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Hated Secret Admirer

Page 4

by Vanessa Sueroz

  It would be very useful to know since Andressa appeals to their ego every time she wants something, and she always gets it. I could use that information for a greater good.

  "Paula!" Vitor complained.

  "What?" I frowned.

  I can't even plan a contest in peace anymore!

  "A letter!" He complained, pointing to a boy delivering the mail.

  I know, it's kind of old-fashioned to get letters during the email era, but we aren't allowed cellphones at school and we only have internet in the computer room, so we set up an in-house mail system. Not that everyone doesn't hide their cellphones anyway, everyone has their cellphones in their backpacks.

  "What about the letter, Vitor?" I asked, bored.

  "It's for you!" He said impatiently.

  "Lucas, he's confusing us," I told Lucas, who was next to me.

  The letter could never be for me, after all I never get letters unless I'm at home during vacations. Actually, not even home I get emails.

  Lucas is the one that gets fan mail every day!

  "Blondie, the letter is for you," he said after some tome, giving me a crooked smile.

  I love his gallant smile.

  "It can't be for me. I never get letters," I answer, shrugging and getting back to my food. We’d talked for so long that my food was already cold.

  "Oh, God! I'm going to send you a letter, Paula," Andressa said, making everyone laugh.

  "I'm not complaining. I'm just stating facts," I shrugged.

  "Aren't you going to open the letter?" Andressa asked after some time.

  "Just don't complain if it actually belongs to one of you," I said, knowing I was beat and reaching for the letter.

  The boy that delivered beat feet out of the room. He probably thought that we were all crazy. I don't blame him.

  I opened the letter that ended up not being a letter, inside it there was only one thing, and it wasn't paper.

  "A rose?" I asked, finding the contents weird.

  "Who would put a rose inside an envelope?" Lucas asked.

  "Where did it come from?" I asked, holding the red rose.

  "From a rose bush!" Andressa exclaimed.

  "I know that, what I want to know is who put it here!" I said, a little irritated. "I bet this is for you," I said trying to hand the flower to Lucas. "Or maybe for you," I said, holding it out to Vitor who also refused to take it.

  "Men don't get roses," Vitor complained.

  "Or maybe even for you," I said, holding it out to Fernando.

  "No way. I'm on the other side of the table, the boy would've stood closer to me," Fernando shrugged.

  "It's for you, Paula," Andressa said, bored.

  "Who would send me a rose?" I asked confused.

  As soon as the words were out of my mouth everyone looked at me and then at Lucas.

  "I wouldn't send a rose. I'd send an orchid maybe, or even better, I'd deliver it personally, as I've done a few times. Why would someone send a rose inside an envelope?" He asked, distracted.

  "Maybe the person wants to stay anonymous," Fernando said.

  "There might be something on the rose we don't know. Don't touch it, Paula," Andressa said, looking alarmed.

  "I already did!" I rolled my eyes. "What could be on a rose? Poison?"

  "I don't know. Why would someone send Paula a rose with nothing to identify himself, and in an envelope on top of it?" Fernando asked, thoughtful.

  "Because he wanted to stay anonymous. I don't see why all the commotion about it," Andressa shrugged and went back to her dessert.

  "But why would someone send me a rose? And why anonymously?" I asked, still completely confused.

  "Obviously, a man who likes you," Vitor said, uncaring.

  "Still doesn't justify it being done anonymously. Am I that picky?" I asked Lucas.

  "Just when it comes to jewelry... You never refused flowers, even when you couldn't stand me," he answered, shrugging.

  "See! I'm a nice person. Why wouldn't they want to identify themselves?" I asked, looking at the rose, trying to pick up some kind of clue.

  "Well you might not be picky, but Luks is definitely a pain," Vitor put his two-cents in.

  I don't think Lucas is a pain, specially now that he stopped trying to annoy me every time he sees me.

  "I'm niceness personified," Lucas shot back, smiling gallantly.

  I love his gallant smile. Actually, who doesn't? His straight, white teeth, sweet eyes shining, the side flick of his hair...

  "Thinking about the flower?" Andressa asked me.

  "Not really, but never mind," I shrugged.

  I wasn't about to say that I was thinking about Lucas's hair, because they, malicious people that they are, would get the wrong idea, and also because it's not nice to fantasize about another person's hair.

  "Anyway... The person probably didn't identify himself because he doesn't want to get beat up," Vitor remarked.

  What is the creature babbling about now?

  "Who's getting beat up and why?" I asked.

  "Where were you?" Fernando laughed.

  "In Paula's world, I bet," Vitor said, smiling happily.

  "I was thinking about other things," I answered, ignoring Vitor.

  "Why would the admirer get beaten up?" Andressa asked.

  "Because we would have to do it," Vitor answered, still not bothering to give full explanations.

  "And why would you do that?" Andressa asked.

  "Because no one can send flowers to our girl," he answered, smiling.

  "Your girl?" I asked, arms akimbo.

  "Not my girl. Lucas's girl, but we have to stick up for each other, which means we would have to beat the guy up until he gives up on wooing Paula."

  "Woo?" Andressa asked laughingly.

  Who uses that world nowadays?

  "Lucas's girl?" I asked, annoyed.

  Since when I'm anyone's girl? And when did I become 'Lucas's girl'?

  I wouldn't really mind if they kept making up I'm Lucas's girl if he wasn't such a player. Can you imagine me walking down the street and people laughing at me because my supposed boyfriend is cheating on me? No, thank you! I rather just be Paula.

  "Of course you're Lucas's girl," Vitor said.

  I thought it best not to engage. I never get anywhere fighting with Vitor about this.

  "I suggest we throw the flower out," I said.

  Don't think I don't like flowers, but, honestly, if the person that sent it to me didn't want to identify himself, then it's not right that I keep the flower. I don't want the person to think that I'm reciprocating whatever they meant with the rose.

  "You can't throw the flower away. It didn't do anything to you, Paula," Andressa said, horrified.

  "I'm not keeping the flower. And I don't like roses," I said decidedly.

  "That's right, Paula. Throw that shit away," Lucas added, agreeing with me.

  "The envelope doesn't give any clues? Name, nickname, brand....anything?" Fernando asked.

  "I didn't get a close look, but I don't think so," I answered dejectedly, handing the envelope to Nando.

  "We could place posters around the school, like in the movies, and ask the person to identify himself," Andressa said excitedly.

  "We're not doing that. A lot of people that don't even know what's happening would show up," Lucas shrugged.

  "We could simple ignore it," I answered, shrugging it off.

  There must have been a mistake. No one would send me roses. Let's be honest... Everybody thinks I'm in love with Lucas or something, some even think we're secretly hooking up. Who would be crazy enough to defy Lucas and sent me a red rose in an envelope? Besides how tacky it is.

  "We can't ignore it," Andressa said decidedly.

  "There's nothing in the envelope," Fernando added, defeated.

  "Just forget the damn flower. I'm going to brush my teeth. Is someone coming with me?" I asked, putting an end to the conversation.

  Honestly, this flower was a
very bad joke. I bet the person who sent it was watching me and laughing at me for not knowing who it was.

  "We'll all go," Vitor answered, seeing that everyone had finished eating.

  "What are you going to do with the flower, Paulie?" Andressa asked.

  "I'm going to put it in water so the poor thing doesn't die," I answered, shrugging.

  The situation is not the flower’s fault, right? But obviously I'm not going to put it in my bedroom or anything. I think they'll like her in the monitor’s lounge.

  Andressa had stayed quiet for too long about the flower, at least she was until we got to our bedroom, away from the boys' ears.

  "I don't know why you got so annoyed about such a beautiful gesture!" Andressa said, thoughtful. "Paula has a secret admirer," she singsonged. "I bet it's Lucas trying to win you over again."

  "It could be, but he made a bad mistake this time," I said, looking sideways at the rose.

  "Just because you don't like roses? What woman doesn't like roses?" Andressa asked, troubled.

  "All women like flowers," Vitor answered, entering the bedroom.

  Since when can he just come inside the bedroom? Besides, he was not the only one here.

  "I told you I had nothing to do with this," Lucas shrugged. "I'm not going deny it the idea is nice, but it's not my style."

  "I bet we won't have any more roses annoying us, it's probably just his one," I said, hopeful.

  "I doubt it," Andressa said, thoughtful.

  "Maybe he'll try another flower, since you didn't like this one," Vitor said.

  "Or maybe send you a clue. Maybe he thought his identity was obvious," Fernando said. "Or maybe he really rather stay anonymous."

  "I think this admirer is super romantic," Andressa said dreamily.

  "Women are so predictable," Vitor said, bored.

  "Why do you say that?" I asked.

  "You always say you want romance and all that, but when a guy does that, you get all annoyed. You're all crazy!" He answered.

  "That's not quite right. I was only annoyed at the fact that there was no identification," I complained.

  "I thought it would be even more exciting if he gave you clues so you can find out little by little," Andressa said.

  "Or get it wrong little by little," Lucas said annoyed. "This guy, whoever he is, is a coward. Why doesn't he come talk with you in person?" What is he afraid of?"

  "Paula can be dangerous when she wants," Fernando said, laughing and making everyone laugh at me.

  May I confess that I didn't get the joke? I'm a fountain of niceness and innocence.

  "Me, dangerous? Are we talking about the same person?" I asked, looking as innocent as I could.

  "When you're annoyed you can be pretty dangerous," Vitor said, thoughtful.

  "Let's talk about this later. What I want is to enjoy my well-deserved weekend," I said smiling.

  "Very well-deserved. Why was there so much work this week? I couldn't wait for it to be over," Andressa said. "I think this week the teachers we're angry about something and decided to take it out on us."

  "Maybe their paychecks were late? That would make anyone angry," Fernando laughed.

  "Or maybe they ran out of cookies in the teacher's lounge," Vitor guessed.

  "I don't think we had a teacher's lounge," Lucas said, doubtful.

  "We must have. Where else would they meet up to talk trash about us?” Vitor asked, serious.

  As if the teachers didn't have anything better to do then talk trash behind the student's backs, specially ours.

  "You have such ideas...I don't know where that much imagination comes from," Andressa laughed.

  "I do what I can," he shrugged, conceited.

  Vitor is always full of himself, and that's a fact. I don't know how someone can be so confident that he never, never thinks he's wrong, or ugly, or anything negative.

  "Actually...he does what he wants," Lucas said to me.

  "What are you too whispering over there?" Andressa asked.

  "We were talking how cute you and Nando look together," I said seeing that they were both walking side by side, but unfortunately no one had the guts to grab the other's hand.

  I hate Andressa and Fernando! They're such a beautiful couple and they love one another, but they're such cowards they don't even kiss each other. I think Fernando is smart enough to understand that Andressa is crazy about him, then why doesn't he go and do something? I know he likes her too!

  "I wish there was a game tomorrow," Vitor said, taking me out of my thoughts.

  "Game? I hate game day!" I said, frowning.

  "Well, I love it. All those people running after a ball," Andressa sighed. "I love game day."

  I don't see the appeal in watching a bunch of sweaty people running after a ball.

  "It would be nice to have a game tomorrow as a distraction," Lucas said.

  "Distraction from what? Tomorrow is Saturday!" I said, trying to remind him that soccer isn't everything.

  "And today is Friday, but no one is letting me throw a party. What's the great thing about Saturday?" Vitor asked.

  "Here comes the party again," Fernando said, rolling his eyes.

  I think I'm going to start charging every time someone rolls their eyes. Only I can do that. What part of 'that's Paula's thing' don't they understand?

  "But now we have a reason to celebrate!" Vitor smiled.

  "And what's the reason, if I may ask?" Andressa asked, suspicious.

  And who would trust Vitor with that smile?

  "Paula has a secret admirer," he singsonged, imitating Andressa from a few minutes ago, making everyone laugh.

  "Big thing. Paula has had a not-secret admirer for years and no one has thrown a party for it," Fernando said.

  "What admirer?" Lucas asked with a strange voice.

  "The Easter bunny," I answered, laughing.

  "He's so naive," Vitor said, pinching Lucas's cheeks.

  "I'd say jealous, but if you want to go with naive..." Andressa shrugged.

  "And again, you're talking about me!" Lucas said tiredly.

  "Don't complain. Your friends care about you enough to talk bad about you to your face," Vitor smiled.

  "If they loved me enough, they wouldn't talk bad about me at all," he complained.

  "Because we love you we see your flaws and help you fix them," Andressa said. "The only flaw no one can fix is ego."

  "Sarcasm is also complicated to fix," Fernando added. "Though Vitor is more sarcastic."

  "He usually lies a lot," I said, thoughtful.

  "He's also pretty jealous, and not just about Paula," Andressa said, thoughtful.

  "How did the conversation turn into a list of my flaws?" Lucas asked, bored.

  "They always get into uncomfortable subjects," I told him.

  "Weren't we talking about the flower you got?" Lucas asked.

  "Actually, we were talking about how monitors are a pain in the ass and won't let me throw my party," Vitor complained.

  "We are not a pain in the ass. I just don't think a party right now would be a good idea," I shrugged.

  "What if it's a party with only us six?" He asked, seeming to think of the possibility.

  "Don't we do that every day already?" Andressa asked, confused.

  "What? Party? Of course not!" Vitor exclaimed.

  "Sitting in front of the TV having fun," Andressa answered.

  "But we never have beer," Vitor complained.

  "I have an alcoholic friend," Lucas dramatically complained.

  "We don't have beer because I don't drink," I said.

  "You're boring and bland," Vitor complained.

  "Paula is right, Vitor. Just because you like drinking doesn't mean that she has to deal with drunks," Fernando said.

  "As if you never get drunk," Vitor complained.

  "It's funny when you're drunk," Andressa laughed.

  "All my friends are drunks! If my mom finds out, she'll kill me," I said desperately.

Is it that bad to have drunk friends? Besides the fact that I am the one that has to listen to the nonsense that comes out of their mouth, along with drunken breath?

  "Why don't we change the subject?" Lucas asked, thoughtful.

  Sometimes I wish I could read his thoughts so I'd know what's going on inside his head.

  "Just stay here and I'll get us some beer so we can have fun," Vitor said as soon as we got to the student’s lounge.

  "We could go to the boys room instead of throwing everyone out from in front of the TV," Andressa said seeing there was a group already in our seats.

  First of all, is Fernando so blind not to see the looks Andressa gives him? And what have they done to my friend? Andressa isn't usually so bold.

  "Let's go to our room, then," Lucas said, smiling.

  I think he saw Andressa's look as well. I think the night is going to be fun.

  We couldn't run to the boys room since Lucas and Vitor ran up ahead and Fernando stayed behind trying to slow us down.

  I bet they went to get rid of the boxers on the floor. What? They're guys...and guys are messy. Except for Fernando, of course.

  When we were able to finally get through Fernando I was not surprised to see Lucas throwing something underneath the bed while Vitor was throwing clothes inside the closet.

  "As if we didn't know they were a mess," Andressa whispered to me.

  "At least they're pretending," I shrugged.

  "I have beer," Vitor said excitedly.

  "Then what are we doing tonight?" Andressa asked, already sitting on Fernando's bed.

  "I get Lucas's bed," I said, already going underneath the covers.

  "I can stay with you, angel. I promise you won't regret it," Vitor said with that slow sweet voice that he only uses when he's trying to convince a girl how charming he is.

  I only realized Lucas was by my side when I felt a freezing hand holding mine.

  "It took me long minutes to get warm and you put that freezing hand on me? Get away, Lucas," I complained.

  "Don't complain! I brought you an orange juice," he said with a smile while handing me the cup.

  "That's why I like you!" I said smiling and taking my juice.

  Isn't he cute?

  "Why don't we play something in pairs?" Vitor asked.

  "And how do we play in pairs if we're five?" I asked.


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