Hated Secret Admirer

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Hated Secret Admirer Page 13

by Vanessa Sueroz

  Obviously it wasn't for lack of trying, since I want to get Fernando and Andressa together, but unfortunately it's not that simple. Truthfully, nothing is simple.

  Why don't they teach us useful stuff at school, like how to get your stubborn friend to admit to a repressed love? I'd love to take that class, specially if it was an elective, so I'd take it just long enough to help Fernando and Andressa and then I could never show up like nothing happened.

  Would recording a video of them admitting their love and then uploading it online work? What? I'm not that mean, a video never hurt anyone, and I wouldn't even have to show their faces. I bet they'd recognize each other's voices. If I can recognize their voices, they certainly would recognize the voice of their great love, being in love and all. I'd just have to be careful so no one would see it and spread to the whole school. Can you imagine the mess? Is there a way to post private videos on YouTube or some other video website? Or better... I can put the video in one of those upload website and then just email it.

  "A chocolate for your thoughts," Lucas said, sitting next to me.

  "I was thinking if it would be too mean to post a video of Andressa and Fernando talking about their eternal love in YouTube so they'll confess their repressed love and can be happy forever, like in the movies."

  "I'd help you, but I'm too pretty to die," Lucas said, shrugging.

  "Why die?" I asked, obviously not understanding.

  "Even if they were happy forever, they'd want to kill us for posting a video of them online. Two against one, even if I'm strong and everything, gets complicated," he answered, showing off his muscles.

  "What about me? I'd be helping you, of course," I said, bitterly.

  "Then it would be even worse, since I'd have to protect both of us," he answered, laughing.

  "Hey! I know how to defend myself!"

  "Of course you do. That's why you needed help in the candy store," he answered, skeptically.

  "That was one time. I couldn't defend myself and the candy at the same time."

  "And didn't I do exactly that?" He teased.

  "You scared everyone with your ugly mug, that's why you were able to save me. I'm too pretty and couldn't scare off those poor murderous children the same way, " I answered, smiling.

  "My ugly mug?" He asked, sourly.

  Oh! I hurt his ego!

  "You know how it is Lucas...you're not as pretty as me, but that doesn't mean I'll stop being your friend," I lied, obviously.

  After that we ran around the people until Lucas caught me to tickle me. I don't remember how long we ran around, all I know is after some time we went back to the dance floor.

  I confess dancing was never my strong suit, but I'm good enough. I danced all night with the boys and even some songs with Andressa, only stopping when Fernando started throwing people out, after all, it was already dawn and everyone was still in the room.

  I vaguely remember helping the boys clean up a little, since I was falling asleep, but I think that at least I helped gather the plastic cups that were thrown on the floor. I think they definitely won't be able to sleep in their room tonight. Will they sleep on the couch in the lounge?

  I don't know if it was me or Andressa that invited them to sleep in our room, or if they invited themselves, all I know is that when we went back to our room, dodging the cameras, the boys were right behind us. Do we really have extra mattresses in the room? I don't remember having any.

  I don't know what time it was when we got back to my room, all I know is that that night, or actually, that morning, was the first time I dreamed of Lucas. Does it mean anything or were the drinks messing with my head? Fine! It has to mean something because I didn't drink anything that had alcohol in it.

  Chapter 8: Dumbstruck

  The sun was strong and we were sitting in the yard, leaning against a tree. Actually, Lucas was leaning on the tree and I was lying down with my head on his legs. My hair was everywhere and I could feel Lucas's soft hands moving through the strands while I was trying to uselessly concentrate on my new book. Uselessly because I was paying more attention to Lucas than the book, and I love reading.

  Sometime I wish I was a character in one of my books, or actually, I wish my life was like the characters’ lives, since they always end the way the reader wants, most of the time, and usually have happy endings. Let me correct myself, I want to have the life of a book character, but it has to be one of my books, to guarantee that the ending will be a happy one, preferably without too much suffering in the middle.

  Vitor keeps telling me there's no such thing as a happy ending, that the only thing we have is happy chapters, that is, happy moments, because in the end everyone dies, and dying is not happy (or at least I don't think so), and I can't argue with the fact that no one is happy all the time, but it would be nice if we were.

  "What are you thinking about so hard?" I heard Lucas asking me. His voice was far away and soft.

  "About how things should be like in the books," I said vaguely.

  "Like in what books? Because if things were like in the books Fernando usually reads, it would suck," he said, with a grimace.

  "Fernando only reads boring books," I answered, shrugging. "Actually, I was talking about romance novels, chick lit, things like that. They usually have a happy ending."

  "Usually...have you read those classics like Romeo and Juliet? I honestly wouldn't like being a character in that book," he answered me, smiling.

  "Lucas, don't ruin my dreams! I'm talking about happy endings books like Cinderella or Misunderstandings in Paris," I answered, dreamily.

  I'd like to be Cinderella, despite the step-mother, or Patrícia, from Misunderstandings in Paris, even if she's totally unaware she’s in love with cute Ricardo. Actually, any character from my favorite books would be perfect! Lucas doesn't know what he's saying.

  "Since you like those books so much, why don't you write one and give it to me to read?" He asked, sounding serious.

  He only sounded serious, after all, which sane person would ask me to write a book? I don't even have the creativity for that... Also, I'd never show anyone. Can you imagine Vitor reading my book? I'd be a laughing stock for the rest of his life (and mine).

  "No way. I'd rather read than write," I answered, shrugging.

  "And where's Andressa?" He asked me after a few minutes of silence.

  "I'm not sure. She told me they were going for a walk and then they'd meet up with us. I think they might be hooking up somewhere."

  "Hooking up? But Vitor is also missing," Lucas said, teasing.

  "Maybe they're having an orgy," I joked, laughing like crazy.

  "Paulie, if one day, they ask us to an orgy, I'm not going!" He said, laughing.

  "Don't worry, Lucas. We'll run from the crazies," I answered, laughing.

  Lucas kept laughing and I took the chance to watch him. Even if from where I was I didn't have the best vantage point, after all, I was lying on his leg, not next to him, but it would do.

  Don't think I'm crazy and keep staring at people, but I'm just following Andressa's suggestion – I asked her if she had an explanation for my dream with Lucas and she answered: "watch him and you'll figure it out". Is that any kind of advice? What if he notices it and thinks I'm turning into a psycho?

  Obviously I don't believe that staring at Lucas the whole day will do anything, even less watching him laugh, but it doesn't hurt to try. Maybe my brain will get it, and let me know.

  Don't get me wrong, the problem wasn't Lucas being in my dream, but what the dream was about. Seriously! I never dreamed of someone like that! Fine, that's a lie, I've dreamed about Brad Pitt, but that doesn't count, right? Brad Pitt isn't real, well...he's real, but not to me. At least I've never seen him in person and I honestly don't think it would happen. Besides, I have no chances against Angelina Jolie. What? I think she's gorgeous!

  Lucas has a nice smile, when he smiles dimples appear on his cheek and I want to squeeze them. Not that I go around pinching c
heeks like those annoying aunts, after all, I never noticed cheeks before, or went around pinching them. And because I never noticed cheeks (who would?) I never noticed dimples either. Since when does Lucas have dimples?

  "Lucas, since when do you have dimples?" I asked, still staring at his dimples that quickly disappeared when he turned serious.

  "Since forever, I think," he answered, shrugging, and, weirdly enough, not thinking my question strange. "Why? Is it too ugly? Vitor keeps saying that I can't smile because I'll scare people," he asked me, looking concerned.

  "It's not ugly! It's charming," I answered smiling and watching his face lighting up in another big smile – and there went the dimples again.

  Were they always there and I never noticed? My God! I should pay more attention!

  "You're the only one who thinks so," he answered me, smiling.

  "And who are you going to trust? Vitor, who doesn't think men are handsome, or my lovely self?" I asked with my best smile.

  Obviously my best smile doesn't mean much, specially for someone like Lucas.

  "I'll trust you, Paulie. After all, Vitor's opinion is suspect."

  "Vitor is always suspect," I answered, laughing.

  "I'm always suspect of what?" I heard an annoying voice asking.

  It didn't take me long to know that Vitor was once again interrupting a nice moment, and this was going to turn into a Vitor-moment and not a Paula-and-Lucas-moment.

  I'm not saying that a Paula-and-Lucas-moment is romantic or something like that, it's just that it's better than a Paula-Vitor-and-Lucas-moment. Three is a crowd, you know...at least that's what they all say!

  I think that dream with Lucas messed me up. Why am I thinking about him like this? I'm starting to sound like Andressa. And no one deserves that!

  "You're always the number one suspect in anything out of the usual," Lucas answered.

  "And what would count as out of the usual?" Vitor asked, thoughtful.

  "Anything we can think it might not be real. Like, for example, you showing up here out of pure coincidence," I said, thoughtful.

  "What is this, Paulie?" He said, looking aghast. "Are you saying that I was watching you two and arrived at the most inconvenient time?" He asked me, looking innocent.

  "I was suggesting that you were looking for us, but since you say you were watching us, I believe it," I answered, laughing.

  Besides, I’m pretty sure that the biggest psycho here is Vitor for stalking and watching innocent people like me.

  "And may I ask why did you think this was the most inconvenient time?" Lucas asked, with a mysterious smile.

  "Well, you both had a stupid look on your faces. I thought you were going to kiss or something. Weren't you?" He asked hopefully and that naughty look on his face. I hate it when he smiles like that.

  "How does he come up with these things?" I asked Lucas, pretending Vitor wasn’t standing next to me.

  He always does it to me. Talking about me like I'm not there. I'm just doing the same thing. It's fun!

  "He has a vivid imagination," Lucas answered, shrugging. "What exactly made you think we were going to kiss or something," Lucas asked Vitor, who was still staring at us, thoughtful.

  "Besides the stupid looks on your faces?" He asked, like it was obvious.

  Do I look that stupid? Impossible! Lucas looked dumb because I told him he looked cute with his dimples, but I was completely normal and normal does not mean stupid.

  "Not counting the looks, because that's totally in your head," Lucas said, lightly.

  How can he not care that Vitor said we looked stupid. Looking stupid is never a good thing, besides it's a big lie!

  "Your eyes were shining like children looking at candy," he answered, thoughtful.

  "I am a child that likes candy," I answered innocently.

  "If you like candy or not, I don't know, but that you look like a child with your size, you do," Vitor said, sarcastic as ever.

  He's so not funny sometimes...

  "She definitely likes candy," Lucas said, laughing.

  Lucas didn't even defend me from that crazy person that everyone calls Vitor. And since when am I that short? I'm 5’4", I'm average. Average! It's absurd to call me short! Just because he's 6ft tall. Stuck up!

  "Stuck up!" I told him, sticking out my tongue at him.

  "Why stuck up? Just because I'm tall and you're a garden dwarf? Which dwarf are you most alike?" He asked me, thoughtful.

  I think Vitor has been watching too many fairy tales. Can sixteen-year-olds still watch fairy tales? Weird! I know I watch them, but there's no comparison, after all, I'm a girl and a dreamer. I have the right to like fairy tales at sixteen.

  "I think with that face you look like Grumpy," Vitor said, an evil smile on his face.

  "You'll see Grumpy when I throw you on the mud over there," I said, furious and pointing at a part of the garden where yesterday's rain had left a huge puddle. The poor grass must be drowning with so much water.

  How dare he call me Grumpy? That dwarf is too ugly! Besides, I'm not short. How many times to I have to say it? I'm average! Is it so hard for tall people to understand that? Besides, he's not that tall. There's a boy in junior year who's taller than him, way taller. And the boy is younger!

  "Lucas, defend me!" I demanded.

  "Vitor, just because Paulie didn't finish growing up doesn't mean she's a dwarf. A short woman is enough," Lucas said, shrugging and obviously making me more annoyed.

  Where was the Lucas from five minutes ago? I want my Lucas back! But don't worry, I'll tell him his dimples are ugly. I'll hit him where it hurts the most, or the second place where it hurts the most, his ego!

  I think I must have so kind of shocked look on my face, because Lucas decided to keep talking,

  "I prefer short women. Have you thought if you had to bend down to kiss her? Or if she put her arm on your shoulder to hug you?"

  Did he say he likes to kiss short women? Was that some kind of hint or was he talking generally?

  You know how it is...men are so weird and confusing that you never know what they really mean. Women are so much easier to understand... For example, when we say we don't want something, there are only two meanings: either we really don't want it, or, if you insist a lot, I might change my mind.

  Not with men. If they say they don't want something it is either because they don't want it, or they don't know, or for some other malicious reason yet to be determined. Besides, they can't modulate their voices to make it easier to understand, since women use a tone of voice for each meaning. So, what did Lucas meant by that?

  "Paulie, you have that stupid look on your face again," Vitor said, laughing at me again.

  Sometimes, but just sometimes, I'd like to know what goes through Vitor's head, because I think he's always laughing at somebody, and I hate to say it that this time it's me. Not that I like it, but...

  "What exactly do you mean by stupid look? Because I don't have it. This is my normal face. You know how it is...I haven't learned how to go through plastic surgery so quickly, without any collateral damage and a stay in the hospital."

  "Is she PMSing or something? Because she's starting to sound like that girl from the TV show. That one from My Wife and Kids," I heard Vitor saying to Lucas.

  As if I couldn't hear them whispering right next to me, not even trying to disguise it.

  "She had PMS last week, it's not possible it's still going on, right?" Lucas answered, whispering back.

  What? How does he know? How is it possible that he knows I had PMS last week? I'm so normal with PMS. Fine, sometimes I’m overly dramatic, but that wouldn't necessarily be a symptom of PMS, it could be normal for someone like me.

  And when I mean someone like me, I mean a nice girl who doesn't see her parents often, lives in a boarding school in São Paulo's countryside, and has crazy friends (because no one could consider Vitor, for example, normal).

  You know what's the worst part of living in a boarding school? You
get rid of your parents dumb rules like, if you don't eat your veggies, you can't eat dessert, and gain rules just as dumb like, if you don't get to class in time you'll have detention at the end of the day. And if you have a teacher that complains about you he can stalk you even during your free time. However, on the other end, you're with your friends 24/7, like a happy close-knit family. Who wouldn't want to live with only their friends? (except for the fact that Andressa snores sometimes).

  But, going back to my stupid face that, according to Vitor, could be PMS, even though it isn't... Why would I have a stupid look on my face? Just because there was a nice moment with Lucas and Vitor came in to blow it with his absurd suppositions.

  Has anyone besides me noticed that Lucas and Vitor are polar opposites? Honest! For example, Lucas was being a sweetheart, like the good guys in my books, until Vitor arrived. Fine, Bruno is more of a villain than Vitor, but, forgetting that Bruno exists, Vitor would make a perfect villain. Not that he's mean and hated, but because he always gets in the way of the couple. Actually, he'd be that annoying guy from You, Me and Dupree that goes with his friends to their honeymoon. That's just like Vitor.

  Note to self: do not tell Vitor where my honeymoon is if I ever get married.

  "She was fine until you got here," I heard Lucas said.

  "It's not my fault if my charm is irresistible and causes imbalances in women. They get so frustrated with my beauty that they don’t know where they're are and what they're doing. That must be why she has that face since I got here," Vitor said.

  I don't need to say that that was his ego talking, not him, right?

  "Can you stop talking about me like I'm not here?" I asked, trying to get them to stop talking about me.

  "If I can't talk trash about you, what am I going to do for a distraction?" Vitor asked me.

  Can I bury him alive?

  "Do you know where Andressa and Fernando are?" Lucas asked to put an end to the subject.

  "I'd like it if they were hooking up somewhere, but unfortunately they're at the library searching for a book Fernando wants to read. What a boring couple!" He answered, shrugging.


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