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A Shade of Blood

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by Bella Forrest

  A Shade Of Blood

  Also By Bella Forrest:

  A Shade Of Vampire


  Published by Bella Forrest

  Copyright © 2013 by Bella Forrest.

  Cover design © Sarah Hansen

  This is a work of fiction.

  All characters appearing in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons living or dead, other than those in the public domain, is not intended and purely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, re-sold, or transmitted electronically or otherwise, without express written permission from the author.


  To each of my wonderful readers.

  Thank you so much for your kind words, support and endless encouragement

  as I continue writing this series.

  About A Shade Of Blood

  When Sofia Claremont was kidnapped to a sunless island, uncharted by any map and ruled by the most powerful vampire coven on the planet, she believed she’d forever be a captive of its dark ruler, Derek Novak.

  Now, after months of surviving an endless night, the morning sun may soon rise again for Sofia. Something has possessed Derek’s heart and he offers her a gift no human slave has ever been given in the history of his cursed island: escape.

  High school, prom and a chance to move on with her life now await her.

  But will she be able to forget the horrors that steal her sleep away at night? … and the feelings that haunt her for that tormented prince of darkness?

  Chapter 1: Derek

  A cold wind howled as it whipped through the giant redwoods surrounding us. The port was in sight. The sound of the ocean waves crashing against the island’s ragged cliffs was clearly audible – even to less sensitive human ears.

  It wouldn’t be long until I’d have to watch her go. I knew the risks that came with letting them leave The Shade. Still, I had no choice. She chose to go and I had to respect that decision. It hurt that she didn’t trust me enough to protect her; that she chose the human lad, Ben, over me, but I knew she would be safer if I let her go.

  Yet holding her in my arms, with my lips still tingling from the kiss I claimed – perhaps even demanded – from her, I was aware of every curve of her slim, fragile body flush against mine. My fingers were entangled with her long, soft auburn locks and her sweet scent invaded my senses. No other woman had ever made me feel the way Sofia Claremont did, and at that very moment, I couldn’t bear the thought of her leaving me.

  Her beautiful, freckled face was buried against my shoulder as she broke down into tears for reasons I couldn’t fully understand. Each sob was cutting me to the core. From the corner of my eye, I saw Ben tentatively approach us. He had been watching us from the moment I pulled Sofia into my arms and pressed my lips against hers. I didn’t need to look at him to know that his eyes were screaming murder at the sight of me.

  I ignored him. The only reason he mattered to me was because he mattered to her. I didn’t even trust him, but she did and that was supposed to be enough.

  I shifted my focus back to Sofia, sensing how her arms tightened around my waist, clinging to me in much the same way I was clinging to her. The motion gave me hope that yes… she might choose to stay.

  “Sofia…” My voice came out in a husky, breathless whisper.

  My heart sank when she slowly pulled away from me. I was certain that she was about to say goodbye. Thus, I was surprised when she laid both hands on my shoulders, stood on her tiptoes and leaned into me, her lips gently brushing against my own. It propelled all my senses into overdrive and it took all of my will power to not let my passions take over. I didn’t want to scare her, so I shut my eyes and let her take the lead. My fists clenched when our lips parted. I opened my eyes and found her emerald green gaze fixed on me. She was studying my face so closely – almost as if she were trying to memorize me.

  I did the same. I committed every part of her adorable face – her long eyelashes, every freckle, and every other detail – into my memory.

  Sensing how deeply she had begun to mean to me, I was unable to keep myself from voicing out what was going through my mind. I knew it was selfish of me to ask it of her, but the words flooded out of my lips before I could second guess them.

  “Sofia, stay.”

  I hoped that the words wouldn’t come across as a command, that she would know them for what they were – a plea. I, Prince of The Shade, was begging her – supposedly my slave – not to leave me, because I knew without a doubt in my mind that her departure would only serve to plunge me deeper into the darkness that took over my life five hundred years ago when my own father turned me into the monster that I was.

  Chapter 2: Sofia

  Sofia, stay.

  The words took me aback as they replayed over and over in my head. It almost sounded like a command and for a moment, it felt like I had no choice but to comply. It wasn’t until I looked into those electric blue eyes of his that I saw the statement for what it was. I bit my lip. Is it possible that I really mean that much to him?

  “I promise you, Derek … I’ll never do anything to compromise you, to bring harm to The Shade…” I was babbling, trying to convince myself that he wanted me to stay for reasons that went far beyond my comprehension.

  His face tensed – offended – as he shook his head. “It’s not about that, and you know it.”

  “Then what is it about?” I needed him to give me a reason to stay. I wanted to hear it from his lips.

  He gritted his teeth and ran a hand through his dark hair. Derek Novak never was very good at expressing himself in words – that much I knew about him. Since the moment I first met him, there were only a few occasions I could remember when I was sure he was saying exactly what he was thinking. It seemed he spoke louder through his actions, and in a way, I admired him for this.

  He opened his mouth to say something, but before the words could come out, someone grabbed my arm from behind.

  “Let’s go, Sofia.”


  My eyes were still fixed on Derek’s handsome face, the contrast of his blue eyes and pale skin never failing to make me catch my breath. I watched as his eyes darkened into a deep, dusky blue the moment Ben’s fingers coiled around my arm. I noticed the way his arm muscles flexed when his hands balled into fists.

  I tried to break away from Ben’s grasp, but he held on fast.

  “We don’t have time,” Ben hissed. “Say your goodbyes and let’s go.”

  The expression on Derek’s face wasn’t giving me much reason to be confident about my best friend’s safety. After all, it wasn’t too long ago when much – too much, in my opinion – had been said about whom I belonged to.

  Derek’s. Lucas’. Ben’s. It’s beyond me what I must do to make them realize that I’m neither object nor possession. I don’t belong to any of them.

  I had to intervene before a testosterone-charged battle could spark. I turned to look at Ben straight in the eye.

  “Let go of me, Ben. Now.”

  Ben’s jaw tightened. Before our captivity at The Shade, I would’ve done anything he asked of me, but The Shade had changed us both.

  When his grip on me didn’t slacken one bit, Derek took a step forward. “You heard the lady.” His deep, baritone voice took on a threatening tone.

  I stared pleadingly at Ben, hoping that he wouldn’t try Derek’s patience. Do you not realize that you don’t stand a chance against him?

  Over the past few days since Derek forced Claudia – Ben’s mistress at The Shade – to turn Ben over to his custody, I saw how Derek took great lengths to at least be polite to my best friend. Ben, on the other hand, being quite the
stubborn fool, had done nothing but shoot cold and accusing glares at Derek. I’d been on edge trying to keep them apart, fearing a confrontation between the two egotistic young men.

  I spoke more gently this time. “Let go, Ben.”

  He let go, but the pointed glare he sent my way showed he was not giving in. “Don’t even think about staying.” The words came through clenched teeth and with a slight shake of his head.

  “Sofia…” Derek spoke up as if to remind me that his opinion mattered too.

  “I need time to think.” The words came out of my lips in what sounded like a growl.

  “Now?” Ben protested.

  “There’s no time for that.” Derek seconded.

  Finally! You two agree on something. I stood my ground and raised a brow. “Well, then make time.”

  They exchanged glances for a moment. It was almost endearing how helpless both of them looked. A small smile threatened to creep over my face. Who owns whom now?

  I found it ironic that it was Derek who first relented. I was still mystified by what he saw in me that continuously made him give in to me. After all, of the three of us, he was still the one holding any real power. He could simply decide that neither Ben nor I could leave and that would be that.

  Still, he gave in. His blue eyes softened the moment they landed on me. He nodded and said, “Fine, but not here.”

  He then scowled at Ben before possessively laying his hand on the small of my back, gently pushing me forward.

  “Unbelievable…” Ben grumbled, throwing his hands into the air as he followed after us.

  We made our way through the rest of the woods, weaving our way past large rocks and wild bushes. My brain took note of every single detail of the hidden paths that led us from Derek’s penthouse to the port. The trees seemed to get smaller and smaller as we neared a clearing. The quiet rustle of our shoes over the twigs beneath us, the ocean waves nearby and our soft, even breathing were the only sounds filling the air. The natural scent of the trees surrounding us and the sea nearby mixed with Derek’s intoxicating musk. It made me sense his proximity, along with the gentle heaving of his chest and the feel of his arm gripping my waist.

  My heart ached at the idea of never again being as close as I was to him at that moment.

  “We’re close,” he eventually spoke up.

  I snapped to attention. The port had been in sight even before we stopped to talk back in the woods. However, now that we had climbed down into a clearing, I found myself confused. There was nothing in sight but high, rocky cliffs.

  “What the hell is going on?” Ben said.

  “I don’t understand.” I eyed Derek questioningly as I looked around. “Where’s the port?”

  I tried to slow down, but Derek kept moving forward, tugging on me to keep me walking.

  “Hey, your highness…” The acerbic sarcasm in Ben’s voice was unmistakable. “Where are you taking us?” He used both hands to push Derek and me apart.

  I stumbled aside at the force of Ben’s motion, but Derek didn’t even budge. When the prince of vampires turned to face my best friend, I was half-expecting Ben to keel over and die just from sheer fright. Derek looked nothing short of menacing.

  I was impressed however that Ben stood his ground. I guess he didn’t care that Derek was perfectly capable of breaking every bone in his body. My best friend was never one to back down from a fight, and it seemed he wasn’t about to start now.

  I couldn’t remember ever being around so much testosterone, but I could feel the blood drain from my face the moment Ben stepped forward – a blatant challenge toward Derek – and said, “We’re headed for nowhere, vampire.”

  I was torn between forever admiring him for his braveness and slapping some sense back into him for his stupidity. What the hell are you doing, Ben? Are you intentionally trying to get yourself killed?

  Derek stared him down. The presence and power he exuded reminded me of what he looked like just before he ripped the heart out of the vampire guard who tried to feed on me. I wasn’t exactly up for seeing my best friend die before my very eyes.

  “Derek,” I managed to choke, “where are we going? Those are boulders straight ahead.”

  Derek kept his eyes on Ben. I wasn’t even sure if he heard me. A dozen prayers were going though my head. The last thing we needed was a fight – if we could even call it that. Relief washed over me when Derek’s eyes fell on me. Completely ignoring Ben and the rather tense encounter that just occurred, Derek took hold of my hand, pulled me closer to him and replaced his hand over my waist. Apparently, he didn’t feel obliged to offer either of us an explanation.

  “Stop resisting, Sofia. Just follow my lead. And make this idiot friend of yours shut up, or I swear…” He paused to reel in his anger. “You have no idea how close I am to maiming him.” His grip tightened around me.

  Derek. Ever the authoritarian. I didn’t bother to look at Ben’s reaction. I knew he would be seething after being brushed aside like that.

  I was practically being swept forward by Derek. Our destination? Well, as far as I could tell, we were headed directly toward a solid rock wall. Derek didn’t look like he was going to slow down any time soon. I looked at him several times to check if he had somehow gone insane, but he kept his focus ahead, not a single sign of him slowing down as we got closer and closer to walking right into a rock wall.

  All I could do was gasp when we finally hit the wall … only to find myself shocked when it enveloped us, feeling a lot like Jell-O. After a split second, we emerged on the other side of it and found a staircase winding downward. We’d just moved down a few feet when Ben stepped out of the wall. He seemed fine, save for the scowl on his face. He wasn’t used to being ignored.

  We eventually reached the bottom of the staircase and stepped into a cavernous hall enclosed by huge glass windows revealing that we were underwater. Had it not been dark outside, I’m sure I would have marveled at the sight of sea creatures and various types of flora and fauna. In the center of the room was some sort of control panel where Sam and Kyle stood, two of Derek’s most trusted guards.

  Having managed to develop a bond with each of them over the time I stayed at The Shade, the glances – both fond and curious – they sent my way didn’t come as much of a surprise.

  Derek didn’t even bother to look at Ben. He fixed his eyes on the vampire guards. “Kyle, take the boy to the submarine. Make sure all the preparations for his departure are in order. Sam, take Sofia to one of the holding cells. She apparently needs to rethink her stay here.”

  I frowned. “Holding cells?”

  “Wait. What submarine?” Ben asked. “I’m not gonna go anywhere without Sofia.”

  Derek completely ignored him and set his eyes on me. “You said you need time to think. A cell is the safest place to do just that. Meanwhile, he will wait for you in one of the submarines. He will be sedated, just like you will be should you decide to leave. We can’t afford for you to remember anything about your journey out of the island.”

  The thought of never seeing Derek again made me ache inside and I was fighting the urge to cry as I looked into his eyes. How dare you kiss me, Derek … Tonight of all nights … As if this decision isn’t already hard enough, you had to claim my first kiss from me. He must have mistaken my silence for concern over Ben, because he began doling out an assurance.

  “I won’t send him off until you’ve made your decision,” Derek promised. The look he gave me was so intense, I was sure I would melt. I just nodded.

  “What?” Ben began to protest. “Sofia…”

  Before he could say any more, Sam stabbed him in the neck with a needle and he immediately fell unconscious. Sam met my questioning glare with relative ease.

  He shrugged and said, “What? He was going to get sedated anyway...”

  He then picked up Ben and carried him over one shoulder. Kyle tugged on me to follow him, effectively distracting me from my unconscious best friend. “Looks like you’ve got so
me thinking to do.”

  I heaved a sigh. Understatement of the year.

  Chapter 3: Derek

  We kept her in one of the rooms that was normally used for holding human captives before transporting them to the Black Heights, where humans were then either placed in the Cells - the island’s prison system - or were assigned their own quarters at the Catacombs, home to all humans who were not assigned to a harem.

  Sofia, being a part of my harem, stayed at my penthouse at the Pavilion which was comprised of lush tree houses atop a network of giant redwoods. Ever since my brother, Lucas, attacked Sofia and killed Gwen, Sofia had been sleeping with me in my bedroom. The idea of her possibly not being in my arms later that night made my gut clench.

  It felt like an eternity before Sofia emerged from the room. When she did, the greater part of me wished that I could just shove her back in and force her to rethink her decision. One look at the apologetic expression on her face was all it took to let me know that I had lost her.

  She walked toward me and placed her arms around my neck, pulling me close, pressing her lips against mine – returning the passion, the urgency, the hunger that I poured out on her when I first claimed her lips back at the woods. It was strange how I both loved and hated every moment that kiss lasted. I loved it because it hinted so much about what she felt for me, yet hated it because it was clearly a kiss goodbye.

  When our lips parted, her delicate fingers brushed over my hair, her green eyes fixed on me. She then wordlessly walked away, off to find the guards, both of whom she had effortlessly befriended and whose loyalty and respect she had undoubtedly gained.

  Her choice was clear. She was leaving me. I knew I could stop her. I could’ve used my power and influence to keep her with me, but I didn’t. I chose to respect her choice to leave. I watched Kyle carry her unconscious form toward the submarine. Both guards would take them to the mainland where their bodies would be left on the same shore they were first found.


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