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1000 Years of Annoying the French

Page 61

by Stephen Clarke

  Pittsburgh (i)

  Pius X, and Joan of Arc’s canonization (i)

  Planchon, Jules-Emile, and phylloxera (i), (ii)

  Poitiers, Diane de, lover of Henri II

  and death of Henri II (i)

  and Mary Queen of Scots (i)


  corrupt merchants (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  France and (i)


  Edward III at (i)

  Harold accidentally lands in (i)

  Pope, Alexander, and Voltaire (i)

  Pope, The

  and King John (i)

  and William I (i)

  see also Alexander; Pius X

  popular culture, French (i)

  Port Royal, Nova Scotia

  French and (i)

  Scots and (i)

  pound sterling, devaluation, French industry and (i)

  Praed, Winthrop Mackworth, on French (i)

  privateers, English, Coligny and (i)

  prostitutes, registration (i); see also brothel, Chabanais, collaboration horizontale, maisons de tolérance

  Prussians, invade France under Blücher (i)

  publishing, in occupied France

  anti-Nazi (i)

  Nazi-approved (i)

  puddings, English, French and (i)

  Quebec (i)

  taken by British (i)

  Quebec Act, and French-Canadians (i)

  queens, illegality of (i)n

  Quiéret, Hue, incompetent French admiral (i)

  Racine, Jean, dramatist (i)

  Rainbow Warrior, France and (i)

  Raleigh, Sir Walter, and North America (i)

  Ravaillac, François, execution of (i)

  Regnault de Chartres, Archbishop of Reims (i)

  Reims, Charles VII crowned at (i)

  Resistance, see French

  Réveillon, Jean-Baptiste, wallpaper factory attacked (i)

  Revolution, see American, Bloodless, French

  Revolutionary Calendar (i)

  Rhineland, Hitler and (i)

  Ribault, Jean, and South Carolina (i)

  Riccio, David, secretary of Mary Queen of Scots (i)

  Richard, Duke of Normandy (i), (ii)

  Richard I (Lionheart) King of England (i), (ii)

  death of (i)

  Richard II King of England (i)

  Richard, Marthe, and banning of French brothels (i)

  Richelieu, Armand Jean du Plessis, Cardinal-Duc, and Acadie (i)

  Riley, Charles Valentine, and phylloxera (i)

  Rimbaud, Arthur, poet (i)

  Rivarol, Antoine de, on English (i)

  Robert Curthose, and Henry I (i)

  Robert d’Artois, and Edward III (i)

  Robert Grosseteste, Bishop of Lincoln (i)

  Robert the Bruce (i)

  Robert the Magnificent, Duke of Normandy (i)

  Robespierre, Maximilien, blames revolution on British (i)

  Robin Hood (i), (ii)

  Rochambeau, Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, comte de, and American revolution (i)

  Rochemore, Vincent de, in New Orleans (i)

  Rochester, John Wilmot, Earl of, satirist (i)

  Rocquencourt, Battle of, and NATO (i)

  Roderigue Hortalez et Compagnie (i)

  Rodin, Auguste, sculptor, and ‘Burghers of Calais’ (i), (ii)

  Rohan, Guy-Auguste de, Voltaire and (i)

  Roi Soleil, see Louis XIV

  Rol-Tanguy, Henri, and Paris liberation (i), (ii)

  Romantics, French (i)

  Rome, Treaty of, Britain and (i)

  Romney, William the Conqueror’s massacre at (i)

  Roosevelt, Franklin D.

  and de Gaulle (i), (ii)

  and Saint-Pierre and Miquelon (i)

  Churchill and (i)

  recognizes Vichy government (i)

  Rosetta Stone (i), (ii)

  Rouget de Lisle, Claude–Joseph, composer of ‘La Marseillaise’ (i)

  Rough Wooing, of Mary Queen of Scots by Henry VIII (i)

  Rousseau, Jean-Jacques

  idea of Noble Savage (i)

  on eating brioche (i)

  routiers (i)

  Rudio, Carlo di, and Napoleon III (i)n

  Rupert of the Rhine, Prince (i)

  Russia, Napoleon fails to conquer (i)

  Russian slave labourers, in Channel Islands (i)

  Ryswick, Treaty of (i)

  Safire, William, on French (i)

  Saint-Evremond, Charles de, popularizes Champagne (i)

  Saint-Lazare convent, revolutionary attack on (i)

  Saint-Pierre and Miquelon (i)

  Muselier and (i)

  Saint-Pierre, Eustache de, Burgher of Calais (i)

  Saint-Sauveur, Maine, French and (i)

  Salisbury, Countess of, loses her garter (i)

  Sand, George (Aurore Dupin), writer (i)

  Sanders, Paul, on Channel Islands occupation (i)

  Sandwich, Edward Montagu Earl of, at Battle of Solebay (i)

  Sarkozy, Nicolas, French President, visit to London (i)

  Sartre, Jean–Paul, and dubious career in WWII (i), (ii)

  Schellenberg, Walter, Chanel and (i)

  Schmidt, Tobias, builds prototype guillotine (i)

  Schneider, Hortense, Edward VII and (i)

  Schooneveld, Battles of (i)


  Edward II and (i)

  Edward III and (i)

  Mary Queen of Scots and (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Secret Treaty of Dover (i)

  Sedan, Battle of (i)

  Seven Years War (i), (ii), (iii)

  sexually transmitted diseases, Tahitians infected by (i)

  Shakespeare, William

  French and (i), (ii)

  Henry V (i), (ii)

  Henry VIII (i)

  on French (i)

  Weird Sisters-like rhyme at Calais (i)

  Shelley, Mary (i)

  Frankenstein (i)

  Shelley, Percy Bysshe, poet (i)

  Sherwill, Sir Ambrose James, in occupied Channel Islands (i)

  Sidney, Sir Philip, on France (i)

  Sieyès, Emmanuel-Joseph, and Napoleon’s coup (i)

  Sigtrygg the King of the Sea (i)

  Sipido, Jean-Baptiste, tries to shoot Edward VII (i)

  slave trade (i)

  Sluys, Battle of (i), (ii)

  smugglers, and Napoleon’s trade embargo (i)

  Soissons, Joan of Arc captured at (i)

  Solebay, Battle of (i)

  Sorbonne, La, and 1968 student riots (i)

  Soupire, chevalier de, and Pondicherry (i)

  South Sea Bubble (i)

  Southport, Napoleon III at (i)


  and New World (i)

  and South Carolina (i)

  Armada, invasion failed (i)

  Wellington and (i), (ii)

  Special Operations Executive, and French Resistance (i)

  Spitz, Auguste, Jewish deportee from Guernsey (i)

  St Helena, Napoleon at (i)

  St Lawrence River, Cartier and (i)

  St Pancras, railway station and Corsican saint (i)

  Stafford, anti-Norman revolt (i)

  Stalin, Joseph, on de Gaulle (i)

  Stamford Bridge, Battle of (i)

  staplers, Calais merchants (i)

  steak-frites, British origin of (i)

  Steiner, Therese, Jewish deportee from Guernsey (i)

  Stendhal, Marie-Henri Beyle, on French (i)

  Stephen, Count of Blois and Boulogne (i)

  Sterne, Laurence, on French (i)

  Stuart, Henrietta Anne, sister of Charles II, and Secret Treaty of Dover (i)

  Stuart, James aka ‘James III’ (i)

  Stuart, Mary see Mary Queen of Scots

  submarines, Napoleon and (i)

  Suez Canal

  Napoleon III and (i)

  nationalized (i)

  sugar trade, French and (i)

/>   Sully, Maximilien de Béthune, Duke of, financial minister of Henri IV (i)

  Sully, Duke of, friend of Voltaire (i)

  Sun, The

  Lamb War (i)

  on death of Louis-Philippe (i)

  ‘Up Yours Delors’ (i), (ii)

  Swift, Jonathan, and Voltaire (i)

  Tahiti, France and (i), (ii)

  Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles-Maurice de

  and Louisiana Purchase (i)

  and Napoleon’s return (i)

  on Napoleon (i), (ii)

  Tanacharison, George Washington’s guide (i)

  Tanjur, Rajah of, Lally and (i)

  Tate, William, and failed French invasion of Bristol (i)

  Taxis de la Marne (i)

  Terror, The (i), (ii)

  Texas, La Salle’s expedition in (i)

  Thatcher, Margaret

  and Channel Tunnel (i)

  and France (i), (ii), (iii)

  Thompson, Henry, surgeon, and death of Napoleon III (i)

  Thunderball, and Mary Queen of Scots (i)

  Times, The

  on death of Louis–Philippe (i)

  on The Terror (i), (ii)

  Tonti, Henri de, in America with La Salle (i)

  Toubon, Jacques, French Minister of Culture, defends French language (i)

  Toulon, Napoleon and (i), (ii)


  and Concorde (i)

  attacked by Henry II (i)

  captured by Wellington (i)

  Tournai, Henry VIII’s raid on (i)

  Toussaint-Samat, Maguelonne, on bread (i)

  Tower of London, William of Normandy and (i); see also Flambard

  Trafalgar, Battle of (i), (ii)

  Traitorous Correspondence Act, for French émigrés (i)

  trench warfare (i)

  Trevelyan, G.M., Shortened History of England (i)

  Trevisa, John, on English language (i)

  Tristan, Flora, on English (i)

  Truffaut, François (i)


  British soldiers cook steak in (i)

  Napoleon moves into (i)

  Napoleon’s defence of (i)

  Turenne, Vicomte de, and Marlborough (i), (ii)

  Turgot, Anne-Robert-Jacques, and arms sales to America (i)

  Turkey, war against France (i)

  Turner, J.M.W., painter

  and nature (i), (ii)

  influenced by French Revolution (i)

  Turpyn, Richard, chronicler

  on Calais (i), (ii)

  on Henry VII’s raids (i)

  Twain, Mark, on French (i)

  Utrecht, Treaty of (i)

  and coastal Canada (i)

  V-sign, origin of (i)

  vache see mad

  Vaillard, Pierre-Jean, on English (i)

  Valence, Napoleon at (i)

  Valois, Charles de, and Genoese crossbowmen (i)

  Vansittart, Sir Robert, and Anglo–French union (i)

  venereal disease, Tahitians infected by (i)

  Vergennes, Charles Gravier de, and arms sales to Americans (i)

  Vergniaud, Pierre-Victurnien, on The Terror (i)

  Verlaine, Paul, poet (i)

  Verrazzano, Giovanni da, and North America (i)

  Versailles, Louis XIV and (i)

  Versailles, Treaty of (i)

  and Champagne (i), (ii)

  Vian, Boris, on French (i)

  Victoria Queen of England

  and Louis Napoleon (i), (ii)

  and Louis-Philippe (i), (ii)

  death (i)

  tries to restrain Edward VII (i), (ii)

  visits Napoleon III (i)

  Victory, HMS (i)

  Vienna, Congress of (i)

  Vienne, Jean de, garrison commander of Calais (i)

  Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh defeats French (i)

  Vietnam war, de Gaulle on (i)


  and England (i)

  and North America (i)

  and Normandy (i)

  Villeneuve, Admiral Pierre-Charles-Silvestre de (i)

  Villepin, Dominique de, French Prime Minister, Bonapartist collection of (i)

  Villiers, Barbara, mistress of Charles II and Duke of Marlborough (i)

  vines, phylloxera epidemic (i)


  English and (i)

  George Washington as soldier for (i)

  Vittoria, Wellington routs French at (i)

  Vlaminck, Maurice de, painter, and Nazis (i)

  Voltaire (François–Marie Arouet) (i), (ii)

  Candide (i), (ii), (iii)

  Henriade (i)

  on Canada (i)

  on England, Lettres philosophiques (i), (ii), (iii)

  on French in India (i)

  Wales, failed French invasion of (i)

  Wallis, Samuel, explorer, and Tahiti (i), (ii)

  Walpole, Horace, on French (i)

  Walsingham, Sir Francis, and Mary Queen of Scots (i)

  Warner, Sylvia Townsend, on de Gaulle (i)

  Washington, George

  as British soldier (i)

  as American revolutionary soldier (i)

  on George III’s pro-Native American policy (i)

  Waterloo, Battle of (i)

  Waterloo Room, at Windsor Castle (i)

  Waterloo station (i)

  Waugh, Evelyn, on English (i)

  Wavrin, Jehan de, on Agincourt (i)

  Welles, Orson, influence on French cinema (i)

  Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of vii, (i), (ii)

  and Waterloo (i), (ii)

  at Congress of Vienna (i)

  British ambassador to France (i)

  British Embassy portrait xiii–xiv

  Windsor Castle portrait (i)

  Wells, H.G., on de Gaulle (i)

  Welsh longbowmen (i)

  Wertheimer brothers, and Chanel (i), (ii)

  Wessex, William of Normandy and (i)

  Whittington, Dick, and Calais (i)

  Wido, Count of Ponthieu (i)

  Wilder, Billy, on French (i)

  William I, see William the Conqueror

  William II see William Rufus

  William III (of Orange) King of England (i), (ii)

  William Long Sword, Duke of Normandy (i)

  William of Poitiers, chronicler (i)

  William Rufus (i)

  William the Conqueror

  and Domesday Book (i)

  and genocide (i)

  and Harold Godwinson (i)

  as bastard (i)

  birthplace of (i)

  coronation of (i)

  deals with unrest (i)

  death (i)

  invades England (i)

  plans for England of (i)

  ‘woos’ wife (i)

  Wilson, Woodrow, and Treaty of Versailles (i)

  Winchester, William of Normandy and (i)

  Windsor Castle, French state visit to (i)

  wine industry, and phylloxera epidemic (i); see also Champagne

  Winslow, John, Colonel, and Acadiens (i)

  Witangemot and English succession (i)

  Wolfe, General James, and Quebec (i)

  Wollstonecraft, Mary (i)

  A Vindication of the Rights of Men (i)

  Wolsey, Thomas, Cardinal (i)


  WWI soldiers and (i)

  WWII soldiers and (i)

  women writers, French establishment and (i)

  wool trade, in Calais (i), (ii)

  Wordsworth, William (i)

  Lyrical Ballads (i)

  Prelude (i)

  World War I (i)

  World War II (i)

  French version of events (i)

  Yalta Conference (i)

  Year in the Merde, A (i)

  York, Danish invasion (i)

  Yorktown, British surrender of (i)

  Young, Thomas, and deciphering of the Rosetta Stone (i)

  Zang, August, Viennese baker in Paris (i)

lu war, Louis (Prince Imperial) and (i)

  Zumthor, Paul, on William the Conqueror (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)




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