Hated Secret Admirer

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Hated Secret Admirer Page 12

by Vanessa Sueroz

  And how was I dressed? As usual. jeans, sandals (to mix it up a bit, they had a little height) and a top, the neckline not too low, but I wasn't dressed as nun either.

  After long minutes checking ourselves out in the mirror, I decided to pull the girls from the room and go to the party. I think they were still trying to picture the boys’ faces when they saw both of them.

  I obviously could picture it already, and even if I didn't have such a vivid imagination I would've run to see their faces, but they're both crazy so you couldn't expect the obvious.

  "And where is the party?" Andressa asked.

  "In the boys' room," I answered, shrugging.

  "But how are they having a party in the room? There’s not enough space," Andressa complained.

  "As if you don't know those boys. They'll figure it out," I answered.

  "Do I look pretty?" She asked me after some time looking in the mirror, thoughtful.

  "You're gorgeous. Now go and get Fernando," I answered, opening the boys door and pushing Andressa inside.

  What? It was a light push. She didn't even fall. Didn't fall on the floor, but I bet she fell on someone.

  "Hold your horses, Andressa. Fernando is that way," said Vitor, whom Andressa had stumbled against when I shoved her.

  "Aren't you going to say anything about our clothes?" Annie asked, smiling.

  "You look beautiful, obviously, but I don't like to talk about clothes, I prefer women without them," he said, winking, before going to talk with some boys that were standing behind us at the door.

  That's when I noticed the line that was forming behind us and pulled the girls inside the room, after all, we were standing at the door, stopping people from coming in.

  Fernando and Andressa did a good job decorating. I don't know how but the room didn't look a thing like it usually does: on the contrary, there were colorful lights everywhere, one of the beds was turned into a couch, the others I had no idea where they were. There was a table on one side of the room with drinks and another with candy and snacks. And in the middle of the room – I confess I have no idea how they were able to do it – there was a huge dancing floor.

  Vitor looked hot with a white formal shirt opened like a lunatic, cool jeans, and sneakers, so obviously I had to hunt down my other friends to see how they looked. Has anyone seen Lucas and Fernando around?

  I saw Lucas first, talking with some boys. Anyone who listens to me will think there's only men at this party, but it's just that I'm not going to be staring at the women, right?

  "Lucas!" I said, putting my arm around his waist.

  "Hey, Paulie. You guys took forever," he said, kissing my cheek.

  Lucas looked hot with a black polo shirt with the first three buttons opened and basic jeans.

  "Andressa couldn't decide between the tiny shirt or the deep-V one," I answered.

  "Tiny shirt?" One of the boy asked.

  "Introduce us, Lucas," the other said.

  "Paula, these are the boys from the team. Guys, this is Paulie," he said, unenthused.

  "Now that we know each other you could introduce us to your friend that wanted to come with the low neckline," one of the boys said.

  "Or I could tell her boyfriend to punch you in the face," I said, smiling sweetly.

  Have I said that I love pulling stuff like this? I don't like men that think women are objects. I know my comment about Andressa's shirt didn't help, but I was talking with Lucas and not with them. Nosy people!

  "I like you!" One of the boys said, laughing at the other's face.

  Men this age are so annoying, but of course there are exceptions, like my friends.

  "Have you seen Fernando?" I asked, ignoring his friends.

  "He was choosing some songs. As far as I understand you didn't choose any club music, or something."

  "Who wants to dance to that?" I asked, shrugging.

  I left Lucas's with his annoying friends and went in search of Fernando. Not that there were many places to look since the room isn't that big, but with so many people I'd never find my friend if I didn't go look for him. Also, my height didn't exactly help me.

  I didn't have to look for long, Fernando was sitting next to the radio talking with a boy with huge headphones. He must be the DJ Vitor found, or someone trying to compete with me for the school’s ET vacancy.

  "Fernando!" I called out when I was able to get close enough.

  "Hi, Paula. This is Marcos. He's Vitor's friend," he said, introducing me. " Marcos, this is Paula, a friend of ours."

  Fernando is always so polite. Sometimes Lucas and Vitor could learn a thing or two from him.

  "Nice to meet you, Paula," the boy said, smiling.

  "How did you take care of the teachers?" I asked Fernando.

  "The same way we always do," he answered, shrugging and winking at me.

  As if I know how they keep fooling everyone around here.

  "How many people are coming?" I asked, curious.

  If anyone else came they wouldn't fit in the bedroom.

  "Not too many, mostly people from our year," he answered. "I like the clothes, Paulie," he said, smiling.

  "You look hot, Fernando," I said, winking at him.

  Andressa won't be able to control herself when she sees Fernando with an almost see-through white shirt, I bet Vitor was had something to do with this clothes choice, and specially the hair styled in a pompadour.

  I'm not saying Fernando doesn't dress up, but he's usually charming with his quiet style, but today he's even more handsome than usual, not that Andressa can hear me saying that.

  "And Andressa? Last time I saw her she was walking this way," I asked, not seeing my friend around.

  "She went to the bathroom to touch up her lipstick and will be right back," he answered lightly.

  Touch up her lipstick? Already? Right...if I didn't know these two I'd think they'd hook up and that's why Andressa didn't have lipstick anymore.

  "Touch up her lipstick?" I asked, with a suspicious smile.

  "It's not what you're thinking, Paula," Fernando said, looking straight at me.

  "Hey, can someone help me with this?" The DJ asked, pointing at a weird device, that I think it's supposed to do something cool with the music.

  "I'll help you," Fernando answered the boy. "Paulie, if you see Andressa tell her I'll be right back," he asked me, following the boy from the room.

  And I was alone again. It was supposed to be my club, so that I'd have fun, and believe me, I haven't had any fun yet.

  I stood there, looking at the people mingling and some even dancing when I finally found Andressa and ran to her.

  "Paula, have you seen Fernando?" She asked, looking around.

  "He went to help the DJ with something," I answered, shrugging. "Are you hooking up with him tonight?" I asked, teasing.

  "You make it sound as if I hook up with anyone," Andressa said, affronted.

  "I didn't say anything like that, I just think it's time you make a decision about our friend. Men like Fernando need women with attitude."

  "Men like Fernando?" She asked me, not understanding.

  So slow...poor thing!

  "Shy, quiet, and laid back," I said, shrugging.

  "Who's laid back?" Lucas asked, coming out of nowhere.

  "You, because you haven't said what you think of my clothes," I said, shrugging.

  Where did that come from? Also, where did I get the courage to say something like that?

  "Wow! You sounded just like Vitor now," Andressa said, laughing.

  "I didn't say anything because I couldn't find the words to describe how beautiful you look," Lucas said with that smile.

  "I feel like a third wheel," Andressa said to herself. "Best of luck, Lucas," she said winking at our friend before wandering off, I believe to look for the rest of our friends, or really, to look for Fernando.

  "You're funny, Lucas," I answered, smiling, and I know that I was blushing even if I didn't have a mirror around to confirm

  "And what do you thing of the party? After all, it was your idea!" He asked me, smiling.

  "Everyone seems to be having fun," I answered, smiling as friendly as I could.

  Just because I'm not having fun, doesn't mean that no one else can't. It's pretty clear that Vitor is loving the attention from being one of the hosts.

  "Seems? Are you not having fun? I thought you'd have an infallible plan to get Andressa and Fernando together," he said, thoughtful.

  "Unfortunately my plan is making Andressa bolder and more confident so she'll go after him herself."

  "That's not bad," he said, shrugging.

  "So tell me, what should I do to make that happen?" I asked, with a huge pout.

  "Easy...get her drunk enough," Vitor answered, coming closer and listening in.

  "Didn't anyone ever told you not to listen to other people's conversations?" I asked.

  Even worse than listening to other people's conversations is chiming in uninvited. Such a Vitor thing to do.

  "I've been told, but what can I do? I can't help it! Besides, what would happen to you if you didn't have dear me around?

  "We'd probably be more polite," I said.

  "Polite? I'd say boring, but if you put it that way," he said, shrugging.

  "And why would we be boring?" Lucas asked.

  "Lucas, my friend, you only turned cool when you started hanging out with me. Before, you were a boring slick-haired nerd. Now you're a handsome guy, smart, with unruly, unkempt hair. Do you see how things changed after you started hanging out with me?" Vitor asked, hugging Lucas and smiling arrogantly.

  Can someone be more pleased with himself than Vitor? If yes, don't introduce them to me!

  "Funny, my good friend, I always thought it was the other way around. You were the surly, oily, long-haired guy, noisy, and dumb. Now look what you've become with my help...a handsome guy, with cared for, charming long hair, a joker, popular, and most of all, I taught you how to pick up women," Lucas said, hugging Vitor closer, while he looked at his outraged friend.

  "I learned how to pick up women from you? Well! That's absurd! I'm the Casanova here. You're the sucker in love," Vitor complained.

  "Now I have to butt in. Lucas, a sucker in love? I think you must be talking about a different Lucas," I said.

  "Paula, my savior!" Lucas joked, laughing. "If Paula says it, it is so!"

  "Paulie doesn't count. She was my best creation! I admit she still needs some trimming here and there, but she'll be done soon," Vitor said, looking me up and down.

  "Your best creation? And may I ask why?" I asked, arms akimbo and looking angry.

  "Come on, Paulie, when you got here you were short, ugly, boring, nerdy, and antisocial," he said, numbering them with his fingers.

  "Ugly? Boring?" I started, outraged.

  I was never boring. I was always the nicest person, of course not with everyone. I want nothing but space from annoying people!

  About being ugly I can't say much, because no one deserves to be short and having a cold all the time, which makes my nose red, but becoming pretty with the passing of time was my doing!

  "I can't do anything about you being short but encourage you to walk in heels," he said, pointing at my feet.

  It makes sense I was wearing sandals, right? Who goes to a party in sneakers? And it's so hard to find a pretty sandal that doesn't have heels, also I can wear heels, unlike a lot of tall people.

  "But, in the end, you became nice, cool, and extrovert. You never stopped being a nerd, but I'll take care of it."

  "But you didn't make me pretty, I did that by myself!" I complained.

  "I confess I didn't act directly, but if it wasn't for me calling you ugly and weird you would’ve never tried to be better, therefore, I was the one that made you beautiful like that."

  Can I kill Vitor now or will I have to catch him unaware later on?

  "I always thought you were beautiful, angel," Lucas said, putting an end to the conversation while I huffed angrily. "How about you go chase a someone in a skirt?" He suggested to Vitor.

  "The girls are challenging my self-control today, aren't they? I have to keep my eye out so I don't lose out on any hotties," he said, smiling.

  "I think you're losing out on one right there," Lucas said, pointing to a short, red-haired girl, with curly hair.

  "I'll talk with you later!" He said, running off.

  "What were we talking about before Vitor butted in?" Lucas asked me.

  "I don't remember," I said, shrugging.

  Lie! I do remember! He was about to ask me to dance, but I'll never say that!

  "And what happened to your friends today? They're being pretty bold," he asked, distracted, watching the people at the party.

  "I have no idea. They must have taken something pretty odd while I was showering," I said.

  It's not that hard to believe it. After all, when I went to take a shower they were both normal, specially shy Andressa, and when I came back I had new bold friends with plunging necklines. Weird!

  "Did you like the chocolate covered strawberry I sent you?" Lucas asked, shyly.

  Lucas, shy? I bet there's something there. Lucas is the last person, fine, the second to last person, that I can think being embarrassed about something. He's always so confident.

  "Delicious. Where did you learn to make them?" I asked, ready to take mental notes and try making them at home during the holidays.

  I know I'm horrible at cooking, I definitely don't know my way around the kitchen and raw food, but it doesn't hurt to try, right?

  "Actually, it's pretty easy. The people in the kitchen taught me how to melt the chocolate and I dipped the strawberry in it," Lucas said, smiling.

  "Obviously it's not that simple, Lucas. You have to choose the right strawberry, the right chocolate... There's a whole technique to it."

  "To melting chocolate?" He asked me, with a mocking smile.

  "Of course. If it were that simple everyone would make chocolate covered strawberry at home with no problem."

  "I'm back," Andressa said, curling her arm around Lucas’s waist.

  "You found Vitor?" I asked.

  "I did. He came over to annoy me while I was talking with some guys," she answered, shrugging.

  "And where is he?" Lucas asked, searching for his friend.

  "He said he'd get us something to drink, look for Fernando, and that he'd find me next to Hart to Hart. I deduced he was talking about you."

  "Hart to Hart? Where does Vitor come up with this stuff?" I asked, laughing.

  "Vitor has a vivid imagination," Lucas said. "What do you think of the party?" He asked Andressa.

  "I think it's interesting. I just don't like the music much," she said, watching me.

  Insolent! What does she mean, she doesn't like the songs? Just because I chose them? I added several songs that I know she likes!

  "Don't look at me like that, Paulie. It's not my fault that you only chose old-people music," Andressa said, making Lucas laugh.

  "Funny, you were the only one that didn't like the songs," I said, pointing to the people dancing.

  "To each his own," she said, shrugging.

  "Lucas, dance with me?" I asked shamelessly.

  What came over me to ask this so directly and worse, in front of Andressa, who will mock me for it for the rest of my life?

  I took advantage of Lucas's shock to take a look at Andressa's face and I have to say, it was priceless! I love her open mouth and bulging eyes. Can I do that again?

  "Hell, yeah!" Lucas said, excited, once he recovered.

  I can't believe I was staring at Andressa instead of taking a photo of Lucas with that face. I would’ve be able to blackmail him for candy in exchange of not showing it to Vitor.

  I stopped thinking of it and went to have some fun with Lucas, and with Lucas it's pretty easy to forget everything around me and think only of him. You know how it is...he's a good dancer.

  The song was fast and we wer
e moving our bodies to the beat. I don't know how long we were there, all I know is that Lucas was sweaty when he said he was getting something to drink.

  When he went in search of beverages I went to sit down a little, after all, my feet were killing me.

  It was when I sat down to rest a bit that another one showed up. This time it had to be Lucas, after all, he was the only one that knew where I really was. Not that I was hiding and no one else could see me, but I'd just sat down and we'd agreed where to meet.

  And there is was, another red rose. I brushed my fingers on the petals and I could swear there was another enigmatic message, but with the low lighting I couldn’t be sure and much less read it.

  Lucas was the one sending me roses, it had to be. And he's a great actor, because when he came back with two cups in his hand he simply looked at me and the rose angrily. I bet he was angry because I wasn't looking all in love at the rose or something like that, but it has to be him.

  "Another one?" He asked, frowning.

  "What can I do!" I answered, throwing the rose behind me, without caring where it went.

  I hate to treat an innocent flower like this, but I had to do it so Lucas understands I don't like getting anonymous roses. Why doesn't he come clean already? Or am I going crazy and there's no way that it's Lucas who's sending the roses? It could still be André or even Bruno, right?

  "I brought you juice," he told me, handing me the cup like nothing happened.

  "Are you tired already?" I asked when he sat next to me and I saw his chest moving up and down.

  "A little, but nothing that would make me sit here instead of enjoying the party with you."

  "That way everyone will think that..." I started, but Vitor interrupted me.

  "I came to ask the lady to dance, and I'm not taking no for an answer."

  Obviously after that we danced for a little while. You know, I think I like this party thing, and, specially, dancing with Lucas. Not that I danced only with him. I took advantage and danced with Vitor and Fernando too, but I have to admit that Lucas dances better that both of them.

  To my unhappiness, Andressa and Fernando were still at square one, but I'm not even mad, because it's a waste of time. Even though they were together the whole night I didn't see any romantic inklings.


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