorie to the conclusion that he was a more practical and a moreversatile man than the head of their own house.

  All in all he made a profound impression on the family, and when therepast was finished and the table had been cleared, they sat over thefruit and the nuts, before retiring to the living room for the evening.


  "You are not in the habit of frequenting brilliant functions?" Stephenasked of Marjorie when they were quite alone. It was customary for theolder folks to retire from the company of the younger set shortly afterthe dinner grace had been said. Of course grace had to be said; Mr.Allison would permit no bread to be broken at his house without firstimploring benedictions from Heaven, and, when the formalities of themeal had been concluded, of returning thanks for the good thingsenjoyed.

  "I never have attended before," answered Marjorie, smoothing out a sideof her apron with her hand.

  "You are quite friendly with the Shippen family, I understand."

  "Oh, yes! For several years we have been united. I am invited to alltheir functions. Still I am not fond of society."

  "And you spend your time alone?" Stephen was persistent in his questionsas he sat opposite to her and studied her expression.

  "Between here and the store, and perhaps with Peggy. That is about allfor I seldom visit. I am hopelessly old-fashioned in some things, mothertells me, and I suppose you will say the same if I tell you more," andshe looked at him slyly, with her head half-raised, her lips partedsomewhat in a quizzical smile.

  "Not at all! You are what I rather hoped to find you, although I did notdare to give expression to it. You can, possibly, be of some assistanceto me."

  "Gladly would I perform any service, however humble, for the cause ofour country," Marjorie sat upright, all attention at the thought.

  "You remember I told you that I was detailed in the city on specialwork," Stephen went on.

  "I do."

  "Well, it is a special work but it also is a very indefinite work. Thereis a movement afoot, but of its nature, and purpose, I at this moment amentirely ignorant. I am here to discover clews."

  "And have you no material to work on except that? It is very vague, tosay the least."

  "That and suspicion. Howe found the city a nest of Tories; but he alsofound it swarmed with patriots, whose enthusiasm, and vigor, andpatience, and determination must have impressed him profoundly, andportended disaster for the British cause. With the morale of the peopleso high, and renewed hope and confidence swelling their bosoms, acomplete military victory must have appeared hopeless to the BritishGeneral. What was left? Dissension, or rebellion, or treason, oranything that will play havoc with the united determination of theColonists."

  She breathed heavily as she rested her chin on her hand absorbed in thevision that he was calling up.

  "Arnold's victory at Saratoga has convinced Britain that the war overhere cannot be won," he continued. "Already has Lord North thrown a bombinto the ranks of the proud Tories by his liberal proposals. Of coursethey will be entirely rejected by us and the war will continue untilcomplete independence is acknowledged. True, we had no such idea in mindwhen we entered this conflict, but now we are convinced that victory ison our side and that a free and independent form of government is themost suitable for us. We have enunciated certain principles which arepossible of realization only under a democratic form of government,where the people rule and where the rulers are responsible to thepeople. Such a system is possible only in a great republic, and that iswhat England must now recognize. Otherwise the war must go on."

  "Have our aims taken such definite form. I know----"

  "No! They have not," interrupted Stephen, "they have not and that iswhere trouble is to be expected. Such is the state of mind, however, ofmany of the more experienced leaders, but their opinion will loseweight. It is because all are not united in this, that there is room fortreason under the motive of misguided patriotism. And it is to scentevery possible form of that disloyalty that I have been sent here; sentto the very place where the Tories most abound and where such a plot ismost liable to take root."

  "And you expect me to be of assistance to you?" asked Marjorie, proud ofthe confidence which she so readily gained.

  "I expect much. But perhaps nothing will eventuate. I can rely on you,however. For the present, naught is to be done. When the time comes, Ishall tell you."

  "But what can I do? I am but a mere girl."

  "Did I think you to be ordinary, I might not have asked you," quicklyexchanged Stephen.

  Marjorie dropped her head and began studying the stitches in her gown.But only for a second, for she as quickly raised her head and asked:

  "Wherein, then, can I
be of service to you?"

  "Listen!" He brought his chair to a point nearly opposite hers. She wasseated on the settee, yet he made no attempt to share it with her.

  "You are friendly with the Shippen family," he went on. "Now, do notmisinterpret me. I shall require no betrayal of confidence. But it isgenerally known that the Shippens are Tories, not avowedly so, yet inheart and in thought. It is also generally known that their house wasthe center of society during the days of the British occupation, atwhich all manner of men assembled. The walls of that house, could theybut speak, would be able to relate many momentous conversations heldover the teacups, or in quiet corners. The family themselves must knowmany things which might be invaluable to us."

  "And you want me to learn that for you?" inquired Marjorie in alarm asthe horrible thought forced itself upon her.

  "I want you to do nothing of the kind," quickly answered Stephen. "Farbe it from me to require you to barter your benevolence. I shoulddeplore any such method as most dishonorable and unworthy of the noblecause in which we are engaged. No! I ask this, simply, that through youI might be permitted the honor of visiting the home of Miss Shippen andthat by being acquainted with the family I might acquire a generalentree to the Tory social circle. In this way I might effect my purposeand perchance stumble across information of vital importance. Thus canyou be of great assistance to me."

  "I shall be delighted to do this, and I shall tell you more--perhaps youmay ask me to do something more noble--sometime----" She hesitated toexpress the wish which was father to her thought.

  "Sometime I expect you to be of real service to me and to ourcountry--sometime----"

  Marjorie did not answer. She knew what she would like to say, but darednot. Why should he unfold his mission to her at this, almost their firstmeeting? And why should he expect her to be of such assistance to him,to him, first, and then to the country? And then, why should she feel soresponsive, so ready to spend herself, her energy, her whole being atthe mere suggestion of this young man, whom until last evening, she hadnever thought to exist. She felt that she was as wax in the hands ofthis soldier; she knew it and enjoyed it and only awaited the momentwhen his seal would come down upon her and stamp her more to his liking.She was slightly younger than he, and happily his contrary in nearly allrespects. He was fair, she was dark; his eyes were blue, hers brown; hewas lusty and showed promise of broadness, she was slender.

  Twice she opened her mouth as if to speak to him, and each time shedropped again her head in reflective silence. She did not talk to thisyoung man as she might to any number of her more intimate acquaintances.Even the very silence was magnetic. Further utterance would dispel thecharm. That she would enlist in his service she knew as well as she knewher own existence, but that he should arouse so keen an interest in her,so buoyant an attitude, so secure an assurance, amazed her and filledher with awe. She had never before experienced quite the same sensationthat now dismayed her nor had any one ever brought home to her her worthas did this young soldier. Yes she would help him, but in what way?

  And so they sat and considered and talked. They soon forgot to talkabout His Excellency, or the Army, or the Shippens. Neither did theyresolve the doubts that might have been entertained concerning themanner of men who frequented the home of Peggy and her sisters; nor theAlliance which had just been established, nor the vital signification ofthe event. They just talked over a field of affairs none of which boreany special relation to any one save their own selves. At length the oldclock felt constrained to speak up and frown at them for their unusualdelay and their profligate waste of tallow and dips.

  Stephen rose at once. Marjorie saw him to the door, where she gave himher hand in parting.

  "We have indeed been honored this day, Captain, and I trust that thenear future will see a return of the same. I am entirely at yourservice," whispered Marjorie, wondering why the words did not come toher more readily.

  "On the contrary, Miss Allison, it is I who have been privileged. Myhumble respects to your parents. Adieu!"

  He bowed gracefully, wheeled, and went out the door.


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